civil procedure - syllabus (1)

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  • 8/13/2019 Civil Procedure - Syllabus (1)







    An in-depth study of the basic principles of jurisdiction and the procedure to be observed in the conduct ofcivil cases. It also includes a study of the jurisdiction of various courts of different levels andadministrative or quasi-judicial agencies. The course is centered on the study of Rule 1 to 61 of the 1!Rules of "ivil #rocedure and its amendatory circulars and resolutions including the judicial interpretationand application of the rules.



    a$ "oncept of Remedial %a&

    b$ Remedial %a& distinguished from 'ubstantive %a&.

    c$ #rospective (ffect of the Rules of "ourt.

    1. )ermejo v. )arrios* +1 '"RA !6,* !!6

    d$ Applicability to pending actions retroactivity.

    1. In the atter to /eclare in "ontempt of "ourt 0on. 'imeon /atumanong* ,!'"RA 66* 6+6-6+!

    2. #"I %easing and 2inance* Inc. vs. 3o 4o* ,5, '"RA 56* 53. 3o vs. 'ubanon* 6, '"RA +6!* 2ebruary * 711.4. 2irst Aqua Traders* Inc. vs. )an8 of the #hilippine Islands* 51, '"RA +* 6-


    e$ 9hen procedural rules do not apply to pending action.

    f$ Rule ma8ing po&er of 'upreme "ourt

    2.1. Art. :III* 'ec. 5 ;5$* "onstitution2.. Art. :I* 'ec. +7

    2.+. #o&er to amend the rules.2.,. #o&er to suspend the Rules po&er to reverse itself.2.,. %imitation on the rule-ma8ing po&er of the 'upreme "ourt.

    g$ /istinguish "ivil Action* "riminal Action and 'pecial #roceedings.


    a$ Applicable actions or proceedings - govern by the Rules of "ourt. (Sec. 2-3, Rule 1, Rules ofCourt)

    b$ In &hat cases Rules of "ourt is not applicable.(Sec. 4, Rule 1, Rules of Court)

    1. Atien

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    4atarungang #ambarangay

    5. %umbuan vs. Ronqullo* 3.R. >o. 155!1+* ay 5* 776

    I.. #ayment of /oc8et 2ees.

    I.+. #ayment of 2iling 2ees.

    6. Heirs of Bertuldo Hinog vs. elicor* ,55 '"RA ,67 ;775$* reiterating

    Sun !nsur"nce #ffice, $td. vs. %suncion,1!7 '"RA !, ;1$

    d$ Rule on %iberal "onstruction purposes. (Sec. 6, Rule 1, Rules of Court)

    &. 2.A.T. 4ey "omputer 'ystem v. =nline >et&or8s International* Inc. 6,1 '"RA+7* ,7* 2ebruary * 711.

    '. "ity of /umaguete v. #hil #orts Authority* 3.R. >o. 16!+* Aug. ,* 711.. Alcantara v. #hilippine "ommercial and International )an8* 6+, '"RA ,* 5*

    =ctober 7* 717.

    /.1.(?tent and 'cope of the Rule on %iberal "onstruction.

    1. "ommissioner of Internal Revenue v. igrant #agbilao "orporation* 57,'"RA ,,* ,6

    11. Abrenica v. %a& 2irm of Abrenica* Tungol and Tibayan* 57 '"RA 61,. 6.

    /..3eneral Rule on %iberal "onstructions e?ception.

    12. #ilapil v. 0eirs of )riones* 51, '"RA 1!* 1113. )arangay /asmari@as v. "reative #lay "orner 'chool* 3.R. >o. 16,* an.

    ,* 711.


    a$ "ause of action ;'ecs. 1-$ /istinguished from right of action.

    1. :irra all Tenants Association* Inc. v. :irra all 3reenhills Association* Inc.*3.R. >o. 17* =ctober 5* 711.

    A.1. /ifferent 4inds of Action

    A.. "lassification of =rdinary "ivil Actions

    2. Tamano v. =rti

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    A.5. (lements of "ause of Action.

    &. an

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    i. >atural persons

    ii. uridical persons

    iii. (ntities authorio. 1615!* >ovember 1,* 711.

    24. 'upulveda* 'r. v. #elae

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    l$ >ecessary party or proper party ;'ecs. -$

    26. $"er"l /evt. Cor. vs. C%* + '"RA 61

    m$ Dn&illing co-plaintiff. ;'ec. 17$

    n$ (ffects of misjoinder and non-joinder of parties. *;'ec. 11$

    o$ "lass suits Requisites. ;'ec. 1$

    2&. "t" v. Consolid"ted B"n rust Co., 5' SCR% 55, 5&1.

    p$ Alternative defendant ;'ec. 1+$

    2'. Ri

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    2. +il. B"ning Cor. vs. ensu"n* '"RA +5 ;1+$

    f$ 9aiver of improper venue.3. /"coco vs. !%C,15 '"RA 6,1 ;1+$

    4. >ocum v. Tan* ,!7 '"RA 6+

    g$ 'tipulations on venue.

    5. Dniversal Robina "orp. v. %im* 5+5 '"RA 5*

    h$ /ismissal based on improper venue.

    I'.. J)!i#di*+ion

    a$ 3enerallyi. subject matter

    ii. res or propertyiii. issuesiv. parties

    b$ (stoppel to deny jurisdiction

    6. Heirs of Bertuldo Hinog vs. elicor* ,55 '"RA ,67 ;775$

    c$ urisdiction at time of filing of action

    &. +eole vs. C"9"ling* + '"RA 6! ;1$

    d$ Test of urisdiction

    e$ /uty of "ourt to determine its urisdiction

    f$ (ffect of %ac8 of urisdiction

    g$ Regular "ourts ;T"* RT"* "A* '"$

    Art. :III* "onstitution)# 1 ;udiciary Reorgani

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    '.%.%. Gene!al P!in*i-le# on Pleadin#(

    a$ #leadings defined. ;'ec. 1$

    A.1. >ature of #leadings.

    A.. >ecessity and #urpose of #leadings

    A.+. "onstruction of #leadings

    b$ #leadings allo&ed by the Rules of "ourt.

    '.%.. Pa!+# o" Pleadin#

    a$ "aption of the #leading ;'ec. 1$

    A.1. Title of the action.

    b$ )ody of the #leading ;'ec. $

    ).1. 0eadings designation of causes of action joined in one complaint.

    ).. Relief

    1. #rince Transport Inc. v. 3arcia* 6+ '"RA +1* anuary 1* 711.2. )anco 2ilipino 'avings and ortgage )an8 v. "ourt of Appeals* ++ '"RA ,1

    c$ 'ignature and address. ;'ec. +$

    3. 3arrucho v. "ourt of Appeals* ,, '"RA 1654. Republic v. 4enric8 /evelopment "orporation

    ".1. (ffect of unsigned pleading

    d$ :erification in a pleading ;'ec. ,$

    /.1. 0o& a pleading is verified. ;A.. >o. 77--17* ay 1* 777$

    5. :da. /e 2ormoso v. #>)* 657 '"RA +5* une 1* 711.

    /.. 'ignificance of :erification

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    6. 'armiento v. Garatan* 51, '"RA ,6

    /.+. (ffect of lac8 of verification

    &. "hua v. Torres* ,6 '"RA +5'. #ampanga 'ugar /evelopment "ompany* Inc. v. >%R"* ! '"RA !+!

    e$ "ertification against forum shopping ;'ec. 5$

    . Asia Dnited )an8 v. 3oodland "ompany Inc.* 6+! '"RA 61* /ec. * 717

    (.1. Applicability to 'pecial "ivil Actions

    (.. eaning of 2orum 'hopping

    1. 0uibonhoa v. "oncepcion* ,! '"RA 56

    (.+. 9ho e?ecutes the certification of against forum shopping Rule if there areseveral plaintiffs or petitioners e?ception.

    11. /amasco v. >%R"* +,6 '"RA !1,12. 0eirs of 2rancisco Retuya v. "ourt of Appeals* 3.R. >o. 16+7+* April 6* 711.

    (.,. 0o& to determine e?istence of forum shopping

    13. ultinational v. "ourt of Appeals* 7+ '"RA 17,14. Houng v. 'pouses 'y* 57+ '"RA 151* 166

    (.5. (ffect of non-compliance &ith the rule on certification against forum

    'hopping (?ceptions.

    15. uaban v. (spina* 5, '"RA 5


    a$ anner of ma8ing allegations. ;Rule * 'ec. 1$

    1. "eroferr Realty "orp. v. "ourt of Appeals* +!6 '"RA 1,,2. Tantuico* r. :. Republic* 7, '"RA ,

    b$ "onditions precedent ;Rule * 'ec. +$

    ).1. (ffect of failure to comply &ith condition precedent

    c$ "apacity ;'ec. ,* Rule $

    d$ #leading a udgments ;Rule * 'ec. 6$

    e$ #leading an official document ;'ec. * Rule $

    f$ 2raud and mista8e* condition of mind ;Rule * 'ec.5$

    g$ #leading alternative causes of actions or defenses ;'ec. * Rule $

    3. %a allorca v. "ourt of Appeals* 1! '"RA !+

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    h$ Actionable /ocument ;'ec. !* Rule $

    4. Araneta Inc. v. %yric 2actor (?change* Inc. 5 #hil. !+6

    i$ 0o& to contest actionable document =ath required 9hen not required.;'ec. * Rule $

    j$ 'pecific /enial ;'ec. 17* Rule $

    .1. (ffect of absence of a specific denial. ;'ec. 11* Rule $

    5. Republic v. 'arabia* ,6 '"RA 1,* 157.

    .. #urpose of a 'pecific /enial.

    6. #)"om v. 3o* 6, '"RA 6+* 2ebruary 1,* 711.

    .+. 4inds of 'pecific /enial.

    &. "amitan v. "ourt of Appeals* 511 '"RA +6,

    8$ Allegations not specifically denied deemed admitted ;'ec. 11* Rule $

    4.1. udicial Admission4.. odes of /enial4.+. 0o& (?press Admissions 9ithdra&n

    l$ 'tri8ing out of pleading or matter contained therein.

    %.1. 9hen "ourt may =rder any #leading to be stric8en out%.. #leadings or atters to be 'tric8en out%.+. 2alse Allegations


    a$ Co1-lain+ /efined and in general ;Rule 6* 'ec. +$

    A.1. 2iling of complaint

    A. 'ignificance of 2iling of the "omplaint

    A.+. #ayment of /oc8et 2ees and acquisition of


    b$ An#2e! ;'ec. ,* Rule 6$

    ).1. >ature of an Ans&er.

    ).. /efenses in Ans&er.

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    ).+. >egative #regnant

    ).,. Affirmative /efenses /efine. ;'ec. 5* Rule 6$

    1. #esane Animas ongao v. #ryce #roperties "orp.* ,6! '"RA 71* 1,

    ).5. #eriod to #lead ;'ec. 1-+* Rule 11$

    c$ Co)n+e!*lai1 >ature of a "ounterclaim. ;'ec. 6-!$

    ".1. "ompulsory counterclaim tests

    2. 3'I' v. 0eirs of "aballero* 3.R. >o. 1577* =ctober ,* 717.

    ".. #ermissive "ounterclaim

    3. Dniversal Robina "orp. v. %im* 5+5 '"RA 5*

    ".+. /istinction bet&een a compulsory and permissivecounterclaim.

    4. 'anto Tomas Dniversity v. 'urla* , '"RA +* +-+5. 3ojo v. 3oyola* +5 '"RA 55!6. ;ore"

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    3.. Remedies &hen denied

    h$ An#2e! +o T7i!d8Fo)!+7 Pa!+y Co1-lain+

    0.1. In general ;Rule 6* 'ec. 1+$

    0.. Time to plead ;Rule 11* 'ec. 5$

    i$ E9+en#ion o" +i1e +o -lead 3R)le %%, Se*. %%5

    j$ J)di*ial A""idai+ R)le;A.. 1---'"$

    8$ E""i*ien+ $#e Pa-e! R)le;A..11--,-'"$


    a$ eaning of 2iling ;'ec. * Rule 1+$

    A.1. anner of filing ;'ec. +* Rule 1+$

    i. 3'I' v. >%R"* 6+5 '"RA 51* 5!* >ovember 1!* 717.

    A.. 0o& to prove filing ;'ec.1* Rule 1+$

    A.+. #apers required to be filed and served. ;'ec. ,* Rule 1+$

    b$ eaning of 'ervice ;'ec. * Rule 1+$

    ).1. Dpon &hom service shall be made.

    1. #eople v. 3abriel* 517 '"RA 1!* 7

    2. /elos 'antos v. (li

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    3. arinduque ining and Industrial "orporation v. "ourt of Appeals* 56! '"RA,+* ,1-,

    ).,. 9hen personal service and service by mail deemed complete.

    ;'ec. 17* Rule 1+$

    ).5. 'ubstituted service 9hen is complete. ;'ec. * Rule 1+$

    ).6. 0o& to prove service ;'ec. 1+* Rule 1+$

    c$ >otice of %is #endens /efined ;'ec. 1,* Rule 1+$

    ".1. #urpose of %is #endens

    ".. (ffect of %is #endens

    ".+. Actions &here notice of %is #endens Allo&ed

    ".,. "ancellation of %is #endens after udgment &ithout court order

    ".5. #o&er of trial court to cancel notices of lis pendens

    '.o. 1611+5* April * 775

    i$ 'upplemental pleadings ;Rule 17* 'ec. 6$

    j$ 2iling of Amended pleadings ;'ec. !* Rule 17$

    8$ (ffect of Amended pleadings3. Soe0"rt, !nc. vs. C%* 17 '"RA 1 ;17$

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    '.4. MOTIONS

    a$ /efine otion ;'ec.1* Rule 15$

    b$ "ontents of otions ;'ec. +* Rule 15$

    c$ 0earing of the motion litigated and e< "rte 0otions (Sec. 4, Rule 15)

    1. 'armiento v. Garatan* 51, '"RA ,6

    d$ >otice of the motion ;'ec.,* Rule 15$

    e$ #roof of service ;'ec. 6* Rule 15$

    f$ otion day ;'ec. !* Rule 15$

    g$ (ffect of failure to set the motion for hearing

    2. :ette Industrial 'ales "o. Inc. v. "heng* 57 '"RA 5+* 5,5

    a$ otion for leave to file a motion ;'ec. * Rule 15$

    b$ =mnibus otion ;'ec. * Rule 15$

    c$ #rohibited motions ;'ummary #rocedure 9rit of Amparo 'mall "laim "ases (nvironmental"ases$

    'I. S$MMONS

    a$ >ature of 'ummons ;Rule 1,$

    1. Republic of the #hilippines v. /omingo* 3.R. >o. 1!5* 'ept. 1,* 711

    b$ Issuance of summons not discretionary

    c$ (ffect of 8no&ledge of the filing of action

    d$ #urpose of summons

    2. 3ome< v. "ourt of Appeals* ,5 '"RA

    3. :elayo-2ong v. :elayo* 517 '"RA +7* ++1

    4. Alba v. "ourt of Appeals* ,65 '"RA ,5

    5. Asiavest %imited v. "ourt of Appeals* 6 '"RA 5+

    6. #"I )an8 v. Alejandro* 5++ '"RA !+

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    e$ :oluntary appearance by defendant

    &. anotoc v. "ourt of Appeals* , '"RA 1

    f$ 9ho issues the summons 9hen summons is issued ;'ec. 1* Rule 1,$

    g$ To &hom summons is directed "ontents of summons ;'ec. * Rule 1,$

    h$ 9ho serves the summons ;'ec. +* Rule 1,$

    i$ Return and proof of service ;'ec. ,* Rule 1,$

    j$ Issuance of alias summons ;'ec. 5* Rule 1,$

    8$ Dniformity of the Rules on 'ummons

    l$ 'ervice upon entity &ithout a judicial personality ;'ec. * Rule 1,$

    m$ 'ervice upon prisoner ;'ec. * Rule 1,$

    n$ 'ervice upon a minor and an incompetent ;'ec. 17* Rule 1,$

    o$ 'ervice upon a private domestic juridical entity ;'ec. 11* Rule 1,$

    '. 3 E 3 Trading "orporation v. "ourt of Appeals* 15 '"RA ,66

    . Aboiti< International 2or&arders* Inc. v. "ourt of Appeals , '"RA ,

    1. #aramount Insurance "orp. v. A.". =rdo@e< "orp.* 561 '"RA +!

    p$ 'ervice upon a foreign private juridical entity ;'ec. 1* Rule 1, amended byA.. >o. 11-+-6 ->e& Rule on 'ervice of 'ummons$

    q$ 'ervice upon public corporation ;'ec. 1+* Rule 1,$

    r$ 'ervice upon unincorporated government agency

    11. Republic of the #hilippines v. /omingo* 3.R. >o. 1!5* 'ept. 1,* 711

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    s$ 'ervice in person on defendant ;'ec. 6* Rule 1,$

    '.1. Tender of summons.

    12. iranda v. "ourt of Appeals* +6 '"RA !

    13. 0amilton v. %evy* +,, '"RA 1

    t$ 'ubstituted service of summons ;'ec. !* Rule 1,$

    14. Afdal v. "arlos* 6+6 '"RA +

    15. ose v. )oyon* ,1, '"RA 16

    T.1. 0o& substituted service is made

    16. 3uan=" (?ploration "orp.* 566 '"RA !

    &$ 'ervice upon a resident temporarily out of the #hilippines ;'ec. 16* Rule 1,$

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    9.1. (?traterritorial 'ervice Requisites.

    9.. Actions involved in e?traterritorial service of summons.

    9.+. ode of e?traterritorial service.

    22. Asiavest %imited v. "ourt of Appeals* 6 '"RA 5+

    23. :almonte v. "ourt of Appeals* 5 '"RA

    ?$ 'ummons &hen complaint is amended

    24. :lason (nterprises v. "ourt of Appeals* +17 '"RA 6* 5!-5


    'II.%.De"a)l+;Rule * 'ec. +$

    a$ >ature of /efault

    1. >l"son nterrises Cor. vs. C%* +17 '"RA 6 ;1$2. on

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    . $"us v. Court of %e"ls, =.R. ?o. 11256, "rc ', 13

    h$ Implied lifting of the order of default

    1. Reu:lic v. S"ndig"n:""n, 54 SCR% 431

    i$ (?tent of relief to be a&arded ;'ec. +* par. d* Rule $

    j$ "ases &hen a declarationorder of default cannot be made ;'ec. + par. e* Rule $


    a$ )ill of particulars ;Rule 1$

    b$ 9hen to file motion for bill of particulars ;'ec. 1* Rule 1$

    c$ #urpose of the motion in civil cases in criminal cases

    1. >ir"t" vs. S"ndig"n:""n* 1 '"RA 5 ;1+$

    d$ Requirements for the motion.

    e$ Action of the court ;'ec. * Rule 1$

    f$ Instances &hen )ill of #articulars Allo&ed 9hen it is improper.

    g$ "ompliance &ith the =rder of the court granting motion for bill of particulars ;'ec. +* Rule 1$(ffect of non-compliance ;'ec. ,* Rule 1$.

    h$ 'tay of period to file responsive pleadings ;'ec. 5* Rule 1$


    a$ 3rounds ;'ec. 1* Rule 16$

    b$ #eriod to file otion to /ismiss ;'ec. 1* Rule 16$

    c$ 9hen a motion to dismiss may be filed even after the ans&er has been served and filed

    1. Heirs of >"lientes v. R"0"s, 63' SCR% 444, /ece0:er 15, 21

    d$ %aches as a ground for motion to dismiss.

    2. +ined" v. Heirs of liseo =uev"rr", 515 SCR% 62&, 636

    e$ Res judicata as a ground for motion to dismiss

    3. *$S nerg !nc. v. +rovince of B"t"ng"s, 516 SCR% 1'6, 21

    (.1. "oncepts of res judicata

    4. o"cio v. B"nco *iliino S"vings "nd ortg"ge B"n, 635 SCR% 5

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    (.. (lements of Res judicata

    (.+. Application of Res udicata to quasi judicial proceedings

    5. Heirs of @encesl"o ":i" v. Court of %e"ls, 516 SCR% 431

    (.,. >o res judicata in criminal proceedings

    6. rinid"d v. #ffice of te #0:uds0"n, 53 SCR% 415

    f$ Remedy of the defendant if the motion is denied ;'ec. ,* Rule 16$

    &. /ouglas %u Hm v. 3ertrudes >abua* ,5 '"RA

    g$ Remedy of the plaintiff if the motion to dismiss is granted.

    h$ 9hen complaint cannot be refiled ;'ec. 5* Rule 16$

    i$ (ffect of dismissal of complaint on counterclaim ;'ec. 6* nd par. Rule 16$

    j$ (ffect of 3ranting of motion to dismiss

    8$ 0earing on the motion to dismiss ;'ec. * Rule 16$

    '. C"ir"l v. Ro:les, =.R. ?o. 1&362', ?ov. 16, 211


    a$ /ismissal by mere notice of dismissal by plaintiff ;'ec.1* Rule 1!$

    A.1.T&o dismissal rule - /efined.

    b$ /ismissal upon motion of plaintiff ;'ec.* Rule 1!$

    ).1. (ffect of dismissal upon a counterclaim already pleaded.

    ).. /ismissal &ithout prejudice

    c$ /ismissal due to the fault of the plaintiff ;'ec. +* Rule 1!$

    ".1. 3rounds for /ismissal

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    ".1.1.2ailure to appear Test of 2ailure to #rosecute Dnreasonable length of time

    1. 'mith )ell and "o. v. American #resident %ines %td.* , #hil. !

    ".1.. 2ailure to "omply &ith =rder of the "ourt

    ".1.+. /ismissal for failure to comply &ith discover procedure

    ".1.,. 2ailure to appear at #re-Trial

    ".+. (ffect of dismissal on the counterclaim

    2. #inga v. 0eirs of 'antiago* 3.R. >o. 1!7+5,* une +7* 776

    d$ /ismissal of a class suit

    e$ /ismissal of counterclaim* cross-claim or third-party complaint ;'ec.,* Rule 1!$



    a$ "oncept* >ature and purpose of #re-Trial ;Rule 1$

    1. Interlining "orporation v. #hilippine Trust "ompany* +! '"RA 51

    b$ (ffect of 2ailure to conduct pre-trial

    2. >ational #o&er "orp. v. Adiong* A.. >o. RT-7!-767* uly !* 711

    c$ Referral to the #hilippine ediation "enter ;Adm. "ircular >o. 7-77* arch ,* 77A.. >o. 7+-1-7-'"* uly 1+* 77,

    d$ 0o& pre-trial is called filing of motion by plaintiff ;'ec.1* Rule 1$

    e$ 9hen motion is filed by plaintiff ;Adm. "ircular >o. +-* an. 15* 1 A.. 7+-71-7-'"$

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    f$ %ast pleading file - meaning

    3. 'armiento v. uan* 17 '"RA ,7+* ,7

    g$ >otice of pre-trial ;'ec. +* Rule 1$

    4. Agulto v. Tecson* ,!6 '"RA +5

    h$ Appearance of parties and counsel in pre-trial ;'ec. ,* Rule 1$

    5. 'enarlo v. udge #aderanga* 61! '"RA ,!

    6. Real )an8 Inc.* v. 'amsung abuhay "orp. 6++ '"RA 1,

    0.1. 0o& non-appearance is e?cused

    &. /urban Apartments "orp. v. #ioneer Insurance and 'urety "orp. 6+ '"RA ,,1

    i$ (ffect of failure to appear ;'ec. 5* Rule 1$

    I.1 )y the plaintiff

    '. ondonedo v. "ourt of Appeals* 5 '"RA

    I. )y the defendant

    . angelen v. "ourt of Appeals 15 '"RA +7

    1. #aredes v. :erano* 3.R. >o. 16,+!5* =ct. 1* 776

    j$ #re-Trial )rief 2iling and "ontents ;'ec. 6* Rule 1$

    .1. Identification and mar8ings of evidence ;A.. >o. 7+-1-7-'"* uly 1+* 77,$

    .. %egal effects of representations and statements in pre-trial brief

    .+. (ffect of failure to file a pre-trial brief

    11. Ramos v. 'pouses %avendia* 56 '"RA +

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    .,. >o termination of pre-trial for failure to settle

    .5. =ne day e?amination of &itnesses rule ost imporatnat &itness rule Fuestions are tobe as8ed by the judge ;A.. >o. 7+-1-7 '"$

    8$ Records of #re-Trial ;'ec. !* Rule 1$

    4.1. #re-trial =rder "ontents ;Adm. "ircular >o. 1-$ 9hen issued ;A.. >o. 7+-1-7-'"$

    1. 0eirs of "onahap v. Rega@a* ,5 '"RA !,1

    4.. Implied issues are deemed included in the pre-trial order

    2. #hilippine (?port And 2oreign %oan 3uarantee "orp. v. Amalgamated anagementand /evelopment "orp.* 3.R. >o. 1!!!* 'eptember * 711

    l$ /istinction bet&een pre-trial in civil case and in criminal case

    m$ #reliminary conference under the Revised Rules on 'ummary #rocedure

    n$ #reliminary conference in the "ourt of Appeals


    a$ eaning of discovery

    b$ #urpose of discovery

    3. ercader v. /)#* ++ '"RA

    c$ D)+y o" +7e *o)!+ in !ela+ion +o 1ode o" di#*oe!y

    d$ odes of discovery under the Rules of "ourt

    /.1. De-o#i+ion 3R)le# /&;5

    /.1.1. /eposition. /efined

    /.1.+. /epositions pending action leave of court &hen required ;'ec.1* Rule +$

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    /.1.,. /eposition of a prisoner ;'ec.1* Rule +$

    /.1.5 )efore &hom ta8en ;'ec. 17* 11* 1+* 1,* Rule +$

    /.1.6. (?amination of the deponent ;'ec. 15* Rule +$

    /.1.!. Dse of depositions pending action ;'ec.,* Rule +$

    /.1.. (ffect of substitution of parties ;'ec. 5* Rule +$

    /.1.. (ffect of the ta8ing of deposition of a person ;'ec. !* Rule +$

    /.1.17. (ffect of using the deposition of a person ;'ec. * Rule +$

    /.1.11. =ral deposition ;'ec. 1!* 1* 7* 1* Rule +$

    /.1.1. /eposition upon &ritten interrogatories ;'ec. 5* 6 Rule +$

    /.1.1+. /eposition before action ;'ec. 1* Rule ,$

    /.1.1,. #erpetuation of testimony before action ;'ec. +* ,* Rule ,$

    /.1.15. /eposition pending appeal ;'ec. !* Rule ,$

    /.. In+e!!oa+o!ie# +o Pa!+ie# 3R)le

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    /.+. Ad1i##ion =y Ade!#e Pa!+y 3R)le 45

    /.+.1. #urpose of Admission by adverse party

    /.+.. 9hen request is made

    /.+.+. (ffect of not filing a &ritten request for admission ;'ec.5* Rule 6$

    /.+.,. (ffect of failure to file and serve a s&orn statement of denial ;'ec. * Rule 6$

    /.+.5. (ffect of admission ;'ec. +* Rule 6$

    /.+.6. /eferment of compliance ;'ec. * par. * Rule 6$

    /.+.!. 9ithdra&al of admission ;'ec.,* Rule 6$

    /.,. P!od)*+ion o! In#-e*+ion o" Do*)1en+# o! T7in# 3R)le >5

    /.,.1. #urpose ;'ec.1$

    /.,.. 2iling of a motion order of the court

    /.,.+. #rivileged /ocuments

    1. Air #hilippines "orp. v. #enns&ell* Inc.* 5,7 '"RA 15

    /.5. P7y#i*al and Men+al E9a1ina+ion o" Pe!#on# 3R)le ?5

    /.5.1. Applicability ;'ec.1* Rule $

    /.5.. #rocedure ;'ec. * +* Rule $

    /.5.+. 9aiver of #rivilege

    /.6. Re")#al +o Co1-ly 2i+7 +7e Mode# o" Di#*oe!y 3R)le @5

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    /.6.1. Refusal to ans&er any question upon oral e?amination ;'ec.1* Rule $

    /.6.. Refusal to ans&er designated or particular questions or refusal to producedocuments or things to submit to physical or mental e?amination ;'ec.+*

    Rule $

    /.6.+. Refusal to be s&orn ;'ec. * Rule $

    /.6.,. Refusal to Admit ;'ec. ,* Rule $

    /.6.5. 2ailure to attend depositions or to serve ans&ers to &ritten interrogatories ;'ec.5*Rule $

    2. Gepeda v. "hina )an8ing "orp.* 3.R. >o. 1!1!5* =ct. * 776

    e$ A%T(R>ATI:( /I'#DT( R('=%DTI=> ;Rep. Act. 5$

    I. INTER'ENTION 3R)le %@5

    a$ 9ho may intervene ;'ec.1* Rule 1$

    b$ "oncept* >ature and #urposes

    c$ Requisites of Intervention

    1. %abrador v. "ourt of Appeals* 17 '"RA 66

    d$ 9hen intervention disallo&ed

    2. 3ibson v. Revilla* '"RA 1 ;1!$

    3. %a

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    f$ Time to Intervene ;'ec. * Rule 1$

    g$ Intervention even after judgment

    5. /irector of %ands v. "ourt of Appeals* + '"RA +

    h$ 0o& a person may intervene ;'ec.* Rule 1$

    . S$BPOENA

    a$ 4inds of 'ubpoena ;'ec.1* Rule 1$

    i. 'ubpoena ad testificandum

    ii. 'ubpoena duces tecum

    b$ )y &hom issued ;'ec. * Rule 1$

    c$ 2orms and contents ;'ec. +* Rule 1$

    1. Dniversal Rubber #roducts* Inc. v. "ourt of Appeals** 15 '"RA 5* 12. Roco v. "ontreras* 3.R. >o. 15!5* une * 775

    d$ Fuashing a subpoena 3rounds ;'ec. ,* Rule 1$

    e$ 'ubpoena for deposition ;'ec. 5* Rule 1$

    f$ 'ervice of a subpoena manner ;'ec. 6* Rule 1$

    g$ "ompelling attendance ;'ec. * Rule 1$

    h$ 2ailure to obey subpoena - contempt ;'ec. * Rule 1$

    i$ (?ceptions to 'ection and of Rule 1 ;'ec. 17* Rule 1$


    .%. TRIAL

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    a$ >ature of Trial

    1. Acosta v. #eople* 5 '"RA !!,

    b$ Trial and hearing* distinguished.

    2. Trocio v. %abayo* 5+ '"RA !* 177

    c$ 9hen case ready for trial

    3. #rincipe v. (ria* 7 #hil. 6,

    d$ 9hen trial is unnecessary.

    e$ >otice of Trial ;'ec. 1* Rule +7$

    f$ "alendaring of "ases ;Rule 7$

    (.1. #references ;'ec.1$

    (.. Assignment of "ases ;'ec. $

    g$ 'ession 0ours ;Adm. "ircular >o. +-+* anuary 15* 1$

    h$ Adjournments and postponements ;'ec. * Rule +7$

    3.1. %imitation on the authority to adjourn

    4. Republic v. 'andiganbayan* +71 '"RA +!* ,5

    i$ #ostponement on the grounds of illness of party or counsel Requisites ;'ec. ,* Rule +7$

    j$ #ostponement on the grounds of absences of evidence Requisites ;'ec. +* Rule +7$

    5. il&au8ee Industries v. "ourt of Ta? Appeals* 6+6 '"RA !7* >ov. ,* 717.

    8$ =rder of Trial* ;'ec. 5* Rule +7$

    4.1. =rders in "hambers

    4.. =rder of Trials maybe "hanged

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    6. Hu v. apayo* ,, '"RA 16+

    4.+. #resentation of Additional (vidence

    l$ Agreed statement of facts >o proof required ;'ec. 6* Rule +7$

    m$ 'tatement of judgment ;'ec. !* Rule +7$

    n$ 'uspension of Actions ;'ec. * Rule +7$

    o$ udge to receive evidence delegation to cler8 of court - Requisites ;'ec. * Rule +7$

    J.1.1. Con#olida+ion o! See!an*e

    a$ /efine ;'ec. 1* Rule +1$

    b$ Three &ays of "onsolidation

    &. 'ala

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    14. #hilippine 'avings )an8 v. a@alac* 3.R. >o. 1,5,,1* April 6* 775

    c$ Reference ordered on motion ;'ec. * Rule +$

    ".1. 'ituation &hen reference may be made.

    ".. #ractice of /elegation to "ler8 of "ourt

    15. Apurillo v. 3arciano* '"RA 175,

    d$ =rder of reference po&er of commissioners ;'ec. +* Rule +$

    e$ =ath of "ommissioner. ;'ec. ,* Rule +$

    16. #erlas v. (hrman* 5+ #hil. 67!

    f$ Refusal of &itness ;'ec. !* Rule +$

    g$ "ommissioner shall avoid delay ;'ec. * Rule +$

    h$ >otice to parties of the filing of report &hen to file objections (ffect of failure to object;'ec. 17* Rule +$

    i$ 0earing upon request 2ailure to set the commissionerBs report for hearing. ;'ec. 11* Rule+$

    j$ 'tipulations as to findings. ;'ec. 1* Rule +$

    8$ "ompensation of commissioners ;'ec. 1+* Rule +$

    .. DEM$RRER TO E'IDENCE 3R)le //5

    a$ "oncept and Rationale of Rule.

    1&. "elino v. 0eirs of Alejo and Teresita 'antiago* ,+5 'cra 671'. 'iyangco v. "ostibolo* ! '"RA !*

    b$ /emurrer to (vidence distinguished from otion to /ismiss in Rule 16.

    1. e "nil" B"ning Cor. vs. niversit of B"guio, !nc.* 3.R.>o. 151*

    2ebruary 1* 77!

    c$ 'tage of the proceedings &hen demurrer to evidence is availed of ;'ec.1* Rule ++$

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    d$ 3rounds for /emurrer to (vidence

    2. Republic v. Tuvera* 516 '"RA 11+

    e$ (ffect of /enial of /emurrer to evidence

    21. >orth&est Airlines* Inc. v. "ourt of Appeals* , '"RA ,1622. 4atigba8 v. 'andiganbayan* ,75 '"RA 5523. 3ementi

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    . 'ilverio v. 2ilipino )usiness "onsultants* ,66 '"RA 5,

    f$ emorandum /ecisions /efine.

    1. =ng "hia 4&an v. "ourt of Appeals* +,5 '"RA 56

    g$ Rendition of udgment. eaning. ;Rule +6$

    11. "astro v. ala

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    %.. T&o-fold purposes of immutability of judgment

    %.+. (?ceptions to the rule on immutability of judgments

    m$ Rules on Amendment of udgment

    i. )efore finality

    ii. After finality

    .1. /ifference bet&een an Amended udgment and a 'upplemental udgment

    1'. A

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    23. )riones-:asque< v. "ourt of Apeals* ,57 '"RA ,

    u$ udgment upon compromise* define.

    24. /iamond )uilders "onglomeration v. "ountry )an8ers "orp.* 5,7 '"RA 1,

    25. #hilippine ournalist* Inc. v. >%R"* 571 '"RA !5

    v$ udgment upon a confession ;"ognovit Actionem$

    &$ udgment against entity &ithout juridical personality ;'ec. 6* Rule +6$

    ?$ (ntry of udgment date thereof ;'ec. * Rule +6$

    J.1. Relevance of 8no&ing the date of (ntry of udgment.

    y$ J)d1en+ on +7e -leadin#

    H.1. >ature otion Required ;'ec.1* Rule +,$

    H.. 3rounds for judgment on the pleadings

    H.+. "ases &here judgment on the pleadings &ill not apply

    ature of summary judgment ;'ec. 1* Rule +5$

    G.. 'ummary judgment* &hen rendered.

    G.+. /istinctionsK

    i. 2rom judgment on the pleadings

    26. >arra Intergrated "orp. v. "ourt of Appeals* +,, '"RA !1

    ii. 2rom a motion to dismiss

    G.,. :alidity of 'ummary udgment ;'ec. +* Rule +,$

    G.5. 'ummary udgment 9hen not granted.

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    2&. Roque v. (ncarnacion* 5 #hil. 6,+

    2'. 3atchalian v. #avilin* 6 '"RA 57




    a$ =bject of the motion.

    b$ 9hen to file ;'ec. 1* Rule +!$ >o e?tension ;'ec. * Rule ,7* 'ec. +* Rule ,1$

    1. /elos 'antos v. (li

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    b$ 9hen to file ;'ec.1* Rule +!$

    c$ (ffect of filing of the motion on the period to appeal ;'ec. * Rule ,7 'ec. +* Rule ,1$

    d$ 2orm of a motion for ne& trial. ;'ec. * Rule +!$

    e$ 3rounds for a motion for ne& trial. ;'ec. 1* Rule +!$

    i. 2RAD/* A""I/(>T* I'TA4(* (J"D'A)%( >(3%I3(>"( ;2A($

    ii. >e&ly discover evidence

    ii.1. RequisitesK

    4. Hbiernas v. Tanco-3abaldon* 3.R. >o. 1!5* une 1* 711

    f$ Affidavit of erit 3ross >egligence of counsel not a ground.

    5. Dy v. 2irst etro Integrated 'teel "orp.*57+ '"RA !1

    g$ Resolution of the motion ;'ec. ,* Rule +!$

    h$ /enial of the motion fresh period rule =rder of denial not appealable ;'ec. * Rule +!$

    6. >eypes v. "ourt of Appeals* ,6 '"RA 6++

    i$ Remedy &hen motion is denied

    j$ (ffect of granting the motion for ne& trial ;'ec. 6* Rule +!$

    8$ #artial >e& Trial ;'ec. !* Rule +! 'ec. * Rule +!$

    l$ 'econd motion for ne& trial ;'ec. 5* Rule +!$

    m$ otion for ne& trial in summary procedure ;'ec. 1 NcO I:* 11 Revised Rules on 'ummary#rocedures and 'mall "laims ;'ec. 1, NcO$

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    a$ 3eneral principles on appeal

    &. 'tolt >ielsen v. >%R"* ,!! '"RA 516

    '. "anton v. "ity of "ebu* 515 '"RA ,,1

    . Association of Integrated 'ecurity 2orce of )islig-A%D v. "ourt of Appeals* ,6!'"RA ,+

    b$ udgments or orders not appealable ;'ec. 1* Rule ,1$

    ).1. Remedy in case the judgment or final order is not appealable ;'ec. * Rule +!$

    c$ Issues that may be raised on appeal

    1. "ommissioner of Internal Revenue v. igrant #agbilao "orp.* 57, '"RA ,,

    d$ 9hen errors not raised on appeal may be considered

    11. /y vs. >%R"* 1,5 '"RA 11

    12. "omilang v. )urcena* , '"RA +,

    e$ #ayment of doc8et fee

    13. Regalado v. 3o* 51, '"RA 616

    14. )uenaflor v. "ourt of Appeals* +,6 '"RA 56+

    f$ Record on appeal >otice of Appeal ;'ec. NaO* Rule ,1$

    15. Roman "atholic Archbishop of anila v. "ourt of Appeals* 5 '"RA 16

    g$ /ismissal of Appeal "ourt of Appeals ;'ec.1* Rule 57$ 'upreme "ourt ;'ec.5* Rule 56$

    16. The 3overnment of the 4ingdom of )elgium v. "ourt of Appeals* 551 '"RA +

    1&. )eatingo v. 3asis* 6, '"RA 5+

    A--eal "!o1 M)ni*i-al T!ial Co)!+ +o +7e Reional T!ial Co)!+ 3R)le ;65

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    a$ 9here to appeal ;'ec. 1$b$ 9hen to appeal ;'ec. $c$ 0o& to appeal ;'ec. +$d$ #erfection of appeal ;'ec. ,$ 'ee Rule ,1* 'ec. e$ Appellate court and other la&ful fees ;'ec. 5$ 'ame as Rule ,1* 'ec. ,f$ #rocedure in RT" ;'ec. !$g$ Appeal from T" order dismissing case

    i. &ithout trial on the merits ;'ec. * par. 1$

    ii. &ith trial on the merits ;'ec. . par. $

    1'. +rovost vs. C%,3.R. >o.167,76*une 6* 7761. nc"rn"cion vs. %0igo,3.R. >o. 16!+* 'eptember 15* 776

    A--eal "!o1 Reional T!ial Co)!+ +o +7e Co)!+ o" A--eal# 3R)le ;%5

    a$ 'ubject of appeal ;'ec. 1$b$ >on-appealable ordersA.. >o. 7!-!-1-'" ;dated /ecember ,* 77! P too8 effect on

    /ecember !* 77!$ P Amendments to Rules ,1* ,5* 5 and 65

    c$ odes of appeal ;'ec. $d$ #eriod of ordinary appeal ;'ec. +$

    e$ Interrupted by timely >T or R

    f$ >o motion for e?tension of time to file >T or R

    g$ R filed on last day of 15-day period

    2. "nil" e0ori"l +"r vs. C%* +,, '"RA !6 ;771$

    h$ >e& rule on appeal after denial of R or >T

    21. ?ees vs. C%* ,6 '"RA 6++ ;775$

    i$ 9hen appeal allo&ed even if period to appealhas e?pired

    22. r"ns !ntern"tion"l vs. C%* 5 '"RA , ;1$

    j$ RT" cannot dismiss appeal on ground that only questions of la& involved

    23. ;o vs. C"0"co* 7, '"RA 157 ;11$

    8$ Appellee &ho has not appealed may not obtain affirmative relief from appellate court

    24. Custodio vs. C%* 5+ '"RA ,+ ;16$

    l$ (?ception P &hen there is solidarity in obligations

    25. Cittrust B"ning Cor. vs. C%* 16 '"RA 55+ ;11$

    m$ #erfection of appeal ;'ec. * 1stand ndpars.$

    n$ %oss of jurisdiction ;'ec. * +rdand ,thpars.$

    o$ Residual po&ers ;'ec. * 5thpar.$

    p$ /ismissal of appeal ;'ec. 1+$a. late fiiing

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    b. non-payment of doc8et and other la&ful fees


    a$ 'cope and title of cases "ases appealed to the "ourt of Appeals under Rule ,1.

    b$ AppellantBs brief ;'ec. !* Rule ,1$

    ).1. 9hen to file

    c$ AppelleeBs brief ;'ec. * Rule ,1$

    ".1. 9hen to file

    d$ "ontents of AppellantBs )rief;'ec. 1+* Rule ,1$ AppelleeBs )rief ;'ec. 1,* Rule ,1$

    e$ Fuestions that may be raised on appeal (?ceptions ;'ec. 15* Rule ,1$

    Pe+i+ion "o! Reie2 "!o1 Reional T!ial Co)!+ +o +7e Co)!+ o" A--eal# 3R)le ;5.a$ Appeal from RT" decision rendered in the e?ercise of its appellate jurisdiction

    26. Ross Ric" S"les Center, !nc. vs. #ng,=.R. ?o. 1321&, %ugust 16, 25b$ #ure questions of la& may be raised ;'ec. $

    2&. "c"9i9ili =old ining "nd /evt. Co, !nc.vs. C%* ! '"RA 67 ;1$

    c$ (ffect of failure to comply &ith requirements ;'ec. +$

    d$ Action by court ;'ec. ,$a. Require filing of comment orb. /ismiss petition outright

    e$ 9hen petition given due course ;'ec. 6$

    2'. /itcing vs. C%* 6+ '"RA +,+ ;16$

    f$ #erfection of appeal ;'ec. * 1stpar.$g$ %oss of jurisdiction ;'ec. * ndpar.$h$ Residual po&ers ;'ec. * +rdpar.$

    i$ (ffect of appeal ;'ec. * ,thpar.$

    3eneral ruleK shall 'TAH judgment or final order

    (?ceptionsKa. civil cases decided under the Rule on 'ummary #rocedureb. &hen "A* la& or Rules of "ourt provide other&ise


    a$ 'cope ;'ec.1$

    2. *":i"n vs. /esierto* 5 '"RA ,,7 ;1$

    b$ =mbudsman criminal cases P 'upreme "ourt via Rule 65

    3. ="rci"-Rued" vs. +"sc"sio* ! '"RA 6 ;1!$

    c$ "ases not covered ;'ec. $

    31. St. "rtin *uner"l Ho0e vs. ?$RC, 5 '"RA ,, ;1$

    d$ /ecisions of 'ecretary of %abor and /irector of )ureau of %abor Relations P petition forcertiorari to "A under Rule 65

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    e$ /ecisions of /= 'ecretary in petitions for revie& prosecutorsQ resolutions P petition forcertiorari to "A under Rule 65

    32. S"ntos vs. =o* ,!+ '"RA +57 ;775$f$ >ot applicable &here there is error of jurisdiction

    33. *ortic vs. Coron"* '"RA 6, ;1$

    g$ 9here to appeal ;'ec. +$

    h$ #ure questions of la& may be raised

    i$ #eriod of appeal ;'ec. ,$

    j$ 0o& appeal ta8en ;'ec. 5$

    8$ 2orm and contents ;'ec. 6$

    l$ (ffect of failure to comply &ith requirements ;'ec. !$ - sufficient ground for dismissal

    m$ Action by court ;'ec. $a. Require fiing of comment orb. /ismiss petition outright

    n$ 9hen petition given due course ;'ec. 17$

    o$ (ffect of appeal ;'ec.1$

    3eneral ruleK shall >=T 'TAH a&ard* judgment* final order or resolution

    (?ceptionsKa. &hen "A directs other&iseb. &hen the la& directs other&ise ;additional e?ception$

    34. $"id vs. C%* ++, '"RA !+ ;777

    APPEAL BY CERTIORARI TO TE S$PREME CO$RT 3R)le ;o. 15+* =ct. 5* 711

    3. Republic v. alabanan* 3.R. >o. 1676!* =ct. 6* 717

    d$ 2indings of facts not ordinarily revie&ed

    4. Tayco v. 0eirs of Tayco-2lores* 6+! '"RA !,

    41. eneses v. :enturoo. 1!16* =ct. 1* 711

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    e$ 9hen questions of facts may be passed upon in a Rule ,5 petition

    42. >atividad v. TR")* 5,7 '"RA 1,* 1+5

    f$ 9hen to appeal ;'ec. * Rule ,5$

    g$ 0o& to Appeal ;'ec. 1* Rule ,5$


    A. Pe+i+ion "o! Relie" "!o1 J)d1en+#, O!de!# o! O+7e! P!o*eedin# 3R$LE /?5

    a$ 3rounds and nature ;'ecs. 1* $b$ Requires final judgment or loss of appealc$ "an this remedy be availed of in the "ourt of Appealsd$ Time for filing ;'ec. +$e$ 'trictly follo&ed

    1. scuet" vs. $i0* 3.R. >o. 1+!16* anuary ,* 77!f$ "ontentsg$ Affidavit of merit ;'ec. +$

    h$ 9hen motion for reconsideration considered as petitionfor reliefi$ Action of court before ans&erj$ #o&er to deny ;'ec. ,$8$ #reliminary injunction pending proceedinsg ;'ec. 5$l$ =rder to file ans&er ;'ec. ,$m$ #roceduren$ Availability of preliminary injunction ;'ec. 5$o$ #roceedings after ans&er is filed ;'ec. 6$p$ 9here denial of appeal is set aside ;'ec. !$q$ Action of court after giving due courser$ 3rant of petition for relief ;'ec. !$s$ /enial of petition for relief ;Rule ,1* 'ec. 1 ;b$$t$ Remedies after petition for relief e?piresu$ Reopening not allo&ed

    2. %lvendi" vs. !%C* 11 '"RA

    B. Ann)l1en+ o" J)d1en+ 3R$LE ;>5

    a$ 9hen remedy availableb$ 9here applicable

    3. +eole vs. Bit"ng"* 3.R. >o. 15* une 6* 77!4. *r"gin"l vs. +"r"n"l* 3.R. >o. 1577!* 2ebruary * 77!5. =r"nde vs. niversit of te +iliines* 3.R. >=. 1,,56* 'eptember 15* 776

    c$ 3rounds ;'ec. $6. Cos0ic $u0:er Cor. vs. C%* 65 '"RA 166 ;16$

    d$ 9here petition filed ;'ecs. 1* 17$

    e$ #eriod for filing ;'ec. +$

    f$ %aches&. "rcelino vs. C%* 17 '"RA ,,, ;1$

    g$ #arties and contents ;'ec. ,$

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    h$ ay be filed by a non-party to the judgment

    i$ Available even if judgment has been e?ecuted ;'ec. $

    '. !sl"0ic /"A@" Council of te +ils. vs. C%* 1! '"RA 1!;1$

    j$ Action by the court ;'ec. 5$

    8$ #rocedure ;'ec. 6$

    l$ (ffect of judgment ;'ec. !$

    m$ 'uspension of prescriptive period ;'ec. $


    a$ udgment or final order ;'ec. 1$

    b$ %osing party must first receive notice of the judgment before the court or its personnel cane?ecute the udgment

    1. #ffice of te Court %d0inistr"tor vs. Coru* ,1 '"RA 1 ;77+$

    c$ 4inds of e?ecutioni. According to nature

    a. atter of right ;'ec. 1$- enforceable by mandamus

    b. /iscretionary ;'ec. $

    ii. According to mode of enforcement

    a. )y motion ;'ec. 6* first sentence$

    b. )y independent action ;'ec. 6* ndsentence$

    d$ udgments &hich are immediately e?ecutor

    e$ /iscretionary e?ecution ;e?ecution pending appeal$ ;'ecs.* +* 5$

    i. 9hen and &here to file motion

    a. )efore appeal perfected P &ith trial court

    b. After appeal perfected P &ith appellate court

    ii. Trial court can grant motion for e?ecution pendingappeal even after perfection of appeal

    ;'ec. * last par.$

    f$ 3rounds of motion for e?ecution pending appeal ;'ec. ;a$*last par.$

    g$ (?ecution pending appeal applies to election cases.

    2. B"l"ond" vs. C#$C* 3.R. >o. 1667+* 2ebruary * 775

    h$ 'tay of e?ecution pending appeal ;'ec. +$

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    )onds in e?ecution

    a. )ond filed by judgment debtor to stay e?ecution pending appeal P supersedeas bond;'ec. +$

    b. )ond of judgment obligor to enable sheriff to continueholding levied property after affidavit ofthird party claimfiled &ith him ;'ec. 16$

    i$ (ffect of reversal of e?ecuted judgment on appeal ;'ec. 5$

    j$ odes of e?ecution ;'ec. 6$

    i. )y motion &ithin 5 years from date of entry of judgmentii. )y independent action called Srevival of judgment after 5 years and before it is barred by

    statute of limitations

    8$ (?ecution in case of death of party

    l$ %ifetime of &rit of e?ecution ;'ec. 1,$

    3. 7"l"ndoni vs. +?B* 17 '"RA 17 ;11$

    m$ (?ecution of judgments for money* ho& enforced ;'ec. $

    i. Immediate payment on demandii. 'atisfaction by levy

    n$ eaning of levy

    4. *iest"n vs. C%* 15 '"RA !51 ;17$

    o$ (?ecution of money judgments under Rule +* 'ec. P promissory note not allo&ed.

    5. /"gooc vs. rlin", %.. ?o. +-4-1'5& (for0erl #C% !.+.!. ?o. 2-142-+),

    "rc 16, 25

    p$ (ffect of levy on e?ecution as to third persons ;'ec. 1$

    6. C"0illo vs. C%* 1 '"RA 51+ ;1,$

    n$ 3arnishment of debts and credits

    >.1. eaning of garnishment

    &. "nil" Re0n"nt Co., !nc. vs. C%* +1 '"RA 1 ;1,$

    >.. 3arnishment of ban8 deposits - does not violate ban8 secrecy la& ;RA 1,75$

    >.+. 3arnishment of public funds

    o$ Third party claim ;'ec. 16$

    i. 0o& made

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    ii. 9ho acts on the claim

    p$ If disapproved* remedies of third party claimant

    - file separate action to determine title or right of possession

    - file complaint for damages against bond filed by judgment creditor

    q$ 'ale on e?ecution ;'ec. 15$

    i. Real propertyii. #ersonal propertyiii. In all casesiv. "onveyance of property sold to highest bidder* ho&v. made ;'ecs. +* ,* 5* 6$

    r$ Redemption ;'ecs. !* $

    i. Right of redemption

    a. #ersonal property

    b. Real property

    ii. 9ho may redeem ;'ec. !$

    iii. udgment obligor or his successor in interest

    iv. "reditor &ho is a redemptioner


    vi. Time and manner of* and amounts payable on* successive redemption* etc. ;'ec. $

    vii. udgment debtor ;or his successor in interest$* if e?ercising redemption ahead of mere

    redemptioner P &ithin 1 year from date of registration of sheriffQs certificate of sale ;&ith

    Register of /eeds$

    viii. Redemptioner e?ercising redemption ahead ofjudgment debtor ;or his successor in

    interest$ P &ithin 1 year from date of registration of certificate of sale

    i?. Redemptioner redeeming from another redemptioner P &ithin 67 days after the last


    ?. /eed and possession after e?piration of redemption period

    ?i. ;'ec. ++$ #urchaser or last redemptioner entitled toK

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    s$ 9hen &rit of possession may be issued.

    t$ Issuance of &rit of possession P ministerial duty pendency of civil case to annul foreclosure


    u$ (ntry of satisfaction of judgment by cler8 of court ;'ec. ,,$

    v$ (ffects of judgments and final orders ;'ec. ,!$

    '. /el Ros"rio vs *"r "st B"n "nd rust Co0"n* 3.R. >o. 1571+,* =ctober +1*
