civic association€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. each resident is asked to please...

DEVONSHIRE CRIER Issue 39 / july 2010 CIVIC ASSOCIATION ESTABLISHED 1959 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 President’s Report 4 Minutes 5 Treasurer’s Report 8 Crime Watch News 9 Crime Watch News 13 BRAG Update 16 Neighborhood Notes DATES TO rEmEmBEr Every Saturday Morning Binford Farmers Market 9 am – Noon July 15th – Board Meeting 7:30 pm at the home of Sheryl Holko, 6385 Brixton Lane September 12th – Annual Fall Picnic Devonshire III & VI annual Fall Picnic from 4:30 to 7:00 at 6226 Brokenhurst Road Monthly highlightS Mark your Calendar – Annual Fall Picnic September 12 Mark your calendar for Sunday, September 12 and join the rest of the neighborhood for the Devonshire III & VI annual Fall Picnic from 4:30 to 7:00 at 6226 Brokenhurst Road. We had over 300 people attend last year so come join the fun. Maps listing all participating homes will be distributed. newspaper ads & Devonshire signs will promote the sale. Fliers will be distributed at the Binford Farmers Market. Please see page 7 for more information. Sign uP now to PArtiCiPAtE in our July 17th gArAgE SAlE Devonshire iii and Vi gara ge Sale Saturday, July 17th 8am to 4pm

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Page 1: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage

Devonshire Crier

Issue 39 / july

CiviC AssoCiAtion

E s t a b l i s h E d 1 9 5 9


2 President’sReport

4 Minutes

5 Treasurer’sReport

8 CrimeWatchNews

9 CrimeWatchNews

13 BRAGUpdate

16 NeighborhoodNotes

D AT E S TO r E m E m B E r

Every Saturday MorningBinfordFarmersMarket9am–Noon

July 15th – Board Meeting7:30pmatthehomeofSherylHolko,6385BrixtonLane

September 12th – Annual Fall PicnicDevonshireIII&VIannualFallPicnicfrom4:30to7:00at6226BrokenhurstRoad

M o n t h ly h i g h l i g h t S

Mark your Calendar – Annual Fall Picnic September 12MarkyourcalendarforSunday,September12andjointherestoftheneighborhoodfortheDevonshireIII&VIannualFallPicnicfrom4:30to7:00at6226BrokenhurstRoad.Wehadover300peopleattendlastyearsocomejointhefun.

Maps listing all participating homes will be distributed.newspaper ads & Devonshire signs will promote the sale.Fliers will be distributed at the Binford Farmers Market.Please see page 7 for more information.

Sign uP now to PArtiCiPAtE in our July 17th gArAgE SAlE

Devonshire iii and Vi

garage SaleSaturday, July 17th

8am to 4pm

Page 2: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage

President’s report j u l y 2 0 1 0

John hAinESDevonshireIII&VIPresident

[email protected]

PlEASE PAy your DuES






State-of-the-art digital keyboards.Individual computer stations for reinforcing musical concepts.

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Fun interactive theory games.Grouped according to age and ability. Small class size.

Conveniently located in Devonshire area.Limited enrollment.

For more information, leave a message for Devonshire residents Johnand Diane Haines at 971-2643 (Voice Mail).

Page 3: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage


6205 Rucker Road · Indianapolis, IN 46220 · (317)251-6187 · · [email protected]

Church of the Saviour

A United Methodist Fellowship

Rev. Dr. Rick L. Miller

Church of the Saviour

is located just east of

Binford Boulevard and

north of 62nd Street,

off Rucker Road.


Making God’s

Love Believable



Practical Christianity


Becoming A Church of

Peace and Social Justice

The Church of the Saviour

will be participating in the

Devonshire Neighborhood

Garage Sale on

Saturday, July 17th. We will be featuring

a silent auction to benefit our

50th Anniversary Celebration!


Page 4: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage

Devonshire iii & vi Meeting Minutes j u N e 2 0 1 0

The June,2010meetingwasheldat thehomeofRonandLoriTaylor on June 17th. In attendance were Sheryl Holko,RonTaylor,LoriTaylor,ToddRoberson,MaryBreckenridge,JimBreckenridge,andneighborsMargaretDinnandDougSnow.(Secretary’snote:Manythanksgotoeachpersonthere;manyhandsmakelightworkanditwassogreattohavesomuchhelp!).


Thesoleorderofbusinesswasthepreparationanddistribu-tionof theduespackets.Ron&LoriTaylorhadallof theformscopiedandalloftheequipmentpurchased.Thegroupspent thenext 1.5hourspreparing theenvelopes for eachresidence.After the envelopes were completed, the groupdivided the taskof hand-delivering eachenvelope to eachhometosavethepostageofmailingthem(over$250).


contacteitherSherylHolkoorToddRoberson (contact infoforeachonthebackofthisCrier)inordertogetaduplicatecopyofyourduespacketinformation.Eachresidentisaskedtopleasepaytheirduesinatimelymanner.

TheBoardwasremindedthattheneighborhoodGarageSaleisbeingheldonSaturday,July17th.Allparticipantsareaskedto send their address information to Sheryl Holko so thattheirhomecanbeincludedonthemapthatwillbedistrib-utedtogaragesaleattendees.


RespectfullySubmitted, Sheryl L. Holko Secretary


Hello Neighbors!AS A 15 YEAR RESIDENT

OF DEVONSHIRE,I want to thank all of you for making our neighborhood one of the best in the city!Contact me for current market conditions

and a FREE analysis of your home at:

F. C. Tucker Company, Inc.Peter Montgomery, REALTOR® 317-698-0309

Page 5: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage

Treasurer’s report j u N e 2 0 1 0

toDD roBErSonDevonshireIII&VITreasurer

[email protected]

BeginningCash(April20) $2325.20

Receipts($) •Dues 1925.00 •CrierAdvertising 120.00 $2045.00

Disbursements •NewChecks 32.00 •DQPPrinting 287.13 •SuppliesforDuesPackets 184.23 ($503.36)

ChangeinOperatingCash $1541.64

Ending Cash (June 24) $3866.84

Capital Fund Balance $6910.15




Chris and Theresa Hedlundarenewneighborsat6217GrahamRd.Chrisgrewupandtheneigh-borhoodandmovedbackfromtheGeistarea.ChrisandTheresahave2grownchildrenandagrandaughter.Chri

BloCk CAPtAin rEPort

Page 6: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage


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Contact: Dave Anthony Office: 1-888-279-8003 (317)670-5866

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Christian Yellow pages BBB/ Yellow pages/ Many Angie's List Customers

2nd Annual “April at Avalon”

You are invited to celebrate the 2nd annual “April at Avalon”, Avalon Crossing Shopping Center, 71st and Binford Blvd. On April 24, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wander through the shops, meet the owners, sample yummy treats, enjoy fun activities, and win exciting prizes! Come celebrate spring with the following Avalon Crossing vendors:

Entenmann’s Bakery Outlet George’s Neighborhood GrillSalon du Jour Shadeland Flower ShopCircle City Swimwear CURVESEV Nails The Village Dove#1 China Buffet Big Bob’s Flooring OutletStarbucks Coffee SprintGreat Clips Marco’s Pizza



Page 7: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage


Maps listing all participating homes will be distributed.

newspaper ads & Devonshire signs will promote the sale.

Fliers will be distributed at the Binford Farmers Market.

PleasecallSherylat255-2257ore-mail:[email protected],putyourinformationinhermailbox:6385BrixtonLane.Weneed:

Devonshire iii & vi garage Sale Participant – July 17th




PleaseRSVP by July 6ifyouwishtobeincludedonthemapofparticipants!

Sign uP now to PArtiCiPAtE in our July 17th gArAgE SAlE

Devonshire iii and Vi

garage SaleSaturday, July 17th

8am to 4pm

Page 8: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage

Crime Watch news

1. OfcourseIlookfamiliar.Iwasherejustlastweek cleaningyourcarpets,paintingyourshutters,or deliveringyournewrefrigerator.2. Hey,thanksforlettingmeusethebathroomwhenIwas workinginyouryardlastweek.WhileIwasinthere,I unlatchedthebackwindowtomakemyreturna littleeasier.3. Lovethoseflowers.Thattellsmeyouhavetaste...and tastemeanstherearenicethingsinside.Thoseyard toysyourkidsleaveoutalwaysmakemewonderwhat typeofgamingsystemtheyhave.4. Yes,Ireallydolookfornewspaperspileduponthe driveway.AndImightleaveapizzaflyerinyourfront doortoseehowlongittakesyoutoremoveit..5. Ifitsnowswhileyou’reoutoftown,getaneighborto createcarandfoottracksintothehouse.Virgindriftsin thedrivewayareadeadgiveaway.6. Ifdecorativeglassispartofyourfrontentrance,don’t letyouralarmcompanyinstallthecontrolpadwhereI canseeifit’sset.Thatmakesittooeasy.7. Agoodsecuritycompanyalarmsthewindowoverthe sink.Andthewindowsonthesecondfloor,whichoften accessthemasterbedroom—andyourjewelry.It’snot abadideatoputmotiondetectorsuptheretoo.8. It’sraining,you’refumblingwithyourumbrella,andyou forgettolockyourdoor–understandable.But understandthis:Idon’ttakeadayoffbecauseof badweather.9. Ialwaysknockfirst.Ifyouanswer,I’llaskfordirections somewhereoroffertocleanyourgutters.(Don’ttake meuponit.)10. DoyoureallythinkIwon’tlookinyoursockdrawer?I alwayscheckdresserdrawers,thebedsidetable,and themedicinecabinet.11. Here’sahelpfulhint:Ialmostnevergointokids’rooms.12. You’reright:Iwon’thaveenoughtimetobreakintothat safewhereyoukeepyourvaluables.Butifit’snot bolteddown,I’lltakeitwithme.

13. AloudTVorradiocanbeabetterdeterrentthanthe bestalarmsystem.Ifyou’rereluctanttoleaveyourTV onwhileyou’reoutoftown,youcanbuya$35device thatworksonatimerandsimulatestheflickeringglow

8 mOrE THiNgS A BUrgLAr WON’T TELL YOU: 1. Sometimes,Icarryaclipboard.Sometimes,Idresslike alawnguyandcarryarake.Idomybesttonever,ever looklikeacrook.2. ThetwothingsIhatemost:louddogsandnosy neighbors.3. I’llbreakawindowtogetin,evenifitmakesalittle noise.Ifyourneighborhearsoneloudsound,he’llstop whathe’sdoingandwaittohearitagain..Ifhedoesn’t hearitagain,he’lljustgobacktowhathewasdoing. It’shumannature.4. I’mnotcomplaining,butwhywouldyoupayallthat moneyforafancyalarmsystemandleaveyourhouse withoutsettingit?5. Ilovelookinginyourwindows.I’mlookingforsigns thatyou’rehome,andforflatscreenTVsorgaming systemsI’dlike.I’lldriveorwalkthroughyour neighborhoodatnight,beforeyouclosetheblinds, justtopickmytargets.6. AvoidannouncingyourvacationonyourFacebookpage. It’seasierthanyouthinktolookupyouraddress.7. Toyou,leavingthatwindowopenjustacrackduring thedayisawaytoletinalittlefreshair.Tome,it’s aninvitation.8. Ifyoudon’tanswerwhenIknock,Itrythedoor. Occasionally,Ihitthejackpotandwalkrightin.Sources:ConvictedburglarsinNorthCarolina,Oregon,California,andKentucky;se-curityconsultantChrisMcGoey,whorunswww.crimedoctor.comandRichardT.Wright,acriminologyprofessorattheUniversityofMissouri-St.Louis,whointerviewed105burglarsforhisbookBurglarsontheJobProtectionforyouandyourhome:

Thankyouandbesafe, Denny Dinn, CrimeWatchCoordinator DevonshireIII&VI [email protected],317.254.0692


Burglary prevention tips: things a burglar won’t tell you!!!


Page 9: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage

Crime Watch news CRIME WATCH


ThankstooneofourneighborswhosawasuspiciousredDodgeRampick-uptruckcircling theareaandcalled thepolice to investigate.The truck left thevicinity.Andalsotheneighborwhocalled911whentheysawastrangetruckinavacationingneighbor’sdrive.Thepoliceverifieditwasalegitimatecontractordoingworkwhiletheywereaway.


Thankyouandbesafe, DennyDinn CrimeWatchCoordinator,DevonshireIII&VI [email protected] 317-254-0692

In Remembrance

DEniSE BArth



Limited time offer. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may vary by location. Excludes other offers. Good at participating locations only.

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2 Medium PizzasCheese & 1 ToppingPlus CheezyBreadPlus 2-Liter Beverage


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AExpires 8-16-09. Minimum $8.00 for delivery. Prices, tax, delivery areas& charges may vary by location. Not valid with online orders or other of-fers. Good at participating locations only.

Expires 8-16-09. Minimum $8.00 for delivery. Prices, tax, delivery areas &charges may vary by location. Not valid with online orders or other offers.Good at participating locations only.A

Expires 8-16-09. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may varyby location. Not valid with online orders or other offers.Good at participating locations only.A A

Expires 8-16-09. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may varyby location. Not valid with any other offers. Good at participatinglocations only.A

Expires 8-16-09. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may varyby location. Not valid with online orders or other offers.Good at participating locations only. A

Expires 8-16-09. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may varyby location. Not valid with online orders or other offers. Good atparticipating locations only.


BROADRIPPLE & BUTLER UNIV. 62nd Ave. & College (Across from the Vogue Nightclub)....317-214-4100Open Late Fri. & Sat.

DOWNTOWN & IUPUI 10th & Indiana .....................317-472-9600

INDIANAPOLIS � .............................317-849-7300Avalon Crossing

PENDLETON PIKE & SUNNYSIDESunnyside Village Shoppes (Convenient Pick-up Window)....317-826-4000


Specialty PizzasAward Winning - 4 types of cheese including

Feta, bacon, onions, sliced tomatoes, garlic butter sauceCheese, pepperoni, Italian sausage, mushrooms,

green peppers, onions & sprinkling of extra cheeseCheese, pepperoni, ham, Italian sausage,

bacon & sprinkling of extra cheese 4 types of cheese including Cheddar,

grilled chicken, bacon, onions, sliced tomatoesCheese, ham, chicken, bacon,

pineapple & sprinkling of extra cheese4 types of cheese including Feta, mushrooms,

black olives, onions, sliced tomatoes

16 square slices with roma &garlic butter crust. Quality made, value priced.

Extra FunOrder of 10 big and meaty chicken wings

(Ranch on request)Tender, boneless chicken tumbled with

Naked. Available in 10 pc. & 15 pc. size. (Ranch on request)

Fresh Baked Subs

20-Oz. & 2-Liter sizes

Top Ten PizzaAs voted in Indianapolis area.

New Owners Welcome YouRIVERMARKET SHOPPES 227 E. State St ..............765-746-1414Open Late Fri. & Sat.

Store Hours:

Prices and Hours May Vary Per Location�New Locations

the right, without further notice, to electronically collect your check and the amount of a badcheck fee if the check is returned to us.

Must provide credit card information when ordering for delivery.

Marco’s Pizza® is accepting qualified candidates fornew franchise opportunities nationwide. For more

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Coupons not valid online unless specified. Online discounts available.

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Please mention coupon when ordering. Please mention coupon when ordering.Please mention coupon when ordering.

Your Choice


Cheese & 2 Toppings



Cheese & 2 Toppings

$2199Cheese & 2 Toppings

Plus Wings or Tumblers 10pc.




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Join the Marco’s Email Clubat

6518a2PgrOSSSBacks(6_09)MFLLC-Prt1:Layout 1 5/28/09 12:39 PM Page 6

INDIANAPOLIS 7002 Lake Plaza Dr. .......317-849-7300Avalon Crossing


Limited time offer. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may vary by location. Excludes other offers. Good at participating locations only.

Visit us at ©2009 Marco’s Franchising, LLC 6518a-509

2 Medium PizzasCheese & 1 ToppingPlus CheezyBreadPlus 2-Liter Beverage


more to upsize to 2 Large Pizzas



$1999No Trans Fat in any Marco’s Pizza Products.



AExpires 8-16-09. Minimum $8.00 for delivery. Prices, tax, delivery areas& charges may vary by location. Not valid with online orders or other of-fers. Good at participating locations only.

Expires 8-16-09. Minimum $8.00 for delivery. Prices, tax, delivery areas &charges may vary by location. Not valid with online orders or other offers.Good at participating locations only.A

Expires 8-16-09. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may varyby location. Not valid with online orders or other offers.Good at participating locations only.A A

Expires 8-16-09. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may varyby location. Not valid with any other offers. Good at participatinglocations only.A

Expires 8-16-09. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may varyby location. Not valid with online orders or other offers.Good at participating locations only. A

Expires 8-16-09. Prices, tax, delivery areas & charges may varyby location. Not valid with online orders or other offers. Good atparticipating locations only.


BROADRIPPLE & BUTLER UNIV. 62nd Ave. & College (Across from the Vogue Nightclub)....317-214-4100Open Late Fri. & Sat.

DOWNTOWN & IUPUI 10th & Indiana .....................317-472-9600

INDIANAPOLIS � .............................317-849-7300Avalon Crossing

PENDLETON PIKE & SUNNYSIDESunnyside Village Shoppes (Convenient Pick-up Window)....317-826-4000


Specialty PizzasAward Winning - 4 types of cheese including

Feta, bacon, onions, sliced tomatoes, garlic butter sauceCheese, pepperoni, Italian sausage, mushrooms,

green peppers, onions & sprinkling of extra cheeseCheese, pepperoni, ham, Italian sausage,

bacon & sprinkling of extra cheese 4 types of cheese including Cheddar,

grilled chicken, bacon, onions, sliced tomatoesCheese, ham, chicken, bacon,

pineapple & sprinkling of extra cheese4 types of cheese including Feta, mushrooms,

black olives, onions, sliced tomatoes

16 square slices with roma &garlic butter crust. Quality made, value priced.

Extra FunOrder of 10 big and meaty chicken wings

(Ranch on request)Tender, boneless chicken tumbled with

Naked. Available in 10 pc. & 15 pc. size. (Ranch on request)

Fresh Baked Subs

20-Oz. & 2-Liter sizes

Top Ten PizzaAs voted in Indianapolis area.

New Owners Welcome YouRIVERMARKET SHOPPES 227 E. State St ..............765-746-1414Open Late Fri. & Sat.

Store Hours:

Prices and Hours May Vary Per Location�New Locations

the right, without further notice, to electronically collect your check and the amount of a badcheck fee if the check is returned to us.

Must provide credit card information when ordering for delivery.

Marco’s Pizza® is accepting qualified candidates fornew franchise opportunities nationwide. For more

Order online and get special online discouts.

Coupons not valid online unless specified. Online discounts available.

Please mention coupon when ordering.

Please mention coupon when ordering. Please mention coupon when ordering.Please mention coupon when ordering.

Your Choice


Cheese & 2 Toppings



Cheese & 2 Toppings

$2199Cheese & 2 Toppings

Plus Wings or Tumblers 10pc.




Please mention coupon when ordering.


Join the Marco’s Email Clubat

6518a2PgrOSSSBacks(6_09)MFLLC-Prt1:Layout 1 5/28/09 12:39 PM Page 6

Page 10: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage



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COFFEE, TEA, OR BREAKFASTSomething new! Come socialize with neighbors for coffee, tea, or breakfast at the Binford Cafe at 6406 Rucker Road (strip mall with Morrellis Cleaners, Taste of Indiana, and Black Diamond Bar-B-Q). We had six neighbors our first breakfast last month and had a great time. We meet the second Tuesday of the month at 8:00 am. See you April 13th! If you can't make it this month, put it on your calendar for next month! We'll be there!!

working grouP For rEDESign oF nEighBorhooD EntrAnCES

interested in helping shape the vision for the neighborhood and its entrances?Overthepastcoupleofyears,







For more informationortovolunteerfortheworkinggroup,[email protected].

Page 11: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage



Page 12: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage



Page 13: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage

BrAG Community happenings

July 14th – Leaders Luncheon


[email protected]$15foragourmetlunchandnetworkingopportunities.

July 14th – BrAg’s public meetingDivineSaviorLutheranChurch



All of these people have been serving Devonshire III & VI for a gazillion years and have done

(Presidential Report continued from page 5)

Have you been shopping in the neighborhood lately? I stopped in Twisted Sisters the other day to get a couple of gift certificates and what a great place. If you are re-decorating or need something unique, they have got it! They are just one of the many places you can go to get what you need. Shop BRAG!!

On a neighborhood school front—For those living in Lawrence Township (some of Graham Road and streets east) beginning next year, Skiles Test Elementary will become a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) school for the township. The new Principal, Mr. Dennie Brooks, is a seasoned administrator who has had overwhelming success developing the math/science magnet program in Lawrence Township. His goal is to replicate that at Skiles Test by implementing the stability, discipline and expectations to make Skiles Test a Four-Star School. If you are new to the neighborhood, have children beginning elementary school, or are interested in learning more about the program and the school, you will want to check out the tours that have been set up every Wednesday at 9:30am. You can call the school, 964-4700, for more details.

See you around the neighborhood,John Haines


All of these people have been serving Devonshire III & VI for a gazillion years and have done

(Presidential Report continued from page 5)

Have you been shopping in the neighborhood lately? I stopped in Twisted Sisters the other day to get a couple of gift certificates and what a great place. If you are re-decorating or need something unique, they have got it! They are just one of the many places you can go to get what you need. Shop BRAG!!

On a neighborhood school front—For those living in Lawrence Township (some of Graham Road and streets east) beginning next year, Skiles Test Elementary will become a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) school for the township. The new Principal, Mr. Dennie Brooks, is a seasoned administrator who has had overwhelming success developing the math/science magnet program in Lawrence Township. His goal is to replicate that at Skiles Test by implementing the stability, discipline and expectations to make Skiles Test a Four-Star School. If you are new to the neighborhood, have children beginning elementary school, or are interested in learning more about the program and the school, you will want to check out the tours that have been set up every Wednesday at 9:30am. You can call the school, 964-4700, for more details.

See you around the neighborhood,John Haines

Page 14: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage

Your Neighborhood Printer...

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Page 15: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage


Page 16: CiviC AssoCiAtion€¦ · copy of your dues packet information. Each resident is asked to please pay their dues in a timely manner. The Board was reminded that the neighborhood Garage

B O A r D O F D i r E C TO r S

President John [email protected]

Vice President Position open

Secretary Sheryl [email protected]

treasurer todd [email protected]

improvements Brock [email protected]

Block Captain Chris [email protected]

Social Sheryl [email protected] Co-Chair Susan nemeth255.2257

Crime watch Denny [email protected]

Membership ron and lori [email protected]

newsletter Jane [email protected]

BrAg repsMary and Jim [email protected]

CiviC AssoCiAtion

E s t a b l i s h E d 1 9 5 9

nExt BoArD MEEtingwillbeThursday,July15that7:30pmatthehomeofSherylHolko,6385BrixtonLane

MyErS ProtECtion SErViCES865-1014;8144MadisonAve.,Indianapolis,IN46227

MAyor’S ACtion CEntErwww.indygov.orgMayor’sActionHotline327-4622

Pot holE hotlinE327-HOLE(327-4653)


nEwS For thE CriErcanbeemailedtoJaneRoberson,[email protected]


PAiD ADVErtiSing rAtES:Businesscardsize$130.00/yr.or$15.00/month(threemonthminimum)1/4Page$200.00/yr.or$25.00/month(threemonthminimum)1/2Page$250.00/yr.or$30.00/month(nomonthlyminimum)FullPage$425.00/yr.or$60.00/month(nomonthlyminimum)

thE DEVonShirE CriEr rEAChES 425 FAMiliES/Month.$10discountifyouareamemberoftheAssociation(availableonlyforyearlyads).All copy must be supplied in a word document. All ads must be supplied as high quality PDFs or JPEgs.

MAkE ChECkS PAyABlE to:DevonshireIIIandVICivicAssociation.Adsmustbepaidinadvance.SendpaymenttoToddRoberson,6223HarbridgeRoad,Indianapolis,IN46220

Neighborhood Notes:Annual Neighborhood Association Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 22nd at 7:30 pm, at George’s neighborhood restaurant. Questions? Please call John Haines at 257-0406.

Myers Protection Services 865-1014; 8144 Madison Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana 46227.

Mayor’s Action Center: Mayor’s Action Hotline 327-4622. Pot Hole Hotline 327-HOLE (327-4653).

Are you planning an addition to your home or a garage on your property? As part of the Devonshire III and VI Covenants and Restrictions, owners must submit their building plans and specifications to the Devonshire Architectural Committee prior to construction. Please contact one of the Committee members to present your plans: Rick Thedwall (254-1504); Richard Wheeler (254-8736); or Dan Ladendorf (257-4957)

News for the Crier can be delivered to Jane Roberson, 6223 Harbridge Road, 870-3354. FOR SALE and WANTED notices are free to DCA members. Deadline for the May 2010 Crier is April 23, 2010. Paid advertising rates: Business card size $130.00/yr. or $15.00/month (three month minimum)

1/4 Page $200.00/yr. or $25.00/month (three month minimum)1/2 Page $250.00/yr. or $30.00/month (no monthly minimum)

Full Page $425.00/yr. or $60.00/month (no monthly minimum)Reaches 425 families/month.$10 discount if you are a member of the Association (available only for yearly ads).All copy must be copy-ready.Make checks payable to: Devonshire III and VI Civic Association.Ads must be paid in advance. Send payment to Jane Roberson, 6223 Harbridge Road, Indianapolis, IN 46220Deadline for the May 2010 Crier is April 23, 2010. Contact Jane Roberson for further information. E-mail her at [email protected] or call her at: Home (317) 870-3354

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