citizen (berea, ky.). (berea, ky) 1902-09-04 [p ] ·...

a THE CITIZEN r THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LBSSON X THIRD QUARTER INTER ¬ NATIONAL SERIES SEPT 7- Tevl of for 1fkmiM ItiMil xvlll IISS JliMiiiir Virmen 11II1UIIIIn Ttxl- Juliii vl 1IUIIIIIIIIlIlnr Irrimrri- lh hew l > II Nlriirnii Copyright IMS by American Im AIM elation t tVlwn thou art runs Into lh Unit which the land thy nod tfvclh HIMI thou limit mil Inirn w olD after the ulnmilnu Ions llf tlllMO IUJOII Ik ron tlio deluge flod wiw that tie wtckiJdnetM of mail was urwtt In the earth old thin every liiinnlnntlon of dial thoughts of his luwrt was only uvit tiiiitlnimlly don vl 1 Ill mar Kin s4I3 tint every linnkMnntlon Hlunl flue nJfw tin ptiriKMtoH nod dislro Aft IT the deluge Mln developed lJfI111 In tlio descendants of Noah Mud bfcmno ler3 iiiHiilfuMt In tin rebellion iictiliiNt tori of the Itiilwl builder III dUll tllilw Cod willed time from nnion tint lilobitors of Miwo otmnlii to dwell in M lit nil which Uo iiromlHiil to him mill to lilt Httil forever Unit In tho de hit win nt a of Ahmin lf tumid have n Ii elite who would honor Him nnil live to miiko Him known to oilier nation rhty woro thureforu to lo n people fcipiimlod from nil the customs and Molatriiw of the hoHtliHii llvJiiR wholly fr nod n peculiar treasure unto them UIHIVU nil infill on the Mirth Itx xlx r Nh t lu li AH tlMI do thaw thtfNf arc an LdJh unto tke lard Tho mutt eluuKu of thin verse wtyit lliiU tho iiiitloim which fornutrly orcu purl thjM laud wore Hlvun to thorn MlnwiliwtloiiK inontloiKil In time prtvl OIM virriHW Mini iKtinwo of tliMH they wore iMiliiK ilrivvii out Thun orc In reel wn to butvnro of use In lilt I till < v thliiKt It tins hoeuiuo of the wtqktHliiiM of thiMio tuitions that till- lorI ilhl drive them out lKfon Uraol anil nut INcstlu of nny rlRlitiiniMiowi owl the wrt of Urn el Dent Ix Im lilt dhil till tIt Ito did fur Umiil for Ibis own MHIIWH sake Ktik xxxvl = 1 then In roturn fur nil Ills kivlni Mini iu HM Ho oftly asked theta tu let Illnl ili Htlll ii on for them or In other MoriU HM mitiiHl thtin to wnlk In HU ui > i Hii4 serve Him vii nil their he art aadsuul pout x IS 18 for iolv thus owtikl Hu ilo mero for hunt t IIIH Hvnlmiilr bite ilono in Thea tMlt IM prfet iHicrrftn up tttt rf Btaorrct with UM Lord list IW- To AhfDHt the fattier of thb 111110 Gwl liml sail I nm tin Aluitithty ir Walk before Mu anti fto thou ixrfiit iiir1CbU MnctTHt Clin nil li The title of Coil lore U Kl Sluiit ilu wfllati ulRHlrtwt tin Mighty Gal- win In nil HHllleleNt MR n iniither or- tut hike Akrvm Iwil luton lunnliiK OH jo arm of tlewli rntber thnii UIHIII the UMI nnil Ixut lat fHloml lp In n ttmniiru lint tke lonl wutikl restore inin thud Iwvo him do butter III future Hued limn mon fully on the Ionl iilono If wu would know the Ir of nod wu mutt luarn our WtllIlIlUI It we woulil know Urn fliitilcloncy of and Ye must Iwirn our own liKiitllctuncy IIIIf II Cor x1111 10 III Bl lies soul IIrcI dloim wands tor till upright the sin core In IIi Ixxxlv 11 i wx Ii xxxvll a- NL It The Lord thy Oat will rate up ante lists a iweplwt tram the tnklit of tulle ef thy l r thnm like unto ale unto him jo hall hrarkeii Ill Jer xxx 21 U V It li written Their jiriniv shall tra of tliomnolvi nml their ruler shah proceed from the nililgt of tlutni uiul I will cause him tu draw iiimr nut hu shall nnpronrh unto Ma per who U thin that IIICTKC full hoort to approach unto MeT wiitli tlii lonl Hero Is n wonderful old beautiful prophecy of the prophet like unto MUNOSI one of thenntulveH draw ¬ near to nod on thulr bolmlf mid bringing Gals mesmiKu to thorn In mercy III all tlilnsn It behooved him to lie Hindi like unto his brethren tlmt Hof mlRht hu n morclful nod faithful high priest III thliiK iwrtnlnlne to nod to rovoncllluUon fur thin dins of tho pwplo Hu Will faithful to Him thfit appointed him us also Moses Willi faithful In all his house Hub II Iii InnI b I will IUt My words In hli mouth ami ha shish sink unto them nil that I shah communJ him He suit to MoseH Now therefore KO and I will he with thy mouth mid suet thins what thou nlmlt say mx iv 11 Ilu said to Jirumlah Wlmtsoevir 1 commnnil thee thou halt spank e lluhold I have put Sly words In thy mouth Jer I 7 U It Is i nsy to un duratnnd how mich mon nevdeil to bo toll wheat to say but whun we rend thiit the Son of Gal HO emptlod Him hiilf that Ho could truly wiy I van of Mlno owi nolf do nothing My doc trlnu In not Mine hut HU that soul Me lieu Father who sod Me lit gave Mu a comnmndinunt what I should Kay and what I should spoaU t Tim Fattier that dwelleth In Me H dooth tho works John v aOi vll Wi xII 40i xlv IU thou deed wo see what was never seen J01 i tore nor ulnce Him In whom nth dependr 5012 How shall wo know the word which the Lord path not spoken There always have been and always will bo false prophets and teachers teaghliiK lies In the name of the Lord Jer xxlll 21 H3 521 Therefore John tolls us by the Spirit Ueloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of lOll because many false prophets are jjono out lute the world Hereby know ye the spirit of Coil Every spirit that confesseth hut Jesus Christ Is come In the Mesh is of Cod and every spirit that COli- C lIselb not thnt Jesus Christ Is conic III the llesh Is not of Cod I tulle Iv 13 Tin test therefore tt What I think yo of Christ IINHKIUMU HlIMMIIll COIDH Dout lot n cold run nt this season Stimmor colds nro tho Lnnlost kit d to euro nnil if neglected unity linger along for mouths A long siege 1 ko this will pull tlowti tho fittotigest consli Itition Ono Miniitn Cough Cure will break up thu attack nt once Safe sure acts nt one Cures coughs colls croup bronchitis nil throat mid lung troubles Tho children liko it For auto by East End Dru r Cj O 0 9Y FAMITCHE SA oonrniOHT or AMERICAN Puree A OCIATIONIIO > What y gut fur supperJ tlio old man nuked as hIs wife entnrrd- I dont want any nupptr sale tho soldlor I only ate mi lour or two ago Tin woman who was bent downs through wine nervous dlxeoM went to tin client of drawers took therefrom n cub pijK mud wimo tobacco mind xwi to smoke 21 mil Hhakim ninoiiB tho eojors slnuigerT she asked At the beginnimig of n fight theres n KiKxl dud replleil Mark tint after tlioyro once In they got on without much troubleDont inoau that kind of shaken ngllr Oh ague No 1 dui think theres inuoli aKnu Foyer Tlmroii always Moro or less camp fever It seems as If every man who oamKilKiis in this country inuttt lava n dooo of typhoid to Ret ncelluinttMl n Tiara n powerful lot o1 fevers Iwnt liynr Thars thin typhoid tho broken lout tho intunnltten and the remitten anti noel en awhile we Kit yaller jack whon it onions up tho Mlsxiatlppi from Orleans 1iTlints n goal deal of fever re ¬ plied Mark but to como down tahnxi TIHM 1 wont to say n tow wonls to you people Youre sure >x ure Union Sarten said the old than Oot A ytmngnn in Jim Hrdwns jm wtny of cut TwmtMMeans wild tho old WMiimn I htxirn th nil had tho mcti itles In th spring Ilenory lied it Yofl that regiment wits nearly all down at one time Now Im going ma- n very ilangurous iniwien May I rely onw114 are youf A toy about thirteen years of age hind omn into the ixxim gaud Muaring him coif Ixifore Mark IWRIIII to stare at him Juke replied thin Intruder I havo Kimethlng of importance to say to your other and mother Thou to the par outs Wont jou pIea90 Mud him outf Jtll y like tnmgurMan wered tho father hilt mcbbo Jnko tnought vhpw y th wny or somopn lies purty jwartJakes apponranco did nut bear witness U > the encomium Well let hint stay I would pike to rely on this bonito as n place of rcfugo in- oaAo I leave to got back hero rapidly I want you to hike tare of my horse and If 1 never come you can keep him If I do come Ill jwy yuu mora literally for hums fodder than you ocr wero paid be ¬ fore Y talk putty rich for n common sojorDont fear for that 1 have money and Mark showed n roll of bills that astonished his host Do you agrtdi- Snrten limit the money dont make no differ Im a Union moan to tho back hUllo have you any citizens clothesr- Thars Ileiiorys store clothes cz hu loft when he went to fire th anal Wilt they fit tour Reckon so Ilenorysbout your shzo Slack took tho soldier into thu twin log cabin and them gnu him a suit of clothes which wore intended for best wear but they lad evidently IHHJII so III Iftided for years with frequent devia ¬ tions from the intention Mark took ofT his uniform which with his rilleand Ills ¬ tol and other accoutermcnts he put under thu lull Then he drew off his boots so loose that ho could easily remove them without unbuckling hits spun and put on n pair of shoes A felt hat completed his attire Lit siikcst said South raising her hands as sho mot him passing between the cabins thus arrayed for secret serv ¬ iceAs Mark entered thu room whore ho inch left Mrs Slack and Jakcy their eyes stood out womleringly Jakoys admira ¬ thou for tho soldier in uniform pad been great but ono who could suddenly trans ¬ form himself was an object of curiosity Mr Slack followed Shark into the room Now how about the road asked Mark Whurr To Chattanooga1- Vaa1 y moughtgo right up tho road in trout 1a tho house fur bout a tulle Theo yll como ter u road leaden sort o southeast like Ef y go down this ar road itll tako y ter th Chattonoogy pike Jakoy you inought go along 1i show m th way liDo you know tho road your father speaks of loading to tho Chattanooga pike asked Shirk of tho boy Does 1 know Souri Novo o them Hideaways talker Jake Answer straight said Mr Slack Boverely Reckon 1 does 1 knows all th roads bout hyar Murk looked at the boy rand thought u tow moments without speaking He was a stupid looking child but Mark thought that if he could gut him to go with him it might avert suspicion Were ho brighter ho might bo of use perhaps At any rate ho would doubtl- ess servo some purpose I CHAPTER III A CONFKDKUATi HOUSEHOLD llmc tnu corns flirt eked the girt Mark and Jakey trudged on They met no ono on tho way but at ono part of the roiul running through a thick wood they saw u light in tho distance to the right in time thickest plot They halted for a moment and then advanced cautiously Coming to a place where they could get a view of what tho light revealed they saw several omen in tint ternut whoso horses were picketed near by lying around the embers of afire Guerrillas quoth Mark Not curing to disturb these villains who had no more respect for Cooled ¬ erates than Unionists they passed on stealthily About midnight they carne to a rivu lot and Mark concluded to bivouac there They turned in among tho trees best do the road lake saint Mark before wo go n step further or do anything in fact wo inunt fix this money IIo pullet his roll of bills from his pocket Take off your boot ho said Juke pulled off his boot and handed it to his companion Mark took n number of bills and rlwlngollt the lining of the hoot put It buck in its tease with the bills under It Smoothing it down he handed the boot hick to Jukey and told him to put it on again They took a bite of the snack Soon haul prepared for uncle and drank from tho rivulet Then they laid down testing their head iiguinst tho root of a tree It wa not long before Jakey was asleep and Mark drew his head over toward hitnoelf mitt laid it against his own breast flans Iho two rested Mark slept at intervals Jakey with all tlio soundness of healthy irresponsible boy- hood rho moon was sotting and Mark caught a glimMO of it between tho lower branches of the trees and tho hori ¬ zon When he east his eyes upward ho saw tho stars He full to musing upon hU singular position He remembered that till to tho north of him Confederate cavalry were diuihing hither and thither attacking bridges capturing the guards threatening Union pickets rand in every way harassing tho Army of tho Ohio Yet here ho was beyond the Union front in a region which belonged to no one save tho outlaw guerrillas ruled neither by the United States nor the Confederacy with all silent and peace ful about him An innocent face care- less of danger lay on his breast Tho leaves of tho trees hung listlessly above him Then that bluo vault above Its seren ¬ ity seemed to mock tho puny contests upon n world which with all its cam ¬ paigns and tattles was but n grain of sand among tho heavenly hosts Its heaviest artillery could not bo heard at tho nearest planet Its marshaled armies could not Ixj seen Save for the reflected light of tho sun it would revolve in space unknown by those on even the nearest planets And so passing ho fell anlfcp At tho tint sign of dawn Mark waked lakey and after they Imp both thrown the refreshing water of tho rivulet over their heads they started in search of a house nt which they designed to hat pen In ut breakfast time Fortunately they soon found such n place Turning lute the gate at tho lint farmhouse n farmers wifo received them kindly and gave them what for that time anti coun ¬ try was u palatublo meal Refreshed by their breakfast they walked on Various jieoplo country ¬ men negroes Confederate soldiers and occasionally squadron of cavalry passed them on the road but they wcro not questioned or Interfered with by any ono Occasionally they would ask tho road but upon receiving the neces ¬ sary information and after making few commonplace remarks would go 011 At noon they turned aside from tho pike in among thu trees and ate what was loft of their snack About sunset they reached a largo place sot back out to the left of tho road Tlio premises wore moro imposing than any they land yet passed and they judged by it that they were III the environs of Chattanooga Tho house was a large square old fashioned building with a- very high basement It lamed two stories with u peak roof in which were dormer windows A gallery or veranda extend- ed ¬ across tie front both above and bo low Somo largo trees worn scattered about tho yard In tho rear were tho negro quarters mend the hare Murk determined to ask for food and shelter for the night hero Turning into the guile he followed u straight road loading for perhaps a hundred yards to tho house A young girl roped in n white muslin dross of n very simple pattern and a pink wish stool on tlio veranda watching theta us they cane on When they reached tho steps leading up to whoro sho stood Mark saw a pair of black eyes Inndng at him which conscious of tho deception ho was about to pnictico seemed to read him through mold through Indeed ho was miiliciout ly contused to take oft his tint to tho girl with all tho grace and manner of a polished gentleman- If you please maam besald as luming the dialect of a countryman mo n my leetlo brothers goon tom Chat uuoouy My brother hes walked a I ngnt snout show for soeha ybunkcr Could y give lissome supper and il placo ter sleep nil night You can come up hero unit sit down and Ill sec What a musical voice thought Mark t The travelers wont up onto tho ve ¬ randa and sot on sonio wooden hunches ranged Gloom the mil have you coinu far aikud tho girl who regarded them with evident curl ¬ osity Froth our leotlo rerun on tho Se quatchio Your brother dons look tired Aro you hungry little boy Is it ugitten dark VhUR she sold surprised What has that to do with Itt Im hungry jest as surtln and Jakoys little eyes glistened nt tho thought of a hot supper TLo young lady laughed and went into tho house Mamnm theres n young countryman and his little brother out on tho gallery They want some supper and a led for the night An elderly lady with two white puff curls on either side of hour faco lookout up from it look she was rending liar appearance was dignified and refined The young moan looks quite like a gentleman if hu is a countryman added the daughter Wo must Iw very cautious Laura you know how wo are situated youf father surd brother away and no man in the house wo oant let strangers sleep Jiere But they may have homething to out and perhaps it might do to let them sleep in the barn if they look right Where shall thoy have their support have it put on tho hall tumble down stairs The daughter paused a moment and thought Do you know mamma 1 cant ex ¬ actly feel sutifttlcd to put thu elder brother in u place given up to thu lien until What nonsoiiM Laurul Wo nro tak ¬ lug n great risk to lot thom into the house ut all Heaven grant that tho horses are not all taken before murning Tho man may bo in league with a band of guerrillas fur all wo know The daughter withdrew for tlio mo ¬ ment quite impressed with her mothers pmiience As slat stepped out on tho veranda Mark rose n j ectfnlly anti stool looking into her black eyes with his blue ones Her mothers caution flod away before that honest countenance You can have some supjHir she said if you care to eat in the lower hull and you can slew1yonyens can sleep Mark was owing his thanks Would you mind sleeping in She paused again The hart Certainly not You know tliusoiiru troublous times else said aK > logoUcally and wu are alone I mown wu havent many men in the house shut quickly added conscious of having made known Lime households weakness to u stranger Murk smiled Tho young laity wns looking at him as he did so and slit thought ho land u very charming 8111110 Wo will sleep anywhere you choose to put us Lcustuways we aint pur tlculur Than first sentenco was spoken in his natural way tho second in dialect Marks manner of speaking to helm was singnlarly mixed I suppose your men are lighting our battles ho remarked to relieve au awk ¬ ward pause Papa is away have you no brothers Yes one ho Is lighting for tho Con ¬ federacy And your father is ho nt the wart No jiupu does not caro inuah about tho war Perhaps lies n Union man Well yes Papa is Union Mark concluded to hazard n surmise Was ho driven Olltr ho asked Not exactly kho said with a frown Hos tine north though She did out hike to tell tho whole story to u stranger who was gradually getting a good deal of information liar father had como to Chattanooga froth tho north years before where ho hind married n southern woman After tho openiug of the war on account of hubs pronounced Union sentiments ho had Meta warned several times to leave and his family were munch relieved when hu was well away from the danger that threatened him You lire divided said Mark as we are Now my teethe brother liyars n Union boy Im Coufedratu There was a pause and the girl re ¬ marking that slat would sow about their supper turned mud went into the house There was iv delay in getting the meal ready Perhaps the negro cook demurred ut cooking for poor white tralllat any rate it Will quite dark before supper was announced The mistress of thu house came out and as Murk saw her eying them both ho know that she camo to have a look at them Fortunately for him tho darkness prevented her gutting u good view of him Murk ut once com menced to probe a mothers heart by dwelling on the tired condition of little Jakey and kept it up till thu lady was quite unwilling to send the boy to sleep in the barn She inwardly resolved that tho child should have u comfortable lied Jukey ate a hearty supiwr the heart ¬ Icr for tho delay and thu two wayfarers were shown up stairs to a large room with u big butt in it A few sticks were lighted on thu hearth to dry thu damt ness for the rooms had boon long unused nod there was u general iiir of comfort Jakey who land never such such luxury tolled his little eyes ibout and won tiered Out ho was too tired to wasto much time in admiration Ho was soon III bed and asleep CHAPTER IV SLACK TilE KAUSIEUS BOS Mark took his pipo and wont down to the yard to havo a smoke Going bfck to toe barn hu entered into conversation with an old darky sitting on u barrel by the stable door and evidently muster of the horse Jukny ho asked how would ouI liko to go with 111001111 trip How would 1 like to shoot squirrels You Jakot Didnt I tell y t un swcr straight from tho father Yus Id hike ergo Ive a mind to tako you if your father will let you go said Mark medi ¬ tatively Many fevers bout Chattenoogy naked tho mother taking till pipe out of her month nod casting an anxious glunco nt her sou- 1Vhat y goon till do with hllni asked Slack 1 only what him for a companion to divert suspicion and well I cant toll exactly what for an emergency perhaps Whats a morgoncyY asked lulu Well if should learn Mingling of lin ortnnco I might want to you back with tho news or if I should Iw caught in ain u Tree like a coon with a gun or a dorg below supplied Jake Thats it exactly 1 might want to soma word about that Im nfenrd hes too little ter loot tiny use that away said his father Oh Jakey cant go lies got ter stay right hyar n do lioen chimed his mother What do you say Jakoy Do you want logo naked Mark Would 1 You Jikel again shunted hula father Course I want ter go Ill toll you what Ill do If you will let him go Ill bring him or send him back 111 fillIlIIel leave n twenty dollar greenback lore with you for him on his return Said Sonril called Slack Souri camo in so quickly us to argue that she had not been out of hearing of all that hand passed Snuck fur these two tins said her father Snort departed and presently returned with a bundle containing cold eatables Now Jukey said his father us they all stood at the front gatu before the do I rturo of the two travelers rcmein Imr yer u Unioner n treat tho stranger Tar Oh I nln no slouch f 1 am little replied that toy with n shrug and a scowl indicating that ho regarded the injunction entirely uncalled for N Jakoy called bin mother dont you go n sleep out nights u git th ngerNever yur miud maw 1 aint goon till git no ngor- Tho two started oft up ono road Tho air was pleasant and it was not too warm for tramping They passed out oY the clearing and were about entering tho wood into which tho road took them whoa they heard a step behind them Turning there was Souri How long II y low y inought be motto down thar sho asked Murk looked into tier face amid sho lowered her eyes Why do you want to know Souri- Waal maw shell worrit bout Jnkoy I cant toll yon How fur y gocllr To Chattanooga Icrhaps farther but not likely Wlmtll th do f y ef they ketch yT Theyll probably lift mo oil my feet with n hemp cord They wont will they Dont talk that away Sho lookout nt him with her black eyes and shivered I guess 1 can get through all right tad Mark reassuringly Ive dono it before Tho girl stood for a fow moments Ir ¬ resolute Then sho drew a red silk hand ¬ kerchief front her bosom and handed it to Mark It was the only bit of finery she possessed What is that for Souri asked Mark attested in spite of himself Waal ef 1 dont see y no more y inought keep et ter ter Mobboef y git inter trouble ymought fuel u chance ter send it ter mo Jakey inought tot- oitII Ill go Gown 1a = n She turnout away It wits evident she could not clearly express her meaning mud her OCII was getting husky Uoodby uiy little girlsaid Mark going up to her mind taking her hand 1 have u notion that if it is necessary to tine Union cause for my life to bo saved again you will be on hand to save it- Thou the girl went back to the house and the travelers went on their way Jakey asked Mark can your sis ¬ ter read writing Reckon taut Can you Can 1 sing like n bird Do you mean that you can or you cant 1 cant Well your sister is n good girl mid a smart girl aunt u courageous girl Sho hats saved me once and It I get into trouble I would rather have her near by than 11 sergeant null ten men Reckon she giv y th hunshlcuf ter send instead o writen Shark looked down into the stupid face of tho boy beside him He legau to think that the fluids stupidity was not flattering to himself inasmuch us Jakey hud penetrated further thou ho had into Souris design and her difll deuce us to confessing her ignorance 1 hops therell bo no necessity for that Jakey But wo must arrange what we shall pass for in Dixie Now do you know what you are Do IX Yes do youT Im yr little brother Exactly And what are wo going to Chattanooga for What shall we tell cut Uoen ter buy calikor fur maw n Souri galluses fur paw II terbacker fur you Oils n a squirrel gun fur mo When he camo to tho squirrel gun his little eyes glistened under the rim of Lila lint By George exclaimed Mark laugh dig You ought to be Old iapaichilef jcout instead of me S thet what y uirr 1 am just now Qollyl Tine night uncle Yes bury tine night sahf Thats not very good tobacco youro smoking uncle Youd better tako omp o this hyar Thank y sah Do you hear arty news uncle Danl My names Danl rob No pah 1 dont git no uewscupt do SOJITM Is getting mighty thick at ChatUnwKy Do yon know how many lire there 1 reckon bout free hundred thou sand Murk laughed Youre not much at figures he sold No sah I aint got no lanion Uncle shant want anything of you while Im hyar but you must have somepn to remember mo by all tho same and Murk put n new crisp dollar halll1I specer inon ob a IK white gentleman olioI hall do facilatude oh mecten Well dont spoil it all by toilet tother hand Keep it to yourself Sho unit I nint gwino to tell no- body ¬ ITo BE CONTINUED f r A SAU IHSAITOINTMIINT Ineffective liter medicine is n dis appointino but you dont want to purgo strain and brook tho glands of tho stomach nnil bowels DoWitts Littlo Early liisers novor disappoint They cleanse the system of nil poison and putrid mutter and do it so gently that ono enjoys the pleasant effects Thoy aro a tonic to tho liver Cure biliousness torpid liver and prevent fever For tulle by East laud Drug Co Necessary Expenses for Twelve Weeks School Perrons who board themselves run spend se i murh or Illlle an they choose on living cxpenMi- iUpaytto have > little extra raonryforlrct Urtll books suit other thinK Hut the necessary expense fire only All follow To ply the ant tier HOWARD iADir HALL 11AIL School Incidental Fee I 4 ro Si GO Ex llixpital Fee Zi SF PCIIM I etc abont 2 00 2 IU- IcntTHl Dopoult 1 eo ln Furiilohiil Oman fuel 4 M 5 First Mouths Board 5 uo 6 Is- eLiving 700 iS termpcus ISO 00Beginning 2HO 28 vl I Ocnl Deposit returned 100 JW Total Kxpfiniie 12 leeks 27 flo 27 on l For those below A hemmer deduct tho tt for hoOks and II from Incidental fee making the total only s21eo When four gIrls room together each wives f 1 or moro ou room and fuel making the total only M2350 If clamed below A Grammar Itoom and fuel cost ono dollar more In the n Winter term Two room for housekeeping with stores etc can usually be rented for from f I to K II term The price of n big call n little tanbark or n few IuililnHinii bedcover will give tA term of acliuol which will chalice onni whole lire for the betted AWeake Stomach 1 Indigestion Is often caused by over eating An eminent authority says the harm done thus exceeds that from the excessive use of alcohol Eat all the good food you want but dontover i load the stomach A weak stomach may refuse to digest what you cat Then you need a good dlgcstant llko Kodol which digests your food with ¬ out the stomachs aid This rest and the wholesome tonics Kodol contains soon restore health Dietlngunncces nary Kodol quickly relieves the feel Ing of fulness and bloating from which some people suffer after meals Absolutely cures Indigestion Kodol Natures Tonic Prepared only by EO ilmssthtOOcsix b1J boU oll IIIi = = Three Years in Richmond And out of all the sots of troth that havo boon made at my oflico if there is ono sot or any sots thud show any defects I will nmho n nuts set free We art making the best set of tooth in the for 7r 0 nod if detects show iu ire years we give you a now sot free This applies to all tho tooth 1 havo nude or am going to make tho bent alloy fills iu the world at 75 cents DR HOBSON Dentist f Permanently located in thu Hobsor I Building next door to Gov eminent Building Richmond Kentucky Reference Richmond National Batik Special Price to Students h STKllKU INTO IIVK COATS Whon a child I burned my foot frightfully writes W H Ends of a Jonoavillo Va which caused hr rn blo leg sores for 80 years but Buck leas Arnica Salvo wholly cured inn after everything elm failed Infalli ¬ boo for Burns Scalds Cuts Sores Brtlises and Piles Sold by East End Drug Co for 25c

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Tevl of for 1fkmiM ItiMil xvlll IISSJliMiiiir Virmen 11II1UIIIIn Ttxl-Juliii vl 1IUIIIIIIIIlIlnr Irrimrri-lh hew l > II Nlriirnii

Copyright IMS by American Im AIMelation

t tVlwn thou art runs Into lh Unitwhich the land thy nod tfvclh HIMI thoulimit mil Inirn w olD after the ulnmilnuIons llf tlllMO IUJOII

Ik ron tlio deluge flod wiw that tiewtckiJdnetM of mail was urwtt In theearth old thin every liiinnlnntlon ofdial thoughts of his luwrt was onlyuvit tiiiitlnimlly don vl 1 Ill marKin s4I3 tint every linnkMnntlon Hlunl

flue nJfw tin ptiriKMtoH nod dislro AftIT the deluge Mln developed lJfI111 Intlio descendants of Noah Mud bfcmnoler3 iiiHiilfuMt In tin rebellion iictiliiNttori of the Itiilwl builder III dUll

tllilw Cod willed time from nniontint lilobitors of Miwo otmnlii to dwellin M lit nil which Uo iiromlHiil to himmill to lilt Httil forever Unit In tho dehit win nt a of Ahmin lf tumid have n

Ii elite who would honor Him nnil liveto miiko Him known to oilier nationrhty woro thureforu to lo n peoplefcipiimlod from nil the customs andMolatriiw of the hoHtliHii llvJiiR wholly

fr nod n peculiar treasure unto themUIHIVU nil infill on the Mirth Itx xlxr Nh t

lu li AH tlMI do thaw thtfNf arc an

LdJh unto tke lardTho mutt eluuKu of thin verse wtyit

lliiU tho iiiitloim which fornutrly orcupurl thjM laud wore Hlvun to thornMlnwiliwtloiiK inontloiKil In time prtvlOIM virriHW Mini iKtinwo of tliMH theywore iMiliiK ilrivvii out Thun orc Inreel wn to butvnro of use In lilt I till

<v thliiKt It tins hoeuiuo of thewtqktHliiiM of thiMio tuitions that till-lorI ilhl drive them out lKfon Uraolanil nut INcstlu of nny rlRlitiiniMiowiowl the wrt of Urn el Dent Ix Imlilt dhil till tIt Ito did fur Umiil forIbis own MHIIWH sake Ktik xxxvl = 1

then In roturn fur nil Ills kivlni Miniiu HM Ho oftly asked theta tu let Illnlili Htlll ii on for them or In otherMoriU HM mitiiHl thtin to wnlk In HU

ui > i Hii4 serve Him vii nil theirhe art aadsuul pout x IS 18 foriolv thus owtikl Hu ilo mero for hunt

t IIIH Hvnlmiilr bite ilono

in Thea tMlt IM prfet iHicrrftn uptttt rf Btaorrct with UM Lord list IW-

To AhfDHt the fattier of thb 111110Gwl liml sail I nm tin Aluitithty

ir Walk before Mu anti fto thouixrfiit iiir1CbU MnctTHt Clin nilli The title of Coil lore U Kl Sluiitilu wfllati ulRHlrtwt tin Mighty Gal-win In nil HHllleleNt MR n iniither or-

tut hike Akrvm Iwil luton lunnliiK OH

jo arm of tlewli rntber thnii UIHIII theUMI nnil Ixut lat fHloml lp In n

ttmniiru lint tke lonl wutikl restoreinin thud Iwvo him do butter III futureHued limn mon fully on the Ionl iilonoIf wu would know the Ir of nodwu mutt luarn our WtllIlIlUI It wewoulil know Urn fliitilcloncy of andYe must Iwirn our own liKiitllctuncy

IIIIf II Cor x1111 10 III Bl lies soul IIrcIdloim wands tor till upright the sincore In IIi Ixxxlv 11 i wx Ii xxxvlla-

NL It The Lord thy Oat will rate upante lists a iweplwt tram the tnklit oftulle ef thy l r thnm like unto ale untohim jo hall hrarkeii

Ill Jer xxx 21 U V It li writtenTheir jiriniv shall tra of tliomnolvinml their ruler shah proceed from thenililgt of tlutni uiul I will cause himtu draw iiimr nut hu shall nnpronrhunto Ma per who U thin that IIICTKCfull hoort to approach unto MeT wiitlitlii lonl Hero Is n wonderful oldbeautiful prophecy of the prophet likeunto MUNOSI one of thenntulveH draw ¬

near to nod on thulr bolmlf midbringing Gals mesmiKu to thorn Inmercy III all tlilnsn It behooved himto lie Hindi like unto his brethren tlmtHof mlRht hu n morclful nod faithfulhigh priest III thliiK iwrtnlnlne to nodto rovoncllluUon fur thin dins oftho pwplo Hu Will faithful to Himthfit appointed him us also Moses Willi

faithful In all his house Hub II IiiInnI b

I will IUt My words In hli mouthami ha shish sink unto them nil that Ishah communJ him

He suit to MoseH Now therefore KO

and I will he with thy mouth mid suetthins what thou nlmlt say mx iv 11Ilu said to Jirumlah Wlmtsoevir 1

commnnil thee thou halt spank e

lluhold I have put Sly words In thymouth Jer I 7 U It Is i nsy to unduratnnd how mich mon nevdeil to botoll wheat to say but whun we rendthiit the Son of Gal HO emptlod Himhiilf that Ho could truly wiy I van ofMlno owi nolf do nothing My doctrlnu In not Mine hut HU that soulMe lieu Father who sod Me litgave Mu a comnmndinunt what I

should Kay and what I should spoaUt Tim Fattier that dwelleth In Me

H dooth tho works John v aOivll Wi xII 40i xlv IU thoudeed wo see what was never seen J01

i tore nor ulnce Him In whom nthdependr5012 How shall wo know the wordwhich the Lord path not spoken

There always have been and alwayswill bo false prophets and teachersteaghliiK lies In the name of the LordJer xxlll 21 H3 521 Therefore John

tolls us by the Spirit Ueloved believenot every spirit but try the spiritswhether they are of lOll becausemany false prophets are jjono out lutethe world Hereby know ye the spiritof Coil Every spirit that confessethhut Jesus Christ Is come In the Mesh

is of Cod and every spirit that COli-

C lIselb not thnt Jesus Christ Is conicIII the llesh Is not of Cod I tulle Iv13 Tin test therefore tt What

I think yo of Christ


Dout lot n cold run nt this seasonStimmor colds nro tho Lnnlost kit d toeuro nnil if neglected unity linger alongfor mouths A long siege 1 ko thiswill pull tlowti tho fittotigest consliItition Ono Miniitn Cough Cure willbreak up thu attack nt once Safesure acts nt one Cures coughscolls croup bronchitis nil throat midlung troubles Tho children liko it

For auto by East End Dru r Cj



What y gut fur supperJ tlio oldman nuked as hIs wife entnrrd-

I dont want any nupptr sale thosoldlor I only ate mi lour or twoago

Tin woman who was bent downsthrough wine nervous dlxeoM went totin client of drawers took therefrom ncub pijK mud wimo tobacco mind xwi tosmoke

21 mil Hhakim ninoiiB tho eojorsslnuigerT she asked

At the beginnimig of n fight theres nKiKxl dud replleil Mark tint aftertlioyro once In they got on without muchtroubleDont

inoau that kind of shakenngllr

Oh ague No 1 dui think theresinuoli aKnu

FoyerTlmroii always Moro or less camp

fever It seems as If every man whooamKilKiis in this country inuttt lava ndooo of typhoid to Ret ncelluinttMl n

Tiara n powerful lot o1 fevers Iwntliynr Thars thin typhoid tho brokenlout tho intunnltten and the remittenanti noel en awhile we Kit yaller jackwhon it onions up tho Mlsxiatlppi fromOrleans

1iTlints n goal deal of fever re¬

plied Mark but to como down tahnxiTIHM 1 wont to say n tow wonls to youpeople Youre sure >x ure Union

Sarten said the old thanOot A ytmngnn in Jim Hrdwns jm

wtny of cut TwmtMMeans wild tho oldWMiimn I htxirn th nil had tho mctiitles In th spring Ilenory lied it

Yofl that regiment wits nearly alldown at one time Now Im going ma-

n very ilangurous iniwien May I relyonw114 are youf

A toy about thirteen years of age hindomn into the ixxim gaud Muaring himcoif Ixifore Mark IWRIIII to stare at him

Juke replied thin Intruder I havoKimethlng of importance to say to yourother and mother Thou to the parouts Wont jou pIea90 Mud him outf

Jtll y like tnmgurMan wered thofather hilt mcbbo Jnko tnought vhpwy th wny or somopn lies purtyjwartJakes

apponranco did nut bear witnessU > the encomium

Well let hint stay I would pike torely on this bonito as n place of rcfugo in-

oaAo I leave to got back hero rapidly Iwant you to hike tare of my horse andIf 1 never come you can keep him If Ido come Ill jwy yuu mora literally forhums fodder than you ocr wero paid be¬

foreY talk putty rich for n common

sojorDontfear for that 1 have money

and Mark showed n roll of bills thatastonished his host

Do you agrtdi-Snrten limit the money dont make

no differ Im a Union moan to tho backhUllo

have you any citizens clothesr-Thars Ileiiorys store clothes cz hu

loft when he went to fire th analWilt they fit tour

Reckon so Ilenorysbout your shzoSlack took tho soldier into thu twin

log cabin and them gnu him a suit ofclothes which wore intended for bestwear but they lad evidently IHHJII so IIIIftided for years with frequent devia ¬

tions from the intention Mark took ofThis uniform which with his rilleand Ills ¬

tol and other accoutermcnts he put underthu lull Then he drew off his boots soloose that ho could easily remove themwithout unbuckling hits spun and puton n pair of shoes A felt hat completedhis attire

Lit siikcst said South raising herhands as sho mot him passing betweenthe cabins thus arrayed for secret serv ¬

iceAs Mark entered thu room whore hoinch left Mrs Slack and Jakcy their eyesstood out womleringly Jakoys admira ¬

thou for tho soldier in uniform pad beengreat but ono who could suddenly trans ¬

form himself was an object of curiosityMr Slack followed Shark into the room

Now how about the road askedMark

WhurrTo Chattanooga1-Vaa1 y moughtgo right up tho road

in trout 1a tho house fur bout a tulleTheo yll como ter u road leaden sort osoutheast like Ef y go down this arroad itll tako y ter th Chattonoogypike Jakoy you inought go along 1ishow m th way

liDo you know tho road your fatherspeaks of loading to tho Chattanoogapike asked Shirk of tho boy

Does 1 know SouriNovo o them Hideaways talker

Jake Answer straight said Mr SlackBoverely

Reckon 1 does 1 knows all th roadsbout hyar

Murk looked at the boy rand thought utow moments without speaking Hewas a stupid looking child but Markthought that if he could gut him to gowith him it might avert suspicionWere ho brighter ho might bo of useperhaps At any rate ho would doubtl-ess servo some purpose


llmc tnu corns flirt eked the girtMark and Jakey trudged on They

met no ono on tho way but at ono partof the roiul running through a thickwood they saw u light in tho distanceto the right in time thickest plot Theyhalted for a moment and then advancedcautiously Coming to a place wherethey could get a view of what tho lightrevealed they saw several omen in tintternut whoso horses were picketednear by lying around the embers of afire

Guerrillas quoth MarkNot curing to disturb these villains

who had no more respect for Cooled ¬

erates than Unionists they passed onstealthily

About midnight they carne to a rivulot and Mark concluded to bivouacthere They turned in among tho treesbest do the road

lake saint Mark before wo go nstep further or do anything in fact woinunt fix this money

IIo pullet his roll of bills from hispocket

Take off your boot ho saidJuke pulled off his boot and handed it

to his companion Mark took n numberof bills and rlwlngollt the lining of thehoot put It buck in its tease with thebills under It Smoothing it down hehanded the boot hick to Jukey and toldhim to put it on again

They took a bite of the snack Soon haul

prepared for uncle and drank from thorivulet Then they laid down testingtheir head iiguinst tho root of a tree Itwa not long before Jakey was asleepand Mark drew his head over towardhitnoelf mitt laid it against his ownbreast flans Iho two rested Markslept at intervals Jakey with all tliosoundness of healthy irresponsible boy-

hoodrho moon was sotting and Mark

caught a glimMO of it between tholower branches of the trees and tho hori¬

zon When he east his eyes upward hosaw tho stars He full to musing uponhU singular position He rememberedthat till to tho north of him Confederatecavalry were diuihing hither and thitherattacking bridges capturing the guardsthreatening Union pickets rand in everyway harassing tho Army of tho OhioYet here ho was beyond the Unionfront in a region which belonged to noone save tho outlaw guerrillas ruledneither by the United States nor theConfederacy with all silent and peaceful about him An innocent face care-less of danger lay on his breast Tholeaves of tho trees hung listlessly abovehim

Then that bluo vault above Its seren ¬

ity seemed to mock tho puny contestsupon n world which with all its cam ¬

paigns and tattles was but n grain ofsand among tho heavenly hosts Itsheaviest artillery could not bo heard attho nearest planet Its marshaled armiescould not Ixj seen Save for the reflectedlight of tho sun it would revolve inspace unknown by those on even thenearest planets And so passing ho fellanlfcp

At tho tint sign of dawn Mark wakedlakey and after they Imp both thrownthe refreshing water of tho rivulet overtheir heads they started in search of ahouse nt which they designed to hatpen In ut breakfast time Fortunatelythey soon found such n place Turninglute the gate at tho lint farmhouse nfarmers wifo received them kindly andgave them what for that time anti coun ¬

try was u palatublo mealRefreshed by their breakfast they

walked on Various jieoplo country ¬

men negroes Confederate soldiers andoccasionally squadron of cavalrypassed them on the road but they wcronot questioned or Interfered with byany ono Occasionally they would asktho road but upon receiving the neces¬

sary information and after makingfew commonplace remarks would go011 At noon they turned aside fromtho pike in among thu trees and atewhat was loft of their snack

About sunset they reached a largoplace sot back out to the left of tho roadTlio premises wore moro imposing thanany they land yet passed and they judgedby it that they were III the environs ofChattanooga Tho house was a largesquare old fashioned building with a-

very high basement It lamed two storieswith u peak roof in which were dormerwindows A gallery or veranda extend-ed


across tie front both above and bolow Somo largo trees worn scatteredabout tho yard In tho rear were thonegro quarters mend the hare

Murk determined to ask for food andshelter for the night hero Turning intothe guile he followed u straight roadloading for perhaps a hundred yards totho house A young girl roped in nwhite muslin dross of n very simplepattern and a pink wish stool on tlioveranda watching theta us they caneon When they reached tho steps leadingup to whoro sho stood Mark saw a pairof black eyes Inndng at him whichconscious of tho deception ho was aboutto pnictico seemed to read him throughmold through Indeed ho was miilicioutly contused to take oft his tint to thogirl with all tho grace and manner of apolished gentleman-

If you please maam besald asluming the dialect of a countryman

mo n my leetlo brothers goon tom Chatuuoouy My brother hes walked a


ngnt snout show for soeha ybunkcrCould y give lissome supper and il placoter sleep nil night

You can come up hero unit sit downand Ill sec

What a musical voice thoughtMark t

The travelers wont up onto tho ve ¬

randa and sot on sonio wooden hunchesranged Gloom the mil

have you coinu far aikud tho girlwho regarded them with evident curl ¬

osityFroth our leotlo rerun on tho Se

quatchioYour brother dons look tired Aro

you hungry little boyIs it ugitten darkVhUR she sold surprised

What has that to do with IttIm hungry jest as surtln and Jakoys

little eyes glistened nt tho thought of ahot supper

TLo young lady laughed and went intotho house

Mamnm theres n young countrymanand his little brother out on tho galleryThey want some supper and a led forthe night

An elderly lady with two white puffcurls on either side of hour faco lookoutup from it look she was rending liarappearance was dignified and refined

The young moan looks quite like agentleman if hu is a countrymanadded the daughter

Wo must Iw very cautious Laurayou know how wo are situated youffather surd brother away and no man inthe house wo oant let strangers sleepJiere But they may have homethingto out and perhaps it might do to letthem sleep in the barn if they lookright

Where shall thoy have their supporthave it put on tho hall tumble down

stairsThe daughter paused a moment and

thoughtDo you know mamma 1 cant ex ¬

actly feel sutifttlcd to put thu elderbrother in u place given up to thu lienuntil

What nonsoiiM Laurul Wo nro tak ¬

lug n great risk to lot thom into thehouse ut all Heaven grant that thohorses are not all taken before murningTho man may bo in league with a bandof guerrillas fur all wo know

The daughter withdrew for tlio mo¬

ment quite impressed with her motherspmiience As slat stepped out on thoveranda Mark rose n j ectfnlly antistool looking into her black eyes withhis blue ones Her mothers caution flodaway before that honest countenance

You can have some supjHir she saidif you care to eat in the lower hull and

you can slew1yonyens can sleepMark was owing his thanks

Would you mind sleeping in Shepaused again

The hart Certainly notYou know tliusoiiru troublous times

else said aK > logoUcally and wu arealone I mown wu havent many men inthe house shut quickly added consciousof having made known Lime householdsweakness to u stranger

Murk smiled Tho young laity wnslooking at him as he did so and slitthought ho land u very charming 8111110

Wo will sleep anywhere you chooseto put us Lcustuways we aint purtlculur

Than first sentenco was spoken in hisnatural way tho second in dialectMarks manner of speaking to helm wassingnlarly mixed

I suppose your men are lighting ourbattles ho remarked to relieve au awk ¬

ward pausePapa is awayhave you no brothersYes one ho Is lighting for tho Con ¬

federacyAnd your father is ho nt the wartNo jiupu does not caro inuah about

tho warPerhaps lies n Union manWell yes Papa is Union

Mark concluded to hazard n surmiseWas ho driven Olltr ho asked

Not exactly kho said with a frownHos tine north thoughShe did out hike to tell tho whole story

to u stranger who was gradually gettinga good deal of information liar fatherhad como to Chattanooga froth tho northyears before where ho hind married nsouthern woman After tho openiug ofthe war on account of hubs pronouncedUnion sentiments ho had Meta warnedseveral times to leave and his familywere munch relieved when hu was wellaway from the danger that threatenedhim

You lire divided said Mark as weare Now my teethe brother liyars nUnion boy Im Coufedratu

There was a pause and the girl re¬

marking that slat would sow about theirsupper turned mud went into the house

There was iv delay in getting the mealready Perhaps the negro cook demurredut cooking for poor white tralllat anyrate it Will quite dark before supper wasannounced The mistress of thu housecame out and as Murk saw her eyingthem both ho know that she camo tohave a look at them Fortunately forhim tho darkness prevented her guttingu good view of him Murk ut once commenced to probe a mothers heart bydwelling on the tired condition of littleJakey and kept it up till thu lady wasquite unwilling to send the boy to sleepin the barn She inwardly resolved thattho child should have u comfortable lied

Jukey ate a hearty supiwr the heart ¬

Icr for tho delay and thu two wayfarerswere shown up stairs to a large roomwith u big butt in it A few sticks werelighted on thu hearth to dry thu damtness for the rooms had boon long unusednod there was u general iiir of comfortJakey who land never such such luxurytolled his little eyes ibout and wontiered Out ho was too tired to wastomuch time in admiration Ho was soonIII bed and asleep


Mark took his pipo and wont down tothe yard to havo a smoke Going bfckto toe barn hu entered into conversationwith an old darky sitting on u barrel bythe stable door and evidently muster ofthe horse

Jukny ho asked how would ouIliko to go with 111001111 trip

How would 1 like to shoot squirrelsYou Jakot Didnt I tell y t un

swcr straight from tho fatherYus Id hike ergoIve a mind to tako you if your

father will let you go said Mark medi ¬

tativelyMany fevers bout Chattenoogy

naked tho mother taking till pipe out ofher month nod casting an anxious gluncont her sou-

1Vhat y goon till do with hllniasked Slack

1 only what him for a companionto divert suspicion and well I canttoll exactly what for an emergencyperhaps

Whats a morgoncyY asked luluWell if should learn Mingling of

lin ortnnco I might want to youback with tho news or if I should Iwcaught in ain u

Tree like a coon with a gun or adorg below supplied Jake

Thats it exactly 1 might want tosoma word about that

Im nfenrd hes too little ter loot tinyuse that away said his father

Oh Jakey cant go lies got terstay right hyar n do lioen chimed hismother

What do you say Jakoy Do youwant logo naked Mark

Would 1

You Jikel again shunted hula fatherCourse I want ter goIll toll you what Ill do If you will

let him go Ill bring him or send himback 111 fillIlIIel leave n twenty dollargreenback lore with you for him on hisreturn

Said Sonril called SlackSouri camo in so quickly us to argue

that she had not been out of hearing ofall that hand passed

Snuck fur these two tins said herfather

Snort departed and presently returnedwith a bundle containing cold eatables

Now Jukey said his father us theyall stood at the front gatu before the doI rturo of the two travelers rcmeinImr yer u Unioner n treat tho strangerTar

Oh I nln no slouch f 1 am littlereplied that toy with n shrug and ascowl indicating that ho regarded theinjunction entirely uncalled for

N Jakoy called bin mother dontyou go n sleep out nights u git th

ngerNever yur miud maw 1 aint goontill git no ngor-

Tho two started oft up ono road Thoair was pleasant and it was not toowarm for tramping They passed out oY

the clearing and were about enteringtho wood into which tho road took themwhoa they heard a step behind themTurning there was Souri

How long II y low y inought bemotto down thar sho asked

Murk looked into tier face amid sholowered her eyes

Why do you want to know Souri-Waal maw shell worrit bout

JnkoyI cant toll yonHow fur y gocllrTo Chattanooga Icrhaps farther

but not likelyWlmtll th do f y ef they ketch yTTheyll probably lift mo oil my feet

with n hemp cordThey wont will they Dont talk

that awaySho lookout nt him with her black eyes

and shiveredI guess 1 can get through all right

tad Mark reassuringly Ive dono itbefore

Tho girl stood for a fow moments Ir¬

resolute Then sho drew a red silk hand ¬

kerchief front her bosom and handed itto Mark It was the only bit of fineryshe possessed

What is that for Souri asked Markattested in spite of himself

Waal ef 1 dont see y no more yinought keep et ter ter Mobboef ygit inter trouble ymought fuel u chanceter send it ter mo Jakey inought tot-oitII Ill go Gown 1a= n She turnoutaway It wits evident she could notclearly express her meaning mud her

OCII was getting huskyUoodby uiy little girlsaid Mark

going up to her mind taking her hand1 have u notion that if it is necessary

to tine Union cause for my life to bosaved again you will be on hand tosave it-

Thou the girl went back to the houseand the travelers went on their way

Jakey asked Mark can your sis ¬

ter read writingReckon tautCan youCan 1 sing like n birdDo you mean that you can or you

cant1 cantWell your sister is n good girl mid

a smart girl aunt u courageous girl Shohats saved me once and It I get intotrouble I would rather have her near bythan 11 sergeant null ten men

Reckon she giv y th hunshlcuf tersend instead o writen

Shark looked down into the stupidface of tho boy beside him He legauto think that the fluids stupidity wasnot flattering to himself inasmuch usJakey hud penetrated further thou hohad into Souris design and her diflldeuce us to confessing her ignorance

1 hops therell bo no necessity forthat Jakey But wo must arrangewhat we shall pass for in Dixie Nowdo you know what you are


Yes do youTIm yr little brotherExactly And what are wo going to

Chattanooga for What shall we tellcut

Uoen ter buy calikor fur maw nSouri galluses fur paw II terbackerfur you Oils n a squirrel gun fur mo

When he camo to tho squirrel gun hislittle eyes glistened under the rim of Lila

lintBy George exclaimed Mark laugh

dig You ought to be Old iapaichilefjcout instead of me

S thet what y uirr1 am just nowQollyl

Tine night uncleYes bury tine night sahfThats not very good tobacco youro

smoking uncle Youd better tako ompo this hyar

Thank y sahDo you hear arty news uncleDanl My names Danl rob No

pah 1 dont git no uewscupt do SOJITM

Is getting mighty thick at ChatUnwKyDo yon know how many lire there1 reckon bout free hundred thou

sandMurk laughed

Youre not much at figures he soldNo sah I aint got no lanionUncle shant want anything of you

while Im hyar but you must havesomepn to remember mo by all thosame and Murk put n new crisp dollarhalll1I specerinon ob a IK white gentleman olioI halldo facilatude oh mecten

Well dont spoil it all by toilettother hand Keep it to yourself

Sho unit I nint gwino to tell no-





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