cisa 2 - income analysis for the...

CISA 2 1 (1) 1 , Download (2) 2 : , CISA 2, 2 (3) , CISA 2, : Economics, 7th edition, Michael Parkin (Pearson Addison Wesley, 2005) "Economic Growth", Ch. 25 "Economic Growth", Ch. 25 "Trading with The World" "International Finance" Economics Today, 12th edition, Roger LeRoy Miller (Pearson Addison Wesley, 2004) "Regulation and Antitrust Policy in a Globalized Economy", Ch. 27 International Investments, 5th edition, Bruno Solnik and Dennis McLeavey (Addison Wesley, 2003) "Foreign Exchange", Ch. 1 "Foreign Exchange Parity Relation", Ch. 2 Guide to Economic Indicators: Making Sense of Economics, 6th edition, Richard Stutely (The Economist Newspaper Ltd., 2007) "Measuring Economic Activity" : Ethical and Professional Standards, Quantitative Methods, and Economics, Level II 2008, CFA ® Program Curriculum Volume 1 (4) , CISA 2, , 2548 : Quantitative methods for Investment Analysis, 2nd edition, Richard A. Defusco, Dennis W. MacLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E. Runkle (CFA Institute, 2004) "Correlation and Regression", Ch. 8 "Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression Analysis", Ch. 9

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  • ����������������������� CISA ���� 2

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    (1) ���������������������������� ������ 1 *+�,�����&�'���()������ -��'�������', /��(�0�1�2�$ 3�$ ���*� 4 ��5�� 2�$��'�Download

    (2) ���������������������������� ������ 2 ����&�'���()����' : ��% ?@�1�, ����!�� CISA �&� 2, �'���(�)��*����!���&�,�

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    (3) ./�0�/�����2� �������.����!�*� �?�1&?������������(����'�+�*�, �����+�� CISA ���� 2, �A��'-�B'�*����+������'

    �����,�� : 3!��4������'/5�0�*����!.(���.���6&���Economics, 7th edition, Michael Parkin (Pearson Addison Wesley, 2005)

    "Economic Growth", Ch. 25"Economic Growth", Ch. 25"Trading with The World""International Finance"

    Economics Today, 12th edition, Roger LeRoy Miller (Pearson Addison Wesley, 2004)"Regulation and Antitrust Policy in a Globalized Economy", Ch. 27

    International Investments, 5th edition, Bruno Solnik and Dennis McLeavey (Addison Wesley, 2003)"Foreign Exchange", Ch. 1"Foreign Exchange Parity Relation", Ch. 2

    Guide to Economic Indicators: Making Sense of Economics, 6th edition, Richard Stutely (The Economist Newspaper Ltd., 2007)"Measuring Economic Activity"

    �����,�� : .�bcd �����������'d��d��6&���Ethical and Professional Standards, Quantitative Methods, and Economics, Level II 2008, CFA ® Program Curriculum Volume 1

    (4) �����.*�� .j��������2� �������.����!�*� �����*�������(���%��������(����'�+�*�, ����!�� CISA �&� 2, �'���(�)��*����!���&�,�, 2548

    �����,�� : 3!��4������'/5�0�*����!.(���.���6&���Quantitative methods for Investment Analysis, 2nd edition, Richard A. Defusco, Dennis W. MacLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto,and David E. Runkle (CFA Institute, 2004)

    "Correlation and Regression", Ch. 8"Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression Analysis", Ch. 9


  • ����������������������� CISA ���� 2

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    (8) �����.*�� ������,�4��������,� : ������ 1 �����*�����������'`'��������' : �'�*��,V���'`'���(����'�+�*� & �����*������������������1�� ����!�� CISA �&� 2, �'���(�)��*����!���&�,�

    �����,�� : 3!��4������'/5�0�*����!.(���.���6&���Analysis of Equity Investments: Valuation, John D. Stowe, Thomas R. Robinson, Jerald E. Pinto, and Dennis W. McLeavey (AIMR, 2002)

    "The Equity Valuation Process", Ch. 1International Investments, 5th edition, Bruno Solnik and Dennis McLeavey (Addison Wesley, 2003)

    "Equity : Markets and Instruments", Ch. 5"Equity: Concepts and Techniques", Ch. 6

    Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, 3rd edition, Tom Copeland, Tim Koller, and Jack Murrin (Wiley, 2000)

    "Valuation in Emerging Markets", Ch. 19Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, Michael E. Porter (The Free Press, 1985, 1998)Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, Michael E. Porter (The Free Press, 1985, 1998)

    “Competitive Strategy: The Core Concepts,” Ch. 1 Security Analysis On Wall Street: A Comprehensive Guide To Today’s Valuation Methods, Jeffrey C. Hooke (Wiley, 1998)

    "Industry Analysis", Ch. 6

    �����,�� : .�bcd �����������'d��d��6&���Asset Valuation and Equity, Level II 2008, CFA ® Program Curriculum Volume 4

    (9) �����.*�� ������,�4��������,� : ������ 2 �����*�����������'`'��������' : �

    #����`'���(����'�+�*� ��'� ! 2, ����!�� CISA �&� 2, �'���(�)��*����!���&�,�

    �����,�� : 3!��4������'/5�0�*����!.(���.���6&���Analysis of Equity Investments: Valuation, John D. Stowe, Thomas R. Robinson, Jerald E. Pinto, and Dennis W. McLeavey (AIMR, 2002)

    "Discounted Dividend Valuation", Ch. 2"Free Cash Flow Valuation", Ch. 3"Market-based Valuation", Ch. 4"Residual Income Valuation", Ch. 5

  • ����������������������� CISA ���� 2

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    (10) �����.*�� ������,�4������� ��c : ������ 1 �����*�����������'`'�������' V��V'�+� : ��'� ! 1, ����!�� CISA �&� 2, �'���(�)��*����!���&�,�

    �����,�� : 3!��4������'/5�0�*����!.(���.���6&���Fixed Income Analysis for the Chartered Financial Analyst® Program, 2nd edition, Frank J. Fabozzi (Frank J. Fabozzi Associates, 2004)

    "The Term Structure and Volatility of Interest Rate", Ch. 8"Valuing Bond with Embedded Options", Ch. 9"General Principles of Credit Analysis", Ch. 15

    (11) �����.*�� ������,�4������� ��c : ������ 2 �����*�����������'`'�������' V��V'�+� : ��'� ! 2, ����!�� CISA �&� 2, �'���(�)��*����!���&�,�

    �����,�� : 3!��4������'/5�0�*����!.(���.���6&���Fixed Income Analysis for the Chartered Financial Analyst® Program, 2nd edition, Frank J. FabozziFixed Income Analysis for the Chartered Financial Analyst® Program, 2nd edition, Frank J. Fabozzi (Frank J. Fabozzi Associates, 2004)

    “Mortgage-Backed Sector of the Bond Market,” Ch. 10“Asset-Backed Sector of the Bond Market,” Ch. 11“Valuing Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities,” Ch. 12

    �����,�� : 3!��4������'/5�0�*����!.(���.���6&���Fixed Income, Level II 2008, CFA ® Program Curriculum Volume 5

    (12) �����.*�� ������,�4�������d�,(��x �����*�����������'`'�������'�-�'^, ����!�� CISA �&� 2, �'���(�)��*����!���&�,�

    �����,�� : 3!��4������'/5�0�*����!.(���.���6&���Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA® Program, Don Chance (AIMR, 2003)

    "Forwards Markets and Contracts", Ch. 2"Futures Markets and Contracts", Ch. 3"Option Markets and Contracts", Ch. 4"Swap Markets and Contracts", Ch. 5

    Fixed Income Analysis for the Chartered Financial Analyst® Program, 2nd edition, Frank J. Fabozzi (Frank J. Fabozzi Associates, 2004)

    "Interest Rate Derivatives Instruments", Ch. 13Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 8th edition, Frank K. Reilly and Keith C. Brown, 2003

    "Swap Contracts, Convertibles, and Other Embedded Derivatives", Ch. 24

  • ����������������������� CISA ���� 2

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    �������� ! 4 ������������'���-$����' (13) �|0}����&�,������������ ����,�������(����,� �i1j ������'�������'������������'���-$����', ����!�� CISA �&� 2, �'���(�)��*����!���&�,�

    �����,�� : 3!��4������'/5�0�*����!.(���.���6&���Investments, Zvi Bodie. Alex Kane. And Alan J. Marcus, (McGraw Hill, 2005)

    "The Capital Asset Pricing Model", Ch. 9"Single Index and Multi-factor Model", Ch. 10"Arbitrage Pricing Theory", Ch. 11"The Theory of Active Portfolio Management", Ch. 27

    Managing Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process, 3rd edition, John L. Maginn, Donald L. Tuttle, Dennis W. McLeavey,and Jerald E. Pinto (CFA Institue, 2005)

    " The Portfolio Management Process and The Investment Policy Statement", Ch. 1