cim sussex- innovate with intelligence may 2012

INNOVATE WITH INTELLIGENCE Angela Dalrymple Daniel Rowles Thursday 24 th May 2012

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Angela Dalrymple and Daniel Rowles share their presentations from CIM Sussex's recent event' 'Innovate with Intelligence'.


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  Angela Dalrymple   Daniel Rowles

  Thursday 24th May 2012

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Our agenda

  Welcome from the CIM Sussex committee - Laura Winter   Knowing your market better than it knows you – Angela Dalrymple   Coffee Break   Latest digital marketing techniques – Daniel Rowles   Q&A


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CIM Sussex  Knowing Your Market Better Than It Knows You

  Angela Dalrymple – Presentation to CIM Sussex   Senior Teaching Fellow, Imperial College Business School   [email protected]   Director – Prodata Partners Ltd   [email protected]   Tel: 0845 054 9929

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Angela Dalrymple

  Senior Teaching Fellow in Marketing at Imperial College Business School   Associate Professor in Marketing with University of St Thomas Minnesota   Lecturer in Marketing with Portsmouth University, London School of

Business & Finance, University of Wales & Open University   Tutor on CIM Professional Diploma & Certificate courses with Oxford

College of Marketing   MA & BA (Oxford University), MBA (Liverpool), DBA (Edinburgh Business

School)   Senior Professional Member of CIM, MRS, IOD   Board Director & senior marketing roles with AT&T UK, Thomson Reuters &

PricewaterhouseCoopers   Director of Prodata Partners – market strategy & research consultancy   27 years’ experience in marketing and strategy 4

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Discussion   Importance of knowing about ongoing market trends,

customer segments and competitor activities

  Role of market research in effective marketing decision-making and marketing plans

  Smart applications of secondary and primary research

  Free & no/lo cost sources of useful market research

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Reporter: ‘How do you sleep at night?’

CEO: ‘I sleep like a baby’

Reporter : ‘That’s wonderful’

CEO: ‘No no - I mean, I wake up every two hours and start crying’ (Roberto Guizeta, ex-CEO of Coca-Cola, quoted in Fortune)

Knowing Your Market Well Is A Tough Challenge


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Market Intelligence Audit – Show of Hands…


But How Many of Us Really Know Our Market Better Than it Knows Us?

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So What do You Need to Know About Your Market?

Key objectives are usually to: •  Assess the market (e.g. attractiveness) •  Understand its dynamics (e.g. trends, competitors) •  Use this knowledge to implement a marketing plan

There are a number of dimensions which need to be considered, including: •  Market size

•  Look at total sales level •  Consider the potential market

•  Market growth •  What will be the size of the market in the future?


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Key Dimensions of Market Analysis

  Market size   Market profitability   Market growth trends   Main products in the market   Customer attitudes and buying behaviours   Major competitors and market shares   Distribution patterns   Marketing strategies used in the market


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Knowing Your Market Used to Seem so Easy… So What‘s Changed?


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How are customers changing through going digital?


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So What Do You Need to Know About Your Customers?


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Finding Realistic Customer Market Metrics is Becoming More Difficult Old metrics - examples • Return on marketing investment • Profit per customer • Return on promotional measures

New metrics - examples •  Traffic / distribution • Response rates • Average order value • SEO • Customer acquisition costs • Integrated marketing campaigns / cross platform


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Types of Customer Data Which Can Help Us •  Volunteered data – data provided by the customer, e.g.

by registering on a website •  Behavioural data – data derived directly from the

behaviour of the customer, e.g. purchasing or bill payment patterns

•  Attributed data – data which is extrapolated from the results of market research, e.g. by interviewing a cross section of prospective customers

•  Profile data – data obtained by linking the organisation’s database with other sources of information, e.g.:- •  Geo-demographic profiling data, such as MOSAIC and ACORN •  Lifestyle databases, e.g. Claritas


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Role of Data in Knowing Our Customers •  Customer database information can be used for profiling

customers in many different ways, e.g.:– •  Timing and volume of purchases •  Geographical location •  Price preferences •  Profitability

•  Using data to profile customers can tell us:- •  Which customers are most profitable & what their characteristics

are •  How to create segments/groups of profitable customers with

similar characteristics •  Which customers are most likely to respond to our

communications & marketing campaigns 18

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Data Also Helps Us Know About Customer Lifetime Value •  Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) is now used by many organisations

interested in retaining customers over the longer term, e.g. services organisations

•  CLV= total contribution (revenues minus costs) of a customer over their lifetime with the organisation

•  Enables organisations to calculate the future profitability of customers

•  CLV forces organisations to focus more on customer service and long-term customer satisfaction, rather than short-term sales

•  CLV helps organisations decide which customers to invest in long to gain a positive return on investment

•  Customer databases play a key role in providing the data for this analysis


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We Can Use Data to Pull Customers up the Loyalty Ladder








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Word-of-mouth Referral & Customer Relationship Priorities

Reichheld (2006) Net-Promoter Score

Detractor Passive Promoter



Low High



•  The Net Promoter Score is obtained by asking customers on a 0 to 10 scale, where 10 is "extremely likely" and 0 is "not at all likely":

•  "How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?" •  Respondents are categorized into one of three groups:

•  Promoters (9–10 rating); Passives (7–8 rating); Detractors (0–6 rating) •  The % of Detractors is then subtracted from the percentage of Promoters to obtain

a Net Promoter score (NPS) •  An NPS that is positive (i.e. higher than zero) is good, an NPS of +50 is excellent

(Apple, Harley Davidson)

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Brassington & Pettitt, 2006

We Also Need to Know About Customer Buying Influences

Situational influences

Individual influences

Group influences Marketing mix

Decision-making process


Customers are subjected to a variety of influences on their buying decision process

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Moving From Corporate Social Responsibility to Terminator Brands

  During the “noughties”, consumer attitudes in many markets shifted towards societal concerns around ethics, sustainability and corporate social responsibility from marketers –  The environment –  Global warming –  Recycling –  Fair trade

  However current marketing analysis shows consumers now prefer decisive “terminator” brands –  Brands which take away the stress of everyday living, and “terminate”

consumer problems –  E.g. Lynx, Sky, Nike etc. – “Sorted!”

So do your customers see you as Nurturers or Terminators??? 23

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We Also Need to Know How to Scope Customer Segmentation

  Segmentation represents an effort to identify and categorise groups of customers and countries according to common characteristics

10.5 million dogs are owned in the UK – what products can be targeted & positioned to this segment?

And in reality - who owns whom…..??? 24

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•  Measurability •  Accessibility •  Substantiality •  Profitability •  Actionability

What do we need to know for effective customer segmentation?

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Bases For Consumer Segmentation

Usage Behaviour Volume, Price, Usage Frequency

Judgmental Data Attitudes, Perceptions, Motivations, Preferences

Most appropriate for planning in stable market conditions

Better guide to behaviour under changing market conditions Market Descriptors

Demographic, Socio-Economic, Geographic, Lifestyle, Family life cycle


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Bases for Business Segmentation Macro   Size

  Location   Usage rate

Micro   Product

  Applications   Technology

  Purchasing and decision-making processes

  Buyer-seller relationships

How are these criteria changing?


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Do we know enough about our most dangerous competitors?


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Competitor Analysis is Getting Harder...   We live in a world of hypercompetition

– A dynamic competitive environment, in which no action or advantage can be sustained for long

  Competition unfolds in a number of key areas which we need to monitor amongst our competitors – E.g. price, quality, know-how, entry barriers, and

how deep their pockets are


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Knowing Your Competitors

•  Need to focus on identifying threats, opportunities or strategic uncertainties created by existing or potential competitors

•  Major steps:

1. Identify current and potential competitors 2. Understand competitors and their strategies


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Hollensen (2011) 31

Value Analysis: Competitor


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So overall, we need to know about three key information areas

1.  Information on the market environment –  E.g. PESTLE factors (Political, Economic, Social, Technological,

Environmental, Legal) 2.  Information on customers

–  Customer identification –  Customer characteristics & segments –  Main influences on what, where, when and how they buy the

product or service 3.  Information on other organisations

–  Gathering information on competitors and their actions –  Comparison of performance to identify strengths and weaknesses


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Key Methods of Finding Out What we Need to Know   Market research - market and sales forecasts / sales

potential   Product research - R&D and product testing   Attitude measurement   Price research - price perception and sensitivity   Distribution research   Marketing Communications research   Tracking studies e.g. customer satisfaction


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Collecting Secondary Data

Collection of secondary


Internal sources

External sources

• Accounting / sales records

• Marketing database

• Periodicals

• Census reports

• Government publications

• Internet

• Other

Dibb et al, 2006 34

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Collecting Primary Data

Collection of primary




• Personal

• Mechanical

• Mail

• E-mail /Internet

• Telephone

• Personal

Dibb et al, 2006 35

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Internal Secondary Research Sources   Customer databases – behavioural data, volunteered data

and profiling data   Sales figures   Operational data – stock levels, etc   Customer satisfaction results   Advertising spend   Customer complaints records   Effectiveness data from promotional campaigns   Marketing research reports from past studies


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External Suppliers of Market Data   List compilers/brokers

–  Capture list of individuals and organisations and sell them to companies for marketing purposes

  Full-service agencies –  Offer a full range of research services and techniques –  Able to undertake every stage of the research (research design

through to analysis and report writing) –  Examples: TNS (, Ipsos (

  Independent consultants –  Offer a range of services from undertaking small surveys (B2B),

manage parts of marketing research process or advise on information collection, storage and retrieval


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External Secondary Research Sources   Internet search engines   Social media and networking tools   Directories – Dun & Bradstreet, Financial Times company briefings   Governments and Government Agencies (e.g. CIA Factbook)   Published marketing research reports   Trade Press (Editors and Journalists)   Professional Institutes (CIM)   Newspapers and magazines (national and local)   Online news sources and aggregators (, http://   Specialist libraries   Market Research Agencies


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Sources of Information - Institutions

  Business libraries   University libraries   Chambers of commerce   International Market

Intelligence Centre (Trade Partners UK)

  Business Links   Embassies   Banks   Trade associations (CIM,


  Export councils   Distributors   Sales subsidiaries   Foreign trade organisations

such as JETRO (Japanese Export Trade and Research Organisation)


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Online Sources of Information & Socialnomics   Online communities, discussion

boards and blogs –  Increasing number of blogs and

discussion forums present marketers with an opportunity to gain valuable insight into thoughts of consumers

  Social networking e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn –  Provides an opportunity for

organisations to: •  Gauge consumer reactions to

marketing campaigns •  Monitor brand reputation •  Analyse competitors •  Gather insightful market research

40 AVG SMB Market Landscape Report 2011

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Using online customer intelligence


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Sources of Information - Online Databases   Brand data

– – –

  Business Week –

  The Economist –

  European Union –

  UK Trade and Investment –

  UK Chambers of Commerce –

  United Nations –

  World Bank –

  World Fact Book –

  World Trade Organisation –


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Primary Research Information

Focus groups



In-depth interviews


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Omnibus Surveys •  Organisations pay to include one or more questions in a

survey being sent on behalf of several organisations. •  Much cheaper means of surveying if only a few questions

are needed. •  BUT the client is restricted by the sample that the

research company uses and cannot choose where its questions appear in the survey.

•  Omnibus survey suppliers vary by sector, geographical coverage, costs, sample size, speed of turnaround, etc.

  E.g. 44

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Panels •  Used to collect data over a period of time from the same sample of

people. •  Useful for analysing trends, changing attitudes to political parties,

preferences relating to new types of products or ways of purchasing e.g. online banking.

•  Challenges include retaining the members of the panel over time and careful replacement of members who drop out.

•  Online survey panels are increasing in popularity and will often recruit a large number of respondents from which it will sample to fulfil client quotas


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Online PR Objective • Increase the number of online conversations about your brand • Drive targeted traffic to your website • Increase your thought leadership position

What is it? • Social Media • Social Bookmaking • Blogging • Microblogging • Forums • Video Sharing • Photo Sharing • Podcasts


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Other free sources of market information   Freebie market research websites

– – – – – – – –

  Market research agencies –  E.g. GFK, B2B International, Circle Research etc. – all publish free white papers / blogs with

market insights

  Free survey tools – –

  Discussion forums offering free market research –


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Free sources of market information   Official market statistics

– – United Nations import / export data – – international labour data – – international economic data – – international trade statistics – – international city, country & population data – – UK business and consumer data – - UK financial information – – UK economic indicators and forecasts


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So Do We Now Know More About Our Market Than It Knows About Us?

If not – let’s get researching!


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Thank You! Questions Welcome!


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Innovate with Intelligence: Latest Digital Marketing Techniques Daniel Rowles

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Who Am I? •  Daniel Rowles •  CIM Course Director, Lead trainer for Econsultancy •  14 Years experience in digital marketing

–  Both client and agency side •  BBC, Vodafone, MasterCard, Warner Bros, Boots,

John Lewis, Aviva, Sony •  @danielrowles

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Show of Hands…..

Google (or any other) Analytics

Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Pinterest Google+

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•  Latest changes •  Planning •  Measurement (and pitfalls)


What I’ll Cover

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Digital Marketing in Perspective •  8 years of video are uploaded to YouTube every day

•  Average view time of a YouTube video is 2.5 seconds

•  The average Facebook user is 38 years old

•  Google+ to reach 400M members by end 2012

•  92% of US children have some sort of web presence by the time they are 2 years old

•  All Stats from






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Bing Social Sidebar

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Social Proof

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Google Privacy Policy

‘we can tell you that you’ll be late for a meeting based on your location, your calendar and the local traffic conditions.’

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Volume-based metrics •  10 Million ‘Likes’! •  What does that mean?

– Engagement – Sentiment – Share of Voice – Revenue

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Google Goggles and visual search

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Build Relationships

Share Content

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Engagement in action

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Considering objectives

Goal •  Sell Products/Services

Objective •  Create Awareness and



•  Share of Voice •  Audience Engagement


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Meaningful Information

Share of Voice

Mentions of Brand Total Mentions

Competitors and Brand

Audience Engagement

Comments Views

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The Dangers of Last Click

Email Search Conversion

Search Conversion

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Multi-Channel Funnels

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Rule for Magnificent Web Success •  For every $10 spent on analytics data •  Spend $90 on people to tell you what it means

•  Avinash Kaushik - Google

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The path to ROI

Custom Dashboard





Social Media


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Same Fundamentals Apply

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Conclusions •  Set objectives

•  Select appropriate channels •  Measure, engage and improve

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Thank you

•  @DanielRowles •  [email protected] •

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Thank You