ciegi automation presentation [modalità compatibilità] · maintenance and updating of machines...


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Post on 25-May-2019




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CIEGI Automation LTD is specialized for maintenance and updating of machines for blowing PET bottles is that two-stage and mono-stage, the our technical knowledge

allow us to work on multiple brands.We are also in the sector of injection molding

machines for the production of PET preforms.

Through continuous market research we are able to offer the best solution, ensuring

quality and productivity based on the needs of the customer.

Last, but not least, the service of CIEGI Automation LTD, relieve the customer from a

malfunction in the future.

About us..

CIEGI Automation LTD since 1996, year of establishment, not before they had gained a lot of knowledge in the field of production plants for bottles and preforms.knowledge begins in the early "80 when in Europe and then in Italy began to get reports of new types of containers for mineral water in PET from the USA.The first machines NISSEI , the first blow moulders Sidel, KRUPP, the integrated SIPA ECS etc. ...this technological development in those years only possible for a few companies has become the basis of the activities CIEGI Automation ltd, or bring this development and professionalism within other reality produtive in Italy and abroad.Technology "open source", accessible to all technical flexibility for multiple solutions and instant answers .....

“To understand the present and the future it is necessary to know the past ..............."

Gianni Cagnin C.E.O

� Do you need a machine?Our team of mechanical and electrical engineers will help you find the best solution according to your needs ......

� Do you nees service?Our service is available for scheduled or on-call work in every part of the world.

� Our technicians, through constant refresher courses, they are able to solve problems in mechanics, software, electronics..

� Do you need spare parts?We can supply spare parts, comply to the originals, for different manufacturers of machines. We can also provide custom parts for different production requirements ........

� Do you have a mold to be maintained?CIEGI Automation LTD performs a particular task of cleaning and maintenance of hot runner systems from various manufacturers. The cleaning takes place by heating with the technique of the fluid clean. Cleaning Thermal Fluid Bed and 'widely considered "Best Available Technology" in Europe and can' give an excellent cleaning result, incomparable. Fast, secure and timely. The strength of this technique is that it is provided, components covered, a uniform and constant temperature profile that erases the possibility 'of distortion or damage to the parts. CIEGI Automation is the direct solution to the cleaning service, as we work directly with our specific equipment for PET PVCV PE PP. Now you can allows choosing your cleaning service reliable, fast, total.



� Are you thinking about lightweight….CIEGI Automation LTD is at your disposal to propose effective solutions following all the stages of the project ......

In South America:

• ADM (Brasile)• CIA ALAGOANA COCA COLA (Brasile) • INDAIA (Brasile)• ENGEPACK (Brasile)• REBIC COCA COLA (Brasile) • AJEPER (Perù)• SAN MIGUEL INDUSTRIAL (Perù)• VENPET (Venezuela)

In Europe:

• FUENTE LIVIANA (Spagna) • COCA COLA Gaglianico (Italia) • COCA COLA Nogara (Italia)• COCA COLA Oricola (Italia)• COCA COLA Fonti del Vulture (Italia)• ACQUA PANNA (Italia)• SPUMADOR (Italia)• FONTE MANIVA (Italia)• FERRARELLE (Italia)• TOGNI (Italia)• SANT’ANNA DI VINADIO (Italia)• NOCERA UMBRA (Italia)• EVIAN (Francia) • TEPELENE (Albania)


• JAFFA (Ucraina) • ZULAL (Arabia S.) • SME (Tunisia) • GEOM (Kazakhistan, Russia)• UNIX TASSAY (Kazakhistan) • FOQUE (Messico)• HANA WATER (Arabia S.)• HARWAL (Arabia S.)

some references..

Our goal is to offer customers a viable alternative to the OEM.We have the ability to offer a complete service for everything related to the production of PET containers from the compressor to the palletizer.

What we offer to the customer?� Technical Inspection for evaluating the maintenance of the system,� Services and maintenance,� Molds installation and maintenance,� Blowing and injection process,� Spare parts (commercial or customized) � Training, Start-up,� Used machine refurbished.


Whith our sistem ©

CIEGI Automation LTD will upgrade your blowing machine obtaining more production performances reducing air and power consumption.

NEW water and air manifolds and NEW electric blowing valves permit your machine to go faster and with a better blowing regulations…

NEW process for the preforms oven….

The machines upgraded with our new sistem…


…will allow you to increase production without investing in new machines ….

CIEGI AUTOMATION can be everyware!

contattiFor more information:

mobile +39 349 6291328fax +390499364364

CIEGI Automation s.r.l. via Cornara 2\N Z.I.

35010 Massanzago PADOVA ITALIA

[email protected]