-cial or -tial

Spelling Workouts: Spelling Workouts: -cial or -tial Does your word include -cial or -tial? Tips We usually use -cial if: it comes after a vowel letter. glacial We usually use -tial if: it comes after a consonant letter. potential Circle any misspelt words. Check potencial potential crucial crutial inicial initial financial finansial judicial judisial parcial partial commercial commersial palasial palatial racial rasial imparsial impartial Can you add another example in each box? Remember: there are exceptions to these rules; initial, financial, commercial and provincial are examples. Complete the green words with -cial or -tial so that each sentence is correct. The heavy, torren rain poured down onto the roof. At the border between countries, the police officer showed his creden . The gla water the polar bear swam through was freezing! At night, Ken looked through his telescope at the Moon, Mars and other celes bodies. The police officers could not prove the thief had stolen the money as all of the evidence was circumstan . The discount card I received for the supermarket was very benefi .

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Page 1: -cial or -tial

Spelling Workouts: Spelling Workouts: -cial or -tial

Does your word include -cial or -tial? Tips

We usually use -cial if: it comes after a vowel letter.


We usually use -tial if:it comes after a consonant letter.


Circle any misspelt words.Check


crucial crutial


financial finansial

judicial judisial

parcial partial

commercial commersial

palasial palatial


imparsial impartial

Can you add another example in each box? Remember: there are exceptions to these rules; initial,

financial, commercial and provincial are examples.

Complete the green words with -cial or -tial so that each sentence is correct.

The heavy, torren rain poured down onto the roof.

At the border between countries, the police officer showed his creden .

The gla water the polar bear swam through was freezing!

At night, Ken looked through his telescope at the Moon, Mars and other celes bodies.

The police officers could not prove the thief had stolen the money as all of the evidence was circumstan .

The discount card I received for the supermarket was very benefi .

Page 2: -cial or -tial

spe- par-

Below each picture is part of a word. Add -cial or -tial to that word part and include it in a sentence about the picture.Use

Read each sentence and change the underlined word or phrase for a synonym which ends in -cial or -tial.


It is vital that you water plants regularly or they will die.

The stunt man was hit over the head with a fake chair.

The spy was given secret information.

Mark was often littering in the streets and taking part in other rebellious, harmful and selfish behaviour.

John cleaned his face with a particular type of face cream

Page 3: -cial or -tial







Write a short passage about this image. How many of these blue words can you include in your writing?

Extra challenge: Can you include
