church officers - much hoole, little hoole and walmer ... · web viewst francis of assisi reminds...

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Church Officers

Church Officers

Rector: The Revd Derek A Baines Tel: 01772 641521; E: [email protected]


Mr Eric Barker OBE JP Tel: 614385; E: [email protected]

Mr Robert Hawthornthwaite Tel: 612952

Assistant Warden: Mr Jock Davidson

Churchwarden Emeritus:

Mr William G Carr. Tel: 01772 615321. E: [email protected]

PCC Secretary

Mrs Andrea Susnik Tel: 615336. E: [email protected]

Deanery Synod Representative: Mrs Jane Elphick

Stewardship Recorder/Gift Aid Secretary

Post vacant volunteer urgently required!

PCC Treasurer

Mrs Barbara Wood Tel: 617679. E: [email protected]

Magazine Editor

Mrs Erika Penrose Tel: 613816. E: [email protected]

Magazine Secretary:

Mrs Elsie Kirkham Tel: 615832.

Magazine Advert Co-ordinator

Mrs Margaret Clark Tel: 616990. E: [email protected]

Flower Secretaries

Mrs Julie Bayldon Tel: 613144 and Mrs Jean Aughton Tel: 614598

Electoral Roll Secretary

Mrs Julie Tanham Tel: 612992

Verger: Mrs Irene Pickles Tel: 615708

Assistant Verger: Mr Stuart Tighe Tel: 612963

Weekly Giving Envelopes: Please contact the Churchwardens.


Sunday School meets 10.15 in School, first three Sundays of the month.

Leader: Mrs Kathleen Leigh Tel: 612196. E: [email protected]

Hoole Church Ladies Group meets 7.30pm, 3rd Tuesday, in School.

Leader: Mrs Erika Penrose. Contact details as above.

St Michaels Mens Fellowship meets 7.30pm, 2nd Tuesday, in School.

Secretary: Mr Stuart Tighe Tel: 612963.

Friends of St. Michael Caring for the fabric of our ancient church

Chairman: Mr Eric Barker Tel 614385.

Secretary: Mr David Turner Tel 617485.

Social Committee Contact: Sheila Taylor, Tel: 616850

Hoole St Michael C E Primary School

Head Teacher: Mrs Jo Duckworth Tel: 613219.

1st St. Michaels Hoole Scout and Guide Groups Group Scout Leader: Mandy Clark Tel: 01772 305452; E:[email protected].

Church Websites: and


Please note the new format this month with services and rotas at the front of the magazine to make it easier to find them. Comments to the PCC members or editor, please.

Services for October:

Sunday 4th October Trinity 18


BCPHoly Communion


CWHoly Communion


BCPEvening Prayer


CWHoly Communion at Old Mill Court

Postponed to 11th October


Community Worship in the Village Hall with our Methodist Brethren.

Sunday 11th October Trinity 19


BCP Holy Communion


Morning Prayer


CWHoly Communion at Old Mill Court

Sunday 18th October Luke the Evangelist

Day of Prayer for the Mission Aviation Fellowship


BCPHoly Communion


CW Holy Communion


Baptism of Summer Julie Rose Adamski


Baptism of Baby Molloy


BCPEvening Prayer

Sunday 25th October Last after Trinity


BCP Holy Communion


Family Praise with parade


Baptism of Morgan and Keryl Daniels

Sunday 1st November All Saints


BCPHoly Communion


CWFamily Communion

2.30 Memorial Service

Sunday 8th November Remembrance Sunday

1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month

Michaels Club, our junior church for children from toddlers to teenagers opens at 10.15 in school and we finish the session in church with the congregation.

Every Monday (unless advertised otherwise)

7.00 Evening Prayer

Every Thursday (unless advertised otherwise)

10.15 Said Communion service

Every month on the 3rd Saturday (unless advertised otherwise)

3.30 p.m. Messy Church (In School)


Church Flowers Rota


Oct4thH JohnsonVacant

11thHarvest Festival all arrangers on Saturday 10th at 9.30, please.

18thMrs CrivaroMrs Lawrence

25thC Chestnutt & P ReadMr & Mrs Taylor

Pedestal: Mrs Houghton

There are several sponsorship gaps during the year. If you have a special day you would like to remember or if you would just like to help finance the beautiful flower displays in the church, please contact Julie Bayldon on 613144. Many thanks.


Tea/Coffee Rota following our 10.30 services

Oct4thPauline & Barbara

11thBeryl & Rona

18thAlthea & Erika

25thCarole & Gill

Nov 1stPauline & Barbara

If you are not available on the dates allocated or wish to change the published date, please would you find a replacement or arrange a swap.

Sidespersons Rota

Oct4th9.00Rob McMurray

10.30Jean Aughton, John Aughton & Paul Johnson

3.00Clifford Orritt

11th9.00Mike Redshaw

10.30Bill Carr, Scott Eckersley & Beryl Blakeley


9.00Jeremy Leigh

10.30Ted Hopkins, David Turner, Lisa Turner

3.00Peter Smallwood

25th9.00Ken Bishop

10.30Norman Skellorn, Tom Wignall & Jock Davidson

Nov1st9.00Rob McMurray

10.30Jean Aughton, John Aughton & Paul Johnson

3.00Sylvia Douglas

Readers Rota

If you cannot read as specified on this rota please find a substitute and inform a churchwarden of any changes.


Oct 4th

---Jane Elphick

Genesis 2: 18-24

K LeighM Kirkman

Hebrews 1: 1-4 & 2: 5-12

RectorJoshua 3: 7-end

St Matthew 10: 1-22

Oct 11th

---Stuart Eckersley

Amos 5: 6-7 & 10-15

Joan WilsonJean Dewhurst

Hebrews 4: 12-16

Oct 18th

---Jim Ashcroft

Acts 16: 6-12a

Stuart TigheBarbara Wood

2 Timothy 4: 5-17

RectorIsaiah 61: 1-6

Colossians 4: 7-end

Oct 25th

---Emma Cairns

Jeremiah 31: 7-9

M RedshawAlice Rigby

Hebrews 7: 23-end

Nov 1st

---Ted Hopkins

Isaiah 25: 6-9

K LeighRona McClure

Revelation 21: 1-6a

RectorIsaiah 65: 17-end

Hebrews 11: 32-12:2


The Rectors Ramblings

September has given us some reasonable weather and when Sharon and I were away in Gloucestershire and North Yorkshire we saw combine harvesters, tractors with huge trailers filled with grain and straw bales (how things have changed: the farmers need a forklift for modern bales I remember picking them up and throwing them to the back of the barn!) and ploughing and harrowing and many other activities associated with the harvest and continued stewardship of the land.

We have great joy when we see the fields cleared of crops and give thanks to God for the goodness that we receive at his hands and through the work of our own.

So now the year changes pace as we come into the All Saints season leading up to Advent yes that time already.

As the nights draw in the world seems darker in general. What is Satans game? The number of refugees is now untenable as countrys struggle to cope with the sheer mass of human traffic. Charities are clamouring to help but seem helpless because of politics. Our own government seems to be opting out of solutions and our Archbishop calls for greater church, social and political will to help stem the tide and care for the unfortunates who risk all.

I dont know about you but the scale of the catastrophe which presents itself creates a feeling of inadequacy and a sense of how can we help this from where we are? As we watch the TV screen, a powerlessness overcomes us and we try and avoid acknowledging the issues.

So what can we do?

St Francis of Assisi reminds us that we are to go and live the Gospel and to do so in a spirit of humility. His words which are often quoted include:

For it is in giving that we receive.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.

Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.

Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self.

While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.

If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.

It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.

No one is to be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and no one does you harm. You have no enemy except yourselves.

It is not fitting, when one is in God's service, to have a gloomy face or a chilling look.

Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be loved as to love.

We can therefore carry on giving alms to charities and keep an eye out for groups collecting clothes etc. Any positive action, however small is helpful.

We can pray for the plight of these people.

We can pray for political will to change and enable a Christian response to the humanitarian issues whilst recognising the greed of those who simply seek a better life by running into countries more wealthy than their own on the back of the tide of refugees.

We can pray for an end to the acts of war and violence which cause people to run and also an end to the evil of the traffickers who put so many lives at risk.

And finally we seek Gods guidance as to what St Michaels congregation and community might offer these people of God.

None of this is easy but God reaps his own harvest from the faithful and it is up to us to follow examples set in the Scriptures and through history to be the people that God intends us to be and share our spiritual lives with him and the needy.

Your brother pilgrim,


Looking back, with a glance forward!

September saw the return to school of our pupils and teachers, welcome back.

Derek and Sharon attended the National Cursillo Ultreya (which means large gathering) at Blackburn Cathedral. Our Diocese was the host and members of Cursillo congregations from 23 Diocese were in attendance. It was a wonderful, spirit led, day.

Whilst Derek was away you welcomed the Reverends John Scott, Tracey Swindells, Nick Mansfield and Marc Wolverson. All have said how much they enjoyed their visit and how welcomed they felt.

Messy Church recommenced after the Summer Break with 16 children in attendance a wonderful start to the new year.

Confirmation preparation will start in October with a good number of candidates from our own church and also from St Leonards. The shared experience of last year was so good that we are using the same format this time and the St Leonards candidates will be confirmed at St Michaels one Sunday in April next year by the Bishop of Blackburn.

Our Harvest Supper will be held on Monday 12th October with a country and western theme. Tickets are available from members of the Social Committee costing 7.00.

We look forward to a good turnout at the Community Worship on the 4th October in the village hall at 4.00pm. We need some help to set up from 2.30pm and invite people to come and join us from 3.15.

We will have our annual churchyard clean up at the end of October most probably Saturday 31st October during the morning keep an eye out for notices.

We will hold our Annual service of memorial for those who have been bereaved on Sunday 1st November at 2.30 p.m. I would be grateful for volunteers to help with refreshments.


Eric Barker OBE, JP. 07/09/1942 to 23/09/2015

Churchwarden 2011 to 2015

I know that I dont usually write words when congregation members die but I felt that as Church Warden, friend and guide Eric deserved something.

It was with great sadness that we received the news of Erics death on the morning of Wednesday 23rd September.

Eric has been a leading light in our church since his childhood and leaves a great gap in our community. I met him for interview in the July of 2011 when his sense of humour and innate common sense came through. He and John Clarkson had to follow the new Diocesan procedure to check up on me and interview me in the same way that they would for a secular job. The three of us hit it off immediately.

Eric has always been honest with me and occasionally that created tension but we never hung onto that and agreed quickly thereby resolving what was bothering us.

As chair of the Friends he was an ideas man and his everlasting memorial will surely be the weathervane and flagpole which are the pride of our church when commemorating the work of Jeremiah Horrocks. He set up the July fundraiser and, as always, his money gathering ideas brought funds flowing in.

He always attacked issues with great gusto and for me the combination of Robert, our action man who carried out all things practical with Eric and his straightforward way of organising things meant that I had a great transition from being a Curate to an incumbent with my own parish to administer and lead. It is fair to say that the two of them have in many ways helped to create the Rector that you have today.

Eric was always on top of the jobs that needed doing in the church and he, along with Stan and John Penrose brought our administration up to date, correcting errors and filling in omissions.

He leaves the church in good fettle and will be missed by all.

Rest in peace and thank you for being you.



From the Parish Registers

Holy Baptism We welcome into the Lords Family

No Baptisms.

Holy Matrimony Those whom God hath joined together

30th AugustMARK JAMES MOLLOY and NATASHA ANN ALLEN, both of Lostock Hall

The Departed Rest eternal grant unto them

No funerals.

From the Register of Services






















Collections from Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals: 13.31


Ladies Group

At the last minute, our billed speaker last month was unable to come but we were bailed out by Tom Brown and Stan Pickles from Hoole Village Hall committee, who told us all about the plans for the new village hall, enlarging upon the history of the present hall going back to just after the 2nd World War, and interesting facts about the fund raising, funding and the actual building. Many thanks to Stan and Tom!

This month we are inviting the Mens Fellowship to join us to hear Michael Murphy talk about the Liverpool Overhead Railway, a piece of (almost) local history. Please come along at 7.30 to the school hall as usual.


Mens Fellowship

Please note that the Mens Fellowship meetings will in future be held in Hoole Village Memorial Hall.

From our Treasurer, Barbara Wood


For some few years now, we have collected for Water Aid using the jars of change system.

In celebration of our longevity in supporting this very worthy cause, we have engaged, for your delight a Water Aid Speaker, who will be with us on Sunday 18th October when we will launch this years appeal.

So please come and hear him speak, his name is John Wareing and he is coming all the way from Penwortham. He will be giving us all an insight into the work of Water Aid and how our year on year support is of so much value to them.

NOW IS THE TIME to save yourself a jar or two, once you have enjoyed its contents of course Mr and Mrs Smallwood would rather not have sticky jam fingers when counting your coinage next year!

I will be placing a box of empty jars out in the porch in good time; inside will be a gift aid form to complete if appropriate to you. The collection of your jars of change will run from Harvest to Lent and when each one is full, please bring it to church.

This is the start of the process of converting your jars of change into jars of life saving, life giving water.

Please dont hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Barbara

STILL ON THE SUBJECT OF WATER AID But a different aspect

At the moment I am Treasurer to the PCC which involves many duties. Now dont get me wrong, I am not complaining, just stating a fact.

I retired from my paid work about a year or so ago, but it would appear my volunteer work is growing and getting more complicated year on year.

I would really, really, really appreciate some help. Now dont panic, I am not asking you to be Treasurer or anything to do with being Treasurer. This is all to do with keeping the Water Aid appeals going year on year.

I reckon your job title could be Water Aid Marketing or Water Aid Media Manager or Water Aid Nagger!!!

A brief outline of the role is:

Collect a load of jars every year, wash and label them.

The Annual launch via magazine, notice board, Sunday sheets.

Regular updates in the Sunday Sheet and Magazine

Establish and maintain contact with Water Aid for their promotional packs.

Keep Mr and Mrs Smallwood sweet so they continue to do the counting.

Leave the rest of the money side to me

And thats it however you really do need a computer, use email and have a basic working knowledge of word processing.

Living in hopefulness Barbara

Parish Magazine Subscriptions

Would magazine subscribers please note that, with effect from Jan 2016, a years subscription will cost 8.50, a small rise of 50p. The cost of an individual magazine will remain at 80p.


The KTB concert band are looking for new blood.

Can you play an instrument, any instrument? If so, please come and test us out on a Tuesday evening between 7-9 pm (term time only) at Much Hoole Methodist Chapel. The KTB Choirs are always looking for new voices, any range, any ability.

For further information, please contact Sam by email, phone or text: [email protected], or 01772 933042, or 07960 580945.

We have three options for you:

Longton VM Choir an all-girls choir come and have fun on a Wednesday

Community Choir if you enjoy singing, then you are 100% qualified, Monday evenings we get together

Singalong Saturday Just for fun turn up ad hoc and join in.

Come and try us out and see what you think.

Our website has full details:

Or you can contact Katy Bradley via email: [email protected] phone 01772 933042.


A Summary of the Minutes of the PCC Meeting held on 6th July 2015


A letter has been received from the Diocese with regard to the Bishop's Harvest Appeal 2015. This year the 'Tear Fund' joins Christian Aid as a beneficiary. The PCC agreed to support this appeal and the collection on Harvest Sunday will be forwarded to the Diocese.

Treasurers Update

The RBS current account balance stands at 5,682.31 as at 30/06/15 and the Barclays Bank Community Account stands at approximately 35,698.64. The second quarterly DBF fees were paid on 30/06/2015, the amount was 1,436.00. The total Parish Share paid to date is 14,258.00, which is on target for the half year. The second charitable giving instalments are due to be sent out at the end of July. The Nepal earthquake appeal amounted to 201.52. The PCC agreed that the annual Water Aid appeal will re-commence in September. A number of donations have been made to the church since the last PCC meeting amounting to 1,382.00. The Redemption of 3.5% War Stock has now been redeemed, as per the last meeting, to the value of 65.90 and will be used for churchyard maintenance.

Churchwardens Report

When remedial work was undertaken on the WEST DOOR it was found that the door will need to be replaced. The floor in the church is in urgent need of attention, a complete assessment will need to be done; work will involve raising the flags and lifting the pew ends. The heating system also needs attention. The boiler is relatively new, but the pipework needs replacing.

Report from the Friends Committee

The Band in the Park event was discussed in detail.

Messy Church and Michaels Club

Messy Church numbers still remain low, but it is hoped they will pick up again in September. The Messy Church bank account is now up and running. It is planned for the children to perform a son in church in September following the Messy church meeting.

Michael's Club Numbers tend to fluctuate, but there was a good attendance on 5 July. The frequency of the meetings will be discussed again at the next Ministry Team meeting.


Updated documents have been received from the Diocese which state that visitors to parishioners for the purpose of giving communion do not need DBS checks. However, the PCC would prefer that those undertaking home visits have up to date DBS checks in place.

Ministry Team Meeting

At the meeting held on 13 June 2015, it was decided to hold a 'Community Worship' event (in lieu of Walking Day) in October 2015 at Much Hoole Village Hall. Further details will follow.

Other Business

A Deanery Synod Meeting was held on 11 June 2015. A report from the meeting was circulated to the PCC members prior to the meeting. The main topic of the meeting was a presentation about Diocesan Finance.

A photograph taken in 1880 of the church and Rev. Brickell has been kindly donated to the church and will be on permanent display in the church.

The next meeting will be the on Monday 14 September 2015.

Thankfully ours was serviced on 23rd September!

Pause for thought

If only good people were clever,

If only the clever were good.

The world would be better than ever

we thought that it possibly could.

But, alas it is seldom or never

That either behave as they should

For the good are so harsh to the clever

The clever so rude to the good.


From Ampleforth Abbey, North Yorkshire.

St James the Least of all

Editor: The Rev Dr Gary Bowness continues his tongue-in-cheek letters from Uncle Eustace If you would like a copy of our published booklet of Uncle Eustaces letters, please email us at: mailto:[email protected]

On what those adverts from parishes wanting clergy REALLY mean

From The Rectory

St. James the Least

My dear Nephew Darren

So, you are being encouraged to look at adverts for parishes for that happy day when you will have charge of your own church. You wonder if you should look to moving to another part of the country; I suspect it may be better if you look to moving to another planet, as your reputation may not yet have travelled that far. Reading the specifications that parishes provide, giving a picture of life in their community, need to be read in the same way as estate agents specifications for houses for sale. Both demonstrate a triumph of optimism over reality. Let me help you decode some of the statements you will find: We look to grow our Sunday School We do not have a Sunday School. We have an enthusiastic choir We have a choir totally out of control. Our youth group is always eager to learn. - Our youth group experiments with some strange substances. The new incumbent should be sympathetic to our musical tradition- The new incumbent must be able to play the organ as well as lead the Services. While cherishing our traditions, we see the need for change We always see the need for change, but alter anything at your peril. Plans for church renovations are in hand The building is in imminent danger of collapse. We have a large range of church groups You will have to run a large range of church groups singlehandedly. The vicarage is being refurbished The vicarage is a death trap. Its rising damp and dangerous electrics will not be fixed for many months yet. There is opportunity for developing ecumenical relations No one in living memory has ever spoken to clergy of other denominations in our town. The new incumbent should have a sense of humour He or she will need it when reading this specification.

My dear nephew, caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware!Your loving uncle,


Mission Aviation Fellowship Prayer Day

Sunday 18th October

How we help

Every three minutes one of our planes has taken off or landed in these countries around the world:

Arnhem Land; Bangladesh; Brazil; Haiti; Kalimantan; Madagascar; Papua New Guinea; South Sudan; Uganda; Ecuador; Guatemala; Mexico; Mongolia; Papua; Timor-Leste; Angola; Chad; DR Congo; Kenya; Lesotho; Liberia; Mozambique; Tanzania; Suriname; South Africa.

We fly medical, relief and life-transforming help to vulnerable people in hard-to-reach places:

Mountains. Jungles. Swamps. Unrest. No roads. We overcome these barriers to help overcome poverty.

Millions of people cannot access basic medical care, clean water, schools or receive the Good News of Gods love, simply because its too dangerous or time-consuming to reach them.

We provide flights for 1,500 aid, development and mission organisations to enable them to transform lives. Its a great partnership - and you can help make it possible.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

Please support the Mission Aviation Fellowship during their week of prayer. A bookmark and a leaflet outlining the work of MAF will be given to you at the service on the 18th October this is NOT a request for money but a request for prayer to support their work throughout the world supporting such charities as Christian Aid, Mdecine Sans Frontiers and other major and minor charities and organisations.

Thank you


Kids Corner

Edith Cavell

Edith Cavell was a British nurse in charge of a hospital in Belgium during the First World War. She saved the lives of soldiers from both sides and helped Allied soldiers escape from German-occupied Belgium during the First World War, for which she was arrested.

Her strong Christian beliefs led her to help all those who needed it: she said, "I cant stop while there are lives to be saved."

Despite international pleas for mercy, she was shot by a German firing squad. The night before her execution, she told the Revd. Gahan, the Anglican chaplain who gave her Holy Communion: "Patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone."

In the Anglican Church, 12th October is her commemoration day. This year Nurse Cavell is featured on a special 5 coin to mark the centenary of the war.

Proper Poorly

In the Middle Ages certain saints were associated with particular ailments, and became known as patron saints for people suffering from those illnesses. Can you guess who you might have asked to pray for you...

If you had toothache?




If you had a migraine?




If you had a sore throat?




If you had sore knees?




Worst of all, if you got the plague




Answers on next page

Doctor, Doctor I feel like Im biscuits!

You mean the square ones?


The ones you put butter on?


Oh, you're crackers!

Answers to Proper Poorly quiz: 1. Apollonia 2. Aspren (honestly!) 3. Both Blaise and Godelina 4. Gangulphus 5. All of them

Su Doku Easy! (Solution on page 27)

Try this maze


Sudo ku solution













01772 613015 (answer phone)

07941 818687

We will call you back


[email protected]

In This Life and the Next

A Special Service to be held at

The Parish Church of

St Michael & All Angels in Hoole

Sunday 1st November 2015 (All Saints)

at 2.30pm

To remember the departed (especially those who have died recently) in prayer

To pray for those who are bereaved


Pray in the light of the resurrection hope.

All Welcome