
School Office: 0117 973 0201 Admissions: 0117 933 9087 Finance: 0117 973 3853 College Road, Cliſton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: enquiries@cliſ web: www.cliſ Facsimile: 0117 923 8962 Welcome from Dr Alison Neill, Head of School Co-educaonal from Nursery School to Sixth Form In its 135th year of educang young people, Cliſton High School connues to reflect the spirit of its founders and supporters. They were men and women of vision who sought to provide the very best for their pupils. Sound learning was, and sll is, at the heart of the School’s ethos. Our focus is on providing an environment where children can grow and develop into happy and confident individuals, and where talents are recognised and nurtured. We aim to develop well-educated, principled and successful young people who strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives. Bright boys and girls excel in a co-educaonal environment and at Cliſton High School pupils grow in confidence as they learn to work together but also have their own space to learn and develop at the right pace. We believe that our model of educaon, the diamond edge model, gives our girls and boys the best of both worlds, both socially and academically. They are preparing for their lives ahead by building a breadth of skills through a range of opportunies and experiences. Schools and the wider world are rapidly changing environments and our young people leave us with all the skills and tools to enable them to adapt and be flexible as they follow whatever path they choose. We encourage all our pupils to believe in themselves and embrace challenges. Of course examinaon results are important, but we must remember that they do not define all that young people are or all that they will become. It is the doing, the experiencing and life’s hard lessons - living each moment for what it is - that makes life so fulfilling, whatever our age. Dr Alison Neill Head of School “It is a profound truth that the people we spend me with shape the path that we travel. So surround yourselves with people who inspire you.” “At Cliſton High School, people work together, pooling their iniave and experse; the outcome is a product or energy which is greater than the sum of their individual acons. This is a unique environment where lasng relaonships are forged. Realising individual brilliance is our hallmark – a shared belief that everyone is talented at something.” Dr Alison Neill Head of School “I soon fell under the spell of a School which makes a unique and lasng impression on all its members...” Miss Catherine Burns, Headmistress 1891 – 1908

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Page 1: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Welcome from Dr Alison Neill, Head of School Co-educational from Nursery School to Sixth Form

In its 135th year of educating young people, Clifton High School continues to reflect the spirit of its founders and supporters. They were men and women of vision who sought to provide the very best for their pupils.

Sound learning was, and still is, at the heart of the School’s ethos. Our focus is on providing an environment where children can grow and develop into happy and confident individuals, and where talents are recognised and nurtured. We aim to develop well-educated, principled and successful young people who strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives.

Bright boys and girls excel in a co-educational environment and at Clifton High School pupils grow in confidence as they learn to work together but also have their own space to learn and develop at the right pace. We believe that our model of education, the diamond edge model, gives our girls and boys the best of both worlds, both socially and academically. They are preparing for their lives ahead by building a breadth of skills through a range of opportunities and experiences. Schools and the wider world are rapidly changing environments and our young people leave us with all the skills and tools to enable them to adapt and be flexible as they follow whatever path they choose.

We encourage all our pupils to believe in themselves and embrace challenges. Of course examination results are important, but we must remember that they do not define all that young people are or all that they will become. It is the doing, the experiencing and life’s hard lessons - living each moment for what it is - that makes life so fulfilling, whatever our age.

Dr Alison Neill Head of School

“It is a profound truth that the people we spend time with shape the path that we travel. So surround yourselves with people who inspire you.”

“At Clifton High School, people work together, pooling their initiative and expertise; the outcome is a product or energy which is greater than the sum of their individual actions. This is a unique environment where lasting relationships are forged. Realising individual brilliance is our hallmark – a shared belief that everyone is talented at something.”

Dr Alison Neill Head of School

“I soon fell under the spell of a School which makes a unique and lasting impression on all its members...”

Miss Catherine Burns, Headmistress 1891 – 1908

Page 2: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Welcome from Tony Richards, Head of Nursery to Junior Schools

Welcome to the community that is Clifton High School, a community large enough to present an wealth of academic and social opportunities but small enough to allow individuals to flourish in a nurturing environment.

Clifton High School has been educating young people for over 130 years and today remains true to its aims of being open to all of good character and teaching “...the heart and the mind.”

The co-educational Early Years and Junior School provides a rich and varied educational experience in which children thrive. Individual talents are developed and differences are celebrated. Children feel positive about themselves and are respectful of others. In such an environment their learning flourishes; happy, purposeful children with high self-esteem achieve and contribute.

The experiences, the successes, the almost tangible rapport between the children and staff and the opportunities available contribute towards developing the girls and boys into confident, creative and compassionate individuals who embrace lifelong learning.

We are justly proud of our pupils and you are warmly invited to visit Clifton High to meet them; they are our greatest asset and advert.

“I feel privileged to work in a school where the focus is upon the individual, where the children grow to become confident without arrogance, where expectations are high, where everyone is truly valued and where there is a genuine ethos of contributing to the wider community. My colleagues are remarkable; their commitment to the children is unquestionable and the children’s zest for life and generosity of spirit are inspiring.”

Tony Richards Head of Nursery to Junior Schools

Page 3: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Diamond-edge at Clifton High School How this model functions

Q. What is the diamond-edge model?

A. Issues relating to gender and education have been debated for many years. It is widely accepted that for certain subjects, boys and girls learn better in single sex groups.

The diamond-edge model of education is where boys and girls are taught all subjects together in the Early Years and Junior School, Years 10, 11 and Sixth Form. In Years 7 – 9 they are taught separately in subjects where this is beneficial. We believe that this offers the best of both worlds, both socially and academically, for boys and girls.

Q. How long has the diamond-edge model been in operation at Clifton High School?

A. It started in 2009 with boys entering Year 7 and Year 9. We are now co-educational throughout, from Nursery Class to Year 13.

Q. Which subjects are taught separately?

A. Clifton High School is the only co-educational school in Bristol where boys and girls are taught separately in Years 7 – 9 in the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and ICT, and separately in modern foreign languages in Year 7. Pupils are organised into mixed gender groups for all other subjects and all other years.

Q. How has the curriculum changed in response to the diamond-edge model?

A. In the lead-up towards adopting the diamond-edge model we carried out a thorough review of our curriculum. We retained the very best of what we already offered but increased opportunities for both boys and girls in order to prepare them for a different, more flexible world of work in the 21st century. Graphic Design has been introduced in Year 7 and a number of clubs have been introduced, for both genders, including Electronics and Music Technology and a wider choice of sports.

Boys & girls aged 14-18

Boys & girls aged 3-11

Girls aged 11-14 Boys aged 11-14

Page 4: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Learning Support at Clifton High SchoolAt Clifton High School we aim to realise each and every pupil’s individual brilliance and recognise that this sometimes requires additional support for those with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia or other conditions. This individual or small group support is given by the Learning Support Department which is led by a Head of Learning Support and assisted by two specialist teachers and two Learning Support assistants. The Learning Support Department also provides

additional teaching for students for whom English is not their principal language and supports the Gifted and Talented programme.

The school believes that only if the Learning Support Department is integrated within the mainstream and with the pupil’s and parent’s voice at the heart of the process can it be fully effective. Thus the Learning Support team actively encourages dyslexia friendly class room practice and regular discussion of individual pupil’s needs with their teachers.

Gifted and Talented The Learning Support Department also co-ordinates the many exciting and challenging activities for the Gifted and Talented which take place at School over and above the normal extra-curricular programme. These activities and events are not exclusive to Gifted and Talented pupils, but it is expected that these pupils will take an active role both in participation and organisation. The Sixth Form are encouraged to take a lead in the school community and to organise an annual programme of debates and current affairs discussions which is called the Forum. Class teachers in each of the Key Stages and members of the Learning Support team provide enrichment for those children with particular gifts and talents. Early Years and Junior School children are offered the opportunity to explore their favourite subjects through international organisations that

support gifted and talented students (eg IGGY, International Gateway for Gifted Youth). In the Senior School, each subject faculty provides a range of challenging activities. An example of this is the Games Department which runs the Podium. This is a group of talented sports pupils from Clifton High School who have achieved representative honours at County, Regional or National level. They meet once a month for stimulating discussion on a range of sport related matters. Outside speakers are invited, such as Leah Wilkinson who competed at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi in 2010, GB hockey player, Mark Peam and Bristol City FC footballer, Lewin Nyatanga.

Each and every pupil at Clifton High School, what ever their unique talents and abilities, is supported in their individual learning journey and encouraged to realise individual ‘brilliance’.

Page 5: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Current curriculum Nursery to Year 2

Foundation StageThe Foundation Stage learning experience recognises that every child is unique and that children learn to be strong and independent from a base of loving and secure relationships at home and in school. It appreciates the value of different and enriching environments and understands that children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. It recognises that learning and development are equally important and interconnected. Within this context the Foundation Stage curriculum focuses upon six areas of learning: personal, social and emotional development; communication, language and literacy; problem solving, reasoning and numeracy; knowledge and understanding of the world; physical development and creative development.

Each of the areas focuses upon seven areas of learning: communication and language, physical development, personal,

social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design.

Years 1 and 2 In Years 1 and 2 we offer an exciting curriculum providing a wealth of opportunities for the children. Whilst care is taken to ensure that they have a solid grounding in the fundamental skills of literacy and numeracy, it is essential that children experience a breadth of learning to allow them to enjoy a genuine sense of excitement and achievement. Areas of learning include: English, mathematics, science, I.C.T., history, geography, art, music, drama, technology, physical education (including weekly swimming), religious studies, personal and social education and dance. French and Spanish are offered as extra-curricular activities and children make regular visits to our local forest school.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow-lines, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover!” (Mark Twain)

The Early Years and Junior School provides a stimulating curriculum which caters for the needs of the individual and allows them to explore, dream and discover. The curriculum is enhanced by frequent trips outside school, visits by guests with specialist skills, the support of parents and children participating in decision-making.

The curriculum is compliant with National Curriculum guidelines but is not limited by them. It is subject to review and modification in light of changes in educational thinking but we will always strive to ensure it allows children to develop each and every talent and grow in self-esteem.

Page 6: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Current curriculum Years 3 to 6

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Registration and Assembly

English Maths Maths French Gym

Maths English Swimming Maths Maths

Morning Break

Music Theme English Singing English

Lunch Break

Theme Coombe Dingle (Games) Education Alive Spelling ICT

Science Coombe Dingle (Games) Theme Art

Library Coombe Dingle (Games) PSHCE Art

Typical Timetable for Year 5

Years 3-6 The provision of a wide curriculum to allow all the confidence building enjoyment of success continues in Years 3-6.

English, mathematics, science, I.C.T., art, music, drama, physical education, technology, French, Latin, reasoning, history, geography, personal and social education and religious studies are taught in a variety of ways to appeal to all learners and to inspire. A cross-curricular thematic approach to the teaching of history, geography and science sparks children’s enthusiasmand our “Education Alive” activity afternoon presents opportunities for the children to experience food technology, control technology, climbing, caving, forest school, archery, ceramics, gardening and much more.

On-site, first class facilities include a swimming pool, gymnasium, floodlit tennis courts, a modern foreign languages laboratory, science laboratories, I.C.T. suites, an art room and plentiful play space. An afternoon each week is spent at our Coombe Dingle sports centre which boasts indoor and outdoor tennis courts, all-weather pitches and an array of grass pitches. These wonderful facilities, the varied programme of visitors and visits and our extra-curricular programme contribute much to a vibrant curriculum.

Page 7: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Current curriculum Years 7 to 13

Years 7, 8 and 9

Art and Design French, German, Spanish Music

Biology Geography Personal and Social Education

Chemistry History Physical Education

Drama Information Technology Physics

English Latin (Y7–8) Religious Education

Design Technology (Food, Textiles, Music Technology and Graphic Design)

Latin or Classical Civilisation (Y9) Mathematics

Years 10 and 11 GCSE subjects* – compulsory

English Language Two of Biology, Chemistry and Physics

English Literature French or German or Spanish


GCSE subjects – options

Art and Design French Latin

Computing Geography Music

Design Technology (Food) German Religious Studies

Design Technology (Textiles) History Spanish


In total, pupils take ten full GCSE subjects. In addition, all pupils follow courses in Physical Education and Personal and Social Education.

Years 12 and 13 Advanced level subjects*

Art and Design English Literature Latin

Biology French Mathematics

Business Studies Further Mathematics Music

Chemistry German Physics

Design Technology (Food) Geography Spanish

Design Technology (Textiles) Government and Politics

Drama and Theatre Studies History

All Sixth Form students additionally follow the Futures and Skills Programme.

*These are the subjects currently offered and are subject to change

Page 8: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Sample timetableYear 7 Sample Timetable

Timetable week 1

Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Register 8:40

Assembly 8:45

Lesson 1 9:10 IT Modern Language Science PE Modern Language

Lesson 2 10:05 RS Science Maths English Music

Break 10:55

Lesson 3 11:15 Games Maths History Geography English

Lesson 4 12:10 Games Drama English RS Latin

Lunch 1:00

Registration 2:05

Lesson 5 2:20 Geography Technology Technology Maths Science

Lesson 6 3:15 Maths Technology Technology Science Tutor period

End 4:05

* Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework

Timetable week 2

Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Register 8:40

Assembly 8:45

Lesson 1 9:10 IT RS Maths PE Science

Lesson 2 10:05 English PSE Music IT Art

Break 10:55

Lesson 3 11:15 Games Maths English Drama History

Lesson 4 12:10 Games English Latin History Modern Language

Lunch 1:00

Registration 2:05

Lesson 5 2:20 Modern Language Art Science Technology Maths

Lesson 6 3:15 Latin Art Geography Technology English

End 4:05

* Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework

Science Biology, Chemistry and Physics are taught in subject blocks on a rotation basis by subject specialists

Languages Modern Language, German and Spanish are taught in subject blocks on a rotation basis by subject specialists

Technology Food Technology, Graphic Design, Music Technology and Textiles are taught in subject blocks on a rotation basis by subject specialists

*Homework – Typically two or three subjects will set homework each night; there will usually be at least two days to complete each homework so that it can fit around other activities.

(For illustration purposes only - please ask for details of currently active clubs)

Page 9: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Physical Education and Sport

Foundation StageOur programme concentrates on improving skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movement. This helps children gain confidence in what they can do and enables them to feel the positive benefits of being healthy and active.

Years 1 and 2There are weekly swimming and movement (eg. gym/dance) lessons on site. In Year 2, children go to our off-site facilities at Coombe Dingle where they are introduced to ball and games skills.

Years 3 to 6In addition to the weekly swimming and movement (eg. gym/dance) lessons on site, there are games lessons at Coombe Dingle, including football, hockey, netball, rugby, tennis, rounders, cricket and athletics. There is a programme of fixtures against other local schools.

Years 7 to 9In the autumn and spring terms, the boys’ major games include rugby, football and hockey with additional mixed PE activities including swimming, gymnastics and circuit training. Girls’ major games in these terms are hockey and netball. In the summer term, boys and girls both have tennis and athletics lessons with cricket for boys and rounders for girls also in the programme.

Years 10 to 13The off-site games afternoon in the autumn and spring terms can include rugby, football, hockey, netball, indoor tennis, badminton, squash, trampolining and use of the gym at Horfield for fitness training. Volleyball, basketball, circuit training, swimming and table tennis can also be offered. During the summer term, activities include cricket, tennis, rounders, softball and athletics.

Pupils of all ages have the opportunity to take part in a variety of these and other physical activities through the extra-curricular programme. Do check for further details of the clubs and opportunities on offer.

The school enjoys good links with clubs who also make use of the facilities at Coombe Dingle. Many pupils also play for these clubs. They are:

• Bristol Ladies Union Football Club

• Clifton Ladies Hockey Club

• Rockleaze Rangers Football Club

• St Brendan’s Rugby Club

• Stoke Bishop Cricket Club.

Page 10: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

A healthy body

Fitness is an important aspect of life at Clifton High School. Our pupils are all given the opportunity to discover and develop their sporting abilities in both individual and team sports and activities. They are encouraged to take pleasure in living a healthy, active lifestyle.

Our major playing fields are at the excellent Coombe Dingle site, which we own in partnership with the Lawn Tennis Association and Bristol University. Here pupils enjoy sports fields, floodlit artificial turf hockey pitches and indoor and outdoor tennis courts. Specialist coaches enable an excellent standard to be reached.

Sports training and clubs over and above timetabled lessons are of major importance in our activities programme. Each night of the week and some early mornings too there are training sessions and fixtures.

Our pupils have been Avon champions in discus, javelin, high jump, cross country running and tennis as well as sweeping the board at Bristol Schools swimming galas. We have many county and regional sportsmen and women as well as potential olympians in synchronised swimming and pole vaulting in our school community.

Healthy Eating

Both the Dining Room and Beech Café support our ‘healthy body’ principles. They provide freshly cooked, good quality food, which they aim to source locally wherever possible. Staff help younger children in particular to make balanced choices from the wide range on offer. Menus follow a seasonal pattern and provide plenty of opportunities to sample new tastes.

Page 11: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

The creative spiritArts flourish in this vibrant, creative community. Imagination and technical skill develop together as pupils discover their own talents. Art, music and the performing arts are all integral to the curriculum from Nursery stage to GCSE and A level and are key to developing individual talents.

ArtFrom Foundation Stage and up, the arts are an integral part of the children’s learning. Through a range of media, creative development flourishes within the classroom, the outdoor areas and the dedicated art rooms. As pupils move up the school, specific skills and techniques develop through an increasingly wide range of materials and ideas. Amongst its extra curricular activities, the Art Department arranges visits to galleries and museums both locally and abroad as well as hosting an annual Sculptor in Residence workshop for A level students. Pupils’ work is exhibited to the wider public, from local exhibitions to the Royal Academy A level Summer Exhibition Online. Our students have regularly gone on to pursue Art and Design in Higher Education and we have a number of professional artists amongst our alumni.

Performing ArtsFrom the three year-old involved in Christmas celebrations to the A level student performing examination work, pupils develop work of high quality whilst learning to enjoy the creative process of presenting work for an audience. Our recently updated facilities feature commercial grade equipment and demonstrate the importance of performance at Clifton High. Dance, film, physical theatre, original script work, technical skills, stage design and musical theatre are just some of the opportunities pupils of all ages can explore and experience. Pupils develop lifelong skills in self-expression, team work and creativity as well as the ability to connect with an audience. Performances and productions achieve high professionalism, attracting accolades from examiners, parents and the press. Many pupils have won places on prestigious courses and our alumni include successful performers, designers, directors and teachers.

MusicMusic provides enormous enjoyment for the whole school community. We encourage experiments with conventional instruments and music technology, along with exploration of classical and modern composers. From the junior years onward, there are strongly supported choirs and instrumental groups. At our regular concerts in School and at local venues, we perform and enjoy making music together. The joy of music extends to the wider community as an adult choir joins with the pupils’ choirs annually in a major concert. Pupils take advantage of a superb range of instrumental and vocal music lessons that are on offer.

Page 12: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Examination results A level Results

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

% grade A (and A* from 2010) 29 55 46 43 40 33 33

% grades A & B (and A* from 2010) 59 86 73 72 68 63 70

% grades A,B,C (and A* from 2010) 84 94 87 92 87 86 96

% pass 98 100 99 100 98 100 100

Three year rolling average

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

% grade A (and A* from 2010) 39.0 43.3 43.3 48.0 43.0 38.8 35.3

% grades A & B (and A* from 2010) 67.0 72.0 72.7 77.0 71.0 67.6 67.0

% grades A,B,C (and A* from 2010) 88.7 90.3 88.3 91.0 88.7 88.3 90.0

% pass 99.3 99.3 99.0 99.7 99.0 99.3 99.3

GCSE Results

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

% grade A* 24 34 30 22 20 29 24

% grades A* & A 54 67 67 57 59 51 57

% grades A*, A & B 83 86 90 80 83 82 78

% with 5 or more A*-C grades 97 98 100 98 100 100 93

Three year rolling average

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

% grade A* 26.3 30.7 29.3 28.7 24.0 23.7 24.3

% grades A* & A 59.7 63.7 62.7 63.7 61.0 55.7 55.7

% grades A*, A & B 86.0 86.0 86.3 85.3 84.3 81.7 81.0

% with 5 or more A*-C grades 99.0 98.3 98.3 98.7 99.3 99.3 97.7

Page 13: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Early Years and Junior School extra-curricular activities We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. See the timetable overleaf for more details.

Page 14: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Early Years and Junior School Typical extra-curricular timetable

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Before School - Tennis Y3-6 - Chamber Choir Y3-6

- Tennis Y5-6

Lunch break - ICT Fun Y3-4- Guitar Y4-6- String Group Y3-6

- Wind Band Y3-6- Junior Choir Y3-6- Swimming Y4- Drama Y6

- Netball Y4 - Recorders, Y2-3- Maths Club Y5-6- Bookworms Y2

- X-choir Y3-6- Drama Y2

After School - Netball Y5- K’nex and

construction Y3-4- Ballet Y3- Latin Y3-6- Knit it Stitch it Y4-5- Swimming Y6- Spanish Y3-6- Football Y2- Craft Y2

- Swimming Y3-6- French Y3- Props and Scenery

Y5-6- Hip Hop Y3-6- Tennis Y3-4- Zumba Y3-6- Rugby Y2- French R-Y3

- Warhammer Y4-5- Chatterbooks

Reading Club Y5-6- Ballet Y4-6- Tennis Y2- Taekwondo Y2

- Speech and Drama Y5-6

- Swimming Y5- Trampoline Y5-6- Hockey Y5-6- Football Y5-6- Rugby Y3-4

- Rugby Y5-6- Taekwondo Y3-6- Netball Y6- Mandarin Y3-6- Ballet Y2

Our varied and exciting extra-curricular programme enhances the children’s experiences, adding much to the richness of life at Clifton High.

A sample of after-school and lunchtime activities is shown below; it is one important aspect of our extra-curricular provision but there are others.

Regular visits to the local area and further afield take place in all year groups throughout the year. Clifton Village is a wonderful resource and the children benefit enormously from the expertise within the community. Local dentists, doctors, builders, café owners, estate agents, post office workers, chefs and hairdressers have visited us or allowed us to visit them.

Each year group in our Junior department has an extended overnight trip to an activity camp, offering opportunities to enjoy canoeing, climbing, abseiling, archery, skiing, quad-biking, body-boarding, fencing, orienteering and similar adventurous activities. There is also a biennial ski trip.

Raising money for charity generates much enthusiasm and creativity; the children enjoy the opportunity to organise events for local and international charities and last year raised over £5,000.

(For illustration purposes only - please ask for details of currently active clubs)

Page 15: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Senior School extra-curricular activitiesWe offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities. See the sample timetable overleaf for more details.

Page 16: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962


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Page 17: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

The Duke of Edinburgh AwardTaking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme is a real adventure from beginning to end! It doesn’t matter what your strengths and weaknesses are, you just need to be aged between 14 and 24 and realise that there is more to life than lying on a sofa and watching the television!

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is available at three levels with two being available at Clifton High School. Our candidates usually complete the Bronze Award in Year 10 and go on to complete the Gold Award in Years 12 or 13. You do not have to have the Bronze Award to be able to do the Gold.

You achieve a Bronze Award by completing a personal programme of activities in four sections.

These sections are:

• Volunteering: helping someone, your community or the environment

• Physical: becoming fitter through sport, dance or fitness activities

• Skills: developing existing talents or trying something new

• Expedition: planning, training for and completing an adventurous journey

You need to be aged 14 or above to start a Bronze Award programme.

You need to be aged 16 or above to start a Gold Award programme and it will take a minimum of 18 months to complete. You have until your 25th birthday to complete the level and achieve an award.

As you progress through the level you will find yourself helping people in the community, getting fitter, developing new skills, going on expeditions to Exmoor, The Mendips and the Cotswolds. You can tailor many aspects of the programme to suit your own interests.

Along the way you will pick up experiences, friends and talents that will stay with you for the rest of your life!

And if you still need to be persuaded, don’t forget that you will be participating in a scheme that is highly valued by university admissions tutors!

See the Duke of Edinburgh Award website for more information.

Page 18: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Termly fees 2012/13

1. TUITION fees per term £

Senior Age 11 - 18 3,950Junior Age 7 - 11 2,775Early Years Age 4 - 7 2,755

The above are inclusive of games, stationery, hire of textbooks and art and handicraft materials. Examination fees are payable by parents except for certain Assisted Place schemes.

Reductions for siblings concurrently in the school (except where fees are paid by an authority or bursary):

2nd – 5%, 3rd – 15%, 4th – 25% percentages are applied individually, not overall

2. FAMILY BOARDING (exclusive of tuition, lunch and refreshments)

Full boarding 3,150

3. ADMISSION Admission charge payable on acceptance of a place 145


Day pupils – Preparatory department upwards 370 Payable on Admission, refunded on final bill

International students 6,080 Payable in advance, refunded on final bill

5. OPTIONAL INSURANCE Parents are asked to deduct premiums from the first term’s bill where cover is not required

a) Personal Accident 6

b) Fees Refund premiums are 1.5% of tuition fees for day pupils; 1% of tuition and boarding fees for boarders. Claims may be made for a period of continuous absence due to ill health of at least 5 days (including weekends) for a day pupil or 8 days for a boarder.

Claims should be made within 3 days of the end of term.

c) Healthcare Insurance 65

6. EX-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (billed in arrears)

Speech and Drama Lessons and the Drama Club – a schedule is available on request

Individual Music Lessons – a schedule is available on request

Individual Special Education Needs Lessons – 50 minute lesson 40


Charges are billed in arrears. School lunch is mandatory for pupils in Year 1 through to Year 11.

Children in Reception and students in the Sixth Form may choose to have school lunches or to bring their own packed lunches; the option to have school lunches is a commitment for the whole school year and parents will therefore be billed for the whole year. Remission is only made if a pupil is absent through illness for one consecutive month or more and made on a pro-rata basis of half the charge.

LUNCHES Senior School 220

Early Years and Junior School 210

MID – MORNING BREAK A range of snacks and drinks are available to the Senior School from the Beech Café

Fruit/Biscuits (Foundation Stage only) 10

Milk (Foundation Stage only) 15


All fees, except where stated otherwise are payable in advance and are due on or before the first day of term

Half a term’s notice is required to discontinue extra-curricular lessons otherwise half a term’s fees will be charged in lieu.

How we help you to make budgeting easier There is an option to pay by monthly (9 instalments) or termly direct debit at no extra cost.

Junior School tea club fees (Inclusive of tea)

3:30pm – 4:10pm FOC

Up to 4:30pm £3.00 per session

Up to 5:00pm £11.00 per session

Up to 5:30pm £14.00 per session

Up to 6:00pm £17.00 per session

After 6:00pm £3.80 per 15 mins

Reduction for siblings concurrently in the school

2nd – 5%, 3rd – 15%, 4th – 25% percentages are applied individually, not overall

Page 19: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

For your information we would like to bring your attention to the existence of a number of policies/procedures and other items of information relating to the School. This documentation can be found for viewing or downloading by following the Parents/Policies link within the relevant areas of the website. For those of you without access to a computer, this information is available upon request from the School Office.

If you have any difficulty accessing the above information, please contact the School Office.

Policies/ Procedures

• Admissions

• Behaviour

• Complaints

• Curriculum

• English as an Additional Language

• Exclusion, Suspension and Expulsion

• Educational Visits

• Learning Support

• Rewards and Sanctions

• Safeguarding (Allegations, Anti-bullying, Confidentiality, Duty of School and Personnel, Every Child Matters, Host Family Boarding, Recruitment, Vetting and Barring, Too Close for Comfort, Welfare of Pupils).

Other information

• Past examination results

• Staff lists

Policies/procedures and related information

Page 20: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Scholarships availableAcademic Scholarships In Year 7, those who have performed exceptionally well in the entrance examination will be called for an interview with Dr Alison Neill, Head of School. During this interview, candidates will be expected to discuss with her a subject which is of special interest to them.

In Year 9, candidates will be required to sit written examination papers in English and mathematics, and samples of science and language work will need to be made available. Candidates who perform well will be called for an interview with the Head; during this interview, they will be expected to bring an item of special interest to them and talk about why they have chosen it.

Academic scholars will be expected to take a lead in the school community and participate in our Forum. The Forum is managed and organised by our Sixth Form scholars and will provide an annual programme of debates and current affairs discussions; speakers will be invited into School to talk on specific topics of interest.

Music ScholarshipMusic scholarships are awarded for excellent musical skill and aptitude. Depending upon the instrument offered, a minimum of Grade 3 (Associated Board) for Year 7 and 8 applications would be expected. Candidates wishing to apply for a scholarship in Year 9 should be working towards Grade 5. Scholarship candidates without the specific qualification, but who can demonstrate proficiency comparable to the standard, will also be given consideration.

All elements of the audition are conducted by the Head of Music, Senior School. One piece on each instrument/voice

offered for scholarship will be required. Sight reading and aural tests appropriate to the grade will be administered, followed by an interview where the candidates will be invited to discuss their particular interests in music. Any question on the rudiments of music will be related to the pieces performed. Candidates will need to provide a reference from their instrumental teacher/s. The Head of Music, Senior School, will recommend potential music scholars to the Head of School, who will in turn call them in for interview.

Sports ScholarshipCandidates for a sports scholarship will have reached a high standard (eg county players) in their chosen sport or have the potential to achieve this or a higher level. Candidates will be interviewed by one of the Heads of School Games, and asked to perform a variety of sports-related skills and games. Candidates will need to demonstrate a keen interest in his or her chosen sport(s) and be committed to representing the School in them. Candidates who have an aptitude for an individual sport for which the school does not field a team, but who show a real talent and potential could also be considered. The Heads of School Games will recommend potential sports scholars to the Head of School, who will in turn call them for interview.

Awards may also be available for exceptional candidates with a unique talent which does not necessarily fit into the above categories.

Further information on scholarships may be obtained from the Admissions Registrar. For information on assisted places, please contact the Fee Administrator in the Finance Department.

Page 21: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Scholarship detailsEntry into the Senior School

Scholarships are available to boys and girls who typically

demonstrate high ability, interest beyond the curriculum

and a willingness to make a significant contribution to the

life of the school. Scholarships available include academic,

music and sports. We can also consider a scholarship for an

exceptional candidate with a unique talent that does not

fall into these categories but, if successful, they may only

accept one scholarship award.

Year 7

Our own Year 6 pupils sit examinations and nationally

standardised tests throughout the year in preparation for

entry into Year 7. Those who wish to apply for a scholarship

should, in the first instance, consult with the class teacher

and Mr Richards, Head of Nursery to Junior Schools. Selected

pupils will sit the school entrance examination alongside

external candidates. Approximately one third of those who

sit the entrance examination will be called back for a formal

scholarship interview with Dr Alison Neill, Head of School.

Of this third, half are likely to receive an award which, where

applicable, could be up to 25% of school fees.

For music and sports scholarships, interviews are conducted

by the relevant Heads of Department as well as the Head

of School.

Year 9

Scholarships are also made available for entry into Year 9.

Sixth Form

For entry into Clifton High Sixth we offer academic

scholarships and sports, creative arts and performing arts

awards. Please see the sixth form pack for details.

Scholarships are held through to Year 13, however a

scholar’s performance and contribution to the school must

be maintained and will be reviewed annually.

There are two full assisted places available for scholars

whose parents can demonstrate that their financial situation

warrants one.

Page 22: CHS%20Main%20Prospectus%202012

School Office: 0117 973 0201Admissions: 0117 933 9087Finance: 0117 973 3853

College Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3JD e-mail: [email protected]: www.cliftonhigh.bristol.sch.ukFacsimile: 0117 923 8962

Application form for Entrance ExaminationPlease tick appropriate box

Year of entry Examination date Closing date for application tick

Yr 7 19th January 2013 11th January 2013

Yr 7 (reserve date) 26th January 2013 18th January 2013

Yr 9 19th January 2013 11th January 2013

Yr 9 (reserve date) 26th January 2013 18th January 2013

Yr 12 Scholarship interviews in November 2012 tbc – please ask for more details

Applicant’s full name

Parent(s)’ name(s) (inc. title)

1) 2)

Home address


Previous schools

Telephone email:

Present school Head:


Other relevant comments/information

Examination fee £30 – refundable in first term’s fees upon entry.

Scholarship candidates onlyPlease tick the appropriate boxes and give details where required

Type of scholarship

Please tick box Yr group entry Main instrument/Grade/ Main sport (where applicable)


