chromium presentation

A Smarter City project Improving A&E Queues Daniel Spurway, James Hennerley, Tomas Bobinas

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Post on 30-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Daniel Spurway, James Hennerley, Tomas Bobinas

2. The number of bypass A&E visits have left the NHS haemorrhaging funds and a queuing system that is simply appalling. We believe we have a solution to this which could save 5m (2%) p/a. 3. Through diligent thought upon the recent scandal over A&E waiting times at Colchester Hospital (bare in mind this is not the first Hospital to be caught doing this), we believe that a system revision can prevent this from happening in the future. 4. We will stream queuing information: Usinga mobile app, targeted at over 90% of the mobile market.Avery straight-forward web interface that will fuse with Google Maps. 5. Restoration of faith and hope for a new begining! 6. If we eliminate this issue, the NHS WILL save money, and patients WILL once again have trust in the system. Sunderland county council can lead way and carve a path for other constituencies . 7. This is the end of about presentation. Please feel free to ask us any questions you have, and we will respond. Again, thank you for taking the time from your busy schedules, and giving us your time today.