christmas traditions in italy-Χριστουγεννι

Christmas traditions in Italy Italian traditions are based heavily on the religion of Christianity. The Christmas season goes for three weeks, starting eight days before Christmas known as the Novena. During this period, bagpipe players, dress up as shepherds and go into the villages to play outside churches and in popular city squares.

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Page 1: Christmas traditions in italy-Χριστουγεννι

Christmas traditions in Italy Italian traditions are based heavily on the religion of Christianity. The Christmas season goes for three weeks, starting eight days before Christmas known as the Novena. During this period, bagpipe players, dress up as shepherds and go into the villages to play outside churches and in popular city squares.

Page 2: Christmas traditions in italy-Χριστουγεννι

Christmas food

The essence of Christmas Day in Italy is family, love and food.Italian festive food varies from region to region, although there are some common dishes. In the Italian Catholic tradition, Christmas Eve is a day for abstinence from meat so a celebratory banquet frequently features fish: some families even prepare as many as different fish dishes!In Rome and southern Italy a dish made with fried eels is a firm favourite.After dinner Italians head off for midnight mass.

Lunch on Christmas Day is the most important of all Christmas feasts and it is a length affair.Tortellini in chicken broth and a pig’s foot filled with mince meat are particular popular in northern Italy.Lamb and vegetables are common in southern Italy.

Page 3: Christmas traditions in italy-Χριστουγεννι

Christmas cakes

The most popular dessert is Panettone cake filled with candied fruit and raisins.

The main, traditional cake is gold bread,called Pandoro, which is very similar but without the candied fruit or raisins.

Page 4: Christmas traditions in italy-Χριστουγεννι

Christmas decorations Lights and decorations are often seen starting around December 8th.

Italians have adopted some of the northern European traditions. Nowadays, especially in northern Italy, a fair number of families decorate an evergreen tree in their home. Baby Jesus or Father Christmas put the presents under the Christmas Tree.Children open their presents on Christmas Day morning or after lunch.

The Crib

Page 5: Christmas traditions in italy-Χριστουγεννι

The main focus of decorations is the crib. It represents The Holy Family in the stable. The crib consists of figurines, in clay or plaster , of the infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph. An ox and ass are nearby because legend has it that they warmed the child with their breath.It is around this basic focal point that there are intricate landscapes.There may be grottoes, small trees, lakes, rivers, the lights of "Bethlehem" in the background.The crib is entirely decorated with colored paper, gilt pine cones and miniature colored pennants. A star or a small angel is hung at the top of it.Many people set up a small Christmas crib in their house.

The Befana

Page 6: Christmas traditions in italy-Χριστουγεννι

She is a kindly old witch who rides around on a broomstick.

The legend is that the Three Wise Men stopped at Befana’s hut to ask directions on their way to Bethlehem and asked her to join them. She said no. Later when it was dark and she saw a great light in the sky, she thought perhaps she should have gone with the Wise Men.

So, she gathered some toys that belonged to her own baby, who died, and ran to find the three kings. But Befana couldn’t find them or the stable where Christ Child laid.

Now each year she looks for the Christ child. She visits every house where there are children and leaves gifts just in case one of them happens to be the Christ Child.

For the naughty children it is said she only leaves coals, but that is very rare since there are very seldom any really naughty children, especially during Christmas time, when they know Befana is on her way!