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Small Group Bible Study Classes


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FALL 2015

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Dear Church Family,I began my journey as a new Christian, when my friend Rufus Smith discipled me as a new believer. I can still remember the little pieces of paper he would write study questions on. We bantered back and forth discussing and debating our newly gained knowledge and love of God and the scriptures. More than my philosophy and religion

classes, more than my theology course in seminary, the kitchen table fellowship is what rooted and grounded me as a growing Christian.

It was this kind of study that strengthened and matured me. Also it was that kind of small group study that matured the Brookhollow family. Those days when you would see almost every growing Christian in this church carrying a discipleship study bible. We grew more, reached more, gave more and baptized more people during that period than any other time in the 28 years of this church. And it is what I believe God has called me back to as a pastor and teacher.

Pray about your spiritual growth. Select a small group that you can study, learn, pray and grow with. God by his grace has chosen you to “grow in grace and the knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ”. 1Peter 3:18

Be Encouraged,

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Mission and Vision Statement

MISSIONTHE CHURCH WITHOUT WALLS is committed to bringing men and women who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ into fellowship with Him and into responsible church membership through:

Equipping BelieversEnriching Persons

Evangelizing PeopleEdifying Missions



Leading, Evangelizing, Assimilating & Proclaiming

Purpose of Christian Education

Discipleship: Studying God’s WordFellowship: Connecting in Relationship with Other Believers

Service: Finding Your Place to Serve in MinistryEvangelism: Inviting Others to Belong

Online Instructions:Visit the Christian Education section at or scan the QR code on the right with your smartphone.

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RECOMMENDED TRACKS OF STUDY“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

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“Family Night at TCWW”Join us weekly for Mid-week Service 7 p.m.

The Bistro is open each Tuesday night 6 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.

Tuesday Night Bible Study Fall 2015

Build Your Life Conference

Join us each Tuesday night in September starting September 8th for a series of small group classes at 6pm on the Eldridge Campus.

September 8th - Nightly Focus: PrayerA.C.T.S – Ask, Confess, Thanksgiving: Learning How to PrayThe Blue Print: Foundational Prayers of the BibleStanding in the Gap: The Power of Intercessory PrayerDevotional Prayer: Scheduling Your Time to Talk to GodU-Turn: The Grace Repentance Prayer

September 15th - Nightly Focus: FamilyLife After Divorce & Co-ParentingLiving Single: Single Parenting & Just Being a Party of 1The Brady Bunch: The life of the Blended FamilyFamily Matters: Marriage and Strengthening the Traditional FamilyThe Village: Extended Family Support Grandparenting, Neighbors & Friends

September 22nd - Nightly Focus: RelationshipsChristianity and Co-Workers: Christian Influence in the Workplace Birds of a Feather: Building Positive Christian RelationshipsTug-O-War: Dating as a ChristianGod’s Love: Deepening Your Relationship with ChristApples & Oranges: Relationships and Encounters with non-believers

September 29th - Nightly Focus: ServiceGo Fish: Effectively Sharing Jesus Twinning: Multiplication vs Addition in DiscipleshipChristians & Curren$y: Stewardship is more than MoneyThe Filter: Obedience and Faithfulness, The Keys to God’s Heart Jenga: How to use all your Spiritual Gifts Wisely

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Early Childhood (Ages: 6 months-4 years old)

Lil’ Leapers All Services, Each CampusInfants and toddlers learn to love, grow, and share first from their parents according to God’s direction; the church comes alongside the parent to minister as they nurture their child in Christ’s-likeness. Parents of Preschoolers are required to volunteer one Sunday, one Service a month in the Early Childhood Ministry.

Worship KidStyle - KWOW (Grades: K-5th) All Sunday Services Let kids worship... like kids! This curriculum guides kids to worship through Arts & Crafts, Dramatic Play, Games, and Exploration & Discovery. Kids will sing along to cool music videos and participate in Bible study, prayer time, offering, and fun review activities.

TeamKid (Grades: K-5th) Tuesdays, 7 p.m. – All Campuses Each week kids learn a new character trait God wants them to develop. Ranging from being honest to being joyful, the topics each week challenge children to make that character trait part of their daily living.

*Music & Arts (Grades: 3-5th)Children’s Choir & Praise Dance – All CampusesChildren’s Step Team – Eldridge Only

*Sign up available at all campusesTCWW continues to encourage and support our children in all areasof spiritual growth. We offer our children the opportunity to worshipthrough music and arts. If your child is interested in being in thechildren’s choir, praise dance team or step team, please registeronline for additional information.



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es Children’s Path

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sYouth Christian Education PathIgnite (6th-12th)

Youth Night Bible Study - Every Tuesday at 7 p.m. – All Campuses Designed to use sound biblical teaching principles and discipleship to excite, inspire, capture, and ignite young people to become Christian leaders.

TCWW Youth Huddles (Grades 6-12th) - Every Sunday – All Service Times at each campus

Ignite Sunday Series - Fall

September – ThirstyWater is the source of all life. We crave it, demand it and consume it. During this teaching series, we will discover water as an analogy to describe how we are to crave God. We read Psalms 63:1 and begin to wonder how David got to the point of "earnestly seeking and thirsting" after God. How does that happen? This series focuses on how the believer can begin to understand what it means to seek after God and thirst for Him.

October – #TrendingThe book of Proverbs is written like a bunch of tweets, small phrases or sentences with less than 140 characters. Each one is written with a purpose and a hope to impart wisdom to those who read it. Our hope with this new teaching series, #trending, is that God's truth would trend in our community. Does what I say matter to those who read it? Am I an encouragement? Is what I say worth retweeting? As we go through this series, we will discover the power of our tweets and how we must learn to make a difference in the lives of others.

November – Hear MeEver just wanted to yell at God? Or ask Him 'Why?' Or tell Him you love Him? Or just tell Him you're blown away by what He's done for you? Well, that's what David did in the Psalms. He talked to God, questioned God, even yelled at God once or twice. Hear Me is a study based on the first five Psalms and the five different topics that accompany them. When students question whether God is active in their lives or just watching from behind the scenes, Hear Me will remind youth that God is present and working. In fact, He's ready to listen to them. Even if they're yelling: Hear Me!

December – Truth IsThe overall series is to help define Truth to students. The series is meant to teach what it means to live in the Truth, to understand that Jesus is the Truth, and that He is the only way for salvation. In the final message, the idea of Absolute Truth will be discussed. We cannot pick and choose what Jesus taught to be true, but we instead have to accept the whole picture.

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New Christian & New Member SeriesBaptism Ordinance Classes (3 weeks)Each of the three (one session) classes is mandatory for all baptism candidates. Candidates will gain a clear understanding of Salvation, Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. Classes offered 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sunday of each month. See Announcement Guide for Room locations at each campus.

Bingle Campus Eldridge Campus

start time: 8:15 a.m. start time: 9 a.m.

Queenston Campus start time: 10 a.m.

New Members Classes (6 weeks to complete)

Firm Foundation – 2015 – Class 1 Starts Every Sunday (includes The Shepherd’s Class and I Am A Church Member). Members will study together as a cohort starting the Sunday after the date joined. An additional option is Tuesday night at 6p.m., QUEENSTON ONLY.Members learn the vision, history, philosophy of our Church, and the expectations of responsible church membership through study of what it means to be a Christian.

Bingle Campus start time: 8 a.m. EVERY SUNDAYEldridge Campus start time: 9 a.m. EVERY SUNDAYQueenston Campus start time: 8 a.m. & 12 Noon EVERY SUNDAYQueenston Campus start time: 6 p.m. Each Tuesday



Finding Your Fit Ministry Fair - Sunday, September 20th (Church Picnic) – 1:00 p.m. - 5 p.m. Queenston CampusMembers will complete a spiritual gift inventory to identify their spiritual gifts, abilities, and experiences, in order to find their place of service in the Church.

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sSpiritual Growth Path

Women’s Path – Table TalkClasses start September 14th at 7 p.m. – All CampusesThis Changes Everything: Lessons from James is comprised of teachings of James, the half-brother of Jesus. James, who went from skeptic to believer, faced an objective reality he had to come to terms with: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. What James knew then still holds true today. When we encounter Jesus, He will change everything.

Pick-A-Book/Old Testament (Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy *Starts Thursday, August 20th at 7 p.m., Queenston Leviticus is the third book of the Hebrew Bible or the Torah. Written by Moses, the book is a set of instructions emphasizing ritual, legal and moral practices which lead to developing communal and personal holiness of God’s people. Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible and details how the children of Israel make preparation to take possession of the Promised Land. Deuteronomy means “second law;” this book offers a restatement of the Law for a new generation, namely Moses’s series of sermons in which he restated God’s commands originally given to the Israelites some 40 years earlier in Exodus and Leviticus. This is an open on-going study.

Experiencing God (13 weeks) August 31st at 7 p.m. - BingleLearn and discover the 7-Realities of God. In this inviting and life-changing study learn how to trust God as you engage in developing a deeper walk and relationship with Him. Experience the ability to know and do the will of God as outlined in His word. Sessions are available for Children, Youth, Collegiate, and Adults. Truett Seminary Certificate of Ministry Program (On-going Enrollment) Queenston Campus*Session 5 on Introduction to Counseling & the Life of Paul startsSeptember 14th through November 30, 2015, 7 p.m.This home study program is designed to improve your skills and help youbecome a more effective minister and follower of Jesus Christ. TheChurch Without Walls will serve as a Study Center for enrolled students. Thisis a 2-year commitment for 10/6-week classes. Students will receive aCertificate of Ministry upon completion of program from Truett Seminary.*Contact the Christian Education Office at 281.649.6800 for additionalinformation regarding cost and program details. Visit the Certificate ofMinistry page at

He Speaks to Me: Preparing to Hear from God is a six week study that relates six characteristics found in Samuel that are applicable to women today as they tune their hearts to hear God's voice. These characteristics are: A Simple Relationship, A Set Apart Holiness, A Still Attentiveness, A Single-Minded Worship, A Sold Out Hunger, and A Servant's Spirit. By listening to God's voice and obeying Him, women will be drawn into a closer relationship to God that brings a deeper desire to serve Him faithfully.

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Quiet Strength – (based on book by Tony Dungy) - September 23rd at 12 Noon Queenston

How does a coach win the respect of his players and lead them to the Super Bowl without the screaming histrionics and the profanities? How is it possible to succeed without compromising your faith and family? In this study, Coach Dungy shares a life lived for God and family and challenges us to redefine our ideas of what it means to succeed.

A Bible Study for Men – Manhood and John – September 9th at 7 p.m. – Queenston

This class will examine characters and narratives in the Book of John for the purpose of teaching men to be better fathers, better husbands, and better community and kingdom citizens.

Kingdom Man – (based on the book by Tony Evans) – October 11 at 12 noon – Queenston and at 11 a.m. at Eldridge

Men, it’s time to raise the standard and remind ourselves of manhood as God intended it to be. Join me and other men around the world on a journey of rediscovering what it means to be a Kingdom Man.

Men’s Path

Women's Path - Table Talk (continued)Connected: My Life in the Church provides a biblical understanding of what it means to be a part of the body of Christ through a study of the Book of Ephesians. This study moves us to see that God has placed us in our local churches to serve others, care for them, pray together, learn together, and grow together–all for the glory of God.

Women Making a Difference in Their Marriage: Building Love, Joy, and Commitment offers practical insights for women seeking to be godly wives – even when unbelieving, unchurched husbands, separation, or divorce seems to shatter their dreams. Women learn that through carefully studying the Bible and adopting a willingness to follow its principles, instructions and examples, they can begin to experience all that God intended for their marriage. God has a plan for our marriages, and women can begin to build or rekindle their marriage according to His design.

Order My Steps Volume II is a new six-week Bible Study whereby, Sheretta West invites you to embrace your faith journey and walk confidently with God. Trust Him to take you to a higher level as your walk daily with Him.

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The P.E.A.C.E. Men’s Fellowship *Every Saturday, 7 a.m. – Queenston & Eldridge

Join the men of TCWW for a great time of fellowship, food, and study of God’s Word. Gathering together to understand the role of men in today’s society and becoming men that God can use.

Life Track

Men's Path (continued)

Senior AdultsS.A.L.T: Senior Adults Living Triumphantly *On-going (Wednesday, 10 a.m. – Bingle and Queenston;Thursday, 10 a.m. – EldridgeDiscover what God expects of believers in all areas of life includingfaith, deeds, morality, leadership, and attitude. The SALT Ministry iscommitted to providing a caring, loving, and nurturing atmosphereto the mature members of the congregation through fellowship,Bible study, and missions. Summer Study: Living with Discernment inthe End Times.

MarriageBlending Families (8 weeks) – Sunday, September 13th at 9 a.m. at EldridgeEven under the best of circumstances, marriage in a blended family is challenging, from parenting to ex-spouses to past hurts, couples face many obstacles. Whether you’ve been married for years or just preparing for the journey, Blending Families is the essential resource to help you breakthrough and have a successful family that will thrive for years to come. (Based on book by Jimmy Evans)

Marriage on the Rock (6 weeks) – Sunday, September 13th at 8 a.m. at Queenston; Sunday, September 13th at 9 a.m. atEldridge Society requires years of preparation for almost anysignificant career endeavor, but demands no real preparation forone of the most crucial undertakings in life: marriage. Marriage onthe Rock clearly details God's principles that will turn disillusioned,divorce-bound marriages into satisfying dream relationships. (Basedon book by Jimmy Evans)

Covenant Marriage (6 weeks) – Sunday, September 13th at 10 a.m. at QueenstonIn this book study by Gary Chapman, couples learn howcommunication and intimacy are two of the most important aspectsin developing a successful Covenant Marriage. At the heart of it all,having a relationship with God enhances your marriage relationship.

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s Life Track (continued)

Building a Marriage That Really Works (4 weeks) – Tuesday, October 6th at 7 p.m. at Queenston.

In this study, couples learn what it means to be a godly husband or wife. Couples will discover biblical wisdom for pursuing harmony in difficult areas such as finances, communication, and respect for each other's roles. Most important, couples learn the principles you need to build a love that lasts. (Based on Kay Arthur’s book)

Love and Respect (6 weeks) – Sunday, October 11th at 10 a.m. at Queenston

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs’ in-depth study helps couples understand why our communication styles are not wrong, just different. Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It's the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find.

Five Love Languages (5 Weeks) – Sunday, October 11th at 8 a.m. at Queenston

Marriages may be made in heaven, but they must be nurtured here on earth. This study uncovers how people communicate love in different ways and shares the wonderful things that happen when men and women learn to speak each other's language.


Raising Kingdom Kids (Six weeks) – Tuesday, October 6th at Queenston at 7 p.m.

Raising Kingdom Kids provides practical examples and illustrations to help parents grow kids’ faith, with specific instruction in the power of prayer, wisdom, love of God’s Word, getting through trials, controlling the tongue, developing patience, and the surrender of service.

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Leadership Development Path

Decision Time Training Workshop 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.The training is designed for members interested in joining our Decision Time Ministry Team. This team assists new believers and new members to understand their decisions and their next steps in their walk with Christ.


September 12th

October 10th November 14th December 5th

Room 235Room 200, Choir RoomRoom 103 Room 235

Leadership Training

Reducing the Risk (1 Session 1 Day only) - Saturdays - 9-11:30am Harassment of varying kinds, deeds unmentionable, and child abuse can plague a church and community from a myriad of social backgrounds. We have a profound moral obligation to reduce the possibility of any act from ever occurring here at The Church Without Walls. This is a Mandatory Ministry Participation class, and is for parents/guardians with children in our Lil’ Leapers, KWOW, and IGNITE ministry. Adults serving in any area of the church must also take the Reducing the Risk course.

Celebrate Recovery *Ongoing on Fridays at 7 p.m. – Eldridge Celebrate Recovery is a program designed to help those struggling with hurts, hang-ups, and habits by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through the recovery process.

12-Step Study Group *Ongoing Thursdays, at 7 p.m., EldridgeThis small Study Group will take people through the 12 steps and theeight core principles of the recovery process.

Personal Renewal Path

Discipleship CoursesEagles (9 Weeks – *Starts Monday, September 14th at 7 p.m. at Queenston Eagles is a small group study and is designed for mature students who have proven their willingness to give back those things they have learned. *Must have completed MasterLife 8 months prior.

Eldridge Campus Room 200, Choir RoomQueenston Campus Room 223Eldridge Campus

September 19th October 10th

November 7th Room 200, Choir Room

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Discipleship Path

Disciple Life for Men (Ages 21+) – Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 7 p.m. at Queenston and Eldridge

Discipleship is a journey, and one that you are not meant to take alone. Join other brothers as they grow in understanding God's eternal purpose, His plan for their life, and how together we as Christians can make a difference. This study is designed for you to engage in a Bible based, culturally relevant discussion group where real issues are addressed with biblical solutions.

Disciple Life Married - Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 7 p.m. at QueenstonA 10 week Bible-based curriculum. The goal of this group is to encourage couples to become disciple minded while making their marriage a ministry. This disciple life group utilizes three books.

Disciple Life Singles - Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 7 p.m. at Queenston For Singles, Marriage Matters (based on the book by Tony Evans) Marriage Matters paints a picture of what it means to have a happy marriage-as God defines happiness. By examining the nature of the covenant and the purpose of marriage, Tony Evans gives steps to developing and maintaining a healthy relationship. Gary Thomas' book, The Sacred Search explores why it's so important to know the why of marriage before you know the who of marriage. This study will provide you practical advice for building a relationship with eternal purposes.

Discipleship Making 101 - Tuesday, November 17, 2015 at 7 p.m. at Queenston and EldridgeLearn how to make disciples by becoming a disciple maker. (Two weeks)

The Gospel of Mark (12 weeks) – Wednesday, September 2nd at 7 p.m. at Queenston.The Gospel of Mark paints an important portrait of Jesus as Israel’s promised Messiah. Mark’s account also makes clear how Jesus’ kingship confounds public expectations by Emphasizing his humility, suffering, and sacrifice.

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Discipleship Path (continued)

The Gospel of Matthew (12 weeks) – Wednesday, September 2nd at Queenston.

The book of Matthew paints a powerful portrait of Jesus as Israel’s long-awaited Messiah, the one who would bring God’skingdom to earth and fulfill his promises to his people.

The Gospel of Luke (12 weeks) – Thursday, September 3rd at 7 p.m. at Eldridge.

The Gospel of Luke is the most thorough historical account of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But Luke’s book is more than just history; it’s also a rich source of life-giving theology, revealing Jesus’s identity as Israel’s long-awaited Messiah and the Savior of the world.

The Gospel of John (12 weeks) – Monday, September 7th at 7 p.m. at Queenston.

The Gospel of John reveals an unmatched portrait of Jesus and is arguably the most theologically and philosophically profound account of his life, death, and resurrection in the New Testament. From revealing Jesus’ cosmic identity as being with the Father “in the beginning,” to recounting the many miraculous signs attesting to his mission and divinity, this study encourages us to worship Christ as Lord and to follow him on mission in the world.

Romans (12 weeks) – Monday, September 7th at 7 p.m. at Queenston.

The book of Romans was Paul’s greatest literary achievement, a majestic letter in which the apostle explains crucial doctrines such as original sin, election, substitutionary atonement, the role of the law, and justification by faith alone. Plumbing the theological depths, this study explains the biblical text with clarity and passion—helping us to follow along as Paul recounts the history of salvation and illuminates the glories of the death and resurrection of Christ.

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s Ministry-Led Studies TrackEvangelismMission of God – Wednesday, September 9th at 7 p.m. at QueenstonThe Bible provides a basis for mission. Respectively, but what if the mission is bigger than that? There is in fact a missional basis for the Bible! The entire Bible is generated by and is all about God's mission. In order to understand the Bible,we need to see the "big picture" of God's mission and how the familiar bits and pieces fit into the grand narrative of Scripture. Join us in this exciting book study on how God's mission is to reclaim the world is carried out through the Old and New Testaments.

Give Them Christ – Wednesday, November 4th at 7 p.m. at QueenstonMuch preaching today begins with the hearer's "felt needs" and then moves to how Christianity can solve those problems. Many times this approach often results in self-improvement sermons rather than soul saving doctrine. This class teaches church leaders how to keep Jesus Christ at the center of the sermon by focusing on five key dimensions of Jesus' work: his incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension and return. This class examines the heart of the preacher’s heart and helps church leaders declare afresh that Christ alone is supremely sufficient for Christian faith and practice.

Deacon Family Life MinistryCrucible: The Choices That Change Your Life Forever – September 14th at 7 p.m. at Eldridge; September 16th at 7 p.m. at QueenstonDavid, Israel’s shepherd king, faced critical choices throughout his life, and we can learn a lot from how he handled them. In Crucible, we witness how faith, trust, fear, truth, despair, sacrifice, and humility refined David and drew him closer to the heart of God. We learn that God will use the choices we make to transform us into people after His own heart—and shape our lives forever.

Prayer MinistryFoundations of Prayer - Starts September 9th at 7 p.m. atQueenstonThis DVD series by Pastor West will cover how to have the heart to pray, the promises of prayer, the instructions to pray, the love of prayer, and the confession and power of prayer.

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Adult Bible Fellowship classes provide a dynamic small group environment to study God’s Word while building healthy and rewarding friendship with other believers. Classes meet throughout the year. Discover yourself and the new life God has designed for you through Sunday School! These studies are designed for your Christian Education, growth, leadership, and fellowship.

QUEENSTON Ages RoomTeacher/Instructor

Online Study Path

Sunday Adult Bible Fellowship

*All Campuses - Each Sunday

8 a.m. Max Burton/John Gonzales 30-45 2228 a.m. Allen Wilson 46-55 238

8 a.m. Lionel Joyce 55+ 237

8:15 a.m. All Ages 235

9:45 a.m.

Michell Nelson Keith

Osbourne All Ages 221

9:45 a.m. Arthur Watkins/James Harris 55+ 224

10:00 a.m. Married 238 Couples

11:30 a.m. 22118-39(Young Couples)

Ages RoomELDRIDGE 7:15 a.m. All Ages 101

9 a.m. 35 + 217

9 a.m. 35 + 101

BINGLE Ages Room

8:30 a.m. Janet Dixson/Emma Jones All Ages Singles Room

Charlene & Eric Terry Calvin & Lethia Greer

Mark Lane/ Toni Austin Wynard Crawford/ P. EdwardsB. Mathis/ W. Smith/V.Thomas

No online courses offered in Fall 2015.


Walter & Karen Weakly


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Rebuilding A Generation

Ralph Douglas WestPastor/Founder




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281.649.6800 •

Sept. 6 Sept. 13 Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 THE BEATITUDES Oct. 25 Nov. 1 Nov. 8 Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov. 29

Session 1: The Bread of LifeSession 2: The Light of the WorldSession 3: The DoorSession 4: The Good ShepherdSession 5: The Resurrection and the Life Session 6: The Way, the Truth, and the LifeSession 7: The True Vine

Session 8: The Poor in SpiritSession 9: The MeekSession 10: Those Who Hunger & Thirst After Righteousness Session 11: The MercifulSession 12: The Pure in HeartSession 13: The Peacemakers

Sunday Bible Fellowship Topics

o“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to

prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

MasterWork Book - Fall 2015 Series:JESUS IN THE PRESENT TENSE

YOU: Connect. Grow. Serve. Go! Book FALL Series:Unit 1 JESUS JESUS JESUS

Introducing JesusEncountering JesusJesus, Have I Gone Too Far?Nobody Greater

Unit 2 JOY Ride

Let’s Get StartedGet IT in GearRunning on EmptyTurn Up the Volume


Family for What?Do the Right ThingDon’t Get it TwistedStraightening Things OutLeaving a Godly Legacy