choosing cover photo

I have selected 4 photos from my shoot to be on my cover however I was having trouble picking what photo to have so I put all for on a InDesign to help me imagine what they will look like on the cover of my magazine. With the first photo I have like the position of the model and I feel that there is enough room to fit in the things I want to like coverlines etc. However on the right side there is the white wall however it looks the side of the photo. And I’m not too sure on the background I don’t think it fits in with the photo or the genre I selected this photo from the shoot as I again liked the position of the model and how he is looking down it makes the picture more interesting, however there is also cons to this position in some ways I don’t like the fact he Is looking down as it makes it less personal to the audience and isn’t as eye catching as if he was looking at the camera I like this photo because of the position of the model and I fell it would work well with the things I need to include such as cover lines, I also like the light in the photo it make it look professional, however there isn’t a lot of room at the top of the magazine to include a masthead because it will just go over the top of his face.

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Choosing cover photo

I have selected 4 photos from my shoot to be on my cover however I was having trouble picking what photo to have so I put all for on a InDesign to help me imagine what they will look like on the cover of my magazine.

With the first photo I have like the position of the model and I feel that there is enough room to fit in the things I want to like coverlines etc. However on the right side there is the white wall however it looks the side of the photo. And I’m not too sure on the background I don’t think it fits in with the photo or the genre

I selected this photo from the shoot as I again liked the position of the model and how he is looking down it makes the picture more interesting, however there is also cons to this position in some ways I don’t like the fact he Is looking down as it makes it less personal to the audience and isn’t as eye catching as if he was looking at the camera

I like this photo because of the position of the model and I fell it would work well with the things I need to include such as cover lines, I also like the light in the photo it make it look professional, however there isn’t a lot of room at the top of the magazine to include a masthead because it will just go over the top of his face.

I like the light in the photo and the tones on the body and face however it looks the model it avoiding contact with the camera in a natural way. There is also not a lot of room above the head to include a masthead so it would have to go behind making it harder for me

Page 2: Choosing cover photo

After a relook onto my photos I saw this photo that I excused before. I didn’t like this photo as first because of the complete ignored look to the camera making it less personal to the audience however I feel because this is a unusual position it is very eye grabbing to the audience and I feel there us the right gab between his head and the top of the page to add In the masthead. The model also being in in the centre of the page this allows enough room for me to add in my text for the cover for example the cover lines.

Still after the analysis I am unsure on what photo to pick as they all have their positives and negatives so I asked for other opinions. The selected crowd didn’t come to one decision however the one that had the most votes was the last one. They said it was different to other magazine covers at the moment and that would fit to my theme of alternative. They also said that because it being different this would make it more eye catching. However the photo they selected they did say it needed brightening up in Photoshop as it was little to dark and dull.