choice wines, liqnors and cigars. - library of congressand thai since the surrender of ninety of...

jrfwvj* ^ '•«**? t 5, ££ »Vit$/Kfi i^'-'ii'? J ' ' f i'i4iJ.*'V"' i 1 'Jf' -r^fis Continued from Firtt Page* , tout for the misrepreseotatioiis of renegade Thompson, who is now in custody at "Woody , mountain, wo«ld have secured '•the surrender of 8itting Bull himself long- before this. However, Mr. Allison states that Sitting Bull is but a cypher now, and thai since the surrender of ninety of Jiis followers last week, he has but thirty "fighting men leit. As to their surrender Allison says it makes very little ' differ- ^e^aow, whether they come in or not, .. RUNNING ANfitLOPE, who *as sent by Geu. Terry from Stand- ing lock to Buford to assist in persuad- ing be iDdiws at that post to eo and live yith theif people at the Standing KockBKencyJwas with Gaul on the Hel- ena. Antelope prides himself upon his «tatefnanshi|H He is convincing in liis arguments, ank I* him may be given a great leal of taegit for the perfect con- tentmot everywhere manifest among the IftHant, w$o so recently were the worst SVMK* of the ptaias. Antelope is a neph«r of SfcttegBull. and so also is iQauL Theletiw stated at Buford that, if the gorernmea^ would give him twenty •good sen, be w$Mld go out and bring &ittkg Bull in,|aad if he refused to come Hie tould kill Ma. About ten minutes %e£retlie dspaftan of the boats from Stated. ninety-4*c from Sitting Bull's OEtnp came in -aid surrendered. Among U£in was 'Sleeping Wafer, Sitting Bull's •daughter, who h|d ran away with a buck. ^Antelope would recognize her until after Maj.Brolli^rtttu had shaken hands with her, whereupon Antelope approached hcrandshakinggler hand made a speech, stating that he had told her and her peo- ple many years a£o that they would have to come 401th k, aid bow she could see how true e>t was. Sleepia^ Water was on the Sherman, also Low Dog, the Indian who killed the Keogh Line mail driver Boat summer. lEetnrn eftke Boats te Bismarck. The steamboats that took the 1,200 In- dians to Fort Yat^s arrived back at Bis- on arck Monday and immediately began loading for up river points. THE FAB WEST was the first boat to return and in honor of the event had her flags flying. •Capt. Campbell, her commander, has been •on the river ever since he was old enough to know a steamboat from,a locomotvive— having commenced as cabin boy on the Ohio river, and worked his way up to the position of being one of the very best and most favorably known captains on west- ern waters. Like Col. O'Connor, the repr reeentative of his line at Bismarck, he is never asleep, and there is no one who can isp early enough in the morning to get Ahead of him. In a chat with the report- er Monday, Capt. Campbell stated that fthe Fiir West arrived at Fo rt Yates at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, unloaded the In- dians, departed at 4 a. m., and arrived at liismarck at 8 Cclock Sunday evening, in such liaste was the Far West to get back to Bismarck ai.ead of the other (boats that she tdok to Standing Hock and brought hack a large quantity of buffalo robes and furs that were unloaded yester- day. On the down trip, one evening the captain ordered the deck cleared and lights huug up which gave tke Indians an opportunity to enjoy a war dance, much to their own delight and the gratification of the other passengers. Coffee was also served by the boat and the Indians upon leaving, evince! their gratitude to Capt. ^Campbell for the kind manner in which .they had been treated. On Thursday .evening at Berthold, an Indian fell over- board from the Far West, and having a rope thrown to him, grabbed it in his teeth and thereby his life was saved. The accidental drowning Of a squaw and pa- poose seemed to have a depressing effect upon the Indians who regard everything in. a superstitious light. Upon arriving at Fort Yates, Capt Campbell states that a Targe number of agenoy Indians came down to the ianding on foot aud on horse- back, but while Ibey eyed closely the new arrivals of their own race and tribe not •even a look, of recognition or a word passed between them so long as the boat remained. THE HELENA arrived at Yates at 9:30 Saturday nigh , left at 3:15 a. m. and was the second boat to arrive at Bismarck having tied up to the bank at 7:30 Monday morning, af- ter having stopped below long enough to ttakie on thirty cords of wood. Captain Fecto states that his Indians were very orderly and that no trouble was exper ienced on the tiip from toginhing to end. Chief Gaul, a nephew of Sitting Bull, and one of his lieutenants at the Custer mas- ,-sacrc, was at all times the center of at- [traction, and although he has been twice ghot, and once pinned to the. ground by two soldier's bayonets he evinced no fear, .and now considers himself "the white man's friend." Upon arriving at Yates •Gaul was met by his aged mother a:ul a very effecting scone transpired that was, .of course, unstudied and natural, and yet dramatic .enough to p'ace upon the stage. The mother of the noted chief, upon peeing liim, ran forward and placed her head upon his bosom, knelt at his feet, kissed liishands, and'wept, and made many familiar demonstrations of joy. Ciaul, stolid and iiuliffereiit, spoke not a wtfrd, but gathered his robes about him and walked away as might Cardinal Kichieliou, at a moment when bethought of France, his own conspiracies, and tri- umphs over hip enemies. The scenes will be long remembered by the ofliviv of th^ iuat, * ho we ,Ffl r9V lB ; ' , I - 1 - . f < v ' <V Keogh, for the purpose of bringing down 1,800 more Indians. .. tm wfwwtif arrived at Fort. Yates about 11 o'clock, Sunday forenoon, left at 3:15 p. m., and arrived about 10 a. m., Monday. The passengers on this boat had the privilege of witnessing a war dance on the way down, and a funeral service upon arriv- ing, also the pleasure of hearing the elo- quence of a Chief in addressing his peo- ple. As the boat touched the landing, a squaw suddenly died, and within fifteen mihutes the peculiar funeral services had been held, a dog killed in sacrafice.a med- icine bottle emptied, and the corpse borne away in a buffalo robe. Running Ante- lope, upon the arrival of the boat, also donned his war bonnet, and, standing upon the hurricane deck in the attitude of a tobaceo sign, made a speech to his people, wildly gesticulating, and looking in his long linen duster not unlike the typical campaign stump speaker. In his speech he took great credit to himself for having induced the savages to surrender and come into the agency. The Sherman loaded and left for Kjeogh, and will also assist in bringing down the In- dians captured by Gen. Miles. They are said to be the most savage of anv within the boundaries of civilization, and as there are 1800 of them, Pilot J. C. Ban- tliinks of having his scalp tied down. Capt. Lingo, on the contrary, rather likeB Indian freight, and will protect his pass- engers if it costs him every hair in his head. j Indian Inklings. Eighteen hundred more Indians will arrive at Bismarck about June 15th. By the middle of June there will be 7,000 Indians within sixty-live miles of Bismarck. - The Far West had on a small brass piece to pepper the Indians with, should they attempt to run away. Crow King is a very vain Indian, and was afraid his photograph would fail to show him up as good as he was. O. S. Goff took photographic views of the three boat loads of Indians while at the levee, and will soon offer them for sale. A pappoose fell overboad off the Far West at Berthold, and its mother jumped in after it. Neither have since been seen. A Fort Buford operator was recently put in the guard house for "giving away" news regarding the programme for the removal of the Indians. Gaul will not shake hands with anyone who wears a glove, without the glove is first removed. "Flesh to flesh" is his motto. Several ladies had a practical demonstration of thu Saturday. Dominoes is one of tiie leading gamb- ling games among the Indians, and little parties were noticed on the hurricane decks of the steamers. One was seen to have twenty-four rings on his hands, which he had won. The huge bonnet which Running An- telope wore belongs to Capt. Clifford. It was presented to him by tion-ol'tlie-Stars, and is a beautiful display of Indian genius and Eagle feathers. These bon- nets- are never worn except in time of war or upon state occasions. One of the Indian boys on the Helena had pendant from his ears two brass clock wheels, fully two inches in diameter. A •'brave" had one half of his arm tightly wound with copper wire; another care- fully cairied a small mirror in a leather case hung across his back. NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO Battle Creek, Michigan, t XAltUVAOXUBBU OW TBS OHX.Y GKHTJINK VIBRATOR THRESHER8, •Traetlon and Plain Engines »and Horee-Powers. rlEstabdeheft > 1848 - t change of ni WPRIMwIMf fPMNI STEAM Cmnplete TOT seen bribe Amsdcan market . . A multitude of special fmtmret and improvement* tat 1881.together withmtperior (mtttafe eontfrue. tfon and natWiobiurt dreamed ctf by other makem. Four sizes of Separators, from 6 to 12 hone capaedty./or tteam or korte povmr. Two styles of " Mounted Horse-Powera. *>f ma AAA Feat mt Selected Lnnber |OWjvWW (from three to nxyeariair~drie4) constantly on hand, from which fig built the io> ooniparaole wood-week of <rar mnonlnery. TRACTION EN8INES i^SOffiSSStSSS&f^i* , , CtMtilan*entfroa. Address - NICHOL8, 8HEPARD & CO. Battle Creek, MMUpMi I'n-pawl from T<»h:icco ntnl i»l!u?r vegetable ex- tmr.tH. \V:irr:»n'«fl lo rnro destroy Ticks ami nil I'nrasitK*rion'-poi«on- nU". :iuri iiu|)rnrr< tli) 1 irniil. 75 cenLn per jjnllon. S't cuilon* will iiii» 130 »ht*r*p Ki>i- c.:rculnr» ad drt*** T. J*V. 41k3 H'nt Mt ! u Sr. I.-iii^rille, Ky. M1SOELLAXKOI7B. THE CONXRASTt VUle ether BsWec route* an bug^r 196V XESJUCED witt A14JM awl eUMThutftl trwf, ><x" S-' kaa been k«pt UHCEA56ED in all of its srigiaal pwrttr udwMesoneaess. The bast tridnct off ITS SAFETY. HEALTHFULITESS. PDBITT. aid IFFECnrnnBBS. is THE FACToSrtts bdu MSd to-4ay, fhm Korth to Soith, troa Ssst to West, la the homes of the rich and poor, where It haabeea •ted Ibr the laat 16 years. iPuamurriciB mnrormn. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. 1>J &FBICE, Kaanftetueni of Lapolia Yeast Gems, Spectt Barariaff Extracts, etc., Chicago and St. Loois.. OYER A MILLION OF Prof. IriiilBiette s FRENCH Kitoey Pais liave al ready been sold in this country aud in France ;ev- ery one of which has given per- fect eatiyfaction, and has per- formed curee eve- time when unci record in? to directidiiB. Wc now say to the afflicted and ilonbtins ouee that we will pay the above reward for a gjusrle ca«e«f T.AME BACK ^ That the Pad (ails to enre. This Cireat Remedy will Positively and Permanently cure Lumbngo, Lame Back. Sciatica. Gravel, Diafoetets, Dropny, Brislit's Disease of the Kidney*, Iucoutiiieiice and retention of the Urine, Inflaniation of the Kidneyp, Cataarh of the Bladder, liigh Colored Urine," Pain in the Back, Side or Loins. Nervous Weakness, aud in fact all disorders of the Blad- der and Uriny Organs whether contracted by private disease* or otherwise. LADIfiH, ff you are suffering from Female Weakness, Lucorrhoeia, or any disease of the Kidneys. Bladder, or OxiauTy Organs. Yon CAN BE CUKEDI Without swallewiAg nauseous medicines, by simply wearing: PROP. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD. Which cures by Absorption. A«k yoardruRgist far Prof. Guilmet,te*s French Kidney Pad, ana take 110 other. If he has not got it, send.$2 awl you will receive the Pad by return mail. TKSTtXOXIit.* FKO* TUB PKOH.E. •/radge Buchanan. I«a\vy*r, Toledo, O., says: -One ofProl. Gsihuettc's Fn-nch Kidney Pads cured me at LnmHwMgo iu three week"* time. My case had been iriven up by the be*t doctors as incurablc. During all thin ti.i»>-1 fuffeiwd untold agony and paid out larjje snnix of money. George Velter. •». J*., Toledo, O.. ^1 suf- fered for thixse yeuif with .>ci.iiK-a and Klplney Disease, a»t<l often hail to tro about <>11 crutches, I was entirely and permanently f.ttsi'il alter wear lusr Prof. Giiilmette'ei French Pad four weeks. . Souirf. G. Scott. Sylv.mia. ().. writes: _1 have been a great, mllerer lor 15 years with Bristhl"'Disease of tliu Kidney*. F»i' weeks at a tifne was unable, to get out ui lied: look barrel* of medicine, but tiiev gave me only temporarv relief- I \vor<* two of Prof. Guilmette's Kiduey Pads six weeks, and now 1 kuow 1 am cutiiely cured. Mrs. Hellen Jerome. Toledo, O.. says: tor vears I have been confined, a great part of the time, to my bed with Lucorrhcea and female weakness: I wore one of Guilmette's Kidney Pads aud was cured in one month. H. B. Gin l , vh .ii c:>.e grrocer, Findlay, O.. writes: i v...- * i - years with lame back and in thr»> ^ n permanently cured by wearing one of Prof. Gui'mette's Kidney Pads.. B. F. Keesling, M I). Druggist, Lo<aiifport. Ind. when tending in an order for Kidney 1 ads, writes: I u oreone of the first one* we had and I received more benefit from it than anything i ever used. In fact the Pads give bettet gen-ral satisfaction thau any Kiduey remedy we ever sold. . Kay & Shoemaker, Druggists. Ilannibnl. Mo. We are working up a lively trade in your Pads, and are hearing of good results from tiiem every day. . ; tm- m90EIXA3nD0Uf> PROF. GUILMETTb'S FRENCH LIVER PAD Will positively cure Fever and Ague. Dumb Ague. Ague Cake, Billioits fever. Jaundice. Dys- pepsia, aud all disease* of the Liver. Stomach, and Blood. Price $1.50 by mail, aend for Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on tue Kidneys aud Liver, free by mail. Address 37yl FHJBNCH FA D CO., Toledo, Ohio. FITS EPILEPSY OR FALLING LICKNENS Permanently Cnrcd--Bfo bninbnar-t>y one month's usage of Dr. OOl'LAKD'd Celebrated flnfMlllble Fit l'owders. To convince sufferers that these powders will do all we claim for them wo will send them by mail, postpaid, a free Trial Box. As Dr. Gou- lard is the only physician that has ever made this dif ease u 'special study, and as to our knowl- edge thousands have been permanently cured by th- use of these Powder*, we will Knaraiiu'e a permanent cure in every case or refund you all mone v expend* ed. All sufferers should give these powdei? an earlv trial, and be convinced of their curative powers. ; Price for large box, $3 00, or 4 boxes lor $10.00, sent by mail to any part wf the United States or Canada, oil receipt of price, or by ex- press, C. O.D. Address ASH & BOBBINS. ;• 360 Fulton St., Brooklyn. N. Y. CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED. AH sufferers from this disease that are anxious .to be ctued should try Dr. KlUMSliE'M 4'elelirated ConMumptlve Powiler*. These powders are the only preparation known that wiil cure Consumption and all diseases of tne Throat aud I'UflgrN—indeed, so strong is our faith iu theui. and also to convince you that- thev arc no humbug, w will forward to every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a free trial ,, j . We don't want your money nutil you are per- fectly satisfied of thuirciirutive powers. If your life is wortli saving, don'j delay in giving tHese Powilt'i'M a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price lor large box sent to any part or the United Suites or Canada, by mail, en receipt of price. Address. ASH & BOBBINS, MX) Fulton St., Brooklyn, S. Y. 10 CENTS * MONTH. ONE DOLLAK«• TtlK nilCA«« LKIMSKU will be wot mmiit a'^drcs. po'tngx paid, at the iirlcws named ahorv. >end in voir iwmM. Ailflnm 49yl : TUlS L£l)Ui:it,t'klea|S IH Popalar Ho'nthljr Drawing of the Conmonwsaltli Distribution Ca., I^T MACAIJL.Eir'8 THEATRE, Ib tke City of LQUisvilie, on ' mwu, jois so, issi Thiese drawings occur monthly (Sundays ex- cepttd)nnder provisions of aa Act of the Gen- eralassembly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport Printing and .Newspaper Co., approved April 9,1878. efThlsls a special act, and has •ever been repealed. The United States Circuit Court on March 31st rendered the following decisions: 1st—That tke Commonwealth Dis- tribution Company Is legal. £d--Its drawinss are not fraudulent. The companr has now on hand a large resenre fund, itead the list of prizes for the > y. JUNE DRAWING. ...$30,000 lOOPrixesglOO ea«10,000 " 800 Prizes 50 ea 10.000 600 Prizes 20 ea 12,000 1000 Prizes 10 ea 10,000 1 Prize.... 1 Prize ....'10,000 1 Prize 5,000 10 Prize s$l,000 echlO.OOO 80 Prizes 500 ech 10,000 9 Prizes $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes 200 each, " : V 1 " 1,800 9 Prizes 100 each, , " , " 900 1,969 Prizes, $113,400 While TicketsSS. TVair Tickets SI. 87 Tickets S50. 55Tickets SIOO. Konit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Eipress. DON'T SBND BY BEG1STBRED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of$5ind upwards, by Express, can be sent at our expease. Address all orders to B. M. Board- man. Courier Journal Buildings liouiMVille, Ky.» or T. 3. Commerford, 309 Broad- way, New York. tfyi GET THE BEST ! / LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style & Price. Guaranteed Unequaled FOB OPERATION, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvements and Conveniences fbtrni in so others. Always Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale In Every City and Town in the United States* 40MH > Katmal ?nit Flavors, SPEC EXTRACTS. Prspand fron the ehoiesst Vralta, wlthoal coloring, poisonous oils, arid*, sr artificial Us* •en«Hk AXWAIS UNIFORM IX STREXOTH, WITHOUT INT ADUI-TEBATIOXS Oft IHPFB. miS. Hare (iIm4 their nputaUon from their perfert parity, saperior strength and qaality. Admitted by all who have used tlicm as tlie most delicate, irratefal and natural flavor for cakes, puddings, crcanK, etc., ever made. Sanufactared by ' STEEUQ & PBICE, Makers of Lupulin Yeast Gems, Cream Bak- ing Ponder, ctc., Chicago and St. Loois. mm gvn 1881 Will be mailed FBntoallaiiplicanu.aad to customer* without ordering it. It natalni firo Mlitrn! pUW->, H00 nriwitip, •Imui SOO i«sm, tnd lull d«UTi|itiwv nrlcm amt dlm tjnnt for blsntifi^ 1504 mrietie* of VcsvtiiHI* and K1»*vr Senli, I'lanu, kon#, etc. InrelimMe to mil. Miekiyen pinni m4i will fouod m"re reliable for planting in the Ttrrihmtt tlian tk»M own farther 'Mouth. We make a tpecialty of auptilyla^ Eta irkft tivdinm. AM dinm. AMrHk D. X. IBEBY St Pp., Detroit, Mch. 34-6moow -V' IAMPU fcOOM Bogue^&Schreck's "till] /ftn v CHOP HOUSE, v,; khf f v 5 ' OppMtM (i'ast OiRM. n-Jip. . . , . iSSSSERW t v '> rr ; ajs: ' . . Open Day aLHd Wiglit. MEALS at ALL HOURS. Choice Wines, Liqnors and Cigars. 13tf Bismarck aod Ft. tfuford STAGE AND EXPRESS U, S. MAIL. Leave Bismarck for Fort Buford and interven- ing points Sundays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m.. making the full trip in'flve dave Stages will leare Fort Buford on same days as from Bi smarck. at 6 a. m. For express, freigth or passage apply to ' - JOHX OSAStTRE, Agent, at J. W. Ravmond & Go's, or to LEIGMTON & JOJtDAlJ, Fort Buford TRY G. H. HENNING'S FOR THE HASH. Keui)* the scalp free from dandruff, the hair from falling ont and is an excelluiil remedy for hcadache. "It iij highly recommended a* a'liair rcKtorer aud is the best hair dresser in the world For sale by W. A. Ilollembaek, W. II, W. Comer, and at-Fort Lincoln br e.H.HExmG. T. J. MITCHELL, GENERAL LAND AGENT, MAXDAX, 1>. T. Buys and sells deeded and Railroad lands on commission; selects aud locatua Home.«tatd, Pre-emption and Tree Culture claims, and con- tracts lor breaking and planting treeH on tree claim*; have complete township plats of all sir- veyed lands went of the Alin8onri River on the Missouri Division of the North Pacific Railroad. Soldiers' Additional Homesteads And Sioiuc Half-Breed Scrip Fur- nished at Reasonallo Rates to parties who prefer to perfect title to. latuls without residing thereon. Can al.ic furnish, *t reduced rates. Certified Scrip which aan be lined in payment for Pre-Kmptk>n Lands the same ssmoney. Correspondence so- licited. 36 BISMARCK AND STANDING ROCK STAGE & EXPRESS LINE. Loaves Binmarck daily, except Sundays, at 8 a. m.. arriving at S'audi«.s; iiock in tifteeu hours. Leaves Standing Rock daily, vxenpt Sunday, at 4 a. m.. arriving at Bismarck iu fifteen hours. For freiirht or passage apply to Geo. People*& Co., Bismarck. D.T. J:>o. Tuojifsox .fcCo.. Btauding Kock. as j i. m m DB. s. RILSBEK'S EXTFR5AL HLS XX7TK0 f Gives Instant Relief, and is an Infallibia CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILE8. Sold by Druggists overywlit-re. Price, $1.00 per box, prepaid, by mnil. Samples sent free to Physicians and nil sufferers, by Naustaedter & Co., Box 3046, Nt w York City. Sole manufacturers of AXAKE8I& SOyl •m GENERAL MERCHANDISE. H. KARBERG, INDIAN TRADER, AND DEALKR IN General Merchandise, Standing Ecck Agency, D. T. Gmineettettti... .$ 1.483.000 L}?eip0«1|lj0iKfcMi and Globe. . 29,000,000 Traders... ....... . ..... 3?^ 859,000Kr La Cond«aee ...............; s,660,000r V. Hambarg-Magdebar^ 833,000- HainlnMV'BremeB^, 1,884.000' Gennaft-AmerieMi. 2,619,000' 40tf ' -T. J. CALL, ^gent. FIRE AND MARINE In tke Following Companies. SpriasfteM - 91^61,948 00- WMtani Toronto - 1,160,542 00* Firemen's road - - 811,673 OO Star of New York 608,803 00 St> Paml Fire end Marine 558,483 00 Aaiarioaa CMtnl - 550,200 00 §5,042^045 OO G. H. FAIRCHILD, Agent. BANK. Waltkr Makw. Prest. O.H.Faikchit,D. Cash'r- St Paul, Aliun. Bismarck, D. T. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BISMARCK, BISMARCK. . . DAKOTA. Paid up Capital$50,000 DIRECTORS: Waltbh Makw. G. II. FAIRCHIDD,. II. R. Portbb, ASA FISUER, DAN i£l8KNBEl;G. . Correspondents: Amorlcnn Esoliau^e Nat. Bank. New York.. First National Bank. Chicago- Merchants Nat. Bank, St. Hanl., Collections made and Promptly Remitted. Interest on Time. Boposita- Drafts on Europe. Qoean. Steamship Tickets. miu asnu r 46m6 c.vAucBAft ER ^ TOOLS 4Sm8eow NORTHERM PACIFIC R. R. I8TUE TO DAKOTA AND MONTANA AJJJD THE MY lilt OF Lowest Hates* Fine HqptpimnHn Palaoe Sleeping Cars. Parlor Chais Cars.. Throngb Connections* Tlxrongh Ticket System. . Ample Aooommodatione. Quick Time. Mslre this the dcsiealWe- route to. St J'aal,. Chics via mud all pofttls exift. Through coiipon tickets are. now ot>Mile st HismArck to all points- in the United States aud Caniictti. For full informstfon rejianlin^ routes, rates, maps, etc, call on or adkfcess JNO DAVIDSON. AgeM af. Itfrmarck, D. T., Or O K. BARXK8, Oen. ilkss. and Frt. A«t. H. HAUPT, Oen. Man. St. Paul, Minn. LUMBER WHOLESALE We can supply anything uspd in the construction si a Building. Write us. CX SI "WEAVEH & CO. FLOOR. FEED f , I winlito inform tbe people of Burleigh Contity 1hat 1 have just opened in the building next to the TtUBUXB a Flour, Feed and Produce Store, nnd hope to see my friends at my new ntand. I keep oniy the best articles at the lowest market price. Rememlier the place No. 37 Main Street, two doors wesi of Postoffice. FRANK DONNKI^T. ol If' a ittii'tu iivcr ona dysnepsla easss morosenssji snd-irritauiaij, ai.o clondr. rrrxorif enfferin»1 n tfai* way aro nuflt for ths tirdln\ry- psr«n«t» slid i»i**r.«ni«* ALLAN'S.IKON TONIC BITTERS is ths most pt^erfal tll.Nid l-urlflor si.-. i«ni.- known, aud li ih« time hnilds np and fortifiss the itimh, Invl^orau'* tlir liver, kids t,|,r ^ d»#|M*nsia. Jt tMnes pj>, and reinfeross Um whnis s/surm, ssd Imparts cb^-firi viv ,r '! u hunyancjr of spirits. _ ...w» Preiwml by J. p, AlXtl. Drairitioi * Mfg. Phftrnueto, ST. PAL L ^g! rw^Mobr W.A.SOUUUABX, 9n|gtol,BlHMNlul.T. , * , . -

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Page 1: Choice Wines, Liqnors and Cigars. - Library of Congressand thai since the surrender of ninety of Jiis followers last week, he has but thirty ... A multitude of special fmtmret and

jrfwvj* ^ '•«**? t5, ££ »Vit$/Kfi i^'-'ii'? J ' 'fi'i4iJ.*'V"' i 1'Jf' -r^fis Continued from Firtt Page* ,

tout for the misrepreseotatioiis of renegade Thompson, who is now in custody at "Woody , mountain, wo«ld have secured '•the surrender of 8itting Bull himself long-before this. However, Mr. Allison states that Sitting Bull is but a cypher now, and thai since the surrender of ninety of Jiis followers last week, he has but thirty "fighting men leit. As to their surrender Allison says it makes very little ' differ-^e^aow, whether they come in or not, ..

RUNNING ANfitLOPE, who *as sent by Geu. Terry from Stand­ing lock to Buford to assist in persuad­ing be iDdiws at that post to eo and live yith theif people at the Standing KockBKencyJwas with Gaul on the Hel­ena. Antelope prides himself upon his «tatefnanshi|H He is convincing in liis arguments, ank I* him may be given a great leal of taegit for the perfect con-tentmot everywhere manifest among the IftHant, w$o so recently were the worst SVMK* of the ptaias. Antelope is a neph«r of SfcttegBull. and so also is iQauL Theletiw stated at Buford that, if the gorernmea^ would give him twenty •good sen, be w$Mld go out and bring &ittkg Bull in,|aad if he refused to come Hie tould kill Ma. About ten minutes %e£retlie dspaftan of the boats from Stated. ninety-4*c from Sitting Bull's OEtnp came in -aid surrendered. Among U£in was 'Sleeping Wafer, Sitting Bull's •daughter, who h|d ran away with a buck.

^Antelope would recognize her until after Maj.Brolli^rtttu had shaken hands with her, whereupon Antelope approached hcrandshakinggler hand made a speech, stating that he had told her and her peo­ple many years a£o that they would have to come 401th k, aid bow she could see how true e>t was. Sleepia^ Water was on the Sherman, also Low Dog, the Indian who killed the Keogh Line mail driver Boat summer.

lEetnrn eftke Boats te Bismarck. The steamboats that took the 1,200 In­

dians to Fort Yat^s arrived back at Bis­on arck Monday and immediately began loading for up river points.

THE FAB WEST was the first boat to return and in honor of the event had her flags flying. •Capt. Campbell, her commander, has been •on the river ever since he was old enough to know a steamboat from,a locomotvive— having commenced as cabin boy on the Ohio river, and worked his way up to the position of being one of the very best and most favorably known captains on west­ern waters. Like Col. O'Connor, the repr

reeentative of his line at Bismarck, he is never asleep, and there is no one who can isp early enough in the morning to get Ahead of him. In a chat with the report­er Monday, Capt. Campbell stated that fthe Fiir West arrived at Fo rt Yates at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, unloaded the In­dians, departed at 4 a. m., and arrived at liismarck at 8 Cclock Sunday evening, in such liaste was the Far West to get back to Bismarck ai.ead of the other (boats that she tdok to Standing Hock and brought hack a large quantity of buffalo robes and furs that were unloaded yester­day. On the down trip, one evening the captain ordered the deck cleared and lights huug up which gave tke Indians an opportunity to enjoy a war dance, much to their own delight and the gratification of the other passengers. Coffee was also served by the boat and the Indians upon leaving, evince! their gratitude to Capt. ^Campbell for the kind manner in which .they had been treated. On Thursday .evening at Berthold, an Indian fell over­board from the Far West, and having a rope thrown to him, grabbed it in his teeth and thereby his life was saved. The accidental drowning Of a squaw and pa­poose seemed to have a depressing effect upon the Indians who regard everything in. a superstitious light. Upon arriving at Fort Yates, Capt Campbell states that a Targe number of agenoy Indians came down to the ianding on foot aud on horse­back, but while Ibey eyed closely the new arrivals of their own race and tribe not •even a look, of recognition or a word passed between them so long as the boat remained.

THE HELENA arrived at Yates at 9:30 Saturday nigh , left at 3:15 a. m. and was the second boat to arrive at Bismarck having tied up to the bank at 7:30 Monday morning, af­ter having stopped below long enough to ttakie on thirty cords of wood. Captain Fecto states that his Indians were very orderly and that no trouble was exper ienced on the tiip from toginhing to end. Chief Gaul, a nephew of Sitting Bull, and one of his lieutenants at the Custer mas-,-sacrc, was at all times the center of at-[traction, and although he has been twice ghot, and once pinned to the. ground by two soldier's bayonets he evinced no fear, .and now considers himself "the white man's friend." Upon arriving at Yates •Gaul was met by his aged mother a:ul a very effecting scone transpired that was, .of course, unstudied and natural, and yet dramatic .enough to p'ace upon the stage.

The mother of the noted chief, upon peeing liim, ran forward and placed her head upon his bosom, knelt at his feet, kissed liishands, and'wept, and made many familiar demonstrations of joy. Ciaul, stolid and iiuliffereiit, spoke not a wtfrd, but gathered his robes about him and walked away as might Cardinal Kichieliou, at a moment when bethought of France, his own conspiracies, and tri­umphs over hip enemies. The scenes will be long remembered by the ofliviv of th^ iuat, * ho we ,Ffl r9VlB ;

' , I - 1 - . f <v' <V

Keogh, for the purpose of bringing down 1,800 more Indians. ..

tm wfwwtif

arrived at Fort. Yates about 11 o'clock, Sunday forenoon, left at 3:15 p. m., and arrived about 10 a. m., Monday. The passengers on this boat had the privilege of witnessing a war dance on the way down, and a funeral service upon arriv­ing, also the pleasure of hearing the elo­quence of a Chief in addressing his peo­ple. As the boat touched the landing, a squaw suddenly died, and within fifteen mihutes the peculiar funeral services had been held, a dog killed in sacrafice.a med­icine bottle emptied, and the corpse borne away in a buffalo robe. Running Ante­lope, upon the arrival of the boat, also donned his war bonnet, and, standing upon the hurricane deck in the attitude of a tobaceo sign, made a speech to his people, wildly gesticulating, and looking in his long linen duster not unlike the typical campaign stump speaker. In his speech he took great credit to himself for having induced the savages to surrender and come into the agency. The Sherman loaded and left for Kjeogh, and will also assist in bringing down the In­dians captured by Gen. Miles. They are said to be the most savage of anv within the boundaries of civilization, and as there are 1800 of them, Pilot J. C. Ban-tliinks of having his scalp tied down. Capt. Lingo, on the contrary, rather likeB Indian freight, and will protect his pass­engers if it costs him every hair in his head. j

Indian Inklings.

Eighteen hundred more Indians will arrive at Bismarck about June 15th.

By the middle of June there will be 7,000 Indians within sixty-live miles of Bismarck. -

The Far West had on a small brass piece to pepper the Indians with, should they attempt to run away.

Crow King is a very vain Indian, and was afraid his photograph would fail to show him up as good as he was.

O. S. Goff took photographic views of the three boat loads of Indians while at the levee, and will soon offer them for sale.

A pappoose fell overboad off the Far West at Berthold, and its mother jumped in after it. Neither have since been seen.

A Fort Buford operator was recently put in the guard house for "giving away" news regarding the programme for the removal of the Indians.

Gaul will not shake hands with anyone who wears a glove, without the glove is first removed. "Flesh to flesh" is his motto. Several ladies had a practical demonstration of thu Saturday.

Dominoes is one of tiie leading gamb­ling games among the Indians, and little parties were noticed on the hurricane decks of the steamers. One was seen to have twenty-four rings on his hands, which he had won.

The huge bonnet which Running An­telope wore belongs to Capt. Clifford. It was presented to him by tion-ol'tlie-Stars, and is a beautiful display of Indian genius and Eagle feathers. These bon­nets- are never worn except in time of war or upon state occasions.

One of the Indian boys on the Helena had pendant from his ears two brass clock wheels, fully two inches in diameter. A •'brave" had one half of his arm tightly wound with copper wire; another care­fully cairied a small mirror in a leather case hung across his back.

NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO Battle Creek, Michigan, t



•Traetlon and Plain Engines »and Horee-Powers.

rlEstabdeheft > 1848 -

t change of ni


STEAM Cmnplete •TOT seen bribe Amsdcan market . .

A multitude of special fmtmret and improvement* tat 1881.together withmtperior (mtttafe eontfrue. tfon and natWiobiurt dreamed ctf by other makem.

Four sizes of Separators, from 6 to 12 hone capaedty./or tteam or korte povmr. Two styles of " Mounted Horse-Powera. *>f ma AAA Feat mt Selected Lnnber • |OWjvWW (from three to nxyeariair~drie4)

constantly on hand, from which fig built the io> ooniparaole wood-week of <rar mnonlnery.


i SOffiSSStSSS&f i* , , CtMtilan*entfroa. Address - NICHOL8, 8HEPARD & CO.

Battle Creek, MMUpMi

I'n-pawl from T<»h:icco ntnl i»l!u?r vegetable ex-tmr.tH. \V:irr:»n'«fl lo rnro destroy Ticks ami nil I'nrasitK*rion'-poi«on-nU". :iuri iiu|)rnrr< tli)1 irniil. 75 cenLn per jjnllon. S't cuilon* will iiii» 130 »ht*r*p Ki>i- c.:rculnr» ad drt*** T. J*V. 41k3 H'nt Mt!u Sr. I.-iii^rille, Ky.


THE CONXRASTt VUle ether BsWec route* an bug^r 196V

XESJUCED witt A14JM awl eUMThutftl trwf, ><x" • • S-'

kaa been k«pt UHCEA56ED in all of its srigiaal pwrttr udwMesoneaess. The bast tridnct off ITS SAFETY. HEALTHFULITESS. PDBITT. aid IFFECnrnnBBS. is THE FACToSrtts bdu MSd to-4ay, fhm Korth to Soith, troa Ssst to West, la the homes of the rich and poor, where It haabeea •ted Ibr the laat 16 years.

iPuamurriciB mnrormn. NEVER SOLD IN BULK.


&FBICE, Kaanftetueni of Lapolia Yeast Gems, Spectt

Barariaff Extracts, etc., Chicago and St. Loois..



IriiilBiette s FRENCH

Kitoey Pais liave al ready been

sold in this country

aud in France ;ev-ery one of which

has given per­fect eatiyfaction,

and has per­formed curee eve-

time when unci record in? to

directidiiB. Wc now say to the afflicted and ilonbtins ouee

that we will pay the above reward for a gjusrle ca«e«f

T.AME BACK ^ That the Pad (ails to enre. This Cireat Remedy will Positively and Permanently cure Lumbngo, Lame Back. Sciatica. Gravel, Diafoetets, Dropny, Brislit's Disease of the Kidney*, Iucoutiiieiice and retention of the Urine, Inflaniation of the Kidneyp, Cataarh of the Bladder, liigh Colored Urine," Pain in the Back, Side or Loins. Nervous Weakness, aud in fact all disorders of the Blad­der and Uriny Organs whether contracted by private disease* or otherwise.

LADIfiH, ff you are suffering from Female Weakness, Lucorrhoeia, or any disease of the Kidneys. Bladder, or OxiauTy Organs.

Yon CAN BE CUKEDI Without swallewiAg nauseous medicines, by simply wearing:


Which cures by Absorption. A«k yoardruRgist far Prof. Guilmet,te*s French

Kidney Pad, ana take 110 other. If he has not got it, send.$2 awl you will receive the Pad by return mail.

TKSTtXOXIit.* FKO* TUB PKOH.E. •/radge Buchanan. I«a\vy*r, Toledo, O., says: -One ofProl. Gsihuettc's Fn-nch Kidney Pads

cured me at LnmHwMgo iu three week"* time. My case had been iriven up by the be*t doctors as incurablc. During all thin ti.i»>-1 fuffeiwd untold agony and paid out larjje snnix of money.

George Velter. •». J*., Toledo, O.. ^1 suf­fered for thixse yeuif with .>ci.iiK-a and Klplney Disease, a»t<l often hail to tro about <>11 crutches, I was entirely and permanently f.ttsi'il alter wear lusr Prof. Giiilmette'ei French Pad four weeks. .

Souirf. G. Scott. Sylv.mia. ().. writes: _1 have been a great, mllerer lor 15 years with Bristhl"'Disease of tliu Kidney*. F»i' weeks at a tifne was unable, to get out ui lied: look barrel* of medicine, but tiiev gave me only temporarv relief- I \vor<* two of Prof. Guilmette's Kiduey Pads six weeks, and now 1 kuow 1 am cutiiely cured.

Mrs. Hellen Jerome. Toledo, O.. says: tor vears I have been confined, a great part of the time, to my bed with Lucorrhcea and female weakness: I wore one of Guilmette's Kidney Pads aud was cured in one month.

H. B. Gin l , vh .ii c:>.e grrocer, Findlay, O.. writes: i v...- * i - years with lame back and in thr»> ^ n permanently cured by wearing one of Prof. Gui'mette's Kidney Pads..

B. F. Keesling, M I). Druggist, Lo<aiifport. Ind. when tending in an order for Kidney 1 ads, writes: I u oreone of the first one* we had and I received more benefit from it than anything i ever used. In fact the Pads give bettet gen-ral satisfaction thau any Kiduey remedy we ever sold. .

Kay & Shoemaker, Druggists. Ilannibnl. Mo. We are working up a lively trade in your Pads, and are hearing of good results from tiiem every day. . ;

tm- m90EIXA3nD0Uf>

PROF. GUILMETTb'S FRENCH LIVER PAD Will positively cure Fever and Ague. Dumb

Ague. Ague Cake, Billioits fever. Jaundice. Dys­pepsia, aud all disease* of the Liver. Stomach, and Blood. Price $1.50 by mail, aend for Prof. Guilmette's Treatise on tue Kidneys aud Liver, free by mail. Address 37yl FHJBNCH FA D CO., Toledo, Ohio.



Permanently Cnrcd--Bfo bninbnar-t>y one month's usage of Dr. OOl'LAKD'd Celebrated flnfMlllble Fit l'owders. To convince sufferers that these powders will do all we claim for them wo will send them by mail, postpaid, a free Trial Box. As Dr. Gou­lard is the only physician that has ever made this dif ease u 'special study, and as to our knowl­edge thousands have been permanently cured by th- use of these Powder*, we will Knaraiiu'e a permanent cure in every case or refund you all mone v expend* ed. All sufferers should give these powdei? an earlv trial, and be convinced of their curative powers. ; Price for large box, $3 00, or 4 boxes lor $10.00, sent by mail to any part wf the United States or Canada, oil receipt of price, or by ex­press, C. O.D. Address

ASH & BOBBINS. ;• 360 Fulton St., Brooklyn. N. Y.

CONSUMPTION POSITIVELY CURED. AH sufferers from this disease that are anxious

.to be ctued should try Dr. KlUMSliE'M 4'elelirated ConMumptlve Powiler*. These powders are the only preparation known that wiil cure Consumption and all diseases of tne Throat aud I'UflgrN—indeed, so strong is our faith iu theui. and also to convince you that- thev arc no humbug, w • will forward to every sufferer, by mail, postpaid, a free trial

,, j . We don't want your money nutil you are per­fectly satisfied of thuirciirutive powers. If your life is wortli saving, don'j delay in giving tHese Powilt'i'M a trial, as they will surely cure you.

Price lor large box sent to any part or the United Suites or Canada, by mail, en receipt of price. Address.

ASH & BOBBINS, MX) Fulton St., Brooklyn, S. Y.


ONE DOLLAK«• TtlK nilCA«« LKIMSKU will be wot

mmiit a'^drcs. po'tngx paid, at the iirlcws named ahorv. >end in voir iwmM. Ailflnm

49yl : TUlS L£l)Ui:it,t'klea|S IH

Popalar Ho'nthljr Drawing of the

Conmonwsaltli Distribution Ca., I^T MACAIJL.Eir'8 THEATRE,

Ib tke City of LQUisvilie, on '

mwu, jois so, issi Thiese drawings occur monthly (Sundays ex-

cepttd)nnder provisions of aa Act of the Gen­eralassembly of Kentucky, incorporating the Newport Printing and .Newspaper Co., approved April 9,1878. efThlsls a special act, and has

•ever been repealed. The United States Circuit Court on March 31st

rendered the following decisions: 1st—That tke Commonwealth Dis­

tribution Company Is legal. £d--Its drawinss are not fraudulent. The companr has now on hand a large

resenre fund, itead the list of prizes for the > y.

JUNE DRAWING. ...$30,000 lOOPrixesglOO ea«10,000

" 800 Prizes 50 ea 10.000 600 Prizes 20 ea 12,000 1000 Prizes 10 ea 10,000

1 Prize.... 1 Prize ....'10,000 1 Prize 5,000

10 Prize s$l,000 echlO.OOO 80 Prizes 500 ech 10,000 9 Prizes $300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,700 9 Prizes 200 each, " : V1 " 1,800 9 Prizes 100 each, , " , " 900

1,969 Prizes, $113,400 While TicketsSS. TVair Tickets SI. 87 Tickets S50. 55Tickets SIOO.

Konit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send by Eipress. DON'T SBND BY BEG1STBRED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of$5ind upwards, by Express, can be sent at our expease. Address all orders to B. M. Board-man. Courier Journal Buildings liouiMVille, Ky.» or T. 3. Commerford, 309 Broad­way, New York. tfyi


/ LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style & Price. Guaranteed Unequaled






Improvements and Conveniences fbtrni in so others.


For Sale In Every City and Town in the United States*

40MH >

Katmal ?nit Flavors,


EXTRACTS. Prspand fron the ehoiesst Vralta, wlthoal

coloring, poisonous oils, arid*, sr artificial Us* •en«Hk AXWAIS UNIFORM IX STREXOTH, WITHOUT INT ADUI-TEBATIOXS Oft IHPFB. miS. Hare (iIm4 their nputaUon from their perfert parity, saperior strength and qaality. Admitted by all who have used tlicm as tlie most delicate, irratefal and natural flavor for cakes, puddings, crcanK, etc., ever made.

Sanufactared by '

STEEUQ & PBICE, Makers of Lupulin Yeast Gems, Cream Bak­

ing Ponder, ctc., Chicago and St. Loois.

mm gvn 1881

Will be mailed FBntoallaiiplicanu.aad to customer* without ordering it. It natalni firo Mlitrn! pUW->, H00 nriwitip, •Imui SOO i«sm, tnd lull d«UTi|itiwv nrlcm amt dlm tjnnt for blsntifi^ 1504 mrietie* of VcsvtiiHI* and K1»*vr Senli, I'lanu, kon#, etc. InrelimMe to mil. Miekiyen pinni m4i will i« fouod m"re reliable for planting in the Ttrrihmtt tlian tk»M own farther 'Mouth. We make a tpecialty of auptilyla^ Eta irkft tivdinm. AM dinm. AMrHk D. X. IBEBY St Pp., Detroit, Mch.


- V '


Bogue^&Schreck's "till] /ftn v

CHOP HOUSE, v,; khf f

v 5' OppMtM (i'ast OiRM. n-Jip. . . , . iSSSSERW

t v '> rr ; ajs: ' . .

Open Day aLHd Wiglit.

MEALS at ALL HOURS. Choice Wines, Liqnors and Cigars.


Bismarck aod Ft. tfuford STAGE AND EXPRESS

U, S. MAIL. Leave Bismarck for Fort Buford and interven­

ing points Sundays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m.. making the full trip in'flve dave

Stages will leare Fort Buford on same days as from Bi smarck. at 6 a. m.

For express, freigth or passage apply to ' -JOHX OSAStTRE,

Agent, at J. W. Ravmond & Go's, or to LEIGMTON & JOJtDAlJ, Fort Buford



FOR THE HASH. Keui)* the scalp free from dandruff, the hair

from falling ont and is an excelluiil remedy for hcadache. "It iij highly recommended a* a'liair rcKtorer aud is the best hair dresser in the world

For sale by W. A. Ilollembaek, W. II, W. Comer, and at-Fort Lincoln br




Buys and sells deeded and Railroad lands on commission; selects aud locatua Home.«tatd, Pre-emption and Tree Culture claims, and con­tracts lor breaking and planting treeH on tree claim*; have complete township plats of all sir-veyed lands went of the Alin8onri River on the Missouri Division of the North Pacific Railroad.

Soldiers' Additional Homesteads And Sioiuc Half-Breed Scrip Fur­

nished at Reasonallo Rates to parties who prefer to perfect title to. latuls without residing thereon. Can al.ic furnish, *t reduced rates.

Certified Scrip which aan be lined in payment for Pre-Kmptk>n Lands the same ssmoney. Correspondence so­licited. 36





Loaves Binmarck daily, except Sundays, at 8 a. m.. arriving at S'audi«.s; iiock in tifteeu hours.

Leaves Standing Rock daily, vxenpt Sunday, at 4 a. m.. arriving at Bismarck iu fifteen hours. For freiirht or passage apply to

Geo. People*& Co., Bismarck. D.T. J:>o. Tuojifsox .fcCo.. Btauding Kock.

as j

i. m m

DB. s. RILSBEK'S EXTFR5AL HLS XX7TK0 f Gives Instant Relief, and is an Infallibia

CURE FOR ALL KINDS OF PILE8. Sold by Druggists overywlit-re. Price, $1.00 per box, prepaid, by mnil. Samples sent free to Physicians and nil sufferers, by Naustaedter & Co., Box 3046, Nt w York City. Sole manufacturers of AXAKE8I&




H . K A R B E R G ,


General Merchandise, Standing Ecck Agency, D. T.

Gmineettettti... .$ 1.483.000 L}?eip0«1|lj0iKfcMi and Globe.. 29,000,000 Traders... ....... . ..... 3?^ 859,000Kr La Cond«aee ...............; s,660,000r V. Hambarg-Magdebar^ 833,000-HainlnMV'BremeB^, 1,884.000' Gennaft-AmerieMi. 2,619,000'

40tf ' -T. J. CALL, ^gent.

FIRE AND MARINE In tke Following Companies.

SpriasfteM - • 91^61,948 00-WMtani Toronto - 1,160,542 00* Firemen's road - - 811,673 OO Star of New York • 608,803 00 St> Paml Fire end Marine 558,483 00 Aaiarioaa CMtnl - 550,200 00

§5,042^045 OO



Waltkr Makw. Prest. O.H.Faikchit,D. Cash'r-St Paul, Aliun. Bismarck, D. T.



Paid up Capital$50,000


II. R. Portbb, ASA FISUER, DAN i£l8KNBEl;G. .

Correspondents: Amorlcnn Esoliau^e Nat. Bank. New York..

First National Bank. Chicago-Merchants Nat. Bank, St. Hanl.,

Collections made and Promptly Remitted.

Interest on Time. Boposita-Drafts on Europe.

Qoean. Steamship Tickets.


asnu r


c.vAucBAft ER ^ TOOLS






MY lilt OF Lowest Hates*

Fine HqptpimnHn Palaoe Sleeping Cars.

• Parlor Chais Cars.. Throngb Connections*

• Tlxrongh Ticket System. . Ample Aooommodatione.

Quick Time. Mslre this the dcsiealWe- route to. St J'aal,.

Chics via mud all pofttls exift. Through coiipon tickets are. now ot>Mile st HismArck to all points-in the United States aud Caniictti.

For full informstfon rejianlin^ routes, rates, maps, etc, call on or adkfcess

JNO DAVIDSON. AgeM af. Itfrmarck, D. T.,

Or O K. BARXK8, Oen. ilkss. and Frt. A«t. H. HAUPT, Oen. Man. St. Paul, Minn.



We can supply anything uspd in the construction si a Building. Write us. CX SI "WEAVEH & CO.


I winlito inform tbe people of Burleigh Contity 1hat 1 have just opened in the building next to the TtUBUXB a Flour, Feed and Produce Store, nnd hope to see my friends at my new ntand. I keep oniy the best articles at the lowest market price. Rememlier the place

No. 37 Main Street, two doors wesi of Postoffice. FRANK DONNKI^T.

ol If' a ittii'tu iivcr ona dysnepsla easss morosenssji snd-irritauiaij, ai.o • clondr. rrrxorif enfferin»1 n tfai* way aro nuflt for ths tirdln\ry- psr«n«t» slid i»i**r.«ni«* ALLAN'S.IKON TONIC BITTERS is ths most pt^erfal tll.Nid l-urlflor si.-. i«ni.- known, aud li ih« time hnilds np and fortifiss the itimh, Invl^orau'* tlir liver, kids t,|,r ^ d»#|M*nsia. Jt tMnes pj>, and reinfeross Um whnis s/surm, ssd Imparts cb^-firi viv ,r'!u

hunyancjr of spirits. _ ...w» Preiwml by J. p, AlXtl. Drairitioi * Mfg. Phftrnueto, ST. PAL L ^g!

rw^Mobr W.A.SOUUUABX, 9n|gtol,BlHMNlul.T. , * , . -