chitkara mun 2.0 -- volume 2, issue 1

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  • 8/3/2019 Chitkara MUN 2.0 -- Volume 2, Issue 1


    N E W S L E T T E R T I T L E

  • 8/3/2019 Chitkara MUN 2.0 -- Volume 2, Issue 1


    Everything in the council but the MUNers. The

    most talked about council before the start of

    MUN -: the HRC (for every reason you can think

    of ;) ) didn't quite live up to the expectations. The

    council started on quite a quirky note No gross

    talks allowed. (As if it would be followed).

    Even when the coun-

    cil didn't start the

    Delegate of U.S.A.s

    tryst with her ballets

    was already over and

    later she was joined

    in by the Vice Chair

    herself who removed

    her ballets too during

    the proceedings. The

    first debating took

    place among the Vice

    Chair and the Chair

    who mocked eachother (talk about be-

    ing passionate judges!). Then later began the

    comedy of errors with the Russian Delegate half

    sleeping through her roll call. Blame it on thewodka! The Delegate of China bustled up withso much energy that it could have solved an

    entire citys power problem and the Delegate of

    U.S.A. scared her fellow delegates with her in-

    tense gaze!

    The speeches turned out to be a great entertain-

    ment source; the delegate of India with his

    highly accented English looked as if he repre-sented the U.S.A., the Delegate Of Finland

    seemed to be The Dude and the delegate of

    Philippines: well lets say even guugle would

    have been offentic if they would have heardhim! Then there were some delegates who didnt

    even open their mouth *viz. *Austria, Iraq, New

    Zealand, Cameroon and Monaco. Moreover the

    Delegate of Estonia who was sleeping at one

    point in the council couldnt even comprehend

    some basic instructions. Later

    when pornography became the

    topic for discussion every dele-

    gate (even those sleeping be-

    came wide awake) seemed in-terested and was eager to speak

    on the "hot" topic so much so

    that the Delegate of India semi

    promoted pornography! Not to

    forget the joke about the Rus-

    sian Presidents comparison to a

    penis referred to by the Russian

    Delegate herself. Later the dele-

    gates were blasted for their lack

    of preparation and low stan-

    dards of debating by the execu-

    tive board that were evidently letdown by the efforts the dele-

    gates were putting in. Hopefully the debating

    s t a n d a r d s w o u l d c h a n g e

    for the better and an entertaining debate would

    be seen in the days to follow.

    Sudeep TandonReporter HRC


    Day 1 (HRC)

  • 8/3/2019 Chitkara MUN 2.0 -- Volume 2, Issue 1


    P A G E 3

    Day 1 (GA and SC)

    R . I . P . ( D O O R Y O U D I E ! )

    Today was that first day at Chitkara MUN 2.0 and

    GAs sessions rocked as usual. It started off with a

    wonderful lecture from the Secretary General, Mr.

    Mudit Darbhanga (though I could leave the snoring

    sound, oops sorry and no offence.

    The chairperson directed the delegated about the

    different taboos of the conference like personal

    privilege, point of order, and moderated caucus I

    still cant recall any hehee..

    Mudit ended with the quotation Change is com-

    manded, not demanded.

    Rajat Jain, the chair was so confused (yeah he

    really was) that he had to ask the delegate of Su-

    dan if he would like to be at his post. Now it was

    time for the delegates to show their hidden talent

    (although private talent was forbidden by private

    talent you know what I mean ;) )

    Delegate of Sudan : danced on shiela ki jawani

    showing his own jawani as girls out there were

    quiet hot.

    Delegate of Somalia accused twice the delegate of

    china for internet usage (and the weirdest part is

    he considers it a talent some people)

    Another performance from the delegates of Iraq,

    Argentina, china, Somalia, Colombia together was

    there on amplifier which looked more like Singh is

    king moves. The most sensation part came when

    the auction started for vice chair, rapporteur and

    chair, the bidding was totally out of the world like

    One Punjabi orange, 2 Cadbury shots, but the

    final bid by the delegate of Niger take the auction

    material off (symbolically at least, you dirty

    minds !!! )

    Rajat Jain scolded the delegate of Sudan to stop

    dropping stuff (dropping staff mind it, cmon itsnatural)

    delegate of china the so called rules breaker.

    Malini JainReporter GA

    In a rather slow pace, the Security Council kicked

    off with opening the speakers list from which many

    backed out later, probably because of the stone

    faced president. With a rather procedure less begin-

    ning and apprehensive council, the slow progres-

    sive atmosphere was telling on till 12.

    The most happening part of the SC was the 15 at-

    tempts the delegates to break into a lunch break.

    As was expected, a mystical bond formed between

    USA and the chair. Became apparent from the be-

    ginning of the session saw frequent requests to

    approach the Executive Board. Devoid of any hu-

    man emotions whatsoever, the president RohanJain made it clear that he meant business while a

    clear coalition between Russia , US, France, and

    Iran was visible by the close seating. In a startling

    move, France proposed India to provide nuclear

    material because of their obviously clean records of

    having a flawless security system, with every raising

    comment from the president as to the reason for

    the name of the country, Islamic republic of ran,

    was cheered by all in the council in a rather UNITED

    MOTION, Nigeria later recognized US as one of the

    energy hungry nation which the US denied in full

    pride as always. The day concluded with various

    bilateral talks towards the agenda.

    Rustam aka RustyReporter HRC

  • 8/3/2019 Chitkara MUN 2.0 -- Volume 2, Issue 1



    Glimpses (GA to be specific as rest of the reporters

    were sleeping.) xD

    Delegates of Cameroon caught red handed using internet p.s. have

    the proof)

    Delegate of USA: we are brothersDelegate of Russia : no were not , well never be

    Please note: delegate of usa and Russia was none other than our

    honorable rajat jain (chairperson) & Krishnan ( vice chair-person)

    CHITKARA MUN is in CRISIS of delegates or the EB members were

    showing off their debating skills by turning into delegates them-

    selves is it??

    Russian delegate : you are stupid !!

    USAs delegate: so are you !!

    USA: I want the delegate of Russia out of the council for 20 min-


  • 8/3/2019 Chitkara MUN 2.0 -- Volume 2, Issue 1


    P A G E 5

    ChitPic v2

    R . I . P . ( D O O R Y O U D I E ! )