
Introduction Although as a principle Chiropractic is ancient; as a modern, working profession among the sciences of healing it is slightly less than a half century old. During this short space of time as an organized profession it has made remarkable progress. It is for the purpose of opening a vista in the clouds of doubt and showing a panorama of achievements which Chiropractors can truthfully claim, that this book is offered an intelligent American public. You are going to be surprised at our accomplishments as you read and look through the following pages. As you visualize the in..:stment in the many colleges, sanitorilllDs and hospitals you will understand that our profession is no transient or ineffective institution. You will readily grasp from the explanatory articles, accurate charts ru.d d;._ grams, all made especially plain for the busy man or woman concerned with their own daily problems, that Chiropractic is indeed a scientific method for the prevention and adjustment of disease. There have been those who somehow could not come to think of Chiropractic as a sound, ethical, effective method of handling disease. Because of subtle and, in some instances, insidious forces that held our profession up to the pubEc in the wrong light, and encouraged doubt in our capacity and education, we have sought to parade these achieve ments in tlus book. This work is gratefully dedicated to those who have early understood the merit in the science of Chiropractic and who have made our achieve ments

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Post on 30-Oct-2014




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IntroductionAlthough as a principle Chiropractic is ancient; as a modern, working profession among the sciences of healing it is slightly less than a half century old. During this short space of time as an organized profession it has made remarkable progress. It is for the purpose of opening a vista in the clouds of doubt and showing a panorama of achievements which Chiropractors can truthfully claim, that this book is offered an intelligent American public. You are going to be surprised at our accomplishments as you read and look through the following pages. As you visualize the in..:stment in the many colleges, sanitorilllDs and hospitals you will understand that our profession is no transient or ineffective institution. You will readily grasp from the explanatory articles, accurate charts ru.d d;. _ grams, all made especially plain for the busy man or woman concerned with their own daily problems, that Chiropractic is indeed a scientific method for the prevention and adjustment of disease. There have been those who somehow could not come to think of Chiropractic as a sound, ethical, effective method of handling disease. Because of subtle and, in some instances, insidious forces that held our profession up to the pubEc in the wrong light, and encouraged doubt in our capacity and education, we have sought to parade these achievements in tlus book. This work is gratefully dedicated to those who have early understood the merit in the science of Chiropractic and who have made our achievements possible while they themselves were regaining or maintaining abundant health.

TruthTruth is harmony with right and con form ity to Nature which is God's work. Truth is the quality of being true, real, or in fact, and is based upon fact and not opinion. It is the foundation of knowledge and the open gate of reason. To love truth is to seek i t; to have knowledge of it is to pra ise it; to believe it is to live it. It is the greatest and most endu ring of forces. Jt is eternal. The three essentials of truth are: seek, know and use.There can be no sincere search for truth except we fi rst liye what we already know. Truth often lies deeper than error hence why"error is frequentl y found first. Errors are signs wh ich point the way toward truth. Truth is the way. Truth is not all contained in one person or mind. We seek truth because we have not found it a ll. Truth is of the Cosmic and to harmonize w ith the Cosmic is to lind truth. Th is is the great end and purpose of life."A MINUTE A DAY "


Fo1111J" of ChtrDfrarltt i11 /lmt>'ita

Band reared in the wilderness of Ontario, un ada, Dr. Daniel David Palmer inherited and de- veloped all of the characteristics of a pioneer. His primary schooling, gained in the back woods, made him an ardent student of the laws of Nature. Raised on a f arm :tnd trained in the hardsh i ps of the early days, he became one of the " "honor graduates in the School of Experience: His natural bent and his pleas- u re was to help out" when friends a nd neighbors were sick. The thrill of helping pIE PATIENT

(From a R f oj Andent Gnere) lie Hipp ro correct functional a nd path ological disease in vital organs by ad justing the spine. lie : djc re- gions of the spine "here the offending nerves m.1ke their exit. A careful examination of the spmc reve,1b that certain bony sc -:mcnts are out of pttion and ue prod ucing interference with ner ve>ll\ sion. Having m:tdc t hese d iscoveries. the Chiroprac to's work is to I'Cpl ace th e:- offend i ng vertcl)l1 .111d ':c permit free tr:tnsmis>ion of nerve force. \XI hen t his is

done norm:I function ing of the organ i> the n.ltu consequence :ond when normal functinning t1 kes place, . symptoms Sulh .1s pain. discomfort, he.ld.tChes. ere.. automaucally d1s.tppcar. The 01iropracror's method is cssemoall)' diiTcrent than rhar employed by any other school of hc.tling. He is concerned with cfft'CIS only insofar :IS they poin t w those regions where the ca use is to he found . He is not interested in su bmerging the pain of a headache by giving ta blets whu>e only effect is t11 deaden t he p:tin. He k nnws t h.1t in do SCl is to offer merty tClll l JX>rary relief. lie rttu)(lli "hich arc transmitted by this type of nerve. Such a condition can l ead to functional distu rbance of gl:u1CIS or organs, to impa irment of the ci rculation, ner ve disorders, of paralysis, depending on the nerve fibres invohed and the degree of severity. As the center of nerve radiation, the mechanical structure of your spine is of vital importance to your heal th. These spinal deviations, when not corrected, constitute areas of structural weak ness which are the most susceptible to stress and strain of daily routine. Occupational posture, spinal tenseness, muscular fa. tigue, all of these arc factors which bring on excessive mU5CIIIar teosion- inunsifred al 1he we.,kesl spinal firM. The nerve root is tbeo irritated :nd pain

results. Here is one prevalent muse of chronic or recurring hcadad>es, backaches, neuritic pains, :1nd certain nerve disorders. Correcting the Cause ln correcting the spinal condition. we strike at the fundamental cause. This is effectively accomplished through O>iropractic Spinal Adjusting. This adjustic procedure relaxes tensioned muscle fibres, adjusts the segment (if displ aced) to its correct alignment, and norma l izes the spinal nerve openings. \XIhen this cor rcction is complete, we have rel ieved nerve irritation and pain, or have re-established normal nerve activity and circulation in the ailected organ or part. To understand the eilectiveness of corrective spinal adjusting in conditi011s not directly due to falls or strains, it is necessary to bear in mind that the spine consists of various nerve centers.

Plea.e Mcmoritc the Next Pc4ragrtPh Each nerve center controls, rhrough its con necting nenes,:1 definite section of the body :md the organs, glands, and tissues therein. Thus we have the stomach center, liver center, k idney ceo ter, a nerve center in the lower spine cont roll ing the abdominal region :UJd lower l imbs, wh ile from the cervica l (neck) spinal area the nerve supply governs the throat, thyroid gland, am1s, .tnd indirectly the eyes. ears, nose, etc. Just as the blood circulation can be accelerated through massage, so it is th:1t the nerve currents C.lll be nor malized through corrective adjusting of the spinal nerve centers. It is through th is procedure that the Chiropr:ctor is enabled to stimu l ate nor mal function in org:o ns and tissues remote from thspine Jnd "'' rc.-Jth various disorders.An Ancienr Art .. Modernited Spinal adjusting was first used by the Egyptians and the Greek physicians many years before Quist. It is also known that many of the I ndian tribes used this art of drugless healing quite successfully, :although in a very crude form, and that the Bohemians have prac ticed it for many generations. Chiropractic, as k nown and prncliced today, was founded by Dr. D. D. Palmer in 1 895. He systematized a nd developed th is form of spina l ad justing and prep:tred himself to teach it. Dr. Pa l mer established the fact that constriction of the spina l nerve openingsthrougb joint deviations or tensioned ligaments- affects the spinal nerve root and is in many cases the fundamental cause of pain and various ailments. He based his reasoning on results obtained in his clinical practice. Beneficial Results \Videspread Due to its beneficial results, the science has attained widespread recognition, ranking as the largest profes- sion of drugless healing, with numerous colleges, clinics, and san itariums. The professional tr:tining now covers n period of three to fou r years, with high sdool education or better rS

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