chinese calligraphy - university of glasgowstyles of chinese calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行...

Chinese Calligraphy Professor Su Lichang Co-Director, Confucius Institute

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Page 1: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Chinese Calligraphy

Professor Su Lichang

Co-Director, Confucius Institute

Page 2: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Styles of Chinese



• kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy (official-script styles), Zhuan calligraphy (seal character) and Xing calligraphy ( semi cursive script or running-hand)

Page 3: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy from Liu


• Born in Shanxi Province, master calligrapher of TANG Dynasty.

• 柳公权,字诚悬,唐代著名书法家,汉族,京兆华原(今陕西铜川市耀州区)人。官至太子少师,世称“柳少师”。柳公权书法以楷书著称,与颜真卿齐名,人称颜柳。他的书法初学王羲之,后来遍观唐代名家书法,认为颜真卿,欧阳询的字最好,便吸取了颜,欧之长,在晋人劲媚和颜书雍容雄浑之间,形成了自己的柳体,以骨力劲健见长,后世有 “颜筋柳骨”的美誉。

Page 4: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy sample (i)

Page 5: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy sample (ii)

Page 6: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy from Ou Yangxiu


Master calligrapher of TANG Dynasty

Born in Tanzhou (潭州,今长沙, one of the four regular style master calligrapher


Page 7: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy sample (iii)

Page 8: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy from Yan


• Master Calligrapher of TANG Dynasty颜真卿(709-785)

• 苏轼曾云:“诗至于杜子美,文至于韩退之,



Page 9: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy from Yan

Zhenqing Yan Zhenqing is a master of calligraphy in Tang Dynasty.

His innovation in calligraphic expression is influenced by his engagement with the northern tradition of monumental standard script styles representing a balance between propriety and Zhang Xu's wildness. The sheer weight and lack of hesitation in his brushstrokes has long been associated with his physical and moral courage. A master though, he was not a professional himself. Instead, he was also well-known for being a straight-forward official for the government in his time.

Page 10: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy from Yan


Page 11: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy from Zhao

Mengfu赵孟頫 (1254—1322)

• Born in Wuxing (今浙江湖州),master calligrapher of Yuan Dynasty

• 字子昂,号松雪,松雪道人,又号水精宫道人、鸥波,中年曾作孟俯,汉族,吴兴(今浙江湖州)人。元代著名画家,楷书四大家(欧阳询、颜真卿、柳公权、赵孟頫)之一。赵孟頫博学多才,能诗善文,懂经济,工书法,精绘艺,擅金石,通律吕,解鉴赏。特别是书法和绘画成就最高,开创元代新画风,被称为“元人冠冕”。他也善篆、隶、真、行、草书,尤以楷、行书著称于世。赵孟頫书《大学帖》

Page 12: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy from Zhao

Mengfu赵孟頫 (1254—1322)

Page 13: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Calligraphy from Zhao

Mengfu赵孟頫 (1254—1322)

Page 14: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Cao Calligraphy (Cursive


Page 15: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Cao Calligraphy (Cursive


Page 16: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Li Calligraphy (Official-

Script styles)

Page 17: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Li Calligraphy (Official-

Script styles)

Page 18: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Zhuan Calligraphy (Seal


Page 19: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Zhuan Calligraphy (Seal


Page 20: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Xing calligraphy ( semi

cursive script or running-


Page 21: Chinese Calligraphy - University of GlasgowStyles of Chinese Calligraphy 真、草、隶、篆、行 •kai calligraphy (regular script), Cao calligraphy (cursive hand), Li calligraphy

Xing calligraphy ( semi

cursive script or running-
