chinese braised shaanxi pasta recipe

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  • 8/10/2019 Chinese Braised Shaanxi Pasta Recipe


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    Home/ Tours/ Food/ Cooking Class/ Staple Food & Snacks/ Braised Shaanxi Pasta

    Chinese name: (hu m sh)

    Style: Shaanxi Cuisine

    Characteristics: It is characterized by rich ingredients and its

    colorful appearance. The pasta is soft yet firm while the

    sauce has a deep and fresh flavor.

    Braised Shaanxi Pasta, a traditional food in Shaanxi people's

    reservations, is a combination of a variety of vegetables. The

    pasta(called Mashi in Chinese) for this dish is in the form of

    hollow date-stone-shaped flour rolls, formed with the thumb

    or made with a special machine. All of the ingredients arestir-fried first and then braised with Mashi, so the soup has a

    satisfying flavor.

    Making Shaanxi Pasta

    A. Take 2 bowls of flour and pour into a small basin. Make a hole in the middle and gradually add small

    quantities of water until it forms into small pieces. Sprinkle some more water on the flour pieces and stir

    by hand to form a paste on a board and smooth it out. Put it into the basin to be fermented for 15-20


    B. Take out of the flour paste and place on the board. Sprinkle some corn starch on it. Rub it into a big,

    round pancake by hand. Roll it flat and thin with a rolling pin until it is about 0.5cm thick. Then cut it into

    0.5cm wide strips which are then rubbed into columns.

    C. Cut the columns into even dices, but do not cut too many at one time in case of sticking together.

    Sprinkle some corn starch on the board (It will be easier to make Mashi on the bottom of a basket with

    patterns on or on other kitchen tools with rough surface. Furthermore, the Mashi made on them will have

    patterns on). Press your thumb on the dice and rub it until it rolls up like a cats ear. Repeat to make


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    Braised Shaanxi Pasta (Mashi)
  • 8/10/2019 Chinese Braised Shaanxi Pasta Recipe



    pasta (mashi), 100 g

    green vegetables, 50 g

    carrot & chili pepper, 50 g

    tofu, 50 g

    mushrooms, 25 g

    black fugus, 10 g

    potato, 25 g

    1 tomato

    green onion

    soy sauce

    powdered peppersalt

    Note: the amount of the

    ingredients especially the

    seasonings listed above can be

    appropriately used according to

    one's personal taste.


    A. Wash the mushrooms, tomato,

    potato, carrot, tofu, chili pepper,

    dice them, and put into separate


    B. Wash the green vegetables,

    tear them into halves;

    C. Wash the black fungus, and cut

    them into small slices;

    D. Wash the green onion, and cut

    into short sections.


    Step 1: Half fill a wok with water, turn on the heat and pour in the pasta when the water is boiling. Stir

    and boil for 2-3 minutes until 50% cooked, and then turn off the heat. Remove and drain off the waterthrough a colander. Put them in a basin or a bowl.

  • 8/10/2019 Chinese Braised Shaanxi Pasta Recipe


    Step 2: Empty the wok and dry it. Place it over high heat until hot. Add some cooking oil, and add the

    green onion sections, chili pepper, carrot, potato and tomato dices one by one when the oil is sizzling. Stir-

    fry for 1 minute.

    Step 3: Add the salt, powdered pepper, and soy sauce, and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add the tofu dices,

    black fungus slices, and mushroom dices, and stir-fry for 1 minute more.

  • 8/10/2019 Chinese Braised Shaanxi Pasta Recipe


    Step 4: Add in some water until all of the materials are immersed. Stir it well, and add in the

    boiled Mashi when it boils. Turn to medium heat, cover and stew it for 3-6 minutes more. Remove the

    cover, and add the green vegetable halves. Stir it well and turn off the heat.

    Spoon it out of the wok and serve in a bowl. A bowl of tasty Braised Shaanxi Pasta is now ready.

    Our Guests Attending Cooking Class

    Our Guest Learn to Make Chinese Dumplings

    On July 23, 2012, Ms. Helen & Ms. Sovanlouri from

    USA had an opportunity to learn to cook some local

    food - Pan Fried Dumplings & Braised Shaanxi

    Pasta from a typical housewife in Xian when they

    took part in our family tour. They enjoyed the

    special cooking class so much that they said they

    would recommend this to their relatives and friends

    who planned to travel China.
  • 8/10/2019 Chinese Braised Shaanxi Pasta Recipe


    Noodles with

    Tomato Egg Sauce





    Green Onion


    Pan Fried


    More Staple Food and Snacks in China:

    Q & A Search:

    Questions & Answers on Braised Shaanxi Pasta (Mashi)

    Christopher & Kerrie in a Local Family

    On Jun.13, 2012, Mr. Christopher & Ms. Kerrie

    from Australia joined a visit to a local family open

    with cooking class in Xian. This home visit was

    above exceptional with the friendly hostess. They

    learnt to make dumplings and cook Braised

    Shaanxi Pasta under the step-by-step guidance of

    the hostess. They had a great home-made lunch,

    which in their view was very different from thatoffered by restaurants.

    See Christopher & Kerrie's Feedbackand Video

    Our Guests Learn to Make Chinese Dumplings

    On Aug. 2, 2011, guests of TravelChinaGuide, Mr.

    Jacobus & Ms. Cornelia from the Netherlands

    visited a typical family in Xian and had a hand-by-

    hand Chinese food cooking class from the hostess.

    With great favor to Chinese food, they didn't only

    learned to cook Braised Shaanxi Pasta, Chinese

    Dumpling and Sweet and Sour Pork Fillet, but also

    helped to prepare all the other dishes the hostess

    cooked for them.

    1. Jun. 12, 2012 00:34Asked by Caroline Chee from AUSTRALIA

    what type of flour do you used to make shaanxi pasta?


    Jun. 12, 2012 21:46

    Answered by Nina

    Actually, all kinds of Shaanxi pasta are made of wheat flour as wheat is one of the main farm

    products in Shaanxi.

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  • 8/10/2019 Chinese Braised Shaanxi Pasta Recipe


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