children literature story

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Post on 07-Oct-2015




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Shafiq, come here. his mother called. Shafiq was playing in the garden. He ignored his mother and continued on playing with the dog. When Shafiq didnt come, his mother went outside the house to look for him. His mother wanted him to help give the kuih raya she had prepared for their uncle. Shafiq was annoyed with his mother when she asked him to help her. Stop making faces like that. One day, your face will end up as ugly as the face you make now, his mother scolded him. Shafiq didnt heed his mothers advice and went out. On the way to his uncles house, he made faces at everyone he met. The folks of the town were very angry when they saw him. However, Shafiq didnt care. He thought that he looked cool when he did that. His grandma was there at his uncles house. He gave the kuih raya to her. You rude little boy, how dare you stick out your tongue and make faces at me! his grandma shouted at him and chased him out. Shafiq was scared and ran to the mango orchard nearby.

Shafiq felt that everyone was treating him unfairly just because he makes face at them. Then, he heard some movements behind him. At first, he thought maybe it was some wild animals that wanted to eat him. However the figure he saw was too small to be a wild animal. As the figure came closer, he realised that it was a little fairy. Hello, what are you doing here alone in this place? the fairy asked him. As usual, Shafiq made faces at her. The fairy was very angry. She took out her wand and pointed it at him.

How dare you make faces at me? I curse that your face remains like that the fairy said that and disappeared into the thin air. Shafiq was very afraid now. He started crying. He couldnt move his face at all. His face was stuck in an odd way. His face had become ugly now and he didnt know what to do. He decided to go back home. On the way back, all the people ran away after seeing his face. He was very sad. No one wanted to come near him now. Even his friends ran away from him. He regretted making faces at people. He wished he had listened to what his mother had said to him earlier. If only he had listened to her, this would not have happened to him. He was ashamed to go back home and show his face to his mother now. While walking, he saw an old blind man trying to cross the road. He went towards that man. He helped the old man to cross the road. Suddenly, Shafiq felt something had changed on his face. He was scared if the fairy has come again and wanted to make his face uglier. However, to his surprise his face returned to normal. The curse was lifted because he had done a good deed by helping the old man. Shafiq promised himself that he would never make faces to anyone ever again. He was very happy and quickly ran home to tell his mother what has happened to him.

Moral Values : Dont hesitate to help others. Dont be rude to others.