chen 610: applied statistical...

ChEn 610:  Applied Statistical Thermodynamics Monte-Carlo Simulated Agglomeration: Based on the Smoluchowski Equation Patrick  J. Rensing April 26 th , 2006

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  • ChEn 610:  Applied Statistical Thermodynamics

    MonteCarlo Simulated Agglomeration:Based on the Smoluchowski Equation

    Patrick  J. RensingApril 26th, 2006

  • Table of Contents





    Conclusions and Recommendations..........................................................................................................9

    Table of Nomenclature.............................................................................................................................11


    Appendix A: Simulation Source Code....................................................................................................13

    List of Figures

    Figure 1: Sierpinski Triangle, Df=1.585....................................................................................................2

    Figure 2: Average Fractal Dimension Over Time.....................................................................................5

    Figure 3: Mass Weighted Average Fractal Dimension Over Time............................................................6

    Figure 4: Normal Q-Q Plot of Simulation Time.......................................................................................7

    Figure 5: Final Aggregate Structures........................................................................................................8

  • Summary

    Aggregation is important to many fields in the sciences from polymer processing, to blood flow, to

    hydrate slurry rheology. This process has been studied in a simplified case here by conducting a

    dynamic Monte-Carlo simulation, with the successes based on the agglomeration rate kernel. The

    simulations show surprising similarities in the evolution of fractal dimension over time between

    different simulations. All simulations had similar trends and all settled at a final fractal dimension

    between 1.6 and 1.7. In addition the time for 1000 hard disks to completely agglomerate is shown to be

    Gaussian in nature, with a large variance. This simulation shows promising results for the study of

    aggregation via dynamic Monte-Carlo simulation. There is still more work that needs to be done to

    include more physical reality, i.e. three dimensions and breakup, in the simulations and to relate Monte-

    Carlo steps to time.

  • Introduction

    In many systems particles will form aggregates through time dependent agglomeration. This process is

    important in many areas of science and research including polymerization slurry processing, metallic

    alloy solidification, food processing, blood circulation, and coal cleaning [1,2]. In addition it is also

    important in ice and hydrate slurries, where aggregates can alter the flow behavior of these slurries,

    causing difficulties transporting the slurry. It is hoped that a transient agglomeration model can be

    implemented to help understand and model the transient slurry rheology.

    When systems like these form agglomerates it is very rare that they will form a compact aggregate,

    rather they tend to form voluminous fractal aggregates. While these aggregates lack exact fractal

    structure the aggregates formed are still fairly fractal in nature, so the term fractal dimension is often

    used to characterize the equations. The fractal dimension, Df, relates the scaling of the characteristic

    length, l, to the mass of the object, M, as suggested by Mandelbrot [3]. (Equation 1)


    Thus a perfect sphere will yield a fractal dimension of three, a circular disk will yield a fractal

    dimension of two, and a straight line will yield a fractal dimension of one. Other fractal objects may

    yield non-integer fractal dimensions, i.e. the Sierpinski Triangle with a fractal dimension of 1.585 [4]

    (Figure 1).

    M ∝ l D f

    Figure 1: Sierpinski Triangle, Df=1.585

  • In this paper the proportionality constant is assumed to be the mass of one particle which gives

    equation 2, which relates the number of particles, N, to the diameter of the particles, DP, and the diameter of the agglomerate, DA [5].


    In addition to being fractal solids these agglomerates sizes will vary over time. The most common

    method to model this agglomeration is the Smoluchowski population balance equation [6] (Equation 3).


    In which Ni(t) is the number of agglomerates of size i as a function of time (t), Bi,j is the aggregation

    kernel of particles of size i and size j. Where the aggregation kernel is a function that accounts for

    mobility of particles, fractal dimension, and other properties. The result of this is that this equation can

    be used to track the size of the agglomerates over time, which will be critical in transient modeling of

    agglomerates and the effect they have on slurry flow rheology.

    N= DADP D f

    dN i t dt


    i− 1

    Bi − j , j N i − j t N j t − ∑j=1

    i max

    B i , j N i t N j t

  • Discussion

    A dynamic Monte-Carlo simulation of irreversible agglomeration of hard disks over time was

    conducted on a system consisting of 1000 initially dispersed hard disks of uniform size. Each Monte-

    Carlo step two random agglomerates (or single disks) from the list of particles were selected to be

    combined. A probability was calculated, based on the Smoluchowski aggregation kernel of Flesh,

    Spicer, and Pratsinis [5], for the successful combination of particles in turbulent flow (Equation 4).


    In which the aggregation kernel is a function of the volume average shear rate, G, the particle volume,

    νp, and the size of the aggregates, xi. The probability was taken to be the ratio of Bi, j against the maximum possible Bi, j. In addition the exponent was reduced to a power of two since the simulated

    system was done in two dimensions instead of three. Thus the probability of accepting follows in

    equation 5 as:


    Each Monte-Carlo step a random probability was compared to the Paccept. If the random probability was

    greater than Paccept then no action was taken, but if this random probability was less than or equal to Paccept then the two agglomerates would be combined into one new agglomerate. To combine the two

    agglomerates into a new agglomerate each agglomerate was rotated by a random angle, between 0° and

    360°, to simulate a random collision vector. Next the particles were brought together along the x axis

    until two particles were just touching, with their center of masses kept along the x axis. In reality

    agglomerates would not always collide along their center of mass, however this was done to simplify

    the simulation. Once the two agglomerates had been combined the new fractal dimension of this

    agglomerate would be calculated (via equation 6) with the diameter of the aggregate taken to be the

    largest distance between two particles. Once the new agglomerate was calculated it would be returned

    to the list of agglomerates.


    Finally, after each Monte-Carlo step this process was then repeated ad infinitum until all the hard disks

    had aggregated into one large agglomerate.

    Bi , j=0.31G v p x i1/ D f x j1/D f 3

    Paccept=x i1 /D f x j1 /D f


    N 2

    D f =ln N

    ln DADP

  • Results

    Ten simulations were run with 1000 hard disks, with the initial condition of all particles being

    dispersed. For these simulations fractal dimension was analyzed over time and the final agglomerate

    structure was analyzed. It was found that the average fractal dimension and mass weighted average

    fractal dimension decreased over time in a linear fashion that was consistent between simulations

    (Figures 2-3).

    Figure 2: Average Fractal Dimension Over Time

  • The mass weighted fractal dimension decreases faster than the unweighted fractal dimension. This is

    expected since all individual hard disks have a fractal dimension of two. This means that the shear

    number of single particles will push the average near two at the beginning of the simulation. Near the

    end of these simulations, when the number of aggregates are very low, there are wide fluctuations in

    the fractal dimension. Again this is to be expected since a small number of observations will yield a

    large variance. The mass weighted fractal dimension shows less variance near the end of the

    simulations since there is typically one or two large aggregates which dominate all the statistics in these

    cases. Another noteworthy point is that all final agglomerates had a final fractal dimension between

    1.6 and 1.7. This shows, as do the similar trends in fractal dimension over time, that a stochastic

    process with a 'large' number of particles still yield similar behavior. While running simulations the

    qualitative trend that large agglomerates were much more likely to agglomerate than smaller

    agglomerates was observed, which is consistent with the agglomeration kernel. This will frequently

    lead to the development of one or two large agglomerates which will then 'consume' all the smaller

    agglomerates and dispersed hard disks. This also makes qualitative sense since a large agglomerate

    will have a large collision radius and be very likely to collide with most other particles.

    These simulations also show scatter in the amount of time to reach the final agglomerate size of 1000

    hard disks. The final agglomeration time varies by about 2x106 Monte-Carlo steps, which is around

    50% of the average time to reach the final agglomerate size. When preforming statistical analysis of

    Figure 3: Mass Weighted Average Fractal Dimension Over Time

  • the time for complete agglomeration it was found to be very Gaussian (a Shaprio-Francia statistic of

    0.98, which strongly suggests Gaussianity for 10 points) [7]. This Gaussianity can clearly be seen by

    linearity of the normal Q-Q (quantile-quantile) plot (Figure 4) which is a plot of a CDF (cumulative

    distribution functions) of the final time of the simulations vs. the CDF of a uniform Gaussian function

    centered at 0.

    In figure 5a-j the ten final agglomerate structures are shown. Here the agglomerates show a radial

    branch like agglomerate structure. The fact that many of these agglomerates are very radial in shape is

    most likely an artifact due to the forced collisions along the centers of mass, but it is also qualitatively

    consistent with a system that has undergone shear deformation. In the images occasionally the

    agglomerate appears as two agglomerates stuck together, this is not consistent with what would be

    expected in a real system. Shear breakages and deformation will remove these second agglomerates by

    breaking off a new agglomerates or compacting them into a more complete part of the agglomerate. It

    can also be noticed by the observant reader that not all the particles in the agglomerates are attached.

    This is an artifact from the code used to draw the images. All particle positions were recorded as

    double floats, while the drawing functions required integer positions. All positions were rounded down

    which resulted in the occasional appearance of separation of hard disks in the agglomerate.

    Figure 4: Normal Q-Q Plot of Simulation Time

  • a. b. c. d. e.

    f. g. h. i. j.

    Figures 5a-j: Final Aggregate Structures

  • Conclusions and Recommendations

    This simulation shows how a dynamic Monte-Carlo simulation can be used to study the agglomeration

    of hard disks in a system. The simulations here illustrate a proof of concept that such a simulation

    should be useful and feasible to study this stochastic process in the framework of statistical mechanics.

    Improved versions of this simulation may prove to be powerful modeling tools for future studies of

    agglomeration of hydrates in slurry flow.

    This code has been a first pass attempt to model agglomeration of particles. The model seems to

    preform adequately and yields results consistent with ones qualitative expectations. Since this is a first

    pass model there is still much room for improvement. The first improvement to be considered is

    extending the simulation to include breakup as well as agglomeration. This will give more realistic

    results and may provide insight on how repeated agglomeration and breakup may effect agglomerates.

    Another change related to this would be to include shear compaction of the aggregates. Allowing the

    particles in the aggregate to slip and compact could cause changes that one would expect in a flowing

    system. In addition to these two improvements another vital improvement would be to extend the

    simulation into three dimensional space. The code has been written with this future path in mind and

    should be a reasonably easy improvement to incorporate. If three dimensions are implemented another

    change that will need to be included is an improved visualization kit. Currently this code only

    produces an image of the final two dimensional structure, and has some problems with round off errors

    while drawing the images. An improved drawing package, that supports three dimensions may

    improve information gained from the program. In addition allowing the visualization software to tract

    aggregates over time may give some insight into the agglomeration/breakup process and shape

    evolution over time. Another important improvement to increase the physicality of the simulation

    would be to include non-centerline collisions between aggregates, which could be implemented by

    simply picking a random collision offset. Another improvement that could be of interest would be

    allowing the particles to randomly come from a distribution. Since it is rarely the case that particles are

    of a single size in a hydrate systems this could give some insight on how different distributions effect

    agglomeration and the agglomerates properties. Probably the most important thing to be include in

    future work is to compare these simulations with experimental data on aggregation to test the theory

    behind the agglomeration rates. Another improvement that should be made is to clean and optimize the

    code. As with any typical programming project this simulation has been written in the “make it work,

    then make it work fast” mindset. As this is the case the program runs well but has some severe

    inefficiencies with the way it deals with linked lists. It should be possible to increase the efficiency of

  • the code. As simulations become large (>1000 hard spheres) this consideration will become a more

    pressing concern. The last improvement that needs to be made is translating the Monte-Carlo steps into

    real time. There is a problem with the current Monte-Carlo steps as they ignore the total number of

    aggregates in the system. As the number of aggregates in the system decreases the likelihood of a

    collision will decrease, however this relationship is not taken into account in the simulation, but should

    be correctable with a simple scaling relationship or by incorporating this consideration into the

    probability of acceptance function.

  • Table of Nomenclature

    Bi,j.........................................................................................................Collision Kernel for Particle i and j

    CDF........................................................................................................Cumulative Distribution Function

    DA.............................................................................................................................Diameter of Aggregate

    Df.....................................................................................................................................Fractal Dimension

    DP.........................................................................................................................Diameter of Hard Sphere

    G......................................................................................................................Volume Average Shear Rate

    i.............................................................................................................................................Index Variable

    j.............................................................................................................................................Index Variable

    l..................................................................................................................................Characteristic Length

    M....................................................................................................................................Mass of Aggregate

    N.........................................................................................................Number of Hard Disks in Aggregate

    Paccept......................................................................................Probability of Accepting Monte-Carlo Move



    xi.......................................................................................................Number of Hard Disks in Aggregate i

    νP..................................................................................................................................Volume of a Particle

  • References

    1. Barthelmes G., Pratsinis S. E., Buggisch H., 2003. Particle Size Distributions and Viscosity of Suspensions Undergoing Shear-Induced Coagulation and Fragmentation. Chemical Engineering Science 58, 2893-2902.

    2. Capes C. E., Darcovich K., 1984. A Survey of Oil Agglomeration in Wet Fine Coal Processing. Powder Technology 40, 43-52.

    3. Mandelbrot, B., 1982. The Fractal Geometry of Nature. W.H. Freeman, San Fransisco.4. Sierpinski, W. 1915. "Sur une courbe dont tout point est un point de ramification." C. R. A. S.

    160, 302-305.5. Flesch J. C., Spicer P. T., Pratsinis S. E., 1999. Laminar and Turbulent Shear-Induced

    Flocculation of Fractal Aggregates. Materials, Interfaces and Electrochemical Phenomena 45, 1114-1124.

    6. Lattuada M., Wu H., Sandkühler P., Sefcik J., Morbidelli M., 2004. Modelling of Aggregation Kinetics of Colloidal Systems and its Validation by Light Scattering Measurements. Chemical Engineering Science 59, 1783-1798.

    7. Shaprio S.S., Francia R.S., 1972. Approximate Analysis of Variance Test for Normality. Journal of The American Statistical Association 67, 215-225.

  • Appendix A:

    Simulation Source Code*

    *Source Code has not been included in this pdf. Please contact Patrick Rensing for a copy.