chemistry in everyday life -

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 011-47623456 Level - I SECTION - A School/Board Exam. Type Questions Very Short Answer Type Questions : 1. Phenacetin belongs to which type of drug? Sol. Antipyretic 2. What is uses of morphine? Sol. It is an alkaloid, which is used as Analgesic. It is a narcotic drug. 3. Name two diseases for which chloramphenicol is prescribed. Sol. For treatment of typhoid fever and pneumonia. 4. Give name of chemical which can be used both in disinfectant and antiseptic. Sol. Sulphur dioxide, Phenol 5. Name the branch of chemistry which deals with treatment of disease using chemicals. Sol. Chemotherapy 6. Veronal, luminal and seconal are derivatives of which substance? Sol. They are derivatives of barbituric acid. 7. Give example of a sulpha drug. Sol. Sulphapyridine or sulphadiazine. 8. Draw structure of Saccharin. Sol. CO SO 2 NH Chemistry in Everyday Life Chapter 16 Solutions (Set-1)

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Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 011-47623456

Level - I


School/Board Exam. Type Questions

Very Short Answer Type Questions :

1. Phenacetin belongs to which type of drug?

Sol. Antipyretic

2. What is uses of morphine?

Sol. It is an alkaloid, which is used as Analgesic. It is a narcotic drug.

3. Name two diseases for which chloramphenicol is prescribed.

Sol. For treatment of typhoid fever and pneumonia.

4. Give name of chemical which can be used both in disinfectant and antiseptic.

Sol. Sulphur dioxide, Phenol

5. Name the branch of chemistry which deals with treatment of disease using chemicals.

Sol. Chemotherapy

6. Veronal, luminal and seconal are derivatives of which substance?

Sol. They are derivatives of barbituric acid.

7. Give example of a sulpha drug.

Sol. Sulphapyridine or sulphadiazine.

8. Draw structure of Saccharin.

Sol. CO



Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chapter 16

Solutions (Set-1)

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74 Chemistry in Everyday Life Solutions of Assignment (Set-1) (Level-I)

9. What is the use of sodium benzoate, sodium metabisulphite etc.?

Sol. They are used as preservative.

10. Give full form of ABS.

Sol. Alkyl benzene sulphonates

Short Answer Type Questions :

11. What are antihistamines?

Sol. They are used against allergy.

12. How can phenol behave both as antiseptic as well as disinfectant?

Sol. 0.2% phenol as antiseptic and 1% phenol as disinfectant.

13. Why the use of penicillin is generally discouraged?

Sol. Some persons have allergy to penicillin, hence sensitivity of person to penicillin is first detected.

14. In what way prolonged use of antacids is harmful?

Sol. Prolonged use causes ulcer in stomach

15. Define enzyme, giving example.

Sol. Enzymes are proteins which act as biological catalyst in body. e.g., Zymase, amylase etc.

16. Name a broad spectrum antibiotic, state two diseases for which it is prescribed.

Sol. Chloramphenicol - for typhoid, pneumonia.

17. Give composition of one oral contraceptive.

Sol. Norethindrone - A progesterone derivative.

18. Why do drugs have side effects?

Sol. When drug binds to more than one type of receptor.

19. What is an alkaloid?

Sol. Complex nitrogenous substance, isolated from plants and produce physiological action in body.

20. Doctor has prescribed cloroquine, pamaquine, primaquine to his patient, to which category of drugs these


Sol. They are antimalarial, use for prevention and treatment of malaria.

21. What is drawback of using Aspirin?

Sol. Toxic to liver, sometimes causes bleeding from stomach.

22. What are Anaesthetics, give example?

Sol. They produce general or local insensibility to pains. e.g., Navocaine, Cocaine.

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23. How pathogenic action of bacteria on human body can be controlled?

Sol. (i) By using bactericidal drug

(ii) By using bacteriostatic drug

(iii) By increasing immunity and resistance of body

24. Give example of some semi-synthetic modifications of penicillin known now a days.

Sol. Ampicillin, Amoxicillin

25. Give the composition of most of the antifertility drugs.

Sol. Combination of synthetic estrogen and progesterone derivatives.

26. How can synthetic detergents be classified?

Sol. (i) Cationic detergent

(ii) Anionic detergent

(iii) Non-ionic detergent

27. When is artificial sweeteners preferred?

Sol. These are used especially for diabetic person to control the sugar level and for people who wish to control

their calorie intake.

28. What are antioxidants?

Sol. They prevent oxidation of fats. Hence used in packed food like chips, biscuits etc.

29. Why are unbranched detergents preferred over branched?

Sol. More the branching less biodegradable the detergent becomes.

30. Give one example of soap and detergent.

Sol. Soap - Sodium palmitate

Detergent - Alkyl benzene sulphonate and its derivatives.

Long Answer Type Questions :

31. What are neurologically active drugs? How are they classified, explain by giving example?

Sol. They affect message transfer mechanism from nerve to receptor.

(i) Tranquilizers - Equanil, Serotonin

(ii) Analgesics - Non-narcotic - Aspirin

- Narcotic - Morphine

32. Distinguish narrow spectrum and broad spectrum antibiotics by giving example. Also mention the diseases

for which they are effective?

Sol.Narrow Spectrum Broad Spectrum

Effective against particular microrganism.Eg., Penicillin.

Full range of microrganism are attacked by it.Eg., Chloramphenicol

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76 Chemistry in Everyday Life Solutions of Assignment (Set-1) (Level-I)

33. To which category of drugs, following drug belong:

(i) Erythromycin

(ii) Citrazine

(iii) Equanil

(iv) Lansoparazole

(v) Mifepristone

Sol. (i) Erythromycin - Antibiotics

(ii) Citrazine - Antihistamine

(iii) Equanil - Tranquilizers

(iv) Lansoparazole - Antacids

(v) Mifepristone - Antifertility

34. Give two examples of each of:

(i) Anasthetic

(ii) Antimalarial

(iii) Antipyretic

(iv) Antiseptics

(v) Antimicrobial

Sol. (i) Anasthetic - Cocaine, Novacaine

(ii) Antimalarial - Chloroquine, Primaquine

(iii) Antipyretic - Paracetamol, Aspirin

(iv) Antiseptics - Dettol, Bithional

(v) Antimicrobial - Prontosil, Salvarsan

35. Give examples of antihistamine. Explain how do they act on human body.

Sol. Eg., Promethazine, Citrazine.

They act against histamines, which causes allergy.

36. What are sulpha drugs? Name some important sulpha drugs and their uses.

Sol. Group of drugs which are derivative of sulphanilamide. They have good antibacterial power.

(i) Sulphanilamide

(ii) Sulphadiazine

(iii) Sulphapyridine

(iv) Sulphaguanidine

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37. Draw structure of the following:

(i) Aspirin

(ii) Paracetamol

(iii) Phenacetin

(iv) Sulphanilamide

(v) Chloroxylenol

Sol. (i) Aspirin



(ii) Paracetamol



(iii) Phenacetin

OC H2 5


(iv) Sulphamilamide


SO NH2 2

(v) Chloroxylenol





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38. Discuss the areas where antifertility drugs are useful. How do they work?

Sol. Used in birth control, family planning. They can suppress ovulation, menstrual cycle, used to check pregnancy,

birth control pills etc.

39. Name the first antibiotics and who has discovered it? Mention the areas in India where it is manufactured.

Also specify how it is effective for diseases causing organism.

Sol. Penicillin - Alexander Fleming.

Manufactured - Hindustan Antibiotics, Pimpri near Pune.

- Indian Drugs & Pharmaceuticals, Rishikesh.

It has narrow spectrum and effective against various cocci and some gram-positive bacteria.

40. Give full form of the following:

(i) ABS

(ii) LAS

(iii) BHT

(iv) BHA

(v) DDT

Sol. (i) ABS - Alkyl benzene sulphonate

(ii) LAS - Linear alkyl benzene sulphonate

(iii) BHT - Butylated hydroxy toluene

(iv) BHA - Butylated hydroxy anisole

(v) DDT - Dichloro diphenyl trichloro ethane

41. Give the advantages and disadvantages of each of soap and detergents.

Sol. Soaps: Easily biodegradable, do not cause much pollution but can’t be used in hard water, acidic solution.

Detergents: Being branched, less biodegradable and thus causes pollution. They can be used in hard water,

acidic solution, produce more lather.

42. What are soaps? What is saponification, give equation for it and examples of soap?

Sol. Soaps: Sodium or potassium salt of higher fatty acid.












CO C H3517

C H3517

C H3517



Eg., Sodium palmitate, Sodium stearate etc.

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43. Explain in detail, with help of chemical reactions that soap cannot work in hard water, whereas detergents can


Sol. Soaps: CaCl2

(C H3517 2COO) Ca + NaCl


+C H3517COONa


Hard water

Detergents: CH (CH2 11 3 3 2) SO Na + CaCl CH (CH

2 11 3 3 2 ) SO Ca + NaCl

(Soluble in hard water)

44. Draw structure of butylated hydroxy toluene & butylated hydroxy anisole. Where and how are they are used?

Sol. They are antioxidants, used in packed foods




C(CH3 3)(CH

3 3) C




C(CH3 3)(CH

3 3) C

45. Name three artificial sweeteners, compare their sweetening power and their advantage over each other.

Sol. (i) Aspartame - 100 times sweeter than cane sugar. Unstable at high temperature.

(ii) Alitame - 2000 times sweeter than cane sugar. Difficult to control its sweetness.

(iii) Sucrolose - 600 times sweeter than cane sugar. Stable at cooking temperature.


Model Test Paper

Very Short Answer Type Questions :

1. What is chemotherapy?

Sol. Use of chemicals for therapeutic effect is called chemotherapy.

2. What are antagonist drugs?

Sol. Drugs that binds to the receptor site and inhibit its natural function are called antagonist drugs.

3. Name the synthetic drug which acts as antihistamines.

Sol. Brompheniramine (Dimetapp) and terfenadine (Seldane).

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4. How analgesics are classified?

Sol. Analgesics are classified in two groups:

(i) Non-narcotic (non-addictive) analgesics, and

(ii) Narcotic drugs.

5. Name the first effective antibacterial agent.

Sol. Prontosil.

6. What are broad spectrum antibiotics?

Sol. Antibiotics which kill or inhibit a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are said to be broad

spectrum antibiotics.

7. Give two examples of antiseptics.

Sol. Furacine and Soframicine.

8. What is the composition of Dettol?

Sol. Dettol is a mixture of chloroxylenol and -terpineol.

Short Answer Type Questions :

9. Draw the structure of Terpineol






10. What is Norethindrone?

Sol. It is an example of synthetic progesterone derivative most widely used as antifertility drug.

11. What is the chemical name of the first popular artificial sweetening agent?

Sol. Ortho-sulphobenzimide (Saccharin).

12. Name two commonly used food preservatives.

Sol. Table salt and sodium benzoate.

13. What is drug?

Sol. A drug is a chemical agent, which affects human metabolism and provides cure from ailment.

14. What are the main categories of synthetic detergents?

Sol. Synthetic detergents are classified into–anionic, cationic and non-anionic.

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15. Draw the structure of a cationic detergent.


CH (CH ) — N — CH Br3 2 15 3




Short Answer Type Questions :

16. Sleeping pills are recommended by doctors to the patients suffering from sleeplessness but it is not advisiable

to take its doses without consultation with the doctors. Why?

Sol. Most of the drugs taken in doses higher than recommended may cause harmful effect and act as poison.

Therefore, a doctor should always be consulted before taking medicine.

17. What is Aspartame? Explain its chemical structure.

Sol. Aspartame is the most successful and widely used artificial sweetener. It is roughly 100 times as sweet as

cane sugar.

It is methyl ester of dipeptide formed from aspartic acid and pheylalanine.

18. What are disinfectants? Give examples.

Sol. Disinfectants are applied to inanimate objects such as floors, drainage system, instruments etc. to kill or prevent

the growth of microorganisms.

e.g., (i) 1 % solution of phenol.

(ii) 0.2 to 0.4 ppm Cl2 in aqueous solution.

19. What is chloramphemicol? What are its uses?

Sol. Chloramphenicol is a broad spectrum antibiotic. It is rapidly absorbed from gastrointestinal tract and hence

can be given orally in case of typhoid, dysentery, acute fever, certain form of urinary infections, meningitis and


20. What are Tranquilizers? Name any three tranquilizers.

Sol. Tranquilizers are a class of chemical compounds used for the treatment of stress, and mild or even severe

mental diseases. These relieve anxiety, stress, irritability or excitement by including a sense of well-being.

e.g., Noradrenaline, Lproniazid and Phenelzine.

21. How drugs are classified?

Sol. Drugs are classified on the basis of:

(i) Pharmacological effect

(ii) Drug action

(iii) Chemical structure

(iv) Molecular targets

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Long Answer Type Questions :

22. What are fillers and what role these fillers play in soap?

Sol. Substances which are added to soaps to change their properties in order to make them more useful for a

particular application, are called fillers.

For example:

(i) Sodium rosinate, sodium silicate, borax and sodium carbonate are added to laundry soaps to increase

their lather forming ability.

(ii) Glycerol is added to shaving soaps to prevent them from rapid drying.

23. (i) What is the mode of action of antimicrobial drugs?

(ii) What are analgesics?

Sol. (i) Antimicrobials cure diseases caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi etc.

(ii) Analgesics are neurologically active drugs which affect the message transfer mechanism from nerve to


� � �

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83Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) (Level-I) Chemistry in Everyday Life

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Objective Type Questions

(Drugs and their Classification)

1. Chemotherapy is

(1) Use of heat for therapeutic effect

(2) Use of chemical for therapeutic effect

(3) Use of natural reagent for therapeutic effect

(4) All of these

Sol. Answer (2)

Chemotherapy involves the use of chemicals for therapeutic effect.

2. How do enzyme catalyse the reaction?

(1) By holding the substrate molecule for chemical reaction

(2) By providing functional groups which will attack the substrate to carry out chemical reaction

(3) Both (1) & (2)

(4) Neither (1) nor (2)

Sol. Answer (3)

Enzymes catalyse the reaction by -

(1) Holding the substrate molecule for chemical reaction.

(2) Providing functional groups which will attack the substrate to carry out the chemical reaction.

3. Drugs which compete with natural substrate for their attachment on the active sites of enzymes are called

(1) Enzyme Inhibitors

(2) Competitive Inhibitors

(3) Non-competitive Inhibitors

(4) Drug targets

Sol. Answer (2)

Competitive inhibitors.

4. Drugs which interfere with natural action of histamine by competing with histamine are called

(1) Antidepressant (2) Antihistamines (3) Antimicrobial (4) Antipyretic

Sol. Answer (2)

Drugs used to combat the effect of histamine are called Antihistamine.

Solutions (Set-2)

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5. Barbituric acid and its derivatives constitutes an important class of

(1) Narcotic analgesic

(2) Antiallergic

(3) Tranquilizers

(4) Antimicrobial

Sol. Answer (3)

Barbituric acid Tranquilizer

6. Non-narcotics includes all, except

(1) Ibuprofen

(2) Paracetamol

(3) Opiate

(4) Diclofenac sodium

Sol. Answer (3)

Opiate is Narcotic drug.

7. Important function of the drug with the following structure




(1) Reducing fever (2) Relieving pain

(3) Anti blood clotting action (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (4)



This is Aspirin

Reduce pain

Anti flood cloting agent

Reduce fever

8. The first antibiotic was ______ and was discovered by ______.

(1) Ofloxacin – Ehrlich

(2) Streptomycin – Alexander Fleming

(3) Streptomycin – Ehrlich

(4) Penicillin – Alexander Fleming

Sol. Answer (4)

The first Antibiotic was penicillin.

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9. Bacteriostatic drugs work by

(1) Arresting the growth of organisms

(2) By increasing immunity and resistance of body to infection

(3) By killing the organism in the body

(4) Both (1) & (3)

Sol. Answer (1)

Bacteriostatic drugs work by Arresting the growth of organism.

10. Antibiotics which do not have bactericidal action among the following is

(1) Penicillin (2) Tetracycline (3) Ofloxacin (4) Streptomycin

Sol. Answer (2)

Antibiotics which do not have bactericidal action among the following is Tetracycline.

11. Antiseptic which is a mixture of chloroxylenol and -terpineol is

(1) Savlon (2) Dettol (3) Bithional (4) Salol

Sol. Answer (2)

Dettol Chloroxylenol + Terpineol

12. Drugs which contain mixture of norethindrone and ethynylestradiol are

(1) Antibiotics (2) Antifertility (3) Antiseptic (4) Antacid

Sol. Answer (2)

Antifertility Drugs

Norethindrone + ethynylestradiol

13. The correct structure of Bithional is




NH (2)OH














Sol. Answer (4)

The correct structure of Bithional is




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14. Which is mismatched regarding the structure?

(1) H2N SO NH

2 2 - Sulphanilamide




- Aspirin




- Paracetamol

(4) Both (2) & (3)

Sol. Answer (2)

Choice (2) is incorrect because the correct structure of Aspirin is


O – C – CH3


15. Salvarsan is an antimicrobial agent which is used for curing

(1) Malaria (2) Allergy (3) Syphilis (4) Depression

Sol. Answer (3)

Salvarsan is an antimicrobial agent used to cure syphilis.





H N2

16. Antacids include

(1) Omeprazole (2) Lansoprazole

(3) Sodium bicarbonate (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (4)

17. Drugs can be classified on the basis of

(1) Pharmocological effect (2) Drug action

(3) Chemical structure (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (4)

Drugs are mainly classified on behalf of

(1) Pharmocological effect

(2) Drug action

(3) Chemical structure

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18. Drawback of excess of hydrogen carbonate taking as antacid is

(1) It is insoluble

(2) It can make stomach alkaline and trigger the production of even more acid

(3) It causes ulcer

(4) It causes pain and irritation

Sol. Answer (2)

NaHCO3 as antacid has a drawback that its consumption trigger the production of more acid.

19. Tranquilizers are prescribed for curing

(1) Anxiety, stress, irritability (2) The growth of microorganism

(3) Pain, Fever (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (1)

Tranquilizers cures for

Anxiety, stress, irritability etc.

20. Tincture of iodine is

(1) Iodoform (2) 100% Iodine

(3) 2-3% Iodine solution in alcohol-water (4) Iodobenzene

Sol. Answer (3)

Tincture of Iodine is 2-3% iodine solution in alcohol water.

21. 0.2% of solution of phenol and 0.2–0.4 ppm chlorine in aqueous solution respectively behave as

(1) Antiseptic, Disinfectant (2) Disinfectant, Antiseptic

(3) Disinfectant, Disinfectant (4) Antiseptic, Antiseptic

Sol. Answer (1)

0.2% solution of phenol Antiseptic

0.2–0.4 ppm chlorine in aq. solution Disinfectant

22. Birth control pills essentially contains

(1) Synthetic estrogen (2) Synthetic progesterone

(3) Both (1) & (2) (4) Neither (1) nor (2)

Sol. Answer (3)

Birth control pills essentially contains

(1) Synthetic estrogen

(2) Synthetic progesterone

23. Which is mismatched, regarding the examples?

(1) Broad spectrum Antibiotic - Chloramphenicol

(2) Narrow spectrum antibiotic - Ampicillin

(3) Antiseptic - Furacine

(4) Antifertility - Novestrol

Sol. Answer (2)

Ampicillin is categorised in Broad-spectrum antibiotics.

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24. Which of the following is not used as an antidepressant?

(1) Iproniazid (2) Phenelzine (3) Salvarsan (4) Nardil

Sol. Answer (3)

Salvarsan is not used as an antidepressant. It is an antibiotic.

As = As






25. The groups which are responsible for imparting colour to dyes is/are

(1) — NO2

(2) — NO (3) — N N (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (4)

– NO2, – N = O, – N = N –

All these groups imparts colour to the dye.

(Chemical in Foods)

26. Chemicals are added to food for

(1) Preservation (2) Enhancing the appeal (3) Adding nutritive value (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (4)

Chemicals are added to food for

(1) Preservation

(2) Enhancing the appeal

(3) Adding nutritive value

27. The first popular artificial sweetening agent is

(1) Saccharin (2) Aspartame (3) Alitame (4) Both (2) & (3)

Sol. Answer (1)

The first popular artificial agent is Saccharin






28. The main disadvantage associated with use of aspartame is

(1) Its sweetening power is less (2) It is unstable at cooking temperature

(3) It provide calories (4) It is difficult to control its sweetness

Sol. Answer (2)

The disadvantage associated with the use of aspartame is

"It is unstable at cooking temperature".

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29. Which of the following can be used as food preservative?

(1) Vegetable oil (2) Table salt

(3) Sodium benzoate (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (4)

We can use vegetable oil, table salt & sodium, benzoate as food preservative

30. Among the following, the maximum high potency sugar is

(1) Saccharin (2) Alitame

(3) Sucralose (4) Aspartame

Sol. Answer (2)

Alitame is the maximum high potency sugar, it is about 2000 time sweeter than cane sugar.

H – O – C – CH – CH – C – NH – CH – C – NH – CH 2











31. The compound with structure CO


NH is used as

(1) Food preservative

(2) Artificial sweetener

(3) Medicine

(4) Edible colour

Sol. Answer (2)






, The artificial sweeter


32. Which is incorrect regarding antioxidants?

(1) They retard the action of oxygen on food

(2) Helps in food preservation for long time

(3) Butylated hydroxy toluene and Butylated hydroxy anisole are important antioxidant

(4) They are flavouring agent

Sol. Answer (4)

Antioxidants are note flavouring agent.

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33. Which of the following will not enhance nutritional value of food?

(1) Minerals (2) Artificial sweeteners

(3) Vitamins (4) Amino acids

Sol. Answer (2)

Artificial sweeteners do not enhance Nutritional value to the food.

(Cleansing Agents)

34. Soaps are sodium or potassium salt of long chain fatty acids like

(1) Palmitic acid (2) Oleic acid

(3) Stearic acid (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (4)

Fatty acids which can be used in soaps may be

(1) Palmitic acid

(2) Oleic acid

(3) Stearic acid

35. Glycerylester of Stearic acid

+ NaOH Sodiumstearate + 'A'

Product ‘A’ in the above reaction is

(1) Acetone (2) Glycol

(3) Methanol (4) Glycerol

Sol. Answer (4)

Glyceral ester of stearic acid + OH– stearate ion + Glycerol.

36. Soaps which are made by dissolving the soap in ethanol and then evaporating the excess solvent

(1) Transparent soap (2) Shaving soap

(3) Medicated soap (4) Toilet soap

Sol. Answer (1)

By definition, these are called transparent soap.

37. The fillers that can be present in laundry soap is/are

(1) Sodium rosinate (2) Borax

(3) Sodium silicate (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (4)

The fillers in laundary soaps may be

(1) Sodium rosiante

(2) Barax

(3) Sodium silicate

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38. Soap powders and scouring soap contains builders like

(1) Trisodium phosphate (2) Finely divided sand

(3) Powdered pumice (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (1)

Trisodium Builder

39. Soaps on reaction with hard water forms insoluble scum due to the formation of

(1) NaCl (2) CaCl2

(3) C17


COONa (4) (C17



Sol. Answer (4)

Soap + Hard water (C17



40. Which type of detergents are preferably used in liquid dish washing?

(1) Cationic detergent (2) Anionic detergent

(3) Non-ionic detergent (4) All of these

Sol. Answer (3)

It is Non-ionic detergent.

41. Which of the following is incorrect?

(1) In anionic detergent, anionic part of the molecule is involved in cleansing action

(2) Alkyl benzene sulphonate can be formed by neutralising alkyl benzene sulphonic acid with alkali

(3) Branched chain detergents are more easily biodegradable

(4) All of these

Sol. Answer (3)

Option 3rd is wrong, by definition.

42. Glyceryl oleate can be represented by the formula

(1) (C15



(2) (C17



(3) (C17



(4) Both (2) & (3)

Sol. Answer (2)



COO)3 C3H5

glyceryl oleate

43. Which is correctly matched regarding the use?

(1) Anionic detergent - Hair conditioners

(2) Cationic detergent - Household work and in toothpaste

(3) Non-ionic detergent - Liquid dishwashing

(4) All of these

Sol. Answer (3)

Type Use

Non-ionic detergent Liquid dishwashing

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92 Chemistry in Everyday Life Solutions of Assignment (Set-2) (Level-I)

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44. Biodegradable detergent should have

(1) Phenyl side chain (2) Aromatic side chain

(3) Normal unbranched side chain (4) Branched side chain

Sol. Answer (3)

Biodegradable detergent should have normal unbranched side chain.

45. Which of the following enhances lathering property of soap?

(1) Sodium carbonate (2) Sodium rosinate (3) Sodium stearate (4) Trisodium phosphate

Sol. Answer (2)

Lathering property of soap can be enhanced by using sodium rosinate.

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