chemistry final 2008

Chemistry Instructional Planning Report 2008 - 1 - Chemistry Department Instructional Planning Report February 22, 2008 I. Background and Analysis Program Description Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter, and the changes it undergoes. Chemistry has been called the “central science” because of its role in connecting physics with the xeno- sciences, nano-sciences, and biological sciences (figure 1). 1 In fulfilling this role, a basic understanding of chemical principles has long been a prerequisite for the study of cosmology, astronomy, biology and medical scienc es, nano-sciences and engineering. In addition to serving the prerequisit e needs of these scientific fields of study, the chemistry department’s curriculum assists students in meeting the Cabrillo College Core Competencies of communication, critical thinking and informational competency, global awareness, personal responsibili ty and professional development. The chemistry department currently consists of five full-time faculty members, nine adjunct faculty, and three laboratory technicians (two 100% 10 month positions split three ways: 100% 10 months; 80% 10 months; and 20% 10 months). Of our full-time facul ty, three are tenured, the fourth is eligi ble for tenure this year while the fifth member was hired in f all 2007. The chemistry department h as traditionally e xperienced a high turnover of adjunct faculty, with recurring and sometimes unsuccessful adjunct searches nearly every semester. Fortunately, during the past two years we have had greater retention of faculty resulting i n fewer hiring cycles. The goals of the chemistry program are rooted in scientific literacy, basic skills, vocational prerequisites, and transfer to four-year ins titutions. The foundational goals of the prog ram ar e: i. to increase scientific lite racy in o ur community. ii. to provide transfe r students with the first two years of the standard college level chemistry curriculum. iii. to provide students pursuing allied health and other vocational programs with courses meeting the  program prerequisites in chemistry. iv. to provide re-en try and entry level student s a course that fulfills the high s chool chemistry prerequi site to the standard college level chemistry curriculum.  1 Balaban, A. T.; Klein, D. J. Scientometrics 2006, 69, 615-637 Figure 1. Partial ordering o f the sciences proposed by Balaban and Klein. 1 Math Physics Chemistry Xeno-Sciences Cosmology, Astronomy Biology  Nano-Sciences Earth Sciences Geology, Oceanography, Meterology Computer Technology Engineering

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Chemistry DepartmentInstructional Planning Report

February 22, 2008

I. Background and Analysis

Program Description

Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter, and the changes it undergoes.

Chemistry has been called the “central science” because of its role in connecting physics with the xeno-sciences, nano-sciences, and biological sciences (figure 1).1 In fulfilling this role, a basic understanding of chemical principles has long been a prerequisite for the study of cosmology, astronomy, biology and medicalsciences, nano-sciences and engineering. In addition to serving the prerequisite needs of these scientificfields of study, the chemistry department’s curriculum assists students in meeting the Cabrillo College CoreCompetencies of communication, critical thinking and informational competency, global awareness, personalresponsibility and professional development.

The chemistry department currently consists of five full-time faculty members, nine adjunct faculty, and threelaboratory technicians (two 100% 10 month positions split three ways: 100% 10 months; 80% 10 months; and20% 10 months). Of our full-time faculty, three are tenured, the fourth is eligible for tenure this year whilethe fifth member was hired in fall 2007. The chemistry department has traditionally experienced a highturnover of adjunct faculty, with recurring and sometimes unsuccessful adjunct searches nearly everysemester. Fortunately, during the past two years we have had greater retention of faculty resulting in fewer hiring cycles.

The goals of the chemistry program are rooted in scientific literacy, basic skills, vocational prerequisites, andtransfer to four-year institutions. The foundational goals of the program are:

i. to increase scientific literacy in our community.

ii. to provide transfer students with the first two years of the standard college level chemistry curriculum.

iii. to provide students pursuing allied health and other vocational programs with courses meeting the program prerequisites in chemistry.

iv. to provide re-entry and entry level students a course that fulfills the high school chemistry prerequisiteto the standard college level chemistry curriculum.

1 Balaban, A. T.; Klein, D. J. Scientometrics2006, 69, 615-637

Figure 1. Partial ordering of the sciences proposed by Balaban and Klein.1




Xeno-SciencesCosmology, Astronomy

Biology Nano-Sciences

Earth SciencesGeology, Oceanography,


Computer Technology


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v. to provide non-science students a chemistry course that meets the laboratory science transfer requirements to the UC and CSU systems.

To meet these goals the chemistry department currently offers 24 sections (121.30 units) a semester, up from20 sections (112.65 units) offered in 2001.

The major preparation requirements of transfer institutions are supported by offering the following courses:The first year inorganic sequence, Inorganic Chemistry I (CHEM 1A) and Inorganic Chemistry II (CHEM

1B); the first year organic sequence, Organic Chemistry I (CHEM 12A – fall only), Organic ChemistryLaboratory I (CHEM 12AL – fall only), Organic Chemistry II (CHEM 12B – spring only), and OrganicChemistry Laboratory II (CHEM 12BL – spring only); Quantitative Analysis (CHEM 5 – every other springonly).

Allied health preparation requirements are supported by offering the following courses: One semester generalinorganic chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry for Health Occupations (CHEM 30A); one semester organic and

biochemistry, Introductory Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry for Heath Occupations (CHEM 30B); onesemester combined general, organic, and biochemistry, Chemistry for the Allied Health Major (CHEM 32).In addition to our weekday and evening CHEM 30A offerings, CHEM 30A is offered as a Saturday class onthe Aptos campus and an evening class at the Watsonville campus each semester.

For students who have never taken high school chemistry, or re-entry students who took chemistry manyyears ago, the department offers each semester a one-semester high school equivalent chemistry course,Introductory Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 2). The department additionally offers Concepts in Chemistry(CHEM 10), geared towards non-science majors requiring a laboratory science course for transfer. Due tolow enrollments, CHEM 10 has not been offered by the department in the last two years. Although CHEM 10has not been offered recently, non-science majors needing to fulfill their laboratory science courserequirements are still supported by CHEM 2 and CHEM 30A.

Summer session offerings by the department include CHEM 2, CHEM 30A, and CHEM 30B.


For science majors the role of chemistry as the “central science” is demonstrated in the number of programsthat either require chemistry prerequisites, or utilize chemistry courses as electives. Both biology (BIO 1A,BIO 5, BIO 6) and engineering (ENGR 45) courses have chemistry prerequisites. In addition, engineering,

geology, and computer science list chemistry as core courses for A.S. degree requirements. Physics, biologyand astronomy list chemistry as electives for A.S. degree requirements.

Allied health students also find chemistry central to their fields of study. Dental hygiene is the only programthat lists chemistry (CHEM 30B) as a prerequisite. Dental hygiene, in requiring CHEM 30B, also has theembedded prerequisite of CHEM 30A (prerequisite to CHEM 30B). Similarly, both the nursing andradiologic technology programs have embedded, not specifically listed, chemistry prerequisites. Both of these programs have biology prerequisite courses that contain chemistry prerequisites (CHEM 30A or CHEM32). CHEM 32 was added to the allied health offerings in response to requests from both the nursing and

biology programs.

Within the community, the chemistry department offers an alternative for high school students seeking tocomplete their high school chemistry requirement. Many high school students elect to fulfill their chemistry

requirement by completing either CHEM 2 or CHEM 30A at Cabrillo. Both of these courses are offered eachsemester, including summer, with daytime and evening sections fall and spring. Additionally, CHEM 30A isoffered fall and spring in a Saturday format.

As a transfer program, we offer all of the standard lower division chemistry courses available at four-year institutions. All of our majors courses are fully articulated to the UC and CSU systems. All of our alliedhealth courses are fully articulated with the CSU system. San Jose State University recently initiated arearticulation request with local community colleges and we are participating in an ongoing dialogue to assuresuccessful student transfer in chemistry.

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The chemistry department participates in the interdisciplinary and intercollegiate Bridges to the Baccalaureate(ACCESS) program. The ACCESS program is a highly successful bridge program whose mission is to

provide students with opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills that will increase their transfer eligibilityand academic success, and lead to greater diversity among university undergraduates in the biomedicalsciences. The program supports students whose academic goals and potential have been affected bydisadvantageous circumstances and/or students who belong to groups with below-average UC enrollmentrates. The ACCESS program, now in it’s fifteenth year, is sponsored by UCSC and supported by the NIH.

Besides Cabrillo, other community college participants include Monterey Peninsula, Hartnell and GavilonColleges.

The ACCESS program provides funding for peer tutoring in the majors courses in biology and chemistrythroughout the semester. Supplemental Instruction Leaders (SI Leaders), students having previouslycompleted the course with an exceptional understanding of the material, are paid to sit through the course asecond time and conduct weekly study sessions and office hours. Additional enrichment activities include: aguest lecture series, with lecturers from local industries, community college and UC faculty, former community college students now in graduate studies, and transfer counselors; UCSC laboratory tours; theACCESS Summer Research Institute (SRI), where ten to fifteen students are chosen from participatingcommunity colleges to participate in an eight week summer program conducting research in UCSC biologyand chemistry labs. Faculty members from the community colleges serve as liaisons between the studentsand the UC faculty during the SRI. The liaison role equally supports the students and allows for strong

relationships between community college and UCSC faculty, exposing the community college members tocutting edge research.

One of our faculty, Dale Scoggin, has maintained an important relationship with Colorado State University-Fort Collins and the CSMATE (Center for Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education) National SmallScale Chemistry Center since 1997. The connection with CSMATE and their small scale chemistry programhas been extremely influential in our curriculum. The renovation of our laboratory space, which occurred inMay of 1998, marked a transition from traditional chemistry curriculum with large scale experiments to acurriculum devoted to small scale. Small scale chemistry reduces costs, reduces waste, increases safety, andincreases the number of chemical experiments each student can experience. With the remodeled facilitiesCabrillo emerged as a leader in small scale, offering training for local high school and college instructors.This collaboration with Colorado State continues to date with Cabrillo faculty participating in studiesfocusing on the use of tablet PCs in conjunction with small scale in the undergraduate chemistry curriculum.

In addition to our early adoption of small scale, two of our faculty, Harry Ungar and Jason Camara, have beenlong time innovators in the use of computer visualization to teach chemistry. Computers in Chemistry atCabrillo College (C4) was founded by Harry Ungar with a grant from the National Science Foundation in1996. C4 developed libraries of educational exercises which are delivered online utilizing “live” models asopposed to static images, and a library of models for use by chemical educators. A subsequent award from

NSF in 2003 allowed C4 to focus on the development of a computational chemistry curriculum for lower division organic chemistry. With this grant C4 developed a library of computational exercises and tutorials,and continues to host computational services for our neighboring community colleges (MPC, DVC, andSJCC) by providing access to our computational server. C4 has hosted several computational chemistryworkshops for community college faculty, building a consortium of chemical educators with strong ties. Insummer 2006 the C4 project hosted a two-day invitational workshop, “Introducing Computational Chemistry

Throughout The Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum,” for leaders in computational chemistry education.The workshop focused on the larger questions about the pedagogical role of computation in the undergraduatechemistry curriculum and the practical issues faced by students and faculty in using computational chemistry.Participants were from a variety of educational institutions including the University of Colorado, ColoradoState University, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, University of Wisconsin, Hope College, Reed College, WesternWashington University, and the Shodor Foundation.

Clearly, the chemistry department is committed to serving the community in and out of the classroom,constantly seeking new ways to improve and develop the public’s perception of chemistry while increasingscientific literacy.

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Chemistry usually carries a slightly lower load than that demonstrated by the college average. The laboratoryspace in the 600 building was renovated in 1998 to accommodate a curriculum rich in small scale chemistry.This renovation enabled many state-of-the-art advances, which significantly increased the quality of education offered, but limited the number of students to 25 per laboratory section. The lower number of students per section in chemistry versus those in more traditional classrooms decreases our weekly studentcontact hours (WSCH) without affecting our full time equivalent faculty (FTEF), consequently lowering our

load (WSCH/FTEF).

As can be seen in figure 2, chemistry’s load usually runs within 5% of the average load. Chemistrydemonstrated in the 2002/03 academic year an anomalous load 12% below that of the college. In spring 03the department simultaneously offered Concepts of Chemistry (CHEM 10) and Quantitative Analysis (CHEM5). These two courses carried very low enrollments, thereby minimally contributing to our WSCH totals.The combined teaching units for these two courses amounted to 0.81 FTEF, approximately 5% of our FTEFfor the year. The combination of low WSCH contribution and increased FTEF sufficiently explain theanomalous low load for the year. Chemistry has not repeated the mistake of simultaneously offering lowenrollment courses, but rather has worked hard to maintain offerings where student enrollment is maximized.

Despite our decreased load as compared to the general college, chemistry has maintained good profitability.Over the last six years, from 2001/02 through 2006/07, chemistry has averaged generating 2.46% of thecollege’s Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES) while consuming only 2.34% of the college baseexpenditures. Figure 3 illustrates the FTES generated and the base expenditures of chemistry as percentagesof the college totals for each year. In addition, the percent difference between chemistry baseexpenditure/FTES ratio and the college base expenditure/FTES ratio is shown as a measure of thedepartment’s cost effectiveness. For the last three years the cost effectiveness of chemistry has averagedapproximately 10% above that of the general college, offsetting those years when the department had

percentages below the college average.

The increasing trend of cost effectiveness observed, from a low in 02/03 to a maximum in 05/06 (figure 3),was helped by two retirements within the department. Mr. Dale Scoggin retired at the end of spring 04’ andDr. Harry Ungar at the end of spring 06’. With these faculty members near or at the top of the faculty payscale, their retirement produced substantial base expenditure savings upon the hiring of new faculty members.The budget effects of Dr. Ungar’s retirement were actually realized along with Mr. Scoggin’s at the end of spring 04’. Dr. Ungar was awarded a two-year position at the National Science Foundation (NSF) as ProgramDirector starting fall 04’. While technically still an employee of Cabrillo College, Dr. Ungar’s salary wascovered by money from NSF. Chemistry received two consecutive one-year temporary contracts, at asubstantial salary savings, to cover Dr. Ungar’s load.

Figure 2. Load or WSCH/FTEF for the college and for chemistry. The percent difference between the loads is r epresented as % difference x 10.

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While recent retirements have reduced chemistry’s base expenditures thereby improving our profitability,however there are many other contributing factors. On the negative side we have experienced decreases in

enrollment in our majors track. Starting in 2003/04 we had decreasing enrollment in CHEM 2, CHEM 1A,and CHEM 1B. Each of these course offerings were reduced by one daytime section, thereby loweringefficiency in some areas. On the positive side, enrollment in the allied health courses has increasedsignificantly, to the point that our enrollments for the department have increased overall, thereby increasingefficiency, especially in CHEM 30A. Perhaps the single biggest factor in maintaining profitability isconscientiously scheduling courses, where possible, to consist of large common lectures with separate labsections guided by careful attention to our enrollment trends to match demand.

Student Success

For the academic years 2001/02 through 2006/07, the enrollments for chemistry show increasing trends alongwith those for the college (Figure 4). With the exception of the flat to declining enrollments seen from2001/02 to 2002/03, chemistry enrollments steadily increased until 2005/06, then demonstrated decreasing

enrollments in 2006/07. The increase in enrollments up until 2005/06 was driven mainly by our allied healthcourses (CHEM 30A, 30B, 32). In the fall of 01’ we offered three sections of CHEM 30A (one each:daytime, evening and Saturday) and a single evening section of CHEM 30B. In fall 05’ our offerings hadincreased to eight sections of CHEM 30A (five daytime; one each for: evening, Saturday, and Watsonville)

Figure 3. Comparison of the funds generated (FTES) and the base expenditures of chemistry as percentages of the college totals. The cost effectiveness is measured by the percent

difference of the base expenditure/FTES ratio between the college and chemistry.

Figure 4. Course enrollments for chemistry and the college. Enrollment numbers for the college areon the left vertical axis, while those of chemistry are on the right. Enrollment numbers for the college are based on the total number of course enrollments, not on the number of students. Students may be enrolled in more than one course.

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and two sections of CHEM 30B (one each: daytime, evening). Feeling that our offerings may have outpacedactual demand, the decision was made to reduce offerings slightly fall 06’ in which we cut one section each of CHEM 2 and CHEM 30A. In the face of declining enrollments, these cuts helped to lower the overall costs of the program while meeting the needs of the students and subsequently keeping our cost effectiveness measurehigh (figure 3). Student enrollment rates for chemistry tend typically to be higher in the fall and lower in thespring. Given the sequential nature of courses in our program, the higher fall enrollment rates are expected.

Retention rates for chemistry have shown a gradual and general increasing trend over the last six years (figure

5). Our retention rates are similar to the general college ranging from 79% to 84%. Retention tends to belower in the fall and higher in the spring, likely due to the sequential nature of our courses. Student successrates for chemistry are generally higher than those of the college with chemistry averaging 72% success andthe college near 68%. Like our retention rates, student successes in the fall tend to be lower than those in thespring. These retention and success rates are significant given that chemistry is generally considered arigorous course of study.

The success of the students within our program can be attributed to a number of factors. First, we have strongdocumentation to support the connection between successes in the majors courses and participation of students in the ACCESS program. The SI sessions led by peer tutors have proven to make a difference in

student successes. Figure 6 highlights the outcomes of the ACCESS SI sessions for CHEM 12A fall 2005.Students attending 50% or more of the weekly SI sessions averaged 3.2 GPA in the course, while those notattending any sessions averaged 1.7 GPA. On average we find that participation in the ACCESS programraises the students GPA for the course by half a letter grade. ACCESS works by building a cohort throughsupporting group study, reinforcing problem solving skills, providing a safe forum in which to ask questions,and providing additional practice materials beyond those provided within the course. Second, our alliedhealth students, while not supported by ACCESS, are highly motivated and goal oriented. Many of thestudents in allied health are re-entry and as a group are very focused with high success rates. And finally,while crediting the student populations, it should also be noted that as a department we have extremely strongfaculty who seek to motivate students and help them achieve their goals without lowering standards or


While we believe the affects of the ACCESS program are clearly reflected in our student success rates, whatis not reflected in the data is the tremendous effect this program has on a smaller student population - our SIleaders and Summer Research Institute Fellows (SRI Fellows). The SI leaders develop strong leadershipskills, organizational skills, presentation skills, solidify their knowledge base, and develop confidence in their abilities. Our SRI Fellows participate in an intensive eight weeks of research at UCSC. These students are

placed in chemistry and biochemistry labs to work on original research with graduate students, postdocs, and principal investigators. In addition to the research the students attend seminars on science ethics, financial aidopportunities, presentation skills and more. The students learn professional presentation skills and present

Figure 5. Student success and retention rates for chemistry and the college.

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their research in poster and oral presentations at the conclusion of the SRI. Many of these students presenttheir work at national conferences such as the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native

Americans in Science (SACNAS). This experience contributes to their success at Cabrillo and their continued success after transfer. Given its many benefits to our students, the chemistry department is highlycommitted to promoting and supporting the ACCESS program.

Student Learner Outcomes

The twelve courses within the chemistry curriculum address the Cabrillo College Core Competencies of communication, critical thinking and informational competency, global awareness, personal responsibilityand professional development. Critical thinking and informational competency is at the core of all chemistrycourses. Chemistry requires students to develop strong problem solving skills, to analyze data and synthesizeconclusions. While critical thinking is at the core of chemistry, communication skills are vital. Chemistryutilizes a symbolic language. Students must learn to communicate their results and conclusions effectivelyrequiring proper use of the symbolic language of chemistry. Equally important as written communication, if

not more so, is oral communication. In order to be effective learners in the classroom students must be able tospeak and understand the language of chemistry. Global awareness is a component woven into all chemistrycourses. An education in chemistry highlights historically significant discoveries in numerous cultures,focuses on global environmental effects, global economic impacts, and health and safety. Personalresponsibility and professional development skills are gained in the course of completing and turning inassignments on time, utilizing laboratory time effectively, coming to work in the proper attire, exercising

proper caution in working with chemicals, and working collaboratively and supportively in groups.

All courses were reviewed and revised to include the four core competencies and the departmental studentlearning outcomes. The student learning outcomes for the chemistry department are:

1. Communicate the structure of matter using standard chemical nomenclature.

2. Solve problems involving chemical and physical changes.

3. Synthesize and communicate conclusions from experimental observations.

4. Utilize current technologies for data acquisition, data analysis, and dissemination.

5. Demonstrate proper technique in conducting laboratory experiments, including exercising proper safety in all aspects of handling, utilizing, and disposing of common laboratory chemicals.

These five outcomes are modified within each course to reflect specific content. For comparison, theoutcome to solve problems involving chemical and physical changes in CHEM 1A specifically includes“solutions, gases, thermochemistry, quantum theory, and molecular geometry.” In CHEM 12A the outcome

Figure 6. Grade point average comparisons of those students attending ACCESS SI sessions for CHEM 12A fall 2005. The graph represents 53 students, with a total of 31 students attendingsome number of ACCESS SI sessions.

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reads “predict and explain organic chemical reactivity utilizing a variety of models including ValenceBonding Theory…”.

In each course, students receive a detailed syllabus that outlines the learner outcomes and objectives for thesemester. While every course articulates its student learner outcomes, the use of rubrics for assessment is notuniversal. Two of our courses have established rubrics for evaluation, and a number of courses have rubricsdeveloped for a portion of assignments.

The department has participated in assessment of three core competencies. Rubrics were designed andutilized to assess laboratory notebooks and technique, solving problems involving stoichiometry, andcommunication involving chemical nomenclature. The results are included in Appendix D.

Departmental discussions following the assessment results led to the following commitments:

1. Construct a Chemistry Learning Center in the 600 building.

2. Analyze course curriculum, so that the department can build a progression of skills as students advancethrough courses.

3. Develop a chemistry specific writing tutorial course, one unit, to be offered during intersession.

4. Work with all faculty on the development and implementation of rubrics.

5. Encourage faculty to share activities that foster competency in communication and calculation.

Results of Student Survey

The survey was completed in Fall of 2006. Out of 145 students surveyed, background questions revealed that51.7% were female, 77.2% were under 25 years old, and 51.7% had career plans outside of chemistry. Thehighest percentage of our students are full time with 63.4% taking more than 12 units. The majority of our students, 77.2%, report a high school diploma as their highest level of education prior coming to Cabrillo.Daytime courses are most preferred by our students with 87.4% citing a preference for either morning or afternoon courses. When asked what influenced their decision to enroll in chemistry classes at Cabrillo,55.4% cite program requirements followed by location of the college (18.3%) and reputation of thedepartment (12.4%). Students overwhelmingly report (78.1%) that program requirements or course pre-requisites govern their choice of which chemistry course to enroll in.

Student satisfaction was found to be very high in general with approximately 90% of the students givingratings of satisfactory or excellent regarding instructional equipment, facilities, and availability of equipment.Equally encouraging was the student satisfaction regarding instruction where nearly 90% would recommendchemistry courses to other students. In terms of workload, 46.5% of students report spending four to sixhours a week studying chemistry, and 87.6% cite their workload as appropriate. Overwhelmingly, 94.5% of our students find that the course outline provided by the instructor reflects what is actually taught in the class.

When asked to comment on the major strengths of the program, the students nearly unanimously cite thequality of the faculty as the single largest contributor. Other factors include ACCESS, small class sizes ascompared to UC, and their positive laboratory experience. We believe the extensive use of computers andcomputer assisted experiments in the laboratory has improved the students’ opinion and confidence regardingtheir community college experience. One of our concerns and goals is to remain current in our computer assisted lectures and laboratories. It is vital that we continue to upgrade our computer equipment in both the

lecture and laboratory classrooms in order to maintain the positive student experiences and provide aneducation that is rich in up-to-date technologies. The positive responses from students surveyed indicate thatthe department and college are currently meeting this goal.

Student responses regarding suggestions for improving the program centered around two main areas. Thefirst area of concern is the teaching lab room 607 and associated instrument room. The courses that utilizethis room are Inorganic Chemistry for Health Occupations (CHEM 30A), Organic ChemistryLaboratory(CHEM 12AL/BL) and Quantitative Analysis (CHEM 5). This room was not significantlymodified in our 1997 remodel and remains devoid of any technology infrastructure. Students cite this roomas being extremely uncomfortable and difficult to work in. The term “uncomfortable” relates to the overall

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design of the room and benches, and not to the actual stools in the room. Additionally, the instrument room(613C) associated with room 607 is inadequate to support desperately needed advances in instrumentation toremain technologically current in our curriculum. The second area of concern is a lack of out of classroomsupport beyond the ACCESS program. Curriculum in many of our courses involves computer assistedexperiments and exercises requiring software that is not readily available outside the department. Our students often make use of MESA or the Physics Learning Center (PLC), but would substantially benefit froma Chemistry Learning Center where they could find course content specific materials and help. A Chemistry

Learning Center is necessary to provide student access to technology that is part of the curriculum. Besidesaccess to computers and software, there would be a meeting place that supports and sustains a chemistrylearning community within a very transient student body. The location of this center must be part of thecurrent department. We look forward to resolving both of these issues in the coming space reallocation

process as Dental Hygiene relocates to new facilities. The Chemistry Learning Center has been number oneon our list of Program Goals and Recommendations for the last twelve years.

Results of External Data Research

Being positioned as the central science, the study of chemistry is fundamental to a wide range of careers in thesciences and medical sciences, including health care practitioners and technical occupations. According tothe Bureau of Labor Statistics, while chemistry jobs are expected to post slower than average growth over thenext five years, the health care practitioners and technical occupations are expected to show stronger than

average growth nationally.2 Forensics science technicians, clinical laboratory technicians, registered nurses,and dental hygienists are some of the fastest growing fields, with dental hygienists being the fastest growingof all occupations. The State of California Employment Development Department Occupational EmploymentProjections for 2012 estimate that Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties can expect a 16% increase in jobs for registered nurses, and 19.4% increase in jobs for dental hygienists, over values reported in 2002. 3 Registerednursing jobs are expected to increase by 26.4% for the state, and dental hygienist jobs by 41.7% over the same

period. These projections seem to be in line with actualized growth experienced in our allied health coursesover the last six years. In fall 2001, the chemistry department offered three sections of CHEM 30A and asingle section of CHEM 30B (26.1 total units allied health). In fall 2006 we offered seven sections of CHEM30A, two sections of CHEM 30B, and one section of CHEM 32 (50.4 total units allied heath). We haveexperienced 93% growth in our allied health offerings over the last six years, equivalent to 24.3 teaching unitsor 1.6 FTEF. Based on these trends and market data, allied health courses will see continued growth in the

coming years.

II. Program Goals and Recommendations (Not Prioritized)

1. Improve student success and retention.To improve student success and retention:a) Construct a Chemistry Learning Center in the 600 building. The Chemistry Learning Center has been

a long time goal of the department, with physical space being the single restrictive factor. Chemistryhas the support of Biology to obtain the required space in the ongoing space prioritization process. AChemistry Learning Center will provide students with a space in which to study where they can findcontent related materials (textbooks, model kits, study guides), congregate to study in groups, utilizewhiteboards, have access to computers with content related software, and have access to tutors. TheChemistry Learning Center will also serve as a home for ACCESS SI sessions and office hours.

· Cost: Chemistry Learning Center space included in the space reallocation process. Computer costs estimated at $13,000 (10 computers, 1 network printer). Teaching assistant supervision,twenty hours per week. Ongoing cost: $9,400.

b) Develop a chemistry specific writing tutorial course and computational chemistry course, one uniteach, to be offered during intersession. Chemistry students entering CHEM 1B and CHEM12AL/BL, would significantly benefit from a one unit course designed to teach the fundamentals of

2 Bureau of Labor Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook 2006-2007. (2007). 3 State of California Employment Development Department: Occupational Employment Projections 2002-2012.

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writing a formal chemistry laboratory report. Students entering CHEM 12 would be stronglysupported with a one unit course introducing them to the use of WebMO and the construction of accurate computational models for organic chemistry.

· Cost: 2 TU, $3,000.c) Redesign the curriculum for CHEM 10 to generate greater student interest for non-majors. The

current CHEM 10 curriculum revolves around the chemistry of art materials. We believe acurriculum in forensic science would stimulate greater interest and would improve scientific literacy

within the community.

· No Costd) Engage all faculty in the construction of rubrics, in the systematic evaluation of student learning

based on rubrics, and participation in the cycle of SLO assessment.

· No Coste) Provide and maintain current technology for student instruction. The use of current technology in

student instruction is critical to student success, not only in our program but also in their success attransfer institutions and vocational programs.

· Replace computers in rooms 606 and 614 within two years (50 ´ $1200 = $60,000)

· Acquire new instrumentation: Anasazi 90MHz FTNMR ($100,000), HPLC ($25,000), Flame AA($20,000), Capillary GC ($25,000)

· Acquire laptop computers to equip room 607 with mobile technology as support for CHEM 30A,

CHEM 12 and CHEM 5 curriculum (28 ´ $1,500 = $42,000) · Acquire two AVerVision 300AF Document Cameras (2 ´ $832 = $1,664)

· Total Cost: $273,6642. Maintain the existing quality of instruction and improve student success and retention by responsibly

providing for actualized and foreseeable program growth.To maintain the existing quality of instruction while responsibly providing for program growth:a) Support current offerings, which have expanded significantly in the last six years, by acquiring

additional 100% 10 months Laboratory Technician. We are now at a breaking point under our currentload and level of support. Instruction and safety are being compromised. Further expansion is not

possible without additional Lab Tech support.

· Cost: $32,740 - $36,100 b) Support current offerings, which have expanded significantly in the last six years, by acquiring an

additional tenure track faculty position. Allied health courses have experienced growth amounting to1.6 FTEF over the last six years. An additional faculty member is required to support our currentofferings and maintain consistency of instruction within allied health.

· Cost: $50,000 - $65,000c) Remodel/Enlarge the chemical stockroom space in the 600 building. Our stockroom is of insufficient

size to adequately service our current offerings. Further expansion in offerings is not possiblewithout providing appropriate infrastructure to support instruction.

· Cost: Included in the space reallocation process.d) Acquire an additional laboratory in the 600 building connected to the chemical stockroom.

Laboratory room usage during peak daytime hours is now at a maximum. The allied health courses,which are currently experiencing significant growth, would benefit from having a more appropriatelaboratory space configured similarly to 606 and 614.

· Cost: Included in the space reallocation process.e) Acquire an additional lecture hall in the 600 building. Together with biology and the other programs

offering classes in the 600 building, we are now at maximum lecture room usage during peak daytimehours. Chemistry, together with biology, is seeking an additional 100 student capacity lecture roomin the 600 building that would allow us to offer more cost efficient scheduling of multi-sectionlectures.

· Cost: Included in the space reallocation processf) Remodel our poorly designed laboratory room 607 and instrument room 613C. Laboratory rooms

607 and 613 are utilized by the CHEM 12 series and CHEM 5 (along with CHEM 30A). These roomswere not significantly modified in our 1997 remodel and remain devoid of any technology

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infrastructure. Students cite this room as being extremely uncomfortable and difficult to work in.The term “uncomfortable” relates to the overall design of the room and benches, and not to the actualstools in the room. Additionally, the instrument room (613C) associated with room 607 is inadequateto support desperately needed advances in instrumentation to remain technologically current in our curriculum.

· Cost: Remodeling costs are included in the space reallocation process.g) Acquire a base budget increase to instructional supplies. The instructional supply budget is out of

sync with our actualized increase in program offerings.

· Cost: $5,000.3. Improve the quality and consistency of instruction, and improve student success and retention, through

attracting and retaining adjunct faculty.To attract and retain adjunct faculty:a) Work with current adjunct faculty to develop introductory materials for new adjunct faculty. The

materials will include department policies, required keys, alarm codes and procedures, copy machinecodes, media cabinet instructions, department resources, and course specific materials.

· No Cost b) Initiate a mentoring program for adjunct faculty with the goal of improving curriculum and every

aspect of being a contributing adjunct faculty member in the department. Full-time faculty memberswill be assigned as mentors for courses they usually teach in their regular schedules. Encourage

adjunct faculty to participate in shared governance and other community affairs. · No Cost

c) Upgrade computers in adjunct office.

· Cost: 4 ´ $1,200 = $4,800d) Upgrade adjunct office furnishings.

· Cost: 6 chairs ´ $50 = $300e) Encourage adjunct participation in faculty meetings, providing a safe forum to discuss concerns and

issues, beyond flex week.

· No Cost4. Improve transfer rates in the major

To improve transfer rates in the major:a) Support our ACCESS SRI Fellows by providing funding for their on-campus housing costs during the

SRI. The NIH grant does not allow for student housing costs. Assisting the SRI Fellows would be astrong show of support by Cabrillo for the ACCESS program.

· Cost: Variable, 2 to 3 students per year at $1,500 per student = $3,000 - $4,500/year b) Develop a conference account that could be used to take students to local and national conferences

such as the Bennett Symposium at UCSC, and the National American Chemical Society Meeting.Fund would cover student travel, lodging, and food expenses.

· Cost: Variable, depending on location of national meetings. Estimated $1,000/year 5. Improve the quality and consistency of instruction, and improve student success and retention, through

faculty development.To facilitate faculty development:a) Institute regular departmental meetings once per month, alternating topics of administration and

curriculum. The schedule for these meetings will be consistent, such as the first Friday of the month,

such that all faculty members and staff can adjust their schedules appropriately. · No Cost

b) All faculty will be encouraged to participate in the activity of grant writing, with the goal of obtainingone grant per evaluation cycle. All granting sources are acceptable, on campus, local community, andnational organizations. All faculty members universally support collaboration within the departmentto achieve this goal.

· No Cost

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III. Appendix A – Prioritized Program Goals and Recommendations

February 28, 2008 CHEM Program Planning

Goals and Recommendations

Description: Cost

1. Construct a Chemistry Learning Center in the 600 building. AChemistry Learning Center will provide students with a space inwhich to study where they can find content related materials(textbooks, model kits, study guides), congregate to study in groups,utilize whiteboards, have access to computers with content relatedsoftware, and have access to tutors. The Chemistry Learning Center will also serve as a home for ACCESS SI sessions and office hours.

Chemistry Learning Center space included in the spacereallocation process. Computer costs estimated at $13,000 (10computers, 1 network printer).Teaching assistant supervision,twenty hours per week.Ongoing cost: $9,400.

2. Support current offerings, which have expanded significantly in thelast six years, by acquiring additional 100% 10 months LaboratoryTechnician. We are now at a breaking point under our current loadand level of support. Instruction and safety are being compromised.Further expansion is not possible without additional Lab Techsupport.

$32,740 - $36,100

3. Remodel/Enlarge the chemical stockroom space in the 600 building.Our stockroom is of insufficient size to adequately service our currentofferings. Further expansion in offerings is not possible without

providing appropriate infrastructure to support instruction.

Included in the spacereallocation process.

4. Acquire an additional laboratory in the 600 building connected to thechemical stockroom. Laboratory room usage during peak daytimehours is now at a maximum. The allied health courses, which arecurrently experiencing significant growth, would benefit from havinga more appropriate laboratory space configured similarly to 606 and614.

Included in the spacereallocation process.

5. Acquire an additional lecture hall in the 600 building. Together with biology and the other programs offering classes in the 600 building,we are now at maximum lecture room usage during peak daytimehours. Chemistry, together with biology, is seeking an additional 100student capacity lecture room in the 600 building that would allow usto offer more cost efficient scheduling of multi-section lectures.

Included in the spacereallocation process.

6. Support current offerings, which have expanded significantly in thelast six years, by acquiring an additional tenure track faculty position.Allied health courses have experienced growth amounting to 1.6FTEF over the last six years. An additional faculty member isrequired to support our current offerings and maintain consistency of instruction within allied health.

$50,000 - $65,000

7. Replace computers in rooms 606 and 614 by 2010. $60,000

8. Upgrade computers in adjunct and faculty offices.$10,800

9. Acquire laptop computers to equip room 607 with mobile technologyas support for CHEM 30A, CHEM 12 and CHEM 5 curriculum $42,000

10. Acquire two AVerVision 300AF Document Cameras $1,664

11. Acquire a base budget increase to instructional supplies. Theinstructional supply budget is out of sync with our actualized increase $5,000

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in program offerings.

12. Develop a chemistry specific writing tutorial course andcomputational chemistry course, one unit each, to be offered duringintersession.

2 TU, $3,000

13. Support our ACCESS SRI Fellows by providing funding for their on-campus housing costs during the SRI. The NIH grant does not allow

for student housing costs. Assisting the SRI Fellows would be astrong show of support by Cabrillo for the ACCESS program.

Variable, 2 to 3 students per year

at $1,500 per student = $3,000 -$4,500/year ongoing cost

14. Develop a conference account that could be used to take students tolocal and national conferences such as the Bennett Symposium atUCSC, and the National American Chemical Society Meeting. Fundwould cover student travel, lodging, and food expenses.

Variable, depending on locationof national meetings. Estimated

$1,000/year ongoing cost

15. Upgrade adjunct office furnishings.$300

16. Acquire new instrumentation: Anasazi 90MHz FTNMR $125,000

17. Acquire new instrumentation: High Performance LiquidChromatography (HPLC)


18. Acquire new instrumentation: Capillary Gas Chromatograph (GC) $25,000

19. Acquire new instrumentation: Flame Atomic Absorbtion (AA)$20,000

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IV. Appendix B – Curriculum, Requisite, and Model Program Review

CHEM 1A General Chemistry IRevised: Requisites, Content, Core Competencies, Learning Objectives, Assignments, Texts.

CHEM 1B General Chemistry IIRevised: Title, Content, Core Competencies, Catalog Description, Methods of Evaluation, Learning

Objectives, Assignments, Objectives, Texts.

CHEM 2 Introductory InorganicRevised: Content, Core Competencies, Methods of Evaluation, Learning Objectives, Assignments,Objectives, Texts.

CHEM 5 Quantitative AnalysisRevised: Content, Core Competencies, Methods of Evaluation, Learning Objectives, Catalog Description,Assignments, Objectives, Texts.

CHEM 10 Concepts of ChemistryRevised: Learning Objectives, Objectives, Texts.

CHEM 12A Organic Chemistry IRevised: Requisites, Content, Core Competencies, Catalog Design, Methods of Evaluation, LearningObjectives, Objectives, Assignments, Texts.

CHEM 12AL Organic Chemistry Laboratory IRevised: Title, Requisites, Content, Core Competencies, Methods of Evaluation, Learning Objectives,Assignments, Objectives, Texts, Student Hours.

CHEM 12B Organic Chemistry IIRevised: Requisites, Content, Core Competencies, Methods of Evaluation, Learning Objectives, Objectives,Assignments, Texts.

CHEM 12BL Organic Chemistry Laboratory IIRevised: Requisites, Content, Core Objectives, Methods of Evaluation, Learning Objectives, Objectives,Assignments, Texts, Student Hours.

CHEM 30A Inorganic Chemistry for Health OccupationsRevised: Learning Objectives, Objectives, Texts.

CHEM 30B Introductory Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry for Health OccupationsRevised: Requisites, Core Objectives, Methods of Evaluation, Learning Objectives, Assignments, Texts.

CHEM 32 Chemistry for the Allied Health Major

Revised: Texts.

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V. Appendix C – Model Program


Natural and Applied Sciences Division Wanda Garner, Division DeanDivision Office, Room 701

Jason Camara, Program Chair, 477-5621Counselor: 479-6225 or 479-6274 for appointmentWatsonville Counselor: 477-5134

Call 479-6328 for more


Chemistry is the study of the properties, composition and transformations of all materialsubstances. It is often called the "central science" since it draws from mathematics and physics andforms a necessary background to the study of the earth sciences and all the biological disciplines,

including the various medical professions. A chemistry major is considered excellent preparation for medical school.

As pure scientists, chemists seek to understand ever more complex substances in greater andgreater detail. As applied scientists, chemists contribute to the creation and development of thousands of the products that support our complex society. Chemistry is a profoundly experimentalscience and much of a student's time will be spent in the laboratory.

A chemistry major usually transfers to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor's degree.Many also go on to earn Masters or Ph.D.s, since advanced degrees generally lead to morerewarding careers. Cabrillo's chemistry program is articulated with those of the UC and CSUsystems and includes the standard courses needed to complete the first two years of the major.

Verification of prerequisites will be required. Prerequisites for courses in this department are

computer enforced. Students should be sure records have been entered into the Cabrillo computer system before attempting to enroll.

SUGGESTED MODEL PROGRAM FOR CHEMISTRY The following model program fulfills requirements for the AS/AA in Chemistry at Cabrillo

College. Specific lower division major preparation at four-year public institutions in California can be found at . Please see a counselor for advisement for transfer to any four-year institution.

The following core courses are suggested for transfer for all chemistry majors (choose 39 unitsfrom the core courses; at least 20 units of CHEM courses).

Core Courses Units CHEM 1A General Chemistry .......................................................................... 5CHEM 1B General Chemistry .......................................................................... 5CHEM 5 Quantitative Analysis (spring odd only) .......................................... 4CHEM 12A Organic Chemistry (fall only).......................................................... 3CHEM 12AL Organic Chemistry Laboratory (fall only)........................................ 2CHEM 12B Organic Chemistry (spring only) ..................................................... 3CHEM 12BL Organic Chemistry Laboratory (spring only) ................................... 2

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Foreign Language* ............................................................................................ 8-12MATH 5A Analytic Geometry & Calculus I ..................................................... 4MATH 5B Analytic Geometry & Calculus II .................................................... 4MATH 5C Analytic Geometry & Calculus III................................................... 4MATH 6 Introduction to Linear Algebra ........................................................ 3MATH 7 Introduction to Differential Equations ............................................. 3PHYS 4A Physics for Scientists and Engineers................................................ 5PHYS 4B Physics for Scientists and Engineers (fall only) ............................... 5PHYS 4C Physics for Scientists and Engineers (spring only) .......................... 5PHYS 4D Modern Physics (fall even only)...................................................... 3

* The student should consult the catalog of the intended transfer institution concerning thenecessity or appropriateness of these courses.

Associate in Science Degree in Chemistry Units General Education................................................................................................... 21Chemistry Core (any of the courses above; at least 20 units of CHEM courses)....... 39

Total for A.S. Degree in Chemistry ......................................................................... 60

Associate in Arts Degree in Chemistry Units General Education................................................................................................... 30Chemistry Core (20 units must be CHEM courses)............................................. 20-24Electives .................................................................................................. 6-10

Total for A.A. Degree in Chemistry ........................................................................ 60

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VI. Appendix D – Transfer and Basic Skills Department Assessment Analysis Forms (3

to be included)

Transfer and Basic SkillsDepartmental Assessment Analysis Form

Use the form below to summarize the results of the department

meeting in which you discussed the core competency assessmentprocess or the assessment of course SLOs. Append this form to yourInstructional Plan and incorporate the results into the narrative of

your plan.

Department Chemistry

Meeting Date August 22, 2005

Number of Faculty/Staff inAttendance (% fulltime and

adjunct and total)

40% fulltime, 60% adjunct, 5 total

Number of Faculty/Staff sharingAssessment Results (% fulltimeand adjunct and total)

100% fulltime, 0% adjunct, 1 total

Core Competency or CourseSLOs measured

Core Competency 4: Personal andProfessional

Assessment Tools(Give examples of major assignments your faculty/staff used to measure the

competency or course SLOs)

Student laboratory notebooks and technique were assessed based on laboratory notebook and technique rubrics.

Assessment Results(Summarize the overall resultsof your department

What student needs and issueswere revealed?

Were there any areas wherestudent performance wasoutstanding?

Any areas where it can beimproved?

Strict legal guidelines in the maintenance of laboratory notebooks are not taught in lowercurriculum course work, or notebooks arenot used at all in curriculum.Many students have a hard time adjusting tostrict legal guidelines.

Students have a hard time adjusting to“record as you work”, as opposed to theimproper “record at a latter date and time.”No department cohesion as to the physicalstyle of laboratory notebook used incurriculum.Development of proper laboratory skillsrequires more frequent assessment in order

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to allow for early intervention of badchemical hygiene practices.

Next Step in the Classroomto Improve Student Learning

(check all the items faculty/staff

felt would help them addressthe needs and issues that wererevealed by the assessment.

How might student performancebe improved?

o State goals or objectives of assignment/activity more explicitly

o Revise content of assignment/activitieso Revise the amount of writing/oral/visual/clinical

or similar work o Revise activities leading up to and/or supporting

assignment/activitieso Increase in-class discussions and activitiesü Increase student collaboration and/or

peer review ü Provide more frequent or more

comprehensive feedback on studentprogress

ü Increase guidance for students as they work on assignments

o Use methods of questioning that encourage thecompetency you measured

o State criteria for grading more explicitly o As an instructor, increase your interaction with

students outside of classo Ask a colleague to critique assignments/activitieso Collect more datao Nothing; assessment indicates no improvement

necessary o Other (please describe)

Next Step in the Departmentto Improve Student Learning

(check all that the departmentfelt would help them improvestudent learning)

o Offer/encourage attendance at seminars, workshops or discussion groups about teachingmethods

o Consult teaching and learning experts aboutteaching methods

o Encourage faculty to share activities that fostercompetency

o Write collaborative grants to fund departmentalprojects to improve teaching

o Purchase articles/books on teaching about

competency o Visit classrooms to provide feedback (mentoring)o Create bibliography of resource materialo Have binder available for rubrics and resultsü Analyze course curriculum, so that the

department can build a progression of skills as students advance through courses

o Nothing; assessments indicate no improvements

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necessary o Other (please describe)

Priorities to Improve StudentLearning

(List the top 3-6 thingsfaculty/staff felt would mostimprove student learning)

1. Implement peer review for laboratory notebooks.

2. Provide more frequent feedback onstudent progress regarding laboratory notebooks and laboratory technique.

3. Increase guidance for students as they work on assignments by employingteaching aids in the classroom.

4. Analyze course curriculum, so that thedepartment can build a progression of

skills as students advance throughcourses.


(List the departmental plans toimplement these priorities)

1. Introduce peer review into thelaboratory curriculum early in the firstsemester.

2. Provide interim evaluations betweenlaboratory reports to allow students theopportunity to improve more quickly and develop good working habits.

3. Use department student assistant

money to employ in-class student aidsto increase guidance to large laboratory sections first semester.

4. Analyze lower course curriculum toascertain how we can better build aprogression of skills in laboratory notebooks and laboratory techniques.

Timeline for Implementation

(Make a timeline for implementation of your top


1. Introduce peer review into thelaboratory curriculum beginning fall08’.

2. Implement interim evaluations between laboratory reports for fall 08’.3. Identify student assistant candidates in

current spring 08’ semester foremployment in fall 08’ semester. Oneor two student assistants required for12 hrs/wk. Request base budgetincrease in student assistant money (12

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hrs/wk @ $11.25 for two semesters =$4,320).

4. Discuss laboratory curriculum at flexfall 08’.

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Transfer and Basic SkillsDepartmental Assessment Analysis Form

Note: Individual Assessment Form precedes this form.

Use the form below to summarize the results of the department

meeting in which you discussed the core competency assessmentprocess or the assessment of course SLOs. Append this form to yourInstructional Plan and incorporate the results into the narrative of

your plan.

Department Chemistry

Meeting Date February 22, 2008

Number of Faculty/Staff inAttendance (% fulltime and

adjunct and total)

100% fulltime, 0% adjunct, 4 total

Number of Faculty/Staff sharingAssessment Results (% fulltimeand adjunct and total)

100% fulltime, 0% adjunct, 2 total

Core Competency or CourseSLOs measured

Core Competency 1: Communication

Assessment Tools(Give examples of major assignments your faculty/staff used to measure the

competency or course SLOs)

Take home extra credit assignment involvingdouble displacement reaction. Assessment

was based on a rubric to evaluatecommunication involving chemicalequations.

Assessment Results(Summarize the overall resultsof your department

What student needs and issueswere revealed?

Were there any areas wherestudent performance wasoutstanding?

Any areas where it can beimproved?

Students did very well on assignment, with75% of students receiving 90% onassignment.Students demonstrated effective use of chemical communication utilizing

technology.Majority of student mistakes were instoichiometry and nomenclature.

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Next Step in the Classroomto Improve Student Learning

(check all the items faculty/staff felt would help them addressthe needs and issues that wererevealed by the assessment.

How might student performancebe improved?

o State goals or objectives of assignment/activity more explicitly

o Revise content of assignment/activitiesü Revise the amount of

writing/oral/visual/clinical or similar work

ü Revise activities leading up to and/orsupporting assignment/activities

o Increase in-class discussions and activitieso Increase student collaboration and/or peer

review o Provide more frequent or more comprehensive

feedback on student progresso Increase guidance for students as they work on

assignmentso Use methods of questioning that encourage the

competency you measuredo State criteria for grading more explicitly o As an instructor, increase your interaction with

students outside of classo Ask a colleague to critique assignments/activitiesü Collect more datao Nothing; assessment indicates no improvement

necessary o Other (please describe)

Next Step in the Departmentto Improve Student Learning

(check all that the departmentfelt would help them improvestudent learning)

o Offer/encourage attendance at seminars, workshops or discussion groups about teachingmethods

o Consult teaching and learning experts aboutteaching methods

ü Encourage faculty to share activities thatfoster competency

o Write collaborative grants to fund departmentalprojects to improve teaching

o Purchase articles/books on teaching aboutcompetency

o Visit classrooms to provide feedback (mentoring)o Create bibliography of resource materialo Have binder available for rubrics and resultso Analyze course curriculum,, so that the

department can build a progression of skills asstudents advance through courses

o Nothing; assessments indicate no improvementsnecessary

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o Other (please describe)

Priorities to Improve Student


(List the top 3-6 thingsfaculty/staff felt would mostimprove student learning)

1. Construct a word processing tutorial with specific attention tocommunication in chemistry.

2. Construct a Chemistry Learning Center with tutoring resources.

3. Devise and implement more computerlaboratory exercises within thecurriculum.

4. Maintain currency of departmentcomputer resources.


(List the departmental plans toimplement these priorities)

1. Construct a word processing tutorial.

2. Obtain space for Chemistry LearningCenter and budget for tutor (Student

Assistand IV 20 hours/wk -$9,000/year.

3. Devise and implement an additionalcomputer laboratory exercise withinthe curriculum for upcoming semester.

4. Maintain currency of departmentcomputer resources through regularupgrades of computer hardwarecomponents and software.

Timeline for Implementation

(Make a timeline for implementation of your toppriorities)

1. Construct a word processing tutorialfor implementation fall 08’.

2. Obtain space for Chemistry LearningCenter in space reallocation processover next two years.

3. Obtain Chemistry Learning Center budget and provide tutorial services tocoincide with opening of Chemistry Learning Center.

4. Devise and implement an additional

computer laboratory exercise for fall08’.5. Request both hardware and software

upgrades for 50 student computers innext round of state instructionalequipment – fall 08’.

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Transfer and Basic SkillsDepartmental Assessment Analysis Form

Note: Individual Assessment Form precedes this form.

Use the form below to summarize the results of the department

meeting in which you discussed the core competency assessmentprocess or the assessment of course SLOs. Append this form to yourInstructional Plan and incorporate the results into the narrative of

your plan.

Department Chemistry

Meeting Date February 22, 2008

Number of Faculty/Staff inAttendance (% fulltime and

adjunct and total)

100% fulltime, 0% adjunct, 4 total

Number of Faculty/Staff sharingAssessment Results (% fulltimeand adjunct and total)

100% fulltime, 0% adjunct, 2 total

Core Competency or CourseSLOs measured

Core Competency 2: Critical Thinking

Assessment Tools(Give examples of major assignments your faculty/staff used to measure the

competency or course SLOs)

In class quiz involving a stoichiometric gaslaws problem in CHEM 32. Quiz wasassessed using rubric for computationalproblems

Assessment Results(Summarize the overall resultsof your department

What student needs and issueswere revealed?

Were there any areas wherestudent performance wasoutstanding?

Any areas where it can beimproved?

Students demonstrate poor algebraicmanipulation skills.Students demonstrate poor data entry skillsinto calculator.Students demonstrate poor dimensional

analysis skills to assess validity of answers.New adjunct instructors would substantially benefit from mentoring in best practices.

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Next Step in the Classroomto Improve Student Learning

(check all the items faculty/staff felt would help them addressthe needs and issues that wererevealed by the assessment.

How might student performancebe improved?

o State goals or objectives of assignment/activity more explicitly

o Revise content of assignment/activitiesü Revise the amount of

writing/oral/visual/clinical or similar work

ü Revise activities leading up to and/orsupporting assignment/activities

ü Increase in-class discussions and activitieso Increase student collaboration and/or peer

review ü Provide more frequent or more

comprehensive feedback on studentprogress

o Increase guidance for students as they work onassignments

o Use methods of questioning that encourage thecompetency you measured

ü State criteria for grading more explicitly o As an instructor, increase your interaction with

students outside of classü Ask a colleague to critique

assignments/activitieso Collect more datao Nothing; assessment indicates no improvement

necessary ü Other (please describe): Mentoring

Next Step in the Departmentto Improve Student Learning

(check all that the departmentfelt would help them improvestudent learning)

ü Offer/encourage attendance at seminars, workshops or discussion groups aboutteaching methods

ü Consult teaching and learning expertsabout teaching methods

ü Encourage faculty to share activities thatfoster competency

o Write collaborative grants to fund departmentalprojects to improve teaching

o Purchase articles/books on teaching aboutcompetency ü Visit classrooms to provide feedback

(mentoring)o Create bibliography of resource materialo Have binder available for rubrics and resultso Analyze course curriculum,, so that the

department can build a progression of skills as

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students advance through courseso Nothing; assessments indicate no improvements

necessary ü Other (please describe): Obtain set of

department calculators for student use.

Priorities to Improve StudentLearning

(List the top 3-6 thingsfaculty/staff felt would mostimprove student learning)

1. Provide more mentoring to adjunctinstructors

2. Construct a Chemistry Learning Center with tutoring resources.

3. Standardize calculators for use ingeneral chemistry courses


(List the departmental plans toimplement these priorities)

1. Work with adjuncts in mentoring andassign fulltime faculty to mentor

specific course offerings.2. Obtain space for Chemistry Learning

Center and budget for tutor (Student Assistand IV 20 hours/wk -$9,000/year.

3. Obtain a set of calculators fordepartment that can be used in the

Allied health courses and generalchemistry courses.

Timeline for Implementation

(Make a timeline for implementation of your toppriorities)

1. Develop mentoring schedule and

determine course mentors during flexfall 2008.

2. Obtain space for Chemistry LearningCenter in space reallocation processover next two years.

3. Obtain Chemistry Learning Center budget and provide tutorial services tocoincide with opening of Chemistry Learning Center.

4. Request two sets of calculators (60calculators total ~ $600) in next round

of state instructional equipment – fall2008.

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July 3, 2008

Description: Cost


Construct a Chemistry Learning Center in the 600 building. A Chemistry

Learning Center will provide students with a space in which to study where

they can find content related materials (textbooks, model kits, study guides),congregate to study in groups, utilize whiteboards, have access to computers

with content related software, and have access to tutors. The Chemistry

Learning Center will also serve as a home for ACCESS SI sessions and office


Chemistry Learning Center space

included in the space reallocation

process. Computer costs estimatedat $13,000 (10 computers, 1

network printer). Teaching assistant

supervision, twenty hours per week.

Ongoing cost: $9,400.

2. Support current offerings, which have expanded significantly in the last six

years, by acquiring additional 100% 10 months Laboratory Technician. We

are now at a breaking point under our current load and level of support.

Instruction and safety are being compromised. Further expansion is not

possible without additional Lab Tech support.

$32,740 - $36,100

3. Remodel/Enlarge the chemical stockroom space in the 600 building. Our

stockroom is of insufficient size to adequately service our current offerings.

Further expansion in offerings is not possible without providing appropriate

infrastructure to support instruction.

Included in the space reallocation


4. Acquire an additional laboratory in the 600 building connected to the chemical

stockroom. Laboratory room usage during peak daytime hours is now at amaximum. The allied health courses, which are currently experiencing

significant growth, would benefit from having a more appropriate laboratory

space configured similarly to 606 and 614.

Included in the space reallocation


5. Acquire an additional lecture hall in the 600 building. Together with biology

and the other programs offering classes in the 600 building, we are now at

maximum lecture room usage during peak daytime hours. Chemistry, together

with biology, is seeking an additional 100 student capacity lecture room in the

600 building that would allow us to offer more cost efficient scheduling of

multi-section lectures.

Included in the space reallocation


6. Support current offerings, which have expanded significantly in the last six

years, by acquiring an additional tenure track faculty position. Allied health

courses have experienced growth amounting to 1.6 FTEF over the last six

years. An additional faculty member is required to support our current

offerings and maintain consistency of instruction within allied health.

$50,000 - $65,000

7. Replace computers in rooms 606 and 614 by 2010. $60,000

8. Upgrade computers in adjunct and faculty offices. $10,800

9. Acquire laptop computers to equip room 607 with mobile technology as

support for CHEM 30A, CHEM 12 and CHEM 5 curriculum$42,000

0. Acquire two AVerVision 300AF Document Cameras $1,664

1. Acquire a base budget increase to instructional supplies. The instructional

supply budget is out of sync with our actualized increase in program offerings.$5,000

2. Develop a chemistry specific writing tutorial course and computational

chemistry course, one unit each, to be offered during intersession.2 TU, $3,000

3. Support our ACCESS SRI Fellows by providing funding for their on-campus

housing costs during the SRI. The NIH grant does not allow for student

housing costs. Assisting the SRI Fellows would be a strong show of support

by Cabrillo for the ACCESS program.

Variable, 2 to 3 students per year at

$1,500 per student = $3,000 -

$4,500/year ongoing cost

4. Develop a conference account that could be used to take students to local and

national conferences such as the Bennett Symposium at UCSC, and the

National American Chemical Society Meeting. Fund would cover student

travel, lodging, and food expenses.

Variable, depending on location of

national meetings. Estimated$1,000/year ongoing cost

5. Upgrade adjunct office furnishings. $300

6. Acquire new instrumentation: Anasazi 90MHz FTNMR $125,000

7. Acquire new instrumentation: High Performance Liquid Chromatography


8. Acquire new instrumentation: Capillary Gas Chromatograph (GC) $25,000

9. Acquire new instrumentation: Flame Atomic Absorbtion (AA) $20,000

CHEM Program Planning

Goals and Recommendations