chemistry acid,base,salt

Acid, Base and Salts

Upload: vijaysoorya

Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Acid, Base and Salts

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Salts salts are formed by the reaction take place between acid and base.Acid Acids are substance that releases H+ ions in aqueous solution.Base substance that releases OH- ion in aqueous solution.

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The ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals (like calcium) to form salts.

A lower pH means a higher acidity, and thus a higher concentration of positive hydrogen ion in the solution. Chemicals or substances having the property of an acid are said to be acidic.

Acids are sour in taste. Acids are corrosive in nature.

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Examples of acid

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They are slippery to touch, taste bitter, change the color of indicator red litmus paper blue, react with acids to form salts.

A higher PH means strong base. Value of base starts from 8-14.

This has concentrated of OH- ions.

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Examples of base

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Salts are ionic compounds that result from the neutralization reaction of an acid and a base.

They are composed of related numbers of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negative ions) so that the product is electrically neutral (without a net charge).

Some examples

acid + base salt + water

NaOH + Hcl NaCL + H2O

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Types of salts

Name Chemical formula

Sodium chloride NaCl

Magnesium sulfate MgSO4

Potassium iodideKI

Copper sulfateCuSO4

Calcium chlorideCaCl2

Potassium permanganateKMnO4

Sodium acetateCH3COONa

Calcium acetate(CH3COO)2Ca

Sodium nitrateNaNO3

Potassium nitrateKNO3

Aluminium nitrate or Aluminum nitrate


Aluminium sulfate or Aluminum sulfate


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Types of salts and their uses

Types of saltsSodium hydroxide.Baking soda.Washing soda.Plaster of paris.

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Sodium hydroxide

NaCL + H2O NaOH + CL2 + H2

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Used in processes to make products including plastics, soaps rayon and

        textiles. Removal paint. Etching aluminum. Dehorning of cattle. During two steps of the paper making process. Used in relaxers to help straighten hair however this is

becoming less popular because of the possibility of chemical burns.

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Baking soda

NaCL + H2O + CO2 + NH3 NH4CL + NaHCo3

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Uses Making of cake.Ingredient in antacid.

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Washing soda

NaCO3 Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2

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Remove heavy stains and grease on cottons or linens by soaking in a strong solution of washing soda

Washing soda is a natural alternative to dishwashing liquids.

Washing soda is a natural alternative to dishwashing liquids.

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Plaster of paris

Caso4 . 1/2H2O +1 1/2H2O CaSO4 . 2H2O

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1) room interiors 2 ) movie sets 3 ) architecture 4 ) sculptural arts 5 ) medicine

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Thank you

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j. vijay soorya