checklist for assessment criteria example

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  • 8/6/2019 Checklist for Assessment Criteria Example


    New International School of Thailand

    Preparing for the Personal Project Written Statement

    (by thinking about the areas of assessment)

    NAME: XXX Class: 11B

    SUPERVISOR: Ms. Nikki Elwood


    Criterion A: Planning and Development

    1. The goal of my personal project is to:

    Learn, create, and perform a routine of the ancient Maori tradition of The Wero (The challenge) so that in the

    future I could share my knowledge with other Maori males who want to learn more about the Weroand Mau


    2. I chose this topic because:

    It is a tradition in my tribe for all males to choose a role. I have chosen to learn the art of the taiaha so that

    when a warrior is needed to perform the traditional wero at ceremonial functions I will be able to represent

    my family and my tribe.

    3. I have chosen Community and Service as my Area of Interaction because:

    bysharing the knowledge of the ancient Maori tradition of the wero and teaching the skills of Mau Rakau that I

    have learnt with other Maori males who have not had the opportunity to learn so they will have the skills to

    perform the wero and our traditions will be kept alive for future generations and passed on to their children.

    4. To achieve my goal I have made/organized/ presented/ designed/ created/ produced/ performed:

    1) researched the ancient traditions of Maori warfare / weapons (internet, books, museums, interviews,

    performances) 2) Interviewed and recorded information from mau rakau/ taiaha experts. 3) Develop a

    fitness plan to keep myself fit so I can perform these skills. 4) Attend a training session to learn the skills of

    Mau Rakau 5) Video tape present day performers of the Mau Rakau and taiaha. 6) Create my own routine,

    practice and perform the wero. 7) Produce a DVD of my wero.

    5. To achieve my goal I followed the following plan:

    Steps Main Actions Date

    1 Research books and internet June 06

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    2 Interviews July 06

    3 Visit museums, concerts, attend a camp for MauRakau/ Taiaha, Practice

    and Film wero

    July 06

    4 Record all information/ Practice Mau Rakau/ Taiaha Aug 06

    5 Edit video

    Produce DVD


    Nov 06

    6. My planning phase was successful / unsuccessful because:

    Successful, I did a timeline on what I was going to do at each specific time. June 2006 Research the internet,

    and books. July 2006 research in nz such as interviews or visiting museums and concerts and attended a camp

    and filmed the wero. August 2006 Record all my information and practice my mau rakau skills. September

    2006 Practice the Wero, Edit video. October 2006 Edit the Wero and Final Product of DVD. November

    2006 Hand in final product and Train men in my Maori group. December 2006 Write up personal project


    January 2007 Write up 2nd draft and self assessment

    February 2007 Perform the Wero at the NZ ball. March 2007 Display and Present Project.

    Criterion B: Collection of Information/resources

    I found information to help me with my project in the following sources:

    f source: Bibliography reference: Specific decisions made as

    a result of this research

    Evans, Jeff. Maori Weapons in Pre European New Zealand.

    Auckland: Reed Publishing, 2004

    Reedy, Hirini. The Warrior Secrets of the Maori Auckland: Reed

    Publishing, 2003

    Tauroa, Hiwi. Te Kawa o te Marae A guide to Marae.

    Wellington. Thames Publishing1990

    Ashton, Lloyd and Ponika Rangi, Numa, Old Ways, Lasting

    Values. Mana Maori News Magazine. June 2000, 20-32

    Harawira, Wena, Festival Fireworks. Mana Maori NewsMagazine. May 1998, 29-32

    Winitana, Chris, Te Hei o Tahoka its a way of life. Mana

    Maori News Magazine February 1993, 68-72

    The Maori warrior has a choice

    of a variety of weapons but after

    my research I chose the taiaha as

    this is the traditional weapon for

    the Wero and Mau Rakau .

    Return to my traditional tribal hom

    learn this knowledge and skills.


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    t sites:


    s /


    Tekaumaarua Erueti

    Rawiri Karawana

    Kemo Tutengaihu

    Gain knowledge and skills from th


    Find if there was a need for my pr

    Produce my own DVD with inform

    for others to use.

    Attend a training Camp Knowledge and skills

    My research is related to my chosen AOI in these ways:

    Community Service: How can I contribute to the community? How can I help others? By researching

    through interviews I found that there are a lot of people who would like to learn Mau Rakau and The

    Wero but there is not a lot of resources out there in books and the internet and also they have not been

    able to return home to learn this art so my product will be useful for those wanting to learn the art of

    Mau Rakau and Wero.

    My research phase was successful / unsuccessful because:

    Successful, because I got a variety of research resources, and not only did I look through books or

    online, I interviewed people I knew had an understanding and had good information on my topic.

    Interviewing had to be one of the best resources because it comes from the people who have actually

    studied the art of the wero, and then they can pass on all the information to others who want to learn.

    Criterion C: Choice and Application of Techniques

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    1. I chose to make /organize/ design/ create /present my product in the way that I did


    I wanted to make use of technology to present my product. By using technology I think that I will be

    able to get this information out to more people and they will have an opportunity to gain knowledge

    and skills. Also with technology is that I could design and make up my own web site.

    2. Other techniques I could have used (and reasons I didnt) were:

    1) To create a book I think would have been the hardest out of all my choices because I dont think

    people like to learn The Wero by reading a book. I think that they would like to learn The Wero

    visually, because there are many skills of Mau Rakau that you have to accomplish, and to

    accomplish them, you would need to know each movement and then practice them.

    2) If I had created a website it would have allowed more people to learn about the Wero and Mau

    Rakau. I wanted to start small and then after I have tried my DVD, I can then reflect and see

    ways that I can get my product to a wider audience, maybe I can design my own website for The

    Wero and Mau Rakau.

    3. The problems or challenges that I had with my chosen techniques were:

    For my DVD, it was hard to edit one part of the movie by myself as I couldnt the right programme to

    correct the error. I used both the Windows Movie Maker and Adobe Premier Pro, but either of these

    programmes could solve the problem I had.

    4. I solved these issues by:

    Going to MBK to a Video store, where they helped me fix all my problems into producing a final DVD and

    the final product looked great.The part of my movie that I couldnt fix, I eventually decided to leave out.

    By leaving out the leg movements, it did not really affect the final product, as the leg movements were

    included in the drill and in my wero.

    5. The production phase of my personal project was successful / unsuccessful.

    Successful, because I had clearly made a timeline for myself to see what I would do each month, and for this

    was easy because being organized is a good thing because then you know what to do for each month and for

    me it worked out well.


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    Criterion D: Analysis of Information

    1. The information that I found in my research taught me these things about how to complete my product:

    You have understand the information that you have learned to be able to practice the skills for the final product.

    2. My research gave me new ideas about:

    How I can use technology to teach others how to learn an ancient cultural tradition.

    3. My research taught me these things about my chosen area of interaction:

    That people want to learn about their culture and they understand that it is important but sometimes it is difficult

    for them because there are not many people who have this knowledge to pass on and also they are not able to

    return to learn it. My research taught me that there is a need to help these people and I could do it with my


    4. My research taught me these things about myself and my own ideas and perceptions:

    I believe that by researching about my topic that it has helped me have a better understanding about my people

    and my culture. It gave me an opportunity to return to my elders and my ancestral home to learn ancient skills

    that have been passed on for generations. Even though I dont live permanently back in NZ it wasnt that

    difficult for me to adapt and learn these skills because my elders were keen to teach me and I felt confident to


    5. The problems I had whilst doing my research were:

    There isnt a lot of written information in books and on the internet regarding my topic because this is an oral

    tradition that is passed on, and there are only a few exponents of mau rakau and the wero.

    6. I overcame these problems by:

    During my holidays I returned home to Rotorua, NZ. There are many resources there for me to use eg. Attend a

    Mau Rakau / taiaha camp, interview experts in this field, attend concerts and visit museums.

    Criterion E: Organization of the Written Work

    I have completed the following: (tick/check the boxes to show you have done the work)

    Title page

    My name and family name are on the cover page

    The title of my project is on the cover page

    Table of contents


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    The pages of my project are numbered.

    My table of contents is in the same order as my project.


    I have defined the goal of my project.

    I have identified the AOI focus.

    I have provided an outline of how I plan to achieve the goal.

    Description of the process

    I have described exactly how I made my product.

    I have described how I used my research to make my product.

    Analysis of the inspiration, research and influences guiding the work

    I have analyzed where I got my idea, the effectiveness of my research.

    I have analyzed my decisions.

    I have analyzed thesuccess of my product.

    I have explained how I solved problems at every stage of the project.

    I have analyzed how theprocess helped me achieve mygoal.

    I have analyzed how theprocess helped me understand myAOIbetter.


    I have included my personal thoughts about my project.

    I have explained what I would differently next time.

    I have included a word count


    I have included a complete and accuratebibliography.


    My attachments (graphs, drawings, photographs etc) are labeled and help explain

    my process and product.

    Criterion F: Analysis of Process and the Outcome

    1. My personal project fulfilled my initial goal partly / mostly / fully. I think this because: Mostly because I

    have finished my product, but I will use my product to teach the art of mau rakau and the wero to other Maori

    men. I will be doing this soon as I want this to be part of the traditional performance that we will do for the

    New Zealand Ball in Bangkok on the 17th February 2007.

    2. My personal project allowed me to explore my chosen AOI partly / mostly / fully. I think this because: `

    I will be helping other men gain knowledge and learn the skills of mau rakau. The men that I will be teaching

    have not had any experience with mau rakau and the wero before, so this will be one of my major challenges.

    3. These stages in the process were the most difficult / least fun for me: (explain why)


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    Researching, because it was hard for me because most of the information I had to get was in New Zealand, so I

    had to manage all my time in New Zealand to get all of my research completed otherwise it wouldve been hard

    for me to complete the process right through to being able to complete the final product. I did enjoy it though

    because it is useful for me and others.

    4. These are the parts of the process that were the easiest / most fun for me: (explain why)

    Planning, doing and filming for my final product was the easiest and most fun for me because I knew what I

    wanted to do, how I wanted to do it, and the equipment and people to make it happen. Easy because I know

    how to use a video camera and then download the film on to computer so as I can then start using Windows

    Movie Maker to make the movie that I wanted. Adding and deleting things to and from the movie was also

    quite easy once I became familiar with all of the tools that Windows Movie Maker had for me to use. Fun,

    because working with people who have a great sense of humor, made light work of what I had to do during the

    process and in making the DVD.

    Performing the wero for my final product was the most rewarding part of my project because I had learnt from

    the experts and I understood what I was doing and why I was doing it. I felt really comfortable in what I was

    doing and from then on right through to completing my DVD, was great.

    5. In the end I think my product was excellent/ average/ disappointing because:

    My product turned out excellent because I had somewhere to go for help (MBK). Khun Look helped with all of

    the technical things that I needed to do to get to my final product. After doing all of the editing, and playing it

    back until I was happy with it, I felt that my DVD and the final outcome was perfect. The cover design and the

    CD disk design/s that Khun Look helped me with again, gave my final product a professional look, and a

    product that I am very proud of and can call my very own.

    6. If I could do my product over, I would do these things differently: (explain why)

    I would add text to where I am explaining the different parts of the taiaha, and also on the mau rakau

    commands. The text added to both of these sections would give an English explanation to what the

    different parts of the taiaha are and the meanings of each of the commands. It will also give the person

    learning mau rakau and the wero more meaning to what he is doing, and as such, he will be able to

    demonstrate each movement with the passion that our ancestors had when they were in battle and whne

    they were doing mau rakau and the wero.

    7. By doing this project I learned these things about my Area of interaction:

    See question on Community Service.


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    8. Doing my project has made me want to know more about:

    Learning about a traditional art that is still a feature of our traditional welcome today. Doing the project has

    also allowed me to learn more about myself and knowing that I do have a lot of my cultural background in me

    even though I have been living in Thailand for a major part of my life. It has also been an eye opener in that I

    have learnt something that means a lot to me and my family, and has really inspired me to learn more about my

    culture and language.

    Criterion G: Personal Engagement

    Tick the box that most closely represents your attitude and skills during the personal project process

    Always Most of

    the time

    Some of

    the time


    I was well organized

    I was committed to my personal project

    I involved my family and friends in my personal project

    I met with my supervisor at mutually agreed times

    I needed to be pushed by my supervisors

    I asked advice from my supervisors

    I took advice given to me by my supervisors

    I maintained a positive working relationship with my supervisors

    I responded to e-mails sent by my supervisor and PP co ordinator

    I met deadlines set by my supervisors

    I kept a record of the research I did and sources I used

    I kept a record of decisions I made

    I kept a record of difficulties I had

    Final comments to persuade your supervisor to award you a good level for this criterion!!!

    I have selected my project that is personal to me. It means something to me now and in my future.

    I selected my goal at the beginning and have achieved it.


  • 8/6/2019 Checklist for Assessment Criteria Example
