chea 512 haccp

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  • 8/11/2019 Chea 512 Haccp


    CHEA 512

    Hazard Analysis and CriticalControl Points ( HACCP )

  • 8/11/2019 Chea 512 Haccp


    Hazard analysis and critical controlpoints , or HACCP , is a systematicpreventive approach to food safety and

    pharmaceutical safety that identifiesphysical, allergenic, chemical,and biological hazards in productionprocesses that can cause the finished

    product to be unsafe, and designsmeasurements to reduce these risks to asafe level.

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    HACCP is referred as the preventionof hazards rather than finishedproduct inspection.The HACCP system can be used atall stages of a food chain, from foodproduction and preparationprocesses including packaging,distribution, etc.

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    The Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) and the UnitedStates Department ofAgriculture (USDA) say that theirmandatory HACCP programs for

    juice and meat are an effective

    approach to food safety andprotecting public health.

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    Meat HACCP systems are regulatedby the USDA, while seafood and

    juice are regulated by the FDA. Theuse of HACCP is currently voluntaryin other food industries.

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    HACCP itself was conceived in the1960s when the US NationalAeronautics and SpaceAdministration (NASA)asked Pillsbury to design andmanufacture the first foods for

    space flights.

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    Since then, HACCP has been recognizedinternationally as a logical tool foradapting traditional inspection methods to

    a modern, science-based, food safetysystem.Based on risk-assessment, HACCP plansallow both industry and government to

    allocate their resources efficiently inestablishing and auditing safe foodproduction practices.

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    In 1994, the organizationof International HACCP Alliance wasestablished initially for the US meatand poultry industries to assistthem with implementing HACCP andnow its membership has been

    spread over otherprofessional/industrial areas.

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    Hence, HACCP has been increasinglyapplied to industries other than food,such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.

    This method, which in effect seeks to planout unsafe practices based on science,differs from traditional "produce andsort" quality control methods that do

    nothing to prevent hazards from occurringand must identify them at the end of theprocess.

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    HACCP is focused only on the healthsafety issues of a product and notthe quality of the product, yetHACCP principles are the basis ofmost food quality and safetyassurance systems.

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    The HACCP seven principles

    Principle 1: Conduct a hazardanalysis. Plans determine thefood safety hazards and identify thepreventive measures the plan canapply to control these hazards.

    A food safety hazard is any biological,chemical, or physical property thatmay cause a food to be unsafe forhuman consumption.

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    Principle 2: Identify criticalcontrol points. A critical controlpoint (CCP) is a point, step, orprocedure in a food manufacturingprocess at which control can beapplied and, as a result, a food

    safety hazard can be prevented,eliminated, or reduced to anacceptable level.

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    Principle 3: Establish criticallimits for each critical controlpoint. A critical limit is themaximum or minimum value towhich a physical, biological, orchemical hazard must be controlled

    at a critical control point to prevent,eliminate, or reduce to anacceptable level.

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    Principle 4: Establish criticalcontrol point monitoringrequirements. Monitoringactivities are necessary to ensurethat the process is under control ateach critical control point.

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    Principle 5: Establish correctiveactions. These are actions to betaken when monitoring indicates adeviation from an establishedcritical limit. The final rule requiresa plant's HACCP plan to identify the

    corrective actions to be taken if acritical limit is not met.

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    Corrective actions are intended toensure that no product injurious tohealth or otherwise adulterated as aresult of the deviation enterscommerce.

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    Principle 6: Establish procedures forensuring the HACCP system isworking as intended. Validation

    ensures that the plants do what theywere designed to do; that is, they aresuccessful in ensuring the production of asafe product.

    Plants will be required to validate their ownHACCP plans.

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    Verification ensures the HACCP planis adequate, that is, working asintended.Verification procedures may includesuch activities as review of HACCPplans, CCP records, critical limits

    and microbial sampling andanalysis..

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    Verification also includes 'validation' the process of finding evidence forthe accuracy of the HACCP system(e.g. scientific evidence for criticallimitations).

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    Principle 7: Establish recordkeeping procedures. The HACCPregulation requires that all plantsmaintain certain documents,including its hazard analysis andwritten HACCP plan, and recordsdocumenting the monitoring ofcritical control points, critical limits,verification activities, and thehandling of processing deviations.

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    The seven HACCP principles are includedin the international standard ISO 22000FSMS 2005.

    This standard is a complete food safetyand quality management systemincorporating the elements of prerequisiteprogrammes (GMP & SSOP), HACCP and

    the quality management system, whichtogether form an organizations TotalQuality Management system.