chateau du molay, cross curricular ·...

Kinlochleven High School Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular Tour Quote Number: T023052 Depart ing: 14 Sep 2017 Durat ion: 6 days / 5 nights (Leaving after 22:00 on the 14th Sep 2017) Ret urning: 19 Sep 2017 Board basis: Full Board T ransport : Coach Price per person: £304 Quot e valid unt il 15 Sep 2016 The price includes -£15.00 New Booking Discount.

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Page 1: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

Kinlochleven High School

Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular TourQuote Number: T023052

Depart ing: 14 Sep 2017

Durat ion: 6 days / 5 nights (Leaving

after 22:00 on the 14th Sep 2017)

Returning: 19 Sep 2017

Board basis: Full Board

Transport : Coach

Price per person: £304

Quote valid unt il 15 Sep 2016

The price includes -£15.00New Booking Discount.

Page 2: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

What's included?

Price Includes


Execut ive coach with air condit ioning

Road tolls to and from school

Return Channel crossing from Dover to Calais by Ferry


Full board accommodat ion at the Château du Molay

1 single room for staff have been included in your tour price. Further single rooms

are available at a supplement and are subject to availability

4 nights in accommodat ion

First included meal is dinner, last included meal is packed lunch


American cemetery

Arromanches 360 cinema

Batterie de Maisy

Bayeux Tapestry

Boulangerie les Co Pains bread making

Chateau du Molay 2 on site act ivit ies

Chateau du Molay crepe and cider night

Chateau du Molay frogs legs and snails night

Chocolate factory Chocolaterie les Marianiks

Farm Chevrerie du Mesnil Goats cheese

Honfleur Town Visit

Mont Saint Michel

Omaha Beach

Pegasus Bridge

Price per person

£304.00 based on 120 paying and 15 free places

We are holding t ransport and accommodat ion for you unt il the booking expiry


All our tours are designed to support the Nat ional Curriculum to ensure

educat ional relevance and benefit to your students

Your booking quote is subject to contract and is not legally binding. Your

confirmed booking will be subject to T ravelbound's terms and condit ions which

can be found here Terms and Conditions


Page 3: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

Festyland Park

Excursion Information

Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st

Free entry for accompanying adults and drivers

Bayeux Tapestry - Audioguides included in entry

Mont Saint Michel - Does not include entry to the Abbey, payable on arrival.

Pegasus Bridge - Stop at the Pegasus Bridge is free of charge. Please note that

it does not include entrance to the museum.


Group t ravel insurance included with a party leaders' liability insurance of


You can visit our website www.travelbound.c hool-trip-

insuranc e for more information and policy documents


24 hour emergency assistance whilst on tour

Approved Safety Management and risk assessment support

Financial protect ion ABTA, ATOL, IATA

Members of School T ravel Forum and LOtC Quality Badge holders

Customer Service

Dedicated Tour Coordinator

Luggage labels, payment cards and resort literature on request

Inspection Visit

We will pay for 2 nights' bed & breakfast accommodat ion for two people in a twin

room at the hostel/hotel your party will be staying in. This is subject to availability and

to Travelbound's discret ion on dates of t ravel

EHIC Cards

If t ravelling within the EU, and your students are from countries in the EU / EEA or

Switzerland, all t ravellers MUST carry an EHIC card. To apply for your EHIC card click

here insuranc e-c ard

What's not included

Entrance fees and guides unless otherwise stated

Drinks with meals other than breakfast

Meals other than those specified in your board basis

Visas as appropriate

Page 4: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

Group Passports

If you are t ravelling to any of the following countries by coach: Belgium / France /

Germany / Italy / Poland / Spain and your students are Brit ish cit izens without

passports you can apply for a collect ive passport (min 5 - max 50 people on each

passport) for more information click here ollec t ive-group-


T ips

Page 5: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

Subject focus

Students can:

experience learning outside the classroom in another country – the language,

culture, history and geography

pract ise speaking a foreign language

build confidence and learn to value the skills and techniques needed for personal and

team success

broaden the mind through the study of another culture

discover, explore and have fun with fellow students and teachers

Student outcomes

Students will have had an opportunity to:

visit a foreign country and experience another language and culture

gain independence and self-confidence

strengthen exist ing friendships and make new friends

understand more about history (World War II and the Norman Conquest)

learn about the countryside and local produce

try new act ivit ies and have fun

Learning Outcomes


Page 6: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

The new Arromanches 360 film co-

financed by the Region Basse-Normandie

and the Memorial de Caen was produced

by the authors of the hugely successful

French television series, Apocalypse. This

film is projected in High Definit ion on 9

screens and tells the story of the terrible

Batt le of Normandy thanks to archive

images gathered from around the world.

This film is a t ribute to soldiers from all

countries and to the 20,000 civilians who

were killed during this batt le for the

liberat ion of Europe, a batt le which gave

rise to so much hope.

Allow: 18 minutes

Arromanches 360 degree cinema

You can choose from a range of fun and

educat ional act ivit ies and experienced

Château staff are on hand to ensure that

the students are having fun all day and

night . Château act ivit ies can include:

archery, a blind t rail walk, survival skills,

init iat ive exercises, using various sports

facilit ies for sport ing games (such as the

seasonal outdoor swimming pool), plant a

tree eco avenue act ivity and circus frenzy

to name a few.

Château Activities

A trip to a t radit ional French bakery lets

pupils learn about the complete process

of bread making. Students can act ively

part icipate and eat in or take away what

they help to create. This tour is worthwhile

just for the smell alone, but there are also

great opportunit ies to ask the baker some

quest ions in French.

Allow: Half day

Boulangerie visit


Page 7: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

On the list of things to do in France, t rying

frogs’ legs and snails is near the top. After

a long day the students and staff can opt

for t radit ional frogs’ legs and snails as an

accompaniment to an evening meal. This

allows the adventurous students a chance

to taste a t radit ional French delicacy that

may or may not taste like chicken!

Allow: 2 hours

Château frogs' legs and snails tasting

This is a hands-on goat farm that allows

students to see how dairy products such

as milk and cheese are produced. Students

can play with the goats and take part in the

milking process. It ’s a great way to find out

more about the t radit ional produce of the

area and also presents a good chance to

pract ice language skills and develop


Allow: 1.5 hours

Chèvrerie du Mesnil, Goats' cheese farm

This huge German art illery battery near

Omaha beach lay hidden for over 60 years

as it was buried following the US Rangers'

final assault on 9 June 1944. Students can

explore over two miles of original

t renches, bunkers and see German field

guns in posit ion. It is one of the most

intact posit ions along Hit ler’s At lant ic Wall

in Normandy.

Allow: 1.5 hours

T ip: Not many historical accounts of

Maisy exist as, to the Germans, it was top

secret .

Maisy Battery

This quality art isan chocolaterie close to

Deauville allows students an insider view

into how chocolate is made and why it

tastes so delicious. A master chocolate

maker gives a historical and geographical

account of the chocolate making process.

There is a demonstrat ion of chocolate

being moulded and chocolate covered

specialit ies. Students also get to test the

product and there is a gift shop for

present buying.

Allow: 1 ½ hours

Chocolaterie Les Marianik's

Page 8: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

This gothic Benedict ine abbey is perched

on a rocky islet amid vast sandbanks

exposed to powerful t ides. Over the years

the island’s abbey has served as a prison, a

fortress against the English and a

monastery. As well as the abbey, your

group can explore the medieval buildings

of the village that grew up beneath its

walls, along with stunning views.

Payment to the Abbey is compulsory on

the day of visit and we are unable to pre-

pay this visit .

Allow: Half day

Mont Saint-Michel

Pegasus Bridge was captured by Brit ish

forces on the night of 5-6 June 1944 in

order to protect the eastern flank of the

landing operat ions at Sword Beach. At the

Pegasus Bridge Museum, students can

learn about the events of its capture and

the forces that carried it out via displays

of historic items such as weapons and

gliders, documents and photographs.

A visit to the bridge is free of charge but

there is an entrance fee if you wish to visit

the Museum.

Pegasus Bridge and Museum

The Normandy American Cemetery and

Memorial covers 172.5 acres and contains

the graves of 9,387 military dead, most of

whom lost their lives in the D-Day landings

and ensuing operat ions. The memorial, set

around a bronze statue, shows maps and

narrat ives of the military operat ions.

Visitors’ centre staff are available to

answer students’ quest ions.

Allow: 2 hours

American Cemetery & Memorial, Omaha Beach

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Allow: 1.25 hours

Page 10: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

The beaut iful Normandy region is our most popular t ravel dest inat ion with schools

choosing to return year after year. This is why we chose this region to acquire a very

special base for our groups, the magnificent 18th century Château du Molay.

The area provides an extensive range of act ivit ies and excursions to enhance your

students' learning. Students can dive into the history of World War II with a series of

significant Batt lefield visits including Arromanches 360 degree cinema and the D-Day

Landing Museum, the Caen Memorial, the landing beaches and war cemeteries. For those

studying Medieval History there is the Bayeux Tapestry, William the Conqueror's birth place

at Falaise Cast le and the Ducal Cast le and Abbeys in Caen. You can also visit the

picturesque island of Mont St Michel, one of France's most visited landmarks and a

UNESCO World Heritage site. Language students can develop their verbal skills with

interact ive act ivit ies in the market towns of Bayeaux and Honfleur and through visits to

farms and manufacturers developing local produce. With a variety of cross curricular

act ivit ies available, your tour it inerary will soon shape itself around your learning goals and

the many experiences open to your students.

Travelbound's Exclusive Chateau du Molay



Page 11: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults



Why we like it for student groups:

an ideal base for exploring the historic sites of World War II or experiencing delicious local produce

set in 38 acres of private parkland in the beaut iful Normandy countryside

14 km from Bayeux and 15 km from the coast and D-Day landing beaches

in-house staff who encourage students to speak French at mealt imes and provide evening entertainment

we provide act ivit ies from blind t rail walks and circus skills, to football and archery


games room with arcade games, common areas as well as disco and karaoke room



large restaurant

seasonal outdoor swimming pool

all-weather sports court for tennis, 5-a-side football and basketball

full size rugby/football pitch


Page 12: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

blind t rail, circus frenzy, survival area, init iat ive exercise area

plant a t ree on Eco-Avenue

wildlife pond reserve

Crepe and Cider night , Frogs legs and Snails night , cheese tast ing and BBQ (seasonal)


Le Molay-Lit t ry


4330 Basse- Normandie


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Why Travelbound?


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Page 16: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

What happens next?

Part of the fun of an educat ional tour is in the excitement leading up to departure. At T ravelbound, we think this applies to group leaders too, so we’ve made the booking process as

easy and stress-free as possible. We’re here to help you every step of the way, from assist ing you in choosing or tailor-making the right t rip for your group, to giving you a detailed

quote and promotional material to get your tour approved, and being on the end of the phone while you are away. In just a few easy steps you could be on your way to an

unforgettable group study tour.

If you would like to change or discuss anything about your quote, please contact T ravelbound and we will be happy to help.

If you are happy with your quote, follow these next simple steps:

1. Collect deposits

As you cont inue to promote your tour, you can start collect ing the first deposits as students sign up for the upcoming experience.

2. Confirm your booking

Complete the booking form and send in the first deposits to confirm your booking. For European air tours, we will usually require a full names list as detailed on passports. At this

point , you’ll be introduced to your dedicated Tour Coordinator who has specialist knowledge of your chosen dest inat ion.

Complete and send back your booking form

Send us your first deposits:

European coach tours £40 per paying person

Air tours £100 per paying person (if f lights are on sale the deposit may be more)

3. Deposit Schedule

1st Holding Deposit £500.00 in total by return2nd Holding Deposit £500.00 in total by 25th August 20161st Deposit £40.00 per paying person by 15th September 2016

2nd Deposit £60.00 per paying person by 10th November 2016

Final Balance by 22nd June 2017

Your tour price is based on the numbers shown in 'What 's Included'. If your group size changes please contact us


Page 17: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

If any of the following items will help you launch the t rip please contact us:

Information on funding or fundraising

Pre-written letter for parents

Posters to advert ise your trip

Savings cards for students

PowerPoint presentat ions

Help with launching your trip

Page 18: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

Jackie Broadfoot

One of the advantages of working for a t ravel company is that you get to see the world.

I’ve been in this industry for about 20 years, and have been to places I wouldn’t otherwise

have visited. I was sent to Russia with a group of teachers on an inspect ion visit . We saw

Lenin’s tomb and the Kremlin, marvelled at Catherine’s Palace (did you know it was

designed by a Scotsman?), went to the Bolshoi ballet then drank vodka and ate caviar – a

truly Russian experience. I’m now widely t ravelled with the experience to help schools

choose the best resort for their needs.

Favourite city: An easy choice as Rome is the city of romance. The Vat ican, Roman Forum

and Colosseum are all places of history and mystery. When in Rome, make sure you visit

the T revi Fountain. Don't forget to throw a euro in and make a wish!

About me: I love to ski, read and salsa-dance. I once worked out in a gym with Prince


Job t it le: Regional Sales Manager for Scot land

Phone: 07872 502 334

Email address: jac kie [email protected]

Your sales advisor


Page 19: Chateau du Molay, Cross Curricular · Batterie de Maisy - Open April 1st to October 1st Free entry for accompanying adults

Price per person: £304


Your contact :

Jackie Broadfoot jac kie .broadfoot@tuieduc ation.c om

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