charlestown high school: support for teen parents

1 Support For Teen Support For Teen Parents Parents

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Post on 08-Jan-2016




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Charlestown High School: Support For Teen Parents. 1. Introduction. Shelters Day Care Resources Nutrition Programs WIC Support Groups. 2. What We’ve Done. In our group we chose the topic teen parents, because we think it’s a really big issue. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Charlestown High School: Support For Teen Parents


Charlestown High Charlestown High School:School:

Support For Teen Support For Teen ParentsParents

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SheltersShelters Day CareDay Care ResourcesResources Nutrition ProgramsNutrition Programs WIC WIC Support GroupsSupport Groups

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What We’ve DoneWhat We’ve Done

In our group we chose the topic teen In our group we chose the topic teen parents, because we think it’s a really big parents, because we think it’s a really big issue. issue.

What we’ve done is write up a petition to What we’ve done is write up a petition to the governor stating the issue and asking the governor stating the issue and asking for more funding for teen parent for more funding for teen parent programs. We had people sign the petition programs. We had people sign the petition who agreed with us.who agreed with us.

We also wrote letters to the governor and We also wrote letters to the governor and posted video statements on Governor posted video statements on Governor Deval Patrick's Facebook page.Deval Patrick's Facebook page.

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Our IssuesOur Issues

Shelters-There should be more shelters for teen Shelters-There should be more shelters for teen parents who get kicked out of their houses.parents who get kicked out of their houses.

Day Care- For the children to go to while their Day Care- For the children to go to while their parents are at work or school.parents are at work or school.

Resources-We think there should be resources Resources-We think there should be resources about teen programs like W.I.C., Globe To Santa, about teen programs like W.I.C., Globe To Santa, etc.etc.

Nutrition Programs- A program that provides Nutrition Programs- A program that provides good nutrition for the babies and teen parents.good nutrition for the babies and teen parents.

Support groups- For teen parents to bring their Support groups- For teen parents to bring their babies and interact with other teens who have babies and interact with other teens who have babies.babies.

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.:.:The Cast:.The Cast:.

Myisha Allen, Ivol Brown , Myisha Allen, Ivol Brown , Anthony Bullock,Anthony Bullock,

Mariela Ferrer, Nacora Grant , Mariela Ferrer, Nacora Grant , Keondra JeanKeondra Jean

Steven Montissol, Rakeima Norris, Steven Montissol, Rakeima Norris, Sasha Ortega, Keijuan Payne, Sasha Ortega, Keijuan Payne, Mirian Serrano, Andre Victorian, Mirian Serrano, Andre Victorian, Syona WilliamsSyona Williams