characterization of a low-pressure high- capacity xe

Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity 129 Xe Flow Through Polarizer Capacity 129 Xe Flow-Through Polarizer Brian Saam Department of Physics DAMOP Session B4, Charlottesville, VA, 20 May 2009

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Page 1: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Characterization of a Low-Pressure High-Capacity 129Xe Flow Through PolarizerCapacity 129Xe Flow-Through Polarizer

Brian SaamDepartment of Physics

DAMOP Session B4, Charlottesville, VA, 20 May 2009

Page 2: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Two Basic Ways to Implement SEOP

BATCH MODE (3He): Slow spin-exchange rates (hours-1), slow (He-Rb) alkali-metal spin-( ), ( ) pdestruction rates.

FLOW THROUGH MODE (129Xe): Fast spinFLOW-THROUGH MODE (129Xe): Fast spin-exchange rates (minutes-1), fast (Xe-Rb) alkali-metal spin-destruction rates.

Driehuys, et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 69, 1668 (1996)] introduces:

Flow-through mode.

Lean Xe gas mixture.

Broadening of Rb absorption line by high pressure HeBroadening of Rb absorption line by high-pressure He.

Cryogenic separation of Xe from gas mixture.

Page 3: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

What to do with More Photons?

PXeΦXe ∝ PRb [Xe]Vγ se ∝ PRb [Xe]V[Rb]ξse

Φγphoton flux

se physics


V 2V [Rb] [Xe]

Φγ[Rb] [Xe]


Increasing volume instead of [Rb] avoids Rb-Rb spin destruction and makes it easier to handle heat load.

Page 4: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

The Utah Flow-Through Polarizer

Diode-Laser Arrays offer increased power (tens to hundreds of watts) and can be spectrally narrowed

Ruset, et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 053002 (2006)] introduces:

spectrally narrowed.

(2006)] introduces:Long, narrow SEOP cell (≈ 2 m long by 4-5 cm diam)

Low total gas pressure in addition toLow total gas pressure in addition to gas mixture lean in Xe.

Xe polarization PXe = 64% at 0.3 L/h Xe flow rate with laser power = 90 W, T = 160 °C

Our polarizer based on UNH design.

PXe = 25% at 0.4 L/h Xe flow rate with laser power = 30 W, T = 140 °C.laser power 30 W, T 140 C.

Can measure both PXe and PRb.

Page 5: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

The Utah Flow-Through Polarizer

Diode-Laser Arrays offer increased power (tens to hundreds of watts) and can be spectrally narrowed

Ruset, et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 053002 (2006)] introduces:

spectrally narrowed.

(2006)] introduces:Long, narrow SEOP cell (≈ 2 m long by 4-5 cm diam)

Low total gas pressure in addition toLow total gas pressure in addition to gas mixture lean in Xe.

Xe polarization PXe = 64% at 0.3 L/h Xe flow rate with laser power = 90 W, T = 160 °C

Our polarizer based on UNH design.

PXe = 25% at 0.4 L/h Xe flow rate with laser power = 30 W, T = 140 °C.laser power 30 W, T 140 C.

Can measure both PXe and PRb.

Page 6: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Numerical Modeling


= −[Rb]σ s(ν) ΓSD(z)γopt (z) + ΓSD(z)

ψ(ν,z) γ opt (z) = ∫ 0∞ψ(ν,z)σ s(ν)dνwith

PRb(z) = ρ+1/ 2 − ρ−1/ 2 =γopt (z)

γ opt (z) + ΓSD(z)

γopt ( ) SD( )



γ se(z) PRb(z) − PXe(z)( )−ΓXe(z)PXe(z)[ ]

Model also adapted from UNH work


Model also adapted from UNH work.

Model yields predictions for:γopt(z), PRb(z), PXe(z);axial distributions avg’d over

Picture of polarizeraxial


axial distributions, avg’d over transverse slice.

We measure PXe and PRb(z)depth


Page 7: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Rb Polarimetry: Experimental Setup

Optically Detected Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (ODEPR)*

A l t f Rb t iB Angular momentum of Rb atoms in spin-temperature distribution:

Lo le el RF creates stead statePRb∝e−βmF


Low-level RF creates steady-state precession of 85Rb atoms at low angle to B0.

Ab ti f b l li htAbsorption of probe-laser light (detuned from D1) is modulated at 85Rb Larmor frequency (about 13 MHz at 27-28 G).)

Field-sweep generates hyperfine spectrum.

*Ben-Amar Baranga, et al., Phys. Rev. A 58, 2282 (1998).

Page 8: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Rb Polarimetry: ODEPR Hyperfine Spectra

F 3mF = −3→−2

F = 3

2 1 F 2F = 3

mF = −2 →−1mF = −2 →−1 F = 2

85Rb spectrum at low Rb polarization.

85Rb spectrum at high Rb polarization.Rb polarization. Rb polarization.


PRb =5r1/ 3 − 35r1/ 3 + 3

PRb =7r1/ 2,3 − 37r1/ 2,3 + 3

Ar1/ 2,3 ≡A1

A2 + A3

r1/ 3 ≡A1


Page 9: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Nominal Optimal Operating Parameters

(unless varied):

Temperature: 140 °C.

He:N2:Xe 1000:500:10 sccm flow rates.

Total gas pressure: 840 mbar at room temperature.

Page 10: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Rb Polarization: Temperature DependenceMeasured Modeled

PRb = 85-90% throughout optical pumping region at T = 140 °C.

D ff i l th di t d f hi h t t (M bDrop off is slower than predicted for higher temperatures. (Maybe actual [Rb] is smaller than vapor pressure curves predict.)

In general PXe is not limited by low PRb for our optimal operating tparameters.

Anomalous region of depressed PRb at 25 cm.

Page 11: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Measured/Modeled 129Xe Polarization

Temp-dependence model gets trend right, but overestimates PXe unless p p g g , Xespin-exchange rate is reduced by 40%.

Total flow dependence is modeled well only if we assume short 129Xe wall-relaxation time (tens of seconds).( )

Dependence on Xe partial pressure stronger than expected.

Total pressure dependence is weak, as expected.

Page 12: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe


We have built and done initial tests on a flow-through Xe

PXe = 25% at 0.4 L/h Xe flow rate with laser power = 30 W, T = 140 °C.

We have built and done initial tests on a flow-through Xe polarizer based on the UNH design.


We have modeled and measured: output PXe AND PRb, the latter as a function of axial position in the cell.

Modeling includes temp dependence of spin exchange rate does aModeling includes temp. dependence of spin-exchange rate, does a reasonable job of reproducing general shapes and trends.

PXe not apparently limited by PRb.

Yet PXe not as large as predicted by model.

Anomalous regions where PRb is depressed.

Page 13: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Hyperpolarized Gas Research Group

FacultyBrian SaamDavid AilionGernot Laicher

Graduate StudentsGeoff Schrank (graduating Summer 2009)Eric SorteEric SorteZayd Ma

UndergraduatesAllison SchoeckLaurel HalesOliver Jeong (HS student)

Page 14: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Rb Polarization: Total Pressure Dependence

Measured Modeled

Press re dependence is relati el slight (note scale change for P )Pressure dependence is relatively slight (note scale change for PRb).

Area of depressed PRb more apparent.

Lower total pressures have slightly lower P (likely reflects lower laserLower total pressures have slightly lower PRb (likely reflects lower laser absorption).

Page 15: Characterization of a Low-Pressure High- Capacity Xe

Results with Higher Laser Power

Red curves show results with 100-Watt diode-laser array.y