chapters 17 &19 temperature, thermal expansion and the ideal gas … · 2014-01-27 ·...

Chapters 17 &19 Temperature, Thermal Expansion and The Ideal Gas Law Units of Chapter 17 & 19 Temperature and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics Temperature Scales Thermal Expansion Heat and Mechanical Work Specific Heats Latent Heats

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Page 1: Chapters 17 &19 Temperature, Thermal Expansion and The Ideal Gas … · 2014-01-27 · Temperature, Thermal Expansion and The Ideal ... Exercise 3: A 70 L steel gas tank of a car

Chapters 17 &19

Temperature, Thermal Expansion and The Ideal

Gas Law

Units of Chapter 17 & 19

• Temperature and the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

• Temperature Scales

• Thermal Expansion

• Heat and Mechanical Work

• Specific Heats

• Latent Heats

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17-3 Temperature, heat, Thermal Equilibrium and the

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

Definition of heat: Heat is the energy transferred between objects

because of a temperature difference.

Objects are in thermal contact if heat can flow between them. E.g. If

a hot object is brought into thermal contact with a cold object, heat

will be exchanged or thermal energy will transfer from one object to


When the transfer of heat between objects in thermal contact

ceases, they are in thermal equilibrium and the objects are at the

same Temperature

Definition of Temperature:

Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is.

A hot oven is said to be at HIGH temperature and ice of a frozen

lake is said to be at LOW temperature

A more correct definition: Temperature is a measure of the average

kinetic energy of all particles in an object.

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The zeroth law of


If object A is in thermal

equilibrium with object B, and

object C is also in thermal

equilibrium with object B, then

objects A and C will be in

thermal equilibrium if brought

into thermal contact.

That is, temperature is the only

factor that determines whether

two objects in thermal contact

are in thermal equilibrium or not.

17-3 Temperature, heat, Thermal Equilibrium and the

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

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17-2 Temperature Scales

The Celsius scale:

Water freezes at 0 Celsius.

Water boils at 100 Celsius.

The Fahrenheit scale:

Water freezes at 32 Fahrenheit .

Water boils at 212 Fahrenheit .

Converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit:

Converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius:

32C)(F)(59 TT

32F)(C)(95 TT

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17-2 Temperature Scales

The pressure in a gas is proportional to its temperature. The

proportionality constant is different for different gases, but they all reach

zero pressure at the same temperature, which we call absolute zero:

Absolute zero forms the basis of a temperature scale known as

Absolute Scale or Kelvin Scale.

The Kelvin scale is similar to the Celsius scale, except that the Kelvin

scale has its zero at absolute zero.

Conversion between a Celsius temperature and a Kelvin temperature:

15.273C)((K) TT

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17-2 Temperature Scales

The three temperature scales compared:

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17-4 Thermal Expansion Most substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.

However the amount of expansion and contraction depends on the


Most solids generally expand in Length, Area and Volume as

temperature increases. This can be understood as an increase in the

amplitude of vibration of the atoms or molecules about their positions.

Linear Expansion

Experiments show that the change in length, ( L) is directly proportional

to the change in temperature ( T) and also proportional to the original

length (L0) of the object.

i.e L T, and L L0

We can write the proportionality as an equation:

The proportionality constant is called the coefficient of linear expansion.

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Some typical

coefficients of

thermal expansion:

17-4 Thermal Expansion We can write: Final length = Original length + Change in length:

) 1( 000




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Area and Volume Expansion:

The expansion of Area and Volume of a flat substance is derived from

the linear expansion in two and three dimensions respectively:

Definition of Coefficient of

Volume Expansion, :

17-4 Thermal Expansion

TATAA 002 Where: = 2 :

Coefficient of area

expansion TVTVV 003 Where: = 3 :

Coefficient of volume expansion


SI unit for : K-1 = ( C)-1

For liquids and gases, only the

coefficient of volume expansion

is defined:

The Table shows some typical

coefficients of volume expansion:

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17-4 Thermal Expansion

Exercise 1: A steel railway track has a length of 30.000 m when the

temperature is 0 C. What is the length on a hot Melbourne day when

the temperature is 40 C?

Exercise 2: The steel bed of a suspension bridge is 200 m long at

20 C. If the extremes of the temperature to which it might be

exposed are 30 C to 40 C. What total range of change in length

must the expansion joints accommodate? (i.e. How much will it

contract and expand?)

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17-4 Thermal Expansion

Exercise 3: A 70 L steel gas tank of a car is filled to the top with

gasoline at 20 C. The car sits in the sun and the tank reaches a

temperature of 40 C. How much gasoline do you expect to overflow

from the tank?

Exercise 4: A copper ball with a radius of 1.6 cm is heated from an

initial temperature of 22 C to a final temperature of 680 C. Find the

change in the volume of the ball and the final radius of the ball.

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Behaviour of gases depends on the following properties of the gases:





Number of Molecules

Gases are the easiest state of matter to describe, as all ideal gases

exhibit similar behavior.

An ideal gas is one that is thin (dilute) enough, and far away enough

from condensing, that the interactions between molecules can be


Real Gases: The behavior of real gases is generally quite well

approximated by that of an Ideal gas at low pressure (or low density),

and at room temperature (or when T is not close to Liquefaction


17-6 The Ideal Gas Laws and Absolute Temperature

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We can describe the way the

Pressure, P, of an ideal gas

depends on:

Temperature, T

Number of molecules, N, and the

Volume, V, from a few simple


17-7 The Ideal Gas Law

(i) If the volume of an ideal gas is

held constant, (as in the constant

volume gas thermometer), we find

that the pressure varies linearly

with absolute temperature: (P T )

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(ii) If the volume and temperature of a gas are

kept constant, but more gas is added (such

as in inflating a tire or basketball), the

pressure will increase: (i.e. P N )

17-7 The Ideal Gas Law

(iii) Finally, if the temperature and the number of

molecules are held constant and the volume

decreases, (such as sitting on a ball), the

pressure increases. That is the pressure varies

inversely with volume: (P 1/V or PV = constant)

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Combining all three observations, we can write a mathematical

expression fro the Pressure of a gas:

where k is called the Boltzmann constant:

17-7 The Ideal Gas Law

Rearranging gives us the equation of state for an ideal gas:

Instead of counting molecules, we can count moles.

A mole is the amount of substance that contains as many

atoms or molecules as there are atoms in 12 g of carbon-12.

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Experimentally, the number of atoms or molecules in one mole is

given by Avogadro’s number:

17-7 The Ideal Gas Law

Avogadro’s number and the Boltzmann constant can be combined to

form the Universal Gas Constant, R, defined as:

Therefore, n moles of a gas will contain N = nNA molecules.

Substituting this into the ideal gas equation:


K)J/(mol :unit SI

)Kmol/()atmL( 0821.0

K)J/(mol 314.8

)J/K1038.1)(molmolecules/1002.6( 2323kNR A

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17-8 Problem Solving with the Ideal Gas Law

The ideal gas law is an extremely useful tool.

We often refer to “Standard Conditions” or Standard Temperature

and Pressure (STP) which means:

T = 273 K (0 C) and P =1.00 atm = 1.013 105 N/m2 =101.3 kPa

When using the ideal gas law: the Temperature,T, must be given in

Kelvin (K) and the pressure, P, must always be the Absolute

pressure, not gauge pressure.

In many situations, it is not necessary to use the value of R at all.

For example, many problems involve a change in pressure,

temperature, and volume of a fixed amount of gas.

In this case:




Since n and R remain constant, we can let P1 , V1 and

T1 denote the initial variables and P2 , V2 and T2 denote

the variables after the change (final conditions), then

we can calculate the unknown variable using: 2








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Boyle’s law: is consistent with the ideal

gas law.

For a fixed quantity of gas, the volume

of the gas is inversely proportional to

the absolute pressure at constant

temperature. (V 1/P, or PV = constant)

17-8 Problem Solving with the Ideal Gas Law


curves of



are called


Charles’s law: is also consistent with

the ideal gas law.

The volume of a fixed quantity of gas

is directly proportional to the absolute

temperature if the pressure is kept

constant. (V T, or V/T = constant)









2211 VPVPFixed number of molecules, N;

Fixed temperature, T

Fixed number of molecules, N;

Fixed pressure, P

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17-8 Problem Solving with the Ideal Gas Law

Exercise 4: Determine the volume of 1.00 mole of any gas, assuming

it behaves like an ideal gas at STP.

Exercise 5: A person’s lungs can hold 6.0 L (1L = 10-3 m3) of air at a

body temperature of 310 K and atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa.

Given that the air is 21% oxygen, find the number of oxygen

molecules in the lungs.

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17-8 Problem Solving with the Ideal Gas Law

Exercise 6: How many moles of air are in an inflated basketball?

Assume that the pressure in the ball is 171 kPa, the temperature is

293 K, and the diameter of the ball is 30.0 cm.

Exercise 7: An automobile tyre is filled to a gauge pressure of

200kPa at 10 C. After a drive of 100km, the temperature within the

tyre rises to 40 C. What is the new pressure within the tyre at this


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Experimental work has shown that heat is another form of energy.

James Joule used a device

similar to this one to measure the

mechanical equivalent of heat:

As the mass falls, it turns the

paddles in the water, which

results in increase in water


Thus Joule was able to show that

mechanical energy (P.E.) is

converted to heat

19-1 Heat and Mechanical Work

One kilocalorie (kcal) is defined as the amount of heat needed to raise

the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 C (i.e. from14.5 C to 15.5 C)

Joule used his experiments to find the mechanical equivalent of heat:

1 kcal = 4.186 kJ

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Heat, (Q) is the energy transferred from one object to another

because of temperature difference

19-1 Heat and Mechanical Work

Exercise 8: Working off the extra calories

A 74 kg man eats too much ice cream on the order of 305 C. How

many stairs of height 20.0 cm must he climb to work of the ice cream?

In studies of Nutrition, A different calorie is used.

(Calorie with a capital C): 1 C = 1 kcal

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The Heat Capacity of an object is the amount of heat added to it

divided by its rise in temperature:

Q is positive if ΔT is positive; that is,

if heat is added to a system.

Q is negative if ΔT is negative; that is,

if heat is removed from a system.

19-3 Specific Heats

Specific Heat (c)

The quantity of heat required to change the temperature of a given

material is proportional to the mass, m of the material and to the

temperature change, T .

The specific heat, c, of any substance is defined as the amount of heat

required to increase the temperature of 1kg of the substance by 1 C

It can be rearranged as:

Q = mc T

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Here are some

specific heats of

various materials:

19-3 Specific Heats

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An isolated system is a closed system in which no heat energy is

exchanged across its boundaries with the surroundings

We use conservation of energy to figure out the final equilibrium

temperature when two substances at different temperature are mixed

and allowed to come to equilibrium within an isolated system.

That is different parts of the system are at different temperatures.

Heat flow from the part at higher temperature to the part at lower

temperature within the system. Heat lost by one part of the system

equals heat gained by the other part. i.e. Q = 0

Heat Lost = Heat Gained

This is the basis for Calorimetry Technique: A calorimeter is a

lightweight, insulated flask containing water. When an object is put

in, it and the water come to thermal equilibrium. If the mass of the

flask can be ignored, and the insulation prevents any heat exchange

with the surroundings:

1. The final temperatures of the object and the water will be equal.

2. The total energy of the system is conserved.

This allows us to calculate the specific heat of the object.

19-4 Calorimetry- Problem Solving using conservation of energy

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When two phases coexist, the temperature remains constant even

if a small amount of heat is added.

Instead of raising the temperature, the heat goes into changing the

phase of the material – melting ice, for example. i.e. certain

amount of energy is used in this change of phase

Figure shows temperature as a function of heat added to bring 1.0

kg of ice at 20 C to steam above 100 C

19-5 Latent Heats

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The heat required to convert from one phase to another is called

the latent heat.

The latent heat, L, is the heat that must be added to or removed

from one kilogram of a substance to convert it from one phase to

another. During the conversion process, the temperature of the

system remains constant.

Heat involved in a change of phase depends on the Latent Heat

and also on the total mass of the substance. That is:

19-5 Latent Heats

The latent heat of fusion, (LF ), is the heat (required/released) to

change from (solid to liquid/liquid to solid) phase

Latent heat of vaporization, (LV ), is the heat (required/released) to

change from (liquid to gas/gas to liquid) phase.

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Table shows latent heats of fusion and vaporisation for various


19-5 Latent Heats

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19-5 Problem Solving using conservation of energy

Exercise 9: The Cup Cools the Tea

If 200 cm3 of tea at 95 C is poured into a 150 g glass cup at 25 C.

What will be the common final temperature, T, of the tea and cup at

equilibrium assuming no heat flows to the surrounding?

Exercise 10: Unknown Specific Heat determined by Calorimetry

An Engineer wishes to determine the specific heat of a new metal

alloy. A 0.150 kg sample of the alloy is heated to 540 C. It is then

quickly placed in 0.400 kg of water at 10 C contained in a 0.200 kg

aluminum calorimeter cup. The final temperature of the system is

30.5 C. Calculate the specific heat of the alloy.

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19-5 Problem Solving using conservation of energy

Exercise 11: Will all Ice Melt

Determine the final equilibrium temperature and phase (state) of the

final mixture when 10 g of steam at 100 C is added to 80 g of ice

20 C.