chapter3: fundamental programming

Fundamental Programming with C#

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មេរៀន C# ជំពូកទី៣


Page 1: Chapter3: fundamental programming

Fundamental Programming with C#

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C# Syntax

• Like C/C++ and Java

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Identifiers (Cont.)

• Consist of Unicode characters

• Can begin with a letter or an


• Cannot a keywords

• eg. int, string, double, …

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Capitalization Styles

• Pascal case, eg. MyValue

• Camel case, eg. myValueNumber

• Uppercase, eg. UI

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There are different kinds of statement in


• A code block

• Declaration statements

• Expression statements

• Selection statements

• Iteration statements

• Control statements

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Every piece of data in C# must have a type. This is a

key part of C# being a strongly typed programming

language. The C# compiler and runtime both use the

type of each data item to reduce some kinds of

programming problems.

There are two kinds of types in C#: value types and

reference types. The distinction between the two

causes programmers new to object-oriented

programming a lot of confusion.

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Value Types

Value-type variables directly contain their data—

that is to say that the content of a value-type

variable is its value. The following statement

assigns a value of 25 to a variable called myInt. The

type of the variable myInt is int, which is a value


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Value Types (Cont.)

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Reference Types

Reference types come in two parts—an object and the

reference to that object. Here is a statement that creates a

reference-type object:

StringBuilder myObject = new StringBuilder("Adam");

The StringBuilder type holds a string of characters. Figure 4-10

shows the reference type in memory. You don’t deal with the

object directly—instead, you work with it via the reference.

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Definite Assignment and Null References

C# requires that you assign a value to a variable before you read the

value of the variable. The compiler checks your code to ensure that every

path through your code assigns a value to every variable that you read.

This is called definite assignment.

The assignment of a value doesn’t need to occur when you declare the

variable; you just have to make sure that you have made an assignment

before you read the variable value. Here are some statements that

demonstrate this:

int myInt; // declare a variable, but don't assign to it

myInt = 20; // assign a value to the variable

int sum = 100 + myInt; // we can read the value because we

have made an assignment

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Common Programming TasksThe chapters that follow focus on the major

features of C#: classes, methods, fields,

parameters, delegates, and so on. These are such

important topics that it can be easy to overlook

the tasks that are most commonly required of

programmers. In the following sections, I describe

how to assign values to variables, make

comparisons between values, selectively execute

blocks of code, and iterate over data items.

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Assigning Values

The C# assignment operator is the equals sign

(=). Figure 4-13 shows how the assignment

operator is used to assign a value to a variable.

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Making Comparisions

The C# comparison operator (==) is used to

determine whether two variables are the same.

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Making Comparisons (Cont.)

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Performing Selections

Selection statements let you select blocks of code

statements to be executed if a condition is met. C#

supports two selection statements—the if statement

and the switch statement.

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Using an if Statement

With an if statement, you define a block of code

statements that are performed only if a condition is


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Adding else if Clauses

You can choose between code blocks by adding else if

clauses to an if statement, like this:

if (x == 50) {

Console.WriteLine("First Code Block Selected");

} else if (x == 60) {

Console.WriteLine("Second Code Block


} else if (x == 100) {

Console.WriteLine("Third Code Block Selected");


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Adding an else clause

An if statement can contain a single else clause that will be

performed if the condition in the statement and all of the

conditions in any else if clauses evaluate to false. The else

clause must come at the end of the if statement, like this:

if (x == 100) {

Console.WriteLine("First Code Block Selected");

} else {

Console.WriteLine("Second Code Block



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Using a switch Statement

A switch statement selects one of a set of code statements to execute

by comparing a value to a set of constants.

string myName = "Adam Freeman";

switch (myName) {

case "Joe Smith":

Console.WriteLine("Name is Joe Smith");


case "Adam Freeman":

Console.WriteLine("Name is Adam Freeman");



Console.WriteLine("Default reached");



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Using a switch Statement (Cont.)

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Jumping to Another Switch SectionYou can combine the statements in switch sections by using a goto case statement, which jumps to the specified section, as follows:

switch (myName) {

case "Joe Smith":

Console.WriteLine("Name is Joe Smith");


case "Adam Freeman":

Console.WriteLine("Name is Adam Freeman, Jane Jones or

Peter Kent");

goto case "Joe Smith";


Console.WriteLine("Default reached");



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Iterating Data Items

One of the most common programming tasks is to perform the same series of actions for each element in a sequence of data items—for example, items in an array or a collection (see in next Chapter). C# supports four ways of performing iterations.

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Using a for LoopA for loop repeatedly performs a block of statements while a condition remains true. Before the first iteration, an initializer executes one or more expressions. At the end of each iteration, an iterator executes one or more statements. Another iteration will be performed if the condition evaluates to true.

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Breaking Out of a for Loop

You can terminate a for loop before the condition evaluates to false by using the break keyword, like this:

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

Console.WriteLine("Iteration for value: {0}", i);

if (i == 5) {




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Continuing to the Next IterationNormally a for loop will perform all the statements in the code block before moving on to the next iteration. By using the continue keyword, you can move to the next iteration without performing any statements that follow. Here is an example:

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

Console.WriteLine("Iteration for value: {0}", i);

if (i == 2 || i == 3) {



Console.WriteLine("Reached end of iteration for value:

{0}", i);


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Using a do…while Loop

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Using a while Loop

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Numeric Types

C# has a number of predefined numeric types that can be referred to using keywords. I tend use the keywords, rather than the type names, but different programmers have varying styles, and it is useful to know how the keywords and the types relate to each other. There is no advantage in using one style over the other; the C# compiler converts the keywords into the correct type automatically, which means that you can mix keywords and types freely, even in the same code.

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Numeric Types (Cont.)

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Using Numeric Literals

C# allows you to define numeric values

literally so that you can just use the value of

the number in a statement, like this:

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Using Numeric Operators

Numeric types have limited value on

their own; they need to be combined

with operators that allow you to

perform calculations and otherwise

manipulate the values they represent.

In the following sections, I describe the

five kinds of numeric operator that C#


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Using Numeric Operators (Cont.)

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Arithmetic Operators

C# includes basic arithmetic operators

that allow you to perform basic


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Unary Operators

The C# unary operators are so-called because they

work on a single numeric value.

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Unary Operators (Cont.)

// define a number

float f = 26.765f;

// use the unary plus operator

float up = +f;

// use the unary minus operator

float um = -f;

// print out the results

Console.WriteLine("Unary plus result: {0}",


Console.WriteLine("Unary minus result:

{0}", um);

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Relational Operators

The C# relational operators allow you to

compare one numeric type to another.

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Assignment Operators

With one exception, the assignment operators allow

you to conveniently apply one of the other

operators and assign the result in a single step.

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Assignment Operators (Cont.)The assignment operators allow shorthand when you

want to perform an operation on a variable and

assign the result to the same variable. So, these


int x = 10;x = x + 2;

can be written as follows:

int x = 10;x += 2;

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Classes and Objects

You create new functionality in

C# programs by defining

classes. Classes are the

blueprints used to create the

objects that you use to

represent items in your


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Creating a Basic Class

Remember that classes are the blueprints from which objects

are created. Imagine we had a blueprint for a car; for the sake

of an example, let’s say the blueprint is for a 2010 Volvo C30.

The blueprint specifies every detail of the car, but it isn’t a car

itself. It just describes how the car should be constructed. We

have to go through the process of constructing a car from the

blueprint to end up with something that we can get into and

drive away, and that something will be a Volvo C30, because

that’s what we used as the blueprint.

public class VolvoC30 {

// class body


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Creating a Basic Class (Cont.)This class is so simple that it doesn’t do anything

yet, but we’ll add some features as we work


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Adding features to a Class

It is as though we wrote “Volvo C30” on a

blueprint and then just walked away. If we gave

the blueprint to someone else, they’d have only

the name to go on. We have not provided any

information about what features we require. We

add features to a class by adding class members.

There are a range of different categories of class

members, some of which are described in the

following sections. All of the different member

types are described in depth in the chapters that


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Adding Fields

A field is a piece of information that each object created from

the class will have; this can be one of the built-in value types

that C# supports (such as a number or a Boolean value), or it

can be another object (a reference type). If a field refers to

another object, then that object can be one of those included

with the .NET Framework (such as a string), or it can be a type

we have created, like the VolvoC30 class.

public class VolvoC30 { public string CarOwner; public string PaintColor; public int MilesPerGallon= 30;}

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Adding Methods

Methods let your object perform actions. That’s a

pretty wide definition, and the nature of your

methods will depend on the nature of your class. If

we remain with the car metaphor, then we could

have methods to start the engine, open the window,

plot a navigation route, and so on. If our class

represented a person, we might have methods that

change marital status, employment status, and

relationships, with objects representing other people.

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Adding Methods (Cont.)public class VolvoC30 {

public string CarOwner;

public string PaintColor;

public int MilesPerGallon = 30;

public int CalculateFuelForTrip(int tripDistance) {

return tripDistance / MilesPerGallon;


public void PrintCarDetails() {

System.Console.WriteLine("--- Car Details ---");

System.Console.WriteLine("Car Owner: {0}",


System.Console.WriteLine("Car Color: {0}",


System.Console.WriteLine("Gas Mileage: {0} mpg",




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Adding a Constructor

A constructor is a special method that you use when creating a new object,

allowing you to provide data via parameters that will set the initial state of the


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Creating Objects from ClassesObjects are often referred to as instances, for

example, “This object is an instance of the VolvoC30

class.” This is often shortened so that it is

commonly said that “This is an instance of

VolvoC30.” To create an object from a class, we use

the new operator, sometimes referred to as the

construction or instantiation operator. We tell the

new operator which class to work with, and it

creates a new object of the type representing by the


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Creating Objects from Classes (Cont.)

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Using Objects

Once we have created an object, we can work with it

using the members we defined in the class. Working

with an object typically means doing one of two things:

changing the value of a field to change the state of an

object or using one of the objects methods to perform

an action. Methods can modify the value of fields as

well, so sometimes you’ll be performing a calculation

and modifying the state of an object in one go.

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Reading and Modifying FieldsTo read the value of a field, we use the dot operator (.) to combine

the name we have given to the object instance and the name of

the field we want to access.

// create a new object of the VolvoC30 type

VolvoC30 myCar = new VolvoC30("Adam Freeman", "Black");

// create a second VolvoC30 object

VolvoC30 joesCar = new VolvoC30("Joe Smith", "Silver");

// read the value of the myCar.CarOwner field

string owner = myCar.CarOwner;

Console.WriteLine("Field value: {0}", owner);

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Using Static Fields

The fields in all the examples in the previous sections have been instance

fields, meaning that each object has its own field. This is why we have to use

the object reference with the dot operator to access the field. We have to tell

the .NET runtime which object’s field we want to work with.

public class VolvoC30 {

public string CarOwner;

public string PaintColor;

public int MilesPerGallon = 30;

public static int EngineCapacity = 2000;

public VolvoC30(string newOwner, string paintColor) {

CarOwner = newOwner;

PaintColor = paintColor;


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Using Static Fields (Cont.)

public int CalculateFuelForTrip(int tripDistance) {

return tripDistance / MilesPerGallon;


public void PrintCarDetails() {

System.Console.WriteLine("--- Car Details ---");

System.Console.WriteLine("Car Owner: {0}", CarOwner);

System.Console.WriteLine("Car Color: {0}", PaintColor);

System.Console.WriteLine("Gas Mileage: {0} mpg", MilesPerGallon);

System.Console.WriteLine("Engine Capacity: {0} cc", EngineCapacity);



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Calling Methods

A new object doesn’t just get a set of fields and properties; it also gets its

own set of methods. In our VolvoC30 class, we defined two methods,

called PrintCarDetails and CalculateFuelForTrip.

public class VolvoC30 {

public string CarOwner;

public string PaintColor;

public int MilesPerGallon = 30;

public VolvoC30(string newOwner, string paintColor) {

CarOwner = newOwner;

PaintColor = paintColor;


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Calling Methods (Cont.)

public void PrintCarDetails() {

System.Console.WriteLine("--- Car Details ---");

System.Console.WriteLine("Car Owner: {0}", CarOwner);

System.Console.WriteLine("Car Color: {0}", PaintColor);

System.Console.WriteLine("Gas Mileage: {0} mpg",




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Using Access Modifiers

You can restrict the use of a class by applying an access modifier to the

class definition.