chapter12: the early middle ages section 1: early european kingdoms

Chapter12: The Early Middle Ages Section 1: Early European Kingdoms Lil Boo Boo World History Period 1

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Chapter12: The Early Middle Ages Section 1: Early European Kingdoms. Lil Boo Boo World History Period 1. A. The People And Land Of The Middle Ages In Europe. Main Idea: The Weakened defense of the old Roman borders cleared the path for Germanic speaking groups to invade Europe. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter12: The Early Middle Ages Section 1: Early European Kingdoms

Chapter12: The Early Middle Ages

Section 1: Early European Kingdoms

Lil Boo Boo World History

Period 1

Page 2: Chapter12: The Early Middle Ages Section 1: Early European Kingdoms

A. The People And Land Of The Middle Ages In

Europe • Main Idea: The Weakened defense of the old

Roman borders cleared the path for Germanic speaking groups to invade Europe.

Page 3: Chapter12: The Early Middle Ages Section 1: Early European Kingdoms

A. The People And Land Of The Middle Ages In Europe• The Geography of

Western Europe – Much of the land during the

early middle ages was covered with thick forest.

– Their was large swift rivers that made it easy for trading ships, to navigate.

– People had left the cities and moved to the country side where they could grow their own foods.

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A. The People And Land Of The Middle Ages In Europe• The People Of The

Middle Ages In Europe – The People of northern

Europe did not share the culture or the Latin language of the Romans

– Therefore the people of Europe organized into small groups and spoke Germanic language and were called Germanic people.

– They moved from place to place to defend themselves from attack. They fought to gain lands that had better soil for farming and better grazing for their animals.

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B. The Empire Of The Franks

• Main Idea: Charlemagne was crowned Roman emperor, ruler of a large empire in western Europe.

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B. The Empire Of The Franks • Uniting The Franks

– Around 481, Clovis was able to unite several of the franks groups.

– Clovis led a combined force against the collapsing roman army into Gaul.

– Clovis conquered Gaul in 496 and converted into Christianity. As a Christian he gained support of the people of Gaul.

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B. The Empire Of The Franks• The Rise Of Charlemagne

– Charlemagne lived to be 72 years old nearly twice the average life span at the time.

– He ruled as the kings of the franks for 46 years, from 768 to 814.

– Charlemagne conquered lots of people and , controlled the largest region since the fall of Rome. Also, he improved, culture, education, and law, within his kingdom.

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B. The Empire Of The Franks• A Christian King

– As Charlemagne expanded his kingdom, he tried to force the conquered peoples to become Christian.

– He demanded strict punishment for anyone who practiced any other religion.

– From showing all his power, the pope crowned him because he felt that he had accomplished a lot of things.

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C. The Age Of Charlemagne

• Main idea: Charlemagne’s rule encouraged culture and learning to develop in Western Europe.

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C. The Age Of Charlemagne

• Schools And Learning– During the middle ages most people

could read but couldn’t write, including the successful leader Charlemagne.

– To help change the situation, Charlemagne brought in scholars from England, Germany, Spain, and Italy.

– One great thing was parents was charge no fee, or tuition, but they could contribute whatever they could afford.

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C. The Age Of Charlemagne

• Culture– Charlemagne was so

interested in learning he had Nobles to travel around the kingdoms.

– In search of the conditions of the roads, and the state of the crops, and loyalty of local administrators.

– His leadership brought so much attention and improvement everyone wanted to be apart of Charlemagne’s kingdom.

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C. The Age Of Charlemagne

• The Decline Of Charlemagne’s Empire– With Charlemagne death in 814,

the empire he had built went into slow decline.

– His three grandsons signed the Treaty Of Verdun. In which divided his empire into three kingdoms.

– At that, it aloud invaders to conquer large parts of the kingdom. The empire didn’t last long after his death but however his standards for learning and governing remained a model for many centuries.

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Franks• The people of a Germanic federation

who lived in the area that is now France, the Low Countries and part of Germany.