chapter v colombia 1914 departments and distribution of population

CF{APTER y DEPARTM ENTS AND DISTRIHUTIOS OF POPULATION CO L O M BIA oí to-day With its 461 000 square miles and its population oí 5 472 604 is divided into íifteen Depart- men ts tvo Intenden cias ar.d seven Comisarias E speciales these Iatter two classes oí divísion being practicaily colonial districts. It is to be noted that this enumeration includes Panama, which althougli de j cto Sovereign Republie, is still clairned by thc Cotombian governnient as forming pafl oí its national territory. As akeady shown in the brief historical revjcw, the administrative divisions tbe country have undergone frequent changes, notabty so since the Declaration oí Independence. This tvas inevitable, for quite apan from political changes, the gradual exploration -am] developnient oí the country necessitated amalgamation in sorne directions, division and sub4jvjsion in others. Thus while a law oí 1908 created thirty-five departments another oí 1909 re-established tite divisions í 1905 when there were ten departments, supplemented by four Intendencias. ile foliowing year four more departments  vete brought into berng. No doubt with further settle- inent the Intendencias and Comisarias vill be furtlier divided ami raised to the rank Dcpartments. In spite oí all this re-manipulation, however, the divisions are still very unequ ai as rega rds area popu lation and relativo importance. Wc wiil deal with thern here in alphabetical order.  

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CO L O M BIA oí to-day W ith its 461 000 square miles and

its population oí 5 472 604 is divided into íifteen Depart-

men ts tvo Intenden cias ar.d seven Com isarias E speciales

these Iatter two classes oí divísion being practicaily

colonial districts. It is to be noted that this enumeration

includes Panama, which althougli

de j cto Sovereign

Republie, is still clairned by thc Cotombian governnient

as forming pafl

its national territory.

As akeady shown in the brief historical revjcw, the

administrative divisions

tbe country have undergone

frequent changes, notabty so since the Declaration oí

Independence. This tvas inevitable, for quite apan

from political changes, the gradual exploration -am]

developnient oí the country necessitated amalgamation

in sorne directions, division and sub4jvjsion in others.

Thus while a law

oí 1908 created thirty-five departments

another oí 1909 re-established tite divisions í 1905

when there were ten departments, supplemented by four

Intendencias. ile foliowing year four more departments

 vete brought into berng. No doubt with further settle-

inent the Intendencias and Comisarias vill be furtlier

divided ami raised to the rank

oí Dcpartments.

In spite oí all this re-manipulation, however, the

divisions are still very unequ ai as rega rds area popu lation

and relativo importance. Wc wiil deal with thern here

in alphabetical order.


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As regards the growth oí population it vas estimated

to be 2000 000 in 1800

ut ten years Jater the figure

vas given as 1 400 000 and at thc declaration oí

Independence as 1 223 593. Part of the dtscrepancy

no doubt was due to tite enumeratiori

oí siaves and wtld

Indians under the oid regime and the more restricted


oí heads at a later peñad In 1905 however

a fairly accurate census \vas takeii the figures recorded

being 4 533 777 To-day Colombia is tite third mnost

populous country in South Arnerica oniy being exceeded

by Brazil and Argentina.

Population is denest m Cundinamarca Atiantico

and Caldas and lc-ast so in Magdalena The disparity

oí sexes vares considerably while there are 170 495

men to 170 703 women in Caldas there are only 357 302

men to 383 635 women in Antioqula. It shouid be ex-

plained thai tuis last named dcpartrnent like Tolima

has an enterprising population strongly given to

emigration to the less developed districts

the Repub lic

where all kinds oí opportunities offcr themselves te

hardworking resoureeful men. It is found too that

here as ja ather parts

tlie world the large towns have

an undue proportion

oí female inhabitants; for instance

in Bogotá therc afe 50 557 rnen to 70 700 women yet the


females over males for the whole


Department oí Cundinamarca is only 37 024.

Axtioui:.—This departrnent is bounded on the north


thc Atianttc Ocean and Bolivar en the east by San-

tander on the south by Boyacá Tolima aud Caldas

and oit the wcst by the Choco and has an arca given as

approximately 34 401 square miles with a population

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nf 741,000. About 5,221,167 acres are State waste and

forest lands and 913,283 acres belong to thc departrnent.

lis phvsical character is extremely variad. On the

north the coastal belt, and un tite east tire siope down

te the valley oí the Mag dalena is lmt and humid possessing

fairly good soil. Towards the interior, the country is

iargely moantainons, split np by numeraus valleys and

rivers, che so¡] liare is rather cold and everi sornewhat

arid. Bat a

yer since the discovc-ryoí

thc country

in 1541 hy Jeronim o Luis Tojelo who ascended a charming

valle) , callad by che nativas Vamesies, which ihe

Spaniards named San Bartolcnié (now known as the

Medellia), th

country has heen peopled by a hard-

wnrking, steadv and prolifie pupulation, who have mude

the department ene oí the richest in the Republic.


its rivers are practicable for stcamcrs the

Magdalena forrns the Eastern boundar


, the Cauca

traversas the departrnent from che south to tite north,

and its aflluent, the Neciii, passing by Zaragoza, taps che

country to the east un tlie west is tlie Atrato, wltich

runs rnto che Gulf oí Darien. Other rivers navigable

by canees and rafts are thc Narc.. San Bartolemé Arquta

Sucio and Murri. Thcre are four main roads, Iba Santa

Domingo, or North Ruad, 34 miles long , the Caldas,

which runs into Medelhn, 154, miles the Envigado,

9 miles and La Quiebra 12 miles. Considerable attention

s being paid by the Govcrnmeni

o[he construction of

roads and bridges, tlie works being carried ca by


road bcards under che direction of the Minister of Publia

Wcurhs. Although sorne

these roads are available for

wlieeled traíflc, it is (alt that sorne hecter orgamsation


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required for keeping the highvays in repair after con-

struction. Medellin, capital of tite department, is

connected with tite Magdalena by

 railway to Puerto

Berrio, sorne 500 miles from Barranquilla, and w3th

C auca river by tite A maga railway of which about 20 m iles

are opon to traffic.

Agriculture and mining are tite cluef industries. Land

is generaily cultivated in small holdings, which accounts


ihe cxcel cnt results achieved w itb coffec, dic principal

crop. In 1911 the p roduction tvas estirnated as follows

coffee 13,592,960 Ib, cocoa 717,650 Ib, rice 459,800 lb.,

su,ar-cane 2 3,371,460 lb., banana s 6,16 7,100 lb , plantarns

6 6,586 ,400 lb., ground nuts 3,905,700 lb., beans 6 ,656 ,800

lb., maiie 19,425,000 lb.,


ucca 47,494,800 lb., cotton

274,400 ib, tobacco 932,800 lb. CauJe fattening is

carried en

to a small extent, but is capable of very largo

extension. There is a smali export trade in timber

 cedar, rnahogany, hard woods) and forest rubber. So

far the regular cultivation of rubber has not been taken

up. Antioquia has long been celebrated for its mineral

wealtit In 1739 there were 12,728 mines being worked,

almost solely for the extraction

oí goid and silver. In

1911 the value oí the expon of go ld bullion vas £490.967,

goid dust £259.359, platinum £69.179. Both quartz

and placer mining is carried Qn. A large number oí the

rivers have rich auriferous alluvia , arnong diese are tite

Nechi, Porce, Ibogrande, Guadalpe, Nare, Nus, San

B artolomé, San Juan, Guadualejo, Quebradonda, Barroso,

Atrato, Arquiá, Murri, Sucio and tite Munndo. Platmum

is found in tite watersheds

the San Juan and Atrato.

Coal is found as far apart as Amaga and Caceres and

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Zaragoza. Iron is also mmcd aud manufactured hito

rails, milis, etc. flete are many indications

oí copper

and othcr metals. Industrial devclopment is remarkably

progressive, being specially concentrated at Medeflin.

Tite principal towns are Medellin the capital, founded

in 1675, population 71,000: Antioquia, the oid capital,

foundcd in 1541, population 10,610: Sonson, popuiation

293,050. Yaruma , population 21.284.

Thc departmental income is about

1 433 000


gold, and the expcnditure rather more,

which 433,320

dollars gold are devoted to education. Tite eighty-seven

municipalities have a total income

oí about 620,000

doi.lars goid. This department has no provinces, the

prefectura s, or chief offices

tite provinces having been

suppressed in tite department, except in tite district oí



the sma llest oí tite dcp artments, is a wedge -

shapecl coastal district, boundcd on the north by the



tite east by tite Magdalena river, which

cuts it off from the departmcnt of that narne, ancl cm tite

south and west by Bolívar. It has an area


square miles, with a population

114 887.

It is a fiat

land, slo p ing to tite sea or the Magdalena, witit a tropical

cimate, rather trying to white people, especially



low-lying portions witen inundated aher tite rainy season

which iasts from May to Novembcr. Transport is good,


Lo tite Magdalena running along the greatcr


the department, the railway from Barranquilla

to Puerto Colombia 16 4 railes), and tite highwa y betw een

Barranquilla aud Usiacuri (10 miles). Cultivation oí

tite soil is carried out on a fairly large sede, tite principal

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crops lxing sugar-cane, cocoa, and tobacco ihere is

also a considerable industr


 in fattening cattle cm the

plains round about Sabanalarga. Barranquilla, the

capital (population 48,907), is still (he chicí fluvial port

oí the Republic with its harbour at Puerto Colombia.

The other important towns are Sabanalarga population

16,042). Soledad (8,200), Repelon (2,900). Baranoa

(5,300), and Campo de la Cruz (2,600). TIte two

provinces are Barranquilla and Sabanalarga. Out

oí a departrnental incaute oí 217,560 dollars goid.

34,830 dollars are dcvoted to education, lo which the

Municipality oí

Barranquilla adds 14,000 dollars.

BOLIV,uc, a coastal departrner.t, is boundcd


the north

by the Atlantic and the Department oí Atiantico, on tite

east by the Magdalena river aud departrnent,



south by Antioquia, and tite vest by Antioquia and tite

Atlantic. It has an area

23,938 square miles ami a

populat ion oí

420,890. lite land is mostly low lying,

with SiOCS

towards the coast and the valles oí the

Magdalena, and has a tropical climate, except in tite high-



that part which forms a southerly wedge mb

Antioquia. It is well watcred b


 the navigabie water-

ways oí

tIte Magdalena, Sinu and Cauca and their

ntunerous tributaries. Fo supplement these natural


traflic, a railw ay has heen constructed between

Cartagena arid Calamar en the Magdalena, and roads

lar wheeied vehicles are either in course


or are projected between Barranquilla and Turbaco,

betveen Monteria and Magangué, aS others. Much

attention is paid to agriculture, maize, rice, bananas,

coffee, cocoa, sugar, tobacco and coiton being raised

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en a large scale, whíle cattle breeding anci faitening

is a big and growing industry, a considerable export

trade with adjoining departments and Panarna existing.

The breeding

oí horses, donkeys and ¡tules is anotlier

iniponant branch

industrv. From the forests timber

for building purposes and cahinez making, as well as rnatcrials, and dyewoods, resins and medicinal

plants, togetlier with a little ruhber are derived. Ten

gold mines are heing worked. Industrial activity is

rnostly centred

at Cartagena (pepulatirin,

36,632 ,


capital. rlic departmenta] reventie is 526,580 do]lars

goid, and that of thc fifty-fonr municipalities 269,989

dollars goid.

Thc provinces are . (1) Cartagena, population 82,700;

(2) Carmen, 46,300; (3) Corozal, 39,500; Chinu, 50,200:

(4) Sincelejo, 44,400 (5) Snu, capital Lorica, 81,600

(6) Mompós, 39,700 , (7) Magangué, 31,200. I3esidcs

these there are tlie \Vcst Indian islands oí

San André de

Providencia and Providencia, which ma) becorne oí great

importance on the opening of tlie Panarna Canal, váth a

united population oí 5,300, mostly English-speaking

negrees and m ulat tos.


a depaxtrnent of irregular shape, about 350

miles long by 150 broad, is bounded Qn the north by

Santander and tite Repuhlic of Venezuela, on tite south


 Meta, on the west by Cundinairiarea aud Antioquía,

and contains 17,654 square miles. with a population oí

586,199, tnostiv lnclians and mestizos. It líes chiefly

en the elevated plateaux of tite Eastern Cordillera,

witit a narrow tongue oí plains hctwccn Venezuela and

Meta. Its population is prtncipallv engaged in eultivating

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raising wheat, barley, maize, alfalfa,

potatoes, heans, garden vegetables, a very little coffee

and sugar, cattle and horses. Tite river Suarez is


ble between Chiquinquira (capital oí the province Occi-

dente, population 14,500) and Lake Fuquene. ]'here

are no railways, but probably the best road



Repuhlic unites Tunja vith Bogotá. 104 miles long a

branch road connects Duitarna (population 9,900) with

Sogamoso, a ver


 ancient and interesting town, lormerly

the headquarters

the Chibchas priests, who dwelt

in palaces roofed with goid. A road is now in con-

struction which


unite the districts


(population 2,127). Sachica (960), and Chiqurnquira.



can-ied on in small way over an extensive

atea. There are eleven goid mines in working order,

twelve silver, ten copper, seven mixed, thrce qiiicksilver,

two marble quarries, while 157 emerald mines have been

 denounced, ox' pre-ernpted. Asphalte is being worked,

though in insignificant quantities, and thom are sal(

works at Chita, Muneque, Chameza, Pajarito, Recetoz,

Mongua, Paulo, Chaquipay and Pizarra. The industries

carricd on are chieily spínning and weaving

oí cotton

and wool, tanning, and milling. The capital is Tunja

  8,600 feet abo


e sea-level, population 8,407 , the ancient

northern capital oí the Chibchas. At une time it alrnost

rivalled Bogotá and stil contains rnany fine oid buildings,

including the Cathedral, Bishop's palace and the

University. There are three public libraries in tite city,

and tite department spends sorne 20,000 dollars gold

annually on education, yet the Bo


acan population

is said to be both fanatical and illiterate The

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depart mental income is 352,S3Sdcllars gaid, including a


oí 222,400 dollars


the Governrnent.

The municipalities have a united income

186 223

dollars goid.

ile provinces are: 1) Centro capital Tunja), popa-

lation 68,000; 2) Marquez capital Ramiriqui, 10,765),

59,300 , 3) Occidente capital Chiquinquira, 68,300);

 4) Rcaurte Moniquira, 10,800), 3,400; 5) Oriente

 Guateque, 7,000), 42,700 ; 6) Valderama Jerico,

5,200), 25,600; 7) Norte Soata, 10,700), 46,600; 8)

Gutierez (Cocuy. 7,700), 44,800; (9) Nunchia (Nunchia)1

14,900; 10) Neira Miraflores, 19,150), 55,300; 11)

Sugainuxi Sogamoso, 14,700), 68,500; 12) Tundama

(Santa Rosa, 5,400), 56,900 ; am] the territory oí \ asquez,

1 800 .


a central, mounlainnus district, bounded cm

thc north b


Anticquia, froni whic.h it vas only recently

separated, on the east b y

Cundinamarca, on the south

by Cauca ami


the west by the territory

the Choco

has an arca oí 7,915 square miles and a population oí

345,000, almost entirely whites. The long rango oí the

\Vestern Cordillera, with its perpetually snow-capped

peak-s, shuts it off from the densely forested, darap and

intensely hut Choco, and on tite epposite boundary

the land siopes down te the valiey

the Magdalena,



tite forests and plaius tite .temperature rangos



and 30° centigrade. The river Cauca

traverses he district from south to north, almost

cutting it in two. Both the Magdalena and auca

are navigable by small steaniers, and their tributarles,

La Vieja, the Risarada, and La Miel, are also use.d as

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highways. Apart from this, the onl


 means for

intercomrnunication is b


 rneans oí a few mule tracks

and footpaths, recognised roads being non-existent.

The people who partake oí

the sturdy qualities


Antioquians, devote most

their energies L o ag i-iculture

aud mining. Heavy and varied crops are raised. On

the siopes oí

the Cordilleras wheat, barle


, maize and

potatoes are grown largcly on the lower siopes, pro-

tccted by forests, coffee, yuca, plantains and ground

nuts receive most attention, while in the lower hot

valleys sugar-cane, tobacco, cocoa and pasturage


C attle raising isa grow ing industry. A considerable com -

merce exists in preparing paim straw and varions libres

for the manufacture

oí hats sacking nd cordage Owing

to Ihe recent separation of Caldas from Antioquia statis-

tics are deflcient as to the exact position í


but 2,610 mines have been pre-empted, and there are

extremely rich aliuvium in most oí the river valleys.

Manizales is the capital. Thc departmental revenue is

466,192 dollars goid, a considerable portion is derived

from fue tax on alcohol.

The provinces are 1) Manizales, population 74,753;

 2) Salamina, 62,842; 3) Riosucio, 78,731 ; 4) Pereira,

92,551 5) Manilanda, 36,728.


is bounded on the north by El Valle and Tolima

en ihe east by the Huila and Caqueta, on the south by

Nariño, and on the west by he Pacifie; it has art area oí

21 882 square miles and a population oí 211 800 oí whom

only a little over 25 per cent. are whites. Much oí the

territory lies between the W estern and C entral Cordilleras

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and though the climate is coid on tite higlilands, in the

beautiful vallcy


the Cauca it is temperate to hot.

Ile whole country is fertile, even the volcanic siopes oí

the higher peaks are covered by rich pastures, The

navigable rivers are the Cauca, the Micay, the Tirnbiqui

from the Pacific to tIte town

that name, the Saija

from thc Pacific as far as Cupi, the Guapi, and for srnall

boats thc Guaju, thc Ternuy, the Caqueta, the Orteguasa,

Palo, Hato, La Paila, Caguán, Desbaratado and several

others. Mdc and pack tracks are few and poor, but a

contraci has been signed for the prolungation í

th e

Pacific Railway through the country to Popayan.

Agriculi uve is thc chiei indusiry, wheat, maize, yuca,

plantains, coifee, sugar-cane, potatoes, beans, cocoa aud

tobacco being raised, while cattle is bred and fattened

on the pastures oí

Puracé, Timbio-and other distncts.

Mining is oí sorne importance, goid ami p]atinurn being

exporteci Between 1895 ami 1912, 4,106 mines have

been denounced Much goid afluviurn is tu be

ound in the valleys. The forests, in certain parts quite

dense, produce a little rubber. l'opayan is the capital.

The departmental revenues amount tu 155,29S dollars

goid, oí

which 41,312 dollars (together with 9,798 con-

tributed by rnuniczpalitics) is devoted to edacation. The

twenty-i nc murucipalities have a united incorne

oí about

69,908 dollars goid.

Thcre are fis-e provinccs (1) Caldas (capita) Bulivar,

population 17,800), populatiun 47,SO0; (2) Carn10

Torres (capital Caloto, 8,600), 39,800; (3) Popayan.

67,800; (4) Santander (popuiation


capital, 9,900),

24,700 ; 5) Silvia capital

same narne, 10,000 , 31,800.

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a central district oit ihe higher A nclean

plateau, is boundcd on the north by Boyacá, on the

east by Boyacá and Meta,


the south by Meta and

Huila, and on the west by Tolima and Caldas; it has an

arca oí 5.629 square miles, and a population

oí 714 000


whom slightly lcss than haif are whitcs \Vhi e about

a third í

the department is occupied by tite higher

piateau, including thc Sabana

oí B ogotá and its surround-

mg mountains, where the clirnate ranges from the cool

to tite frigid rcgions oí perpetual snow, two-thirds are

en the slopes anci in the vailay oí the Magdalena and

the rniddle watershed

oí thc Orinoco, whcre the climate

shades from the temperate to the tropical. Corresponding

with these changes oí elevation and climate are great


physical features and vegetation. On one

hand ss'c have the rugged aud arid mountains,



other the densa vegetalion oí

the tropies, interspersed

by grassy plains. Apart froni tite %Iagdalena, vluch is

navigable Sor stcazners which ply between the ports oí

Girardot population 4,471), Guataqi.0 693), and Beltran

(941), there are few rivers

importance, niost are mere

rnountain torrcnts. The river Bogotá, crossing the

sabana near the capital, forrns the great Tequendama

lail oí 430 It. Thc population is fairly seattered, there

being 110 municipalities, in nona oí which, outside oí

Bogotá, do the inhahitants much exceed 6,000. While

the population is engaged in most branches

oí trade and

industry, agracuiture absorbs the attention

the greater

number. The latid round about Bogotá and other

large towns is well cultivateci, producing fruit and vege-

tables. [he crops, however, cover almost the wholc

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°t r




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the cultivated plants ; wheat, barley, maize,

beans and potatoes in the higher regions , co1ee of

renowned quality on tiLe slope.s sugar, cocoa, bananas,

tobacco azul tropical fruits in the valleys ; cattle


on the sabana and on the llanos oí dic Orinoco watcrshcd

and large herds

pigs are raised. Considerable attention

is paid (o mining. Iran is mmcd in the provinces of

Facatativa and Zipaquira; goid and silver is iTound

widely d)stributed, as well as copper, lead, coa], jasper,

rock crystal and asphalte. Salt production is an irnport-

ant industry in four or more provinces Although

there are considerable forest lands, the production

[ron thesc is not great. Tite dcpartrnent is served by

four railways : (1) The Northcrn, 39 miles long, un¡-

,in-Bogotá ;vith Chia, Cajica, Zipaquira and Nemocon


The Sabana Railway, 25 miles, unitirtg dic capital

with Fontibon, Mosquera, Madrid and Facatativa

  3 ) Ile Southem, 19 miles, ninning out to Boa, Soacha

and Sibate; (4) The Girardot, ninning from Facatativa

through Zipacon, Anolaima, La M esa, Anapoim a, Tocaima

to Girardot.

Bogotá, capital oí the Republic aud of ihe departinent

(altitude ay

er 5,000 ft.), has a population of 121,000.

 Fue departmental incorne amounts to 949,348 dallan

goid, of which 137,412 dallan are devoted to education

The provinces are (1) Bogotá, population 165,400;


Chciconta (capital oí same name, popdation 9,900),

45,700 , (3) c;uavio (Gacheta, 32,500),

44,200 ; 4)

Facataswa, 77,500 ;


Girardot (10,400), 22,200;


Guaduas (10,600), 77,700; (7) Guatavita (6,300),

23,800; (8) Oriente (Caqueza, 10,000), 54,900



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Tequendama La Mesa. 11,200), 38,100; 10) Ubate

 9,600), 52,600; 11) Zipaquira 10,000), 60,900; 12)

Sumapaz Fusagasuga 13,500), 31,200.


bounded cm thc north by Caldas and the

Choco, cm dic east by Tolima, on tite south by Cauca,

and oit thc wcst by the Pacifie. It has -an urea oí 4,179

square miles, and a pOpulaton of 217,159, about 50 per

cerfl. oí whoTn are whitc. Tite main stretch between tite

\Vcstern and Central Cordilleras has a gentie siope down

to the Cauca river, with an altitude

from 3,000 to

5,500 It. abo


e sea-leve1, and cnos an equable. warrn

clirnate. It is well wooded and tite vegetation luxurious,

al] kinds oí fruits

the temperate and warrn zones



¡urge quantities and to wondcrful size. Oit

the rich pastures cattle thrive amazingly. Cultivation

Ls carried lar np the foot-hiUs, consequently the produce

vares, including rice, maize, potatoes, beans, coffee,

cocoa, tobacco, plantains, sugar-cane, etc. Mining is

destined to become an exterisive industry. Al. prescnt,

claims have bccn liled br 446 gotd. 30 platinum. 165 gold

and silver mines, and otie each oí einery, talc, copper

and ircn. Coa] is also mmcd, and there are large

deposits oí rock crystal. Tite Cauca, Vieja, Da-un,

Anchicaya, Raposo, Cajambre, Naya and Juramangui,

vhich are all mere or lcss navigable, posscss aurifcrous

alluviums. Cali is tite capital

The provinces are Cali, population 48,5S2; Palmira


oí sanie name, 24,312). 46,632; Buga capital

oí same name, 11,578), 31,728 Tuluá capital oí sanie

narne, 10,825),

27 077

Roldantilo capital oí saíne nam e,

9,196), 28,451, Cartago capital

oí sanie narne, 18,618),

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24,115; and Buenaventura capital of sarne name, 6,47 6),


HUILA 1 baunded on the north by Cundinamarca,

on the east by Meta and Caqueta, en he south by Cauca,

on the wcst by

auca and Tolima. It has an arca oí

8,687 squarc miles and a population of 15S391. Like

rnost oí tite central districk it enjoys marked difíerences

oí pliysical features and climate. The low-lying parts

fringmg tite Magdalena :utd east

that river, are hot

and humid, and malaria is prevalent. On 11w fcot-hifls

tite climate is pleasant, and higlier up coid. Over hall

nf tlie arca is Governmcnt forest and mauntain land.

CattIe raising is weB developed. Wheat, maize, rice,

cofíce sugar and tohacco crops are raised en a big scale.

Four quartz mines are worked in tite Organos reigon,

while tite auriferous deposits oí the Magdalena, Vaguara.

Baché and A ipe also receive attention. Astnall beginning

has bern inade in spinning and weaving bcth eotton

and wool but the manufacture uf tite so-called Panamna

straw hats isa considerable indus(ry. Neiva, tlie capital,

is at 1,470 feet abc


ve sea-level, has ant even temperature

of 27°C. and a population

21,852. It has a largo

pub1ic market and is art irnportamm t centre of connmerce.

Thc departmental revenues arnount to 152 400 doliars

gold, and those of tbe twenty-nirie mur.icipalities Lo

140,034 dollars.

Tite provmnces are


eiva, populatior. 72,039

Carzon (capital oí same name, 10,787), 59,523, and La

Plata capital of same narne, 5,130 ), 26,627 .

MÁ GL IALE NÁ, is boundcd on tite north by tite Atlantic

Occan, on tite east by thc GuIf and tite Republie oí



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V enezuela, en

the soutb by Norte de Santander, and on

the west by Bolívar and the Atiantic. it has an arca

oí 20,463 square miles and a pcipulation

í 149 547

including the Comisait of Goajira, 212,560. It is

rnostly a low-lying alluvial country, watered by tite

Magdalena, tite Cesar and many otiter minor rivers, hut

en the eastern border ihere are he foot-hilis and thc

heights oí tite JLasteru Cordillera, and, shutting off the

Goajira Península from the rest í

he departmcnt,

the great mass oí

the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta,

dic snow-clad top ro which the rango owes its name, with

a base of sonto 5,000 squarc miles, and rising al one peak

te 19.000 fi. Apari from these lngher districts, the

climate is hot and daznp, in sorne parts of he Magdalena

valley reaching tite

tierra ardiente

degree. Coifee, cocoa,

sugar and bananas are tite principal crops raised, but

most other vegetables and fruits can be grovn within the

borders. There is sorne rninmg in tite rnountains and

along he rivers. Tite capital is Santa Marta population

5,348), tIte okiest city in Colombia, at ono time a busv

port, now again rising into importance.

The provinces are Santa Marta, 70,903; Padilla

 capital Riohacha, 4,426), 20,250, Valledupar


24,077; Banco, 20,141 ; Sur capital Rio de Oro, 5,894),

13 776

N.i<tÑo is houndcd on the north by Cauca, on the casi

by Caqucta, on he south by tIte Putumayo and Ecuador,

and on the west by he Pacific ocean. It Itas an arca oí

10,039 square miles, and a population oí 292,535. It

may be divided hito three clistinet zones 1) lying

between the Western anci Eastern Cordilleras, ¡flore or

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less mountainous, occupyirtg almost a third of tite area,

arid tluckly populated, two-thirds of the people heing

¡ndians or mestizos. This part is veII watered by tite

nas'igabie Patia, tite Mayo, Juanambu, Fasto and

Guaitara, aud produces potatoes, bade


, rice, cocoa,

igar and rubber. (2) Tite \Vestern slope down tú the

Pacific, rather more (han a third of thc departrnenz,

vhich is dense forest, except for a small zonc fringing

the toad from tite high plateaux to the coast. This

part is ¿tisú ske.11 watered by the navigabie i-ivers Patia

Guapi, Iscuande, Telembi, Tapaje, Mira, Mataje, and

numeroas other streams opon tú hoats and canoes. (3)

TIte Eastern portion is coinposcd o f foot-Itilis and valicys

with dense forests wherein noam many vild Indian tnibes.

llene are kw whites. Road-making has been carnied

on w ith great cncrgy iii tite department. and fair highways

un patlts exist hetwecn Pasto and La Cruz, 56 miles

Pasto and tite Cauca, 495 miles Pasto to l'uqucrres,

49 miles Pasto to ¡piales, 541 miles: Tuquerres Lo

Barbacoas, 99 miles and Pasto tu Moeoa, 72 railes.

Agriculture is thc chicf industry, btu ihene are great

possibilities as regands mining .

2 452

quartz anci alluvial

mines have been denounced, btu only six are bein

systematically worked, tive of them being Colombian

companies. Pasto, the capital, ¡les 8,655 ft. aboye

sea-level The departmental revenues aniount tú 738,325

dollars goid, and those of forty-eight municipalities

390.504 doilars.

Thc provinces are : Pasto, 74,425 Tuquerres (capita]

of sanie name, 15,652), 58.742; Obando (capital ¡piales,

14,615), 64,387: Juanambu (capital La Unten. 9,139),

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26,633 La Cruz (capital oí sarne name, 9,451), 28,192;

Barbacoas (capital oí sarne name, 7,840), 17,833; and

Nuñez capital Tum aco, 11,70 2), 22,34 1.

NORTE DE S NT NDER is boundcd


the north and east

by Venezuela, on the south by Boyacá, on the west by

Santander and Magdalena. It has an arca



squarc miles and a population

204,381. It is traversed

by spurs


the Central and Eastern Cordilleras, the

temperature failing to


F. on the barren paramos oí

Bagueche, Tamar, Tierranegra and Cachiri, ¡md rising

to 89 F. in the valleys oí Zulia, Catatumbo and Sarare.

As might be expected the crops, which are the leading

sources oí wealth

oí tite department, vary greatly, ranging

from potatoes ami wheat to coffce and cocoa. Goid,

silver, copper, ¡ron, lead ¡md coal are mmcd, ¡md petro-

leum wells also exist. The Zulia is navigable by steam

launehes, and the Catatumbo and Tarra by boats. A

great northern toad is in course oí construction, ¡md is

now open from the capital to Puente San Rafael. San

José de Cucuta (population 20,364), the capital, lies

984 ft. abo

ye sea-leve], enjoys a mean temperature oí

84° F., has svide, tree-shaded streets, ¡md good markets.

It 15

united to Puerto Villamizar on the Zulia by a railway .

The departmental revenues are about 218,340 dollars


The provinces are: Ocafia (capital í

same name,

16,814), 63,816; Pamplona (capital

í same name,

14,834 ), 43,362; C ucuta 20,34 6), 97,203.


is bounded on (he north by Magdalena

and Norte de Santander, on the east by Boyacá, on the

south by Boyaca, and on the west by Antioquia and

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Bolivar. It has an arca of 19,161 square miles and a

population oí 400,084. lis physical features, clirnate

and agricultura] conditions are much he same as those

of the Norte de Santander, though it has more extensive

low-lying plains watered by he Sogamoso and the

Suarez. The Sogamoso, Lebrija and Carate are navigable

by small boats. A good but short road is open between

Bucaramanga and Florida. Guid, silver, copper, talc and

asphalte are found in the district, the Rio de Oro liaving

rich auriferoas dcposits.

\Vhcat rice, coifee, sugar, cocoa

and tobacco are he principal crops. Bucaramanga

 population 19,735), the capital, lies in a vallcy, 3,153 ft.



e sea-level, with a variation of temperature

between 64° F. and 88



This department has a revenue estimated at 312,940

dollars fzold, which is insufficient o rneet fis expenditure.

lic municipalities have revenues amounting to about

50,000 dollars.

The provinces are: Bucaramanga, 72,029; Charala

 capital of same name, 9,861), 24,943; Malaga capital

of same name, 7,630), 42,500; Piedecuesta 8,076),


212; San Andres 12,721),

27.725; San Gil 9.965).

4 4 .4 1 9 ; Socorro 1 1 ,427), 4 0,798; Vélez 8,637), 76,4 53;

Zapotoca 1 0,598), 57,073.

ToLIMA ¡5 botrnded


the north by Antioquia, on the

east by Cundinamarca and Huila, and

en the west by

Cauca aud Valle. It has an arca of 10,811 square miles

aM a population of 282,426. This peculiarly long-shaped

district has the Ce ntral Cordillera for its western boundary,

ihe land hen sloping eastward t

the Magdalena On

these lowlands he c]imate is ratlicr warm, bul the

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lains lend themselvcs admirably tu eattle farrning, a

large herid of cattle being raised, of ten many thousand

en one farm. On the foot-hilis geod cocoa, coffee and

tobacco is grown. The upper part

the Cordillera is

given over to agriculture, coffce and ethor crops being


Mining is cxceptionally well developed, sorne

sixty properties being worked br gold or silver. Most

oí (he rivers are auriferoas The department enjoys

che advantage

bctng tapped by thc Dorada Railway;

the Magdalena: (he Saldaña, open te steam launches;

the Ata and Cucuaria rivers, open to small boats , and (he

QinndLo mule paUi. Tobacco, textile and hat faetones

carrv en a fionrishing trade. Ibagué, the capital, 1,262 fr.

high, with a population of 24.566, is the cltief centre oí



. 'rlie departrnent have an incorne of 395,843

cloilars goid, and tite municipalities (oí vhich there are

thirty-six), oí

12 5 004 d oilars.

The provinces aro Ibagué, 54,776 ; Citadas (capital

Guamo, 15,345), 135,558; Honda (8636), 23,980;

Libano (16,I86). 43,935; and Ambalerna (6,599), 24,127.

CHoco (Intendencia), is a cornparatively narrow slip

bounded on the north by dic Cali oí Darien, un the east

by A nttioquia C aldas and Valle


the south


El Valle

and un (he west by the Comisaria

Jurado ami Panarna.

it is a densely forested siope down from the Western

Cordillera, and is intensely hot ami very darnp, for it

rains nearly al (he ycar round. It has an arca oí 15,033

square miles and a popuiation

68 12 7 mostly negroes

and mulattoes. l s

chief products are golci, platinurn,

rubber, ivory nuts, dyewoods, timber, cocoa, and salted

fish. There LS no douht vast vealth ¡u (he fcrests, and

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also in the aurifereus rivers. Twenty mines are beiTlg

worked and SSO liave beert explored. Qtubdo popuia-

non, 15,756), the capital, lies inland, 138 it. abo


e sea-

leve1, surrounded by liili. Fhe rapidity of its growth

is shown bv tlic fact that in 1903 its popuiation \vas



 4,000. The provinces are \trato and San Juan.

A kw


ears ago a Comisaria vas carved out oí tite

coastal strip froru the frontier oí Par.ama to the river

San Juan, ard is named


This strip is coveted

by the neighbounng Republic and, as it was a constaiil

cause of dispute, it vas considered advisable to place it

dircctl y

 under tite jurisdiction oí the executive at Bogotá,

which is represented locall y

 by a Corn;sario


Comisaria), is a peninsula, almost entirely

surronndcd by the Atlantic and thc GuIE oí Venezuela.

It has an area

oí 5,019 miles. Along tlie GuIE oí Vene-

zuela fuere is a range uf tlie foot oí tite. C entral Cordillera.


the rest oí dic district is low-lying forest land,

inhabited chieliv by Indians, who gather forest products

and raise a useful breed of horses. Tite population oí

the Coniisci;t is 53,013,


capital San Antonio. It

is divided into rlie c1itricts or Seccions)



Occidente and Sur.


Intendencia), a large track

country, 85,323

square miles in exient, beunded on tite north by Boyacá

and Venezuela, on thc east b


 Venezuela, on thc south

by the tcrritory

Caqueta and


the ;vcst by huila

ami Cundinamarca. It slopcs from tite Eastern Cordillera

foot-hilis to the Guainia and Orinoco rivers. Winle ihe

svesterri and southern par-,s are wooded, ¡he rewainder

are rolling llanos, covered with coarse and infenor grass.

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A considerable arnount

cattle is raised, bat it is oí poor

quahty. Mucli í

the land is still unexplored. Its

chicf trade millet is by the Meta, through Venezuela

to the Atlantic. It is divided hito threc provinces

Villavicencio, population 4,774 ; San Martin, 3,444;

and Orccué. 1,091.


number nf uncivilised Tndians

is estimated at 10,000.


is a vast territory oí 187,258, administered

as a Comisaria, forming part

oí the great maze oí


inountain, forest and rolling plains. It is travcrse.d

by dic Yapura river, has a population estimateci at


wliich 2,034 ichabit the capital, Florencia.

The other Comisarias are ARAUCA,

the western tongue

oí rnarshy llanos lying between Ro acá, Meta and


V,uPEs capital Calamar, 545), population

5,545; Uzt capital Acaudi, 1,476), 6,476;


 capital Pizarro, 5,657), 8,207; and the much disputed


capital Mocoa, 1,380), 31,380.