chapter nine: the rise of medieval culture culture and values, 8 th. ed. cunningham and reich and...

Chapter Nine: Chapter Nine: The Rise of Medieval The Rise of Medieval Culture Culture Culture and Values, 8 Culture and Values, 8 th th . Ed. . Ed. Cunningham and Reich and Cunningham and Reich and Fichner-Rathus Fichner-Rathus

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Page 1: Chapter Nine: The Rise of Medieval Culture Culture and Values, 8 th. Ed. Cunningham and Reich and Fichner- Rathus

Chapter Nine:Chapter Nine:

The Rise of Medieval The Rise of Medieval CultureCulture

Culture and Values, 8Culture and Values, 8thth. Ed.. Ed.Cunningham and Reich and Cunningham and Reich and


Page 2: Chapter Nine: The Rise of Medieval Culture Culture and Values, 8 th. Ed. Cunningham and Reich and Fichner- Rathus
Page 3: Chapter Nine: The Rise of Medieval Culture Culture and Values, 8 th. Ed. Cunningham and Reich and Fichner- Rathus

400 ce – 800 ceMonasteries are foundedWarring tribes migrate throughout

Europe following the collapse of the Roman Empire

Venerable Bede writes the Ecclesiastical History of the English People

The Old English epic Beowulf is createdCharlemagne battles the Spanish

emirate without conclusive Results; events gives rise to The Song of Roland

Page 4: Chapter Nine: The Rise of Medieval Culture Culture and Values, 8 th. Ed. Cunningham and Reich and Fichner- Rathus

800 ce – 1200 ce The feudal system becomes the dominant

social structure throughout Europe Charlemagne, a Frank, is crowned emperor of

the new Holy Roman Empire Charlemagne supports learning, monasteries,

and the writing of books The Ottonian period begins following the death

of Charlemagne William I (William the Conqueror) invades

England and becomes England’s first Norman king

The Romanesque style of architecture dominates European cathedral construction

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Charlemagne: Charlemagne: Ruler and Diplomat (742-814)Ruler and Diplomat (742-814)

Charlemagne: Charlemagne: Ruler and Diplomat (742-814)Ruler and Diplomat (742-814)

Papal Coronation– Leo III, Christmas 800– Revival of Western Roman Empire

Feudal Administration– Legal decrees– Bureaucratic system– Literacy

Foreign Relations– Byzantines, Muslims

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Charlemagne: Charlemagne: Economic DevelopmentsEconomic Developments

Stabilized the currency– Denier

Trade FairsTolerance of JewsJewish merchants and the Near EastTrade RoutesImport / Export Relationships

– Iron Broadswords

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Learning Learning in the Time of Charlemagnein the Time of Charlemagne

“Palace School” at AachenScholar-teachersCurriculum

– Trivium, quadrivium– Mastery of texts

Text reform– Literary revival = Liturgical revival

Literacy as prerequisite for worship

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Learning Learning in the Time of Charlemagnein the Time of Charlemagne

Alcuin of York– Corrected errors in the Vulgate Bible– Developed Frankish school system

Literacy and Women – Aristocratic women– Dhouda- not a nun but wrote a text on

Christian living– Illuminated manuscripts

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Benedictine MonasticismBenedictine Monasticism

Early monasticism– Varying monastic lifestyles– No predominate rule

The Rule of St. Benedict– “Magna Carta of monasticism”– Poverty, stability, obedience, chastity– Balance of prayer, work, and study– Horarium

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Horarium Monasticum2:00 A.M. Rise

2:10–3:30 Nocturns (later called Matins; the longest office of the day)

3:30–5:00 Private reading and study

5:00–5:45 Lauds (the second office; also called “morning prayer”)

5:45–8:15 Private reading and Prime (the first of the short offices of the day); at times, there was communal Mass at this time and, in some places, a light breakfast, depending on the season

8:15–2:30 Work punctuated by short offices of Tierce, Sext, and None(literally the third, sixth, and ninth hours)

2:30–3:15 Dinner

3:15–4:15 Reading and private religious exercises

4:15–4:45 Vespers—break—Compline(night prayers)

5:15–6:00 To bed for the night

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Women and the Monastic LifeWomen and the Monastic Life

Scholastica (d. 543)– St. Benedict’s sister

Brigit of Ireland (d. 525)Hilda, abbess of Whitby (614-680)Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)

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Monasticism Monasticism and Gregorian Chantand Gregorian Chant

Development of sacred music– Gregorian Chant– Ambrosian music– Mozarabic chant– Frankish chant

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Monasticism Monasticism and Gregorian Chantand Gregorian Chant

Gregorian chant and Carolingian reformGregorian characteristics

– Monophonic- one or many voices singing one single melodic line

– Melisma-extensive addition of a chain of intricate notes sung on the vowel sound of a single syllable

– Acapella-vocals no instrumentation– Cantus planus-plain song– Neums-notations used in Gregorian chant

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Liturgical Music Liturgical Music and the Rise of Dramaand the Rise of Drama

The Liturgical Trope– Verbal elaborations of textual content– Added to the long melismas– Aid in memorization– Origin of drama in the West

Quem Quæritis

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Medieval LiteratureVenerable Bede

– Father of English history– Ecclesiastical History of the English People

BeowulfHildegard of Bingen

 – Writer, painter, illustrator, musician, critic,

preacher– Scivias (The Way of Knowledge), Physica

(botany), Causae et Curae (illness & cures), Symphonia (hymns & songs), Ordo Virtutum

Roswitha -poet, playwright

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9.1 Hildegard of Bingen, “Vision of God’s Plan for the Seasons,” from De operatione Dei, 1163-1174

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The Morality Play: The Morality Play: EverymanEveryman

Links liturgical and secular dramaAllegorical, moralistic

– Instructs for moral conversionReligious themes

– Life as a pilgrimage– The inevitability of death (memento mori)– Faith vs. Free Will

Liturgical overtones

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The Legend of Charlemagne:The Legend of Charlemagne:Song of RolandSong of Roland

Charlemagne canonized 1165– Reliquaries and commemoratives

Epic poem– Charlemagne’s battle with the Basques (778)

– Chansons de geste (song of deeds), chansons d’histoire (song of history)

Oral tradition, jongleurs (wandering minstrels)

Military and religious ideals– 11th c. martial virtues and chivalric code

Anti-Muslim bias

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9.23 Reliquary of Charlemagne

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The Visual Arts:The Visual Arts:

The Illuminated BookThe Illuminated BookCarolingian manuscripts on parchmentGospel Book of Charlemagne

– Roman, Byzantine, Celtic stylesUtrecht Psalter

– Masterpiece of the Carolingian RenaissanceDagulf Psalter

– Carved ivory book coversCarolingian miniscule

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9.9 The four evangelists and their symbols, Palatine School at Aachen, early 9th century. Manuscript illustration from the Gospel Book of Charlemagne

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9.10 Drawing for Psalm 150 from the Utrecht Psalter, ca 820-840

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9.11 Crucifixion, ca. 860-870, carved ivory panel, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom

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Carolingian ArchitectureCarolingian ArchitectureCharlemagneCharlemagne’’s Palace at Aachens Palace at Aachen

Kingdom modeled on ancient RomePalace

– Large royal hall, lavishly decorated– Joined to chapel by a long gallery

Chapel– Church of San Vitale (Ravenna) as model– Altar to the Savior (liturgical services)– Chapel to the Virgin (reliquary)

Charlemagne’s Throne– “…this most wise Solomon.”

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Palatine Chapel (palace chapel of Charlemagne), 792–805. Interior of the octagonal rotunda and plan. Aachen Cathedral, Aachen, Germany.

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The Carolingian MonasteryThe Carolingian Monastery

Monastery as “miniature civic center”– Complexity of function and design– Center of life for rural populations

Saint Gall plan– Basilica style– Designed to house 120 monks, 170 serfs

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Plan for an ideal monastery, ca. 820. Saint Gall, Switzerland. Reconstruction based on original plan (44″ across, drawn to scale on vellum) in the Library of the Monastery of Saint Gall, Switzerland.

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The Romanesque StyleThe Romanesque Style

Large, “Roman-looking” architectureInfluenced by travel, expansion

– Pilgrimages Heavy stone arches

– Larger, more spacious interiors– Fireproof stone and masonry roofs– Church of Saint Sernin in Toulouse

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Church of Saint Michael (restored exterior), ca. 1001–1031. Hildesheim,


Church of Saint Michael (restored exterior), ca. 1001–1031. Hildesheim,


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Adam and Eve Reproached by the Lord, 1015. Panel of bronze doors, 23″ × 43″ (58.4 × 109.2 cm). Dom Museum of Saint Mary’s Cathedral,

Hildesheim, Germany.

Adam and Eve Reproached by the Lord, 1015. Panel of bronze doors, 23″ × 43″ (58.4 × 109.2 cm). Dom Museum of Saint Mary’s Cathedral,

Hildesheim, Germany.

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Saint Sernin, ca. 1080–1120. Toulouse, France.

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Floor plan,

Saint Sernin.

Toulouse, France.

Floor plan,

Saint Sernin.

Toulouse, France.

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9.19 Nave, Saint Sernin, ca 1020-1180, Toulouse, France

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The Romanesque StyleThe Romanesque Style

Exterior decoration (sculpture)– Lack of interior light– Portal (doorway)– Jamb, capital, trumeau– Tympanum (mandorla, archivolts)

Church of Sainte Madeleine at Vézelay

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9.20 Cathedral of Sainte-Lazare, west tympanum detail of Last Judgment, ca 1120-1135

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“Proclamation to the Shepherds,” folio 8 verso from the Lectionary of Henry II, 1007. Manuscript illumination on vellum, 16¾″ × 12⅝″ (42.5 cm × 32 cm). Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich, Germany.

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Chapter Nine: Discussion QuestionsChapter Nine: Discussion Questions

Explain the function of the Song of Roland as both religious and political propaganda during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. What values are extolled within the text that would serve religious and political leaders as they shape their culture? Do we, as a culture, subscribe to these same values today? Why or why not?

Why was Charlemagne so interested in developing literacy? Explain his motives and methods for establishing schools and supporting scholars.

Describe the role of the liturgical trope in the development of drama in the West. For example, how does one begin with the Quem Quæritis trope and arrive at Everyman? Explain the evolution of the art form.