chapter 9.2 the bill of rights

James Madison of Virginia Promised a bill of rights that would outline rights guaranteed to the people of America. Bill of Rights First 10 amendments of the U.S. Constitution

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Chapter 9.2 The Bill of Rights. James Madison of Virginia Promised a bill of rights that would outline rights guaranteed to the people of America. Bill of Rights First 10 amendments of the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution. Where is it located?. 1 st Amendment. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Chapter 9.2 The Bill of Rights

James Madison of Virginia Promised a bill of

rights that would outline rights guaranteed to the people of America.

Bill of Rights First 10

amendments of the U.S. Constitution

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Page 4: Chapter 9.2 The Bill of Rights

• Congress can not make any law prohibiting:– Religion• You can practice any religion you want…or none at all.

– Speech• You can say anything in public as long as you can prove that

it is true. – If you lie in public, that’s against the law

– Press• You can write things online, in newspaper, or in magazines

as long as it is true.– If it is a lie, that’s against the law

– Right of people to assemble• You can have a rally as long as it is peaceful

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In order to ensure a safe country, a person has a right to own a gun.

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In time of peace No soldiers from the military can be

forced to live among the citizens in their homes unless given approval by the homeowner.

Why is this in the Constitution? ▪ To keep Boston 1775 from happening again▪ British troops were moved into the houses in Boston

to keep the city from rebellion

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People have a right to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures without probable cause or a warrant in their: Persons ▪ You can’t be searched without a warrant

Houses▪ Your houses is off limits without a warrant

Papers and effects▪ Your car, documents, or any items you own are off

limits without a warrant▪ KEY = You must own it!!

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No person shall be tried in a court of law for the same crime twice. Called double jeopardy

No person shall be a witness against themselves

No private property can be taken by the government without just compensation Called eminent domain

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In all criminal prosecutions, the accused person has the right to speedy trial in the State and city in which the crime was committed.

In other words… If you break a law in Cleveland, you go

to court in Cleveland.

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If the crime you committed exceeds the value of $20, you have the right a trial by jury.

Why? You want a group of people to have to

find you guilty instead of one person (judge).

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Excessive bail is illegal $25000 for a bail for public intoxication

Excessive fines are illegal $25000 for a speeding ticket

Cruel and unusual punishment is illegal Cop beating up a person while arresting


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Rights given in the Constitution can not take away rights of others.

Example: If you yell at someone in public and call

them bad names▪ The 1st amendment does not protect you. ▪ Why?

The person you are yelling at has rights too.

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Any rights not written in the Constitution are reserved to the States.

In other words, If the Constitution does not say it, your state

can make a law to protect you.

Example: 2nd amendment – you can own a gun Ohio State Law▪ You must be 16!

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You must know all 10 of these for the test!!