chapter 9 – validating user input dr. stephanos mavromoustakos

Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

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Page 1: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Chapter 9 – Validating User InputDr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Page 2: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Chapter OverviewTo prevent your system from receiving invalid data,

it’s important to validate this data before you allow your system to work with it.

This chapter will cover:What is user input and why is it important to

validate it?What does ASP.NET 3.5 have to offer to aid you

in validating user input?How do you work with the built-in validation

controls and how do you create solutions that are not supported with the standard tools?

How do you send e-mail using ASP.NET?How do you read text files?

Page 3: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Getting Data from the UserThe input from the user can be sent to the web server

with two different techniques, GET and POST. The GET data is appended to the actual address of the page being requested whereas with the POST method the data is sent in the body of the request for the page (chapter 4).

With the GET method, data is added to the query string of a page. You can retrieve it using the QueryString property of the Request object (chapter 7). Imagine you are requesting the page:

The query string is id=34&catId=3. The question mark is used to separate the query string from the rest of the address. To access individual items in the query string, you can use the Get method of the QueryString collection (see below):

Page 4: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Getting Data from the UserDim id As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get(“id”)) `id is now 34

Dim catId As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get(“catId”)) `id is now 3

The POST method on the other hand gets its data from a form with controls that have been submitted to the server. Imagine you have a form with two controls: a TextBox called txtAge to hold the user’s age and a Button to submit that age to the server. In the Button control’s Click event you could write the following code to convert the user’s input to an integer:

Dim age As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(txtAge.Text) `age now holds the user’s age

Page 5: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Validating User Input in Web FormsNever Trust User InputASP.NET 3.5 comes with six useful validation

controls. Five of them are used to perform the actual validation whereas the final control – the ValidationSummary – is used to provide feedback to the user about any errors made in the page.

The validation controls can be easily hooked to other controls like the TextBox or a DropDownList; however, they also support custom validation controls

Page 6: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

A Warning on Client-Side ValidationNever rely on client-side validation to prevent

users from sending invalid data to your system. It’s easy to disable JavaScript in the browser, rendering the client-side validation useless. In addition, a malicious user can easily bypass the entire page in the browser and send information directly to the server, which will happily accept and process it.

Server-side validation, is the only real means of validation. It’s effectively the only way to prevent invalid data from entering your system

Page 7: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice- Using the RequiredFieldValidatorIn this exercise, you will create a user control

called ContactForm.ascx. It can be placed in a web page so visitors to your site can leave some feedback. In later exercises you will extend the control by sending the response by e-mail to your e-mail account.

Open your project and add a new user control in the Controls folder. Call it ContactForm.ascx. Make sure it uses a Code Behind file.

Switch to Design View and insert a table by choosing TableInsert Table. Create a table with eight rows and three columns.

Page 8: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice- Using the RequiredFieldValidatorMerge the three cells of the first row. To do this,

select all three cells, right-click the selection, and choose ModifyMerge Cells

In the merged cell, type some text such as “Get in touch with us”

In the first cell of the second row type the text Your name. Into the second cell of the same row, drag a textbox and call it txtName. Into the last cell of the second row, drag a RequiredFieldValidator from the Validation category. Finally into the second cell of the last row, drag a Button. Rename the button to btnButton by setting its ID, and set its Text property to Send.

Page 9: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice- Using the RequiredFieldValidator

Page 10: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice- Using the RequiredFieldValidatorClick the RequiredFieldValidator once in the

Design View and then open up its properties. Set the following properties on the control:

Save the changes and close the controlOpen Contact.aspx from the About folder and

switch to Design View.

Property Value

ErrorMessage Please enter your name

Text *

ControlToValidate txtName

Page 11: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice- Using the RequiredFieldValidatorFrom the Solution Explorer, drag the

ContactForm.ascx into the main content area of the page. Switch back to Markup View, and you see this control declaration:

<uc1:ContactForm ID="ContactForm1" runat="server" />

Save the page and then press Ctrl+F5 to open it in your browser.

Leave the Name text box empty and click the Send button. Note that the page is not submitted to the server. Instead, you should see a red asterisk appear in the row for the name field to indicate an error

Enter your name and click Send again. The page now successfully posts back to the server

Page 12: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice- Using the RequiredFieldValidator

Page 13: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

The Standard Validation ControlsFour of the five validation controls operate in the same way.

The last control, the CustomValidator allows you write custom functionality that is not supported out of the box.

The RangeValidator control enables you to check whether a value falls within a certain range. The control is able to check data types like strings, numbers, dates, and currencies.

The RegularExpressionValidator control allows you to check a value against a regular expression. Regular expressions offer a compact syntax that allows you to search for patterns in text strings. Regular expressions are complex, but VWD comes with a few build-in expressions that make it easy to validate values like e-mail addresses and zip codes.

The CompareValidator can be used to compare the value of one control to another value. This is often used in sign-up forms where a user has to enter a password twice to make sure they type the same password both times. Also, you can compare it against a constant value.

Page 14: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Extending the Contact FormIn this exercise, you extend the Contact form

and add fields for an e-mail address, a home phone number, and a business phone number. You will use the validation controls to ensure the e-mail address is in valid format, and that at least one of the two phone numbers is filled in. To make sure users enter a correct e-mail address, they are asked to enter it twice. If you don’t like this behavior, you can simply delete the row with the text box for the second e-mail address and ignore the CompareValidator.

Page 15: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Extending the Contact FormOpen ContactForm.ascx from the Controls folder again and

switch it to Design View In the second column, drag five additional text boxes in the

empty table cells between the textbox for the name and the Send button. From top to bottom, name the controls as follows

1.txtEmailAddress2.txtEmailAddressConfirm3.txtPhoneHome4.txtPhoneBusiness5.txtCommentsSet the TextMode property of txtComments to MultiLine and

then make the control a little wider and taller in the designer so it’s easier for a user to add a comment. You can also adjust the table’s column width to align the error message closer to the text box controls

In the first cell of the rows to which you added the TextBox controls, add the text as shown below:

Page 16: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Extending the Contact FormIn the last column of the row for the first email

address, drag a RequiredFieldValidator and a RegularExpressionValidator. In the last column of the row for the second email address, drag a RequiredFieldValidator and a CompareValidator. Finally, in the last cell for the comments row, drag a RegularFieldValidator.

For each of the validation controls, set the Text property to an asterisk (*) and the Display property to Dynamic. Then set the remaining properties for the controls as shown in the following table:

Page 17: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Extending the Contact Form

Page 18: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Extending the Contact Form

Control Properties you need to set

RequiredFieldValidator(for the first email address)



Please enter an email addresstxtEmailAddress




Please enter a valid email addresstxtEmailAddress

RequiredFieldValidator(for the second email address)


Please Confirm the email addresstxtEmailAddressConfirm

CompareValidator ErrorMessage:ControlToValidate:ControlToCompare:

Please retype the email addresstxtEmailAddressConfirmtxtEmailAddress

RequiredFieldValidator(for the Comments field)


Please enter a commenttxtComments

Page 19: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Extending the Contact FormStill in the Design View, click the RegularExpressionValidator once and locate its ValidationExpression property. When you click the property in the grid, the grid shows a button with ellipses. When you click that button you get a dialog box that allows you to select a regular expression.

Click Internet email address from the list. Click OK to add the property to the control

Page 20: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Extending the Contact FormSave all changes and close your browsers. Then

request Contact.aspx in the browser. Play around with the various validators and see how they work

Page 21: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

The CustomValidator and ValidationSummary ControlsThe CustomValidator allows you to write custom

validation functions for both the client (in JavasScript) and the server. This gives you great flexibility with regards to the data you want to validate.

The ValidationSummary provides the user with a list of errors that it retrieves from the ErrorMessage properties. It can display these errors in three different ways: using a list embedded in the page, using a JavasScript alert box, or using both at the same time. You control this with the ShowMessageBox and ShowSummary properties. Additionally, the DisplayMode property enables you to change the way the list of errors is presented. The default setting is BulletedList where each error is an item in a bulleted list, but other options are List (without bullets) and SingleParagraph

Page 22: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Sending E-mail Messages Under the Demos folder create a new file called Email.aspx. Make

sure it’s based on your own base page template. Change the page’s Title to E-mail Demo

Switch to the Code Behind by pressing F7 and at the top of the file, before the class definition, add the following statement:

Imports System.Net.Mail Add the following code to a Page_Load handler (add your email info): Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim myMessage As MailMessage = New MailMessage() myMessage.Subject = "Test Message" myMessage.Body = "Hello World" myMessage.From = New MailAddress(“[email protected]", "Sender Name")

myMessage.To.Add(New MailAddress(" [email protected] ", “Received Name"))

Dim mySmtpClient As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient() mySmtpClient.Send(myMessage) End Sub

Page 23: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Sending E-mail MessagesOpen web.config and scroll all the way down. Right before

the closing </configuration> tag, add the following:<> <mailSettings> <smtp deliveryMethod="Network" from=“Your Name &lt;[email protected]&gt;"> <network host=“" />

</smtp> </mailSettings>

</>Don’t forget to use your own name, email address and smtp.

Cyta’s is all changes and then request the page Email.aspx in

your browser. After a while you should receive an email message at the address you specified

Page 24: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

The CustomValidator and ValidationSummary ControlsThe CustomValidator allows you to write custom

validation functions for both the client (in JavaScript) and the server (using VB.NET or C≠).

The ValidationSummary provides the user with a list of errors that it retrieves from the individual validation control’s ErrorMessage properties. It can display these errors in three different ways: using a list embedded in the page, using a JavaScript alert box, or using both at the same time. You control this setting with the ShowMessageBox and ShowSummary properties. Additionally, the DisplayMode property enables you to change the way the list of errors is presented

Page 25: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Writing Client- and Server-Side Validation MethodsIn this exercise, you use the CustomValidator to ensure at

least one of the two phone numbers is entered. The validation is carried out at the client and at the server. Additionally, you see how to use the ValidationSummary control to provide feedback to the user

Go back to the ContactForm.ascx and switch it to Design View. Right-click the row with the Button control in it and choose InsertRow Below from the context menu

Select the three cells of the row, right-click them, and choose ModifyMerge Cells

From the Validation category, drag a ValidationSummary control into this cell

In the empty cell after the text box for the Home phone number, drag a CustomValidator control and set the following properties:

Page 26: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Writing Client- and Server-Side Validation Methods

Still on the Properties Grid for the CustomValidator control, click the button with the lightning bolt to switch to Events mode. Double-click the event ServerValidate to have VWD write an event handler for you. Add the following code:

Property Value

Display Dynamic

ErrorMessage Please enter your home or business phone number

Text *



Page 27: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Writing Client- and Server-Side Validation MethodsProtected Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) Handles CustomValidator1.ServerValidate

If txtPhoneHome.Text IsNot String.Empty Or txtPhoneBusiness.Text IsNot String.Empty Then

args.IsValid = True Else args.IsValid = False End If End Sub

Page 28: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Writing Client- and Server-Side Validation Methods Switch to Markup View of the user control and add the following block of

JavaScript code on top right before the table with the controls:<script type="text/javascript"> function ValidatePhoneNumbers(source, args) { var txtPhoneHome = document.getElementById('<%=

txtPhoneHome.ClientID %>'); var txtPhoneBusiness = document.getElementById('<%=

txtPhoneBusiness.ClientID %>'); if (txtPhoneHome.value != '' || txtPhoneBusiness.value != '') { args.IsValid = true; } else { args.IsValid = false; } }</script>

Page 29: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Writing Client- and Server-Side Validation MethodsSave all your changes and then request the

page Contact.aspx in your browser. Note that you can’t submit the form if you haven’t at least entered one of the two phone numbers. Also the ValidationSummary shows a list of all the problems with the data entered in the form.

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Practice – Writing Client- and Server-Side Validation Methods

Page 31: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Writing Client- and Server-Side Validation MethodsGo back to VWD and click the ValidationSummary

control in Design View. On the Properties Grid, change ShowMessageBox to True and ShowSummary to False. Also, set its HeaderText property to:

Please correct the following errors before you press the Send button.

Open the page in the browser again and click the Send button once more. Note that you now get a client-side alert

Page 32: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Sending mail from the ContactForm User ControlThis exercise shows you how to use email to send the user data from

the contact form to your own inbox. As the body of the email message, the code reads in a text file that contains placeholders. These placeholders are filled with the actual user data from the form and then sent by email.

Right-click the App_Data folder and choose Add New Item. Name the text file ContactForm.txt

Enter the following text in the text file:Hi there,

A user has left the following feedback at the site:

Name: ≠≠Name≠≠Email address: ≠≠Email≠≠Home Phone: ≠≠HomePhone≠≠Business Phone: ≠≠BusinessPhone≠≠Comments: ≠≠Comments≠≠

Page 33: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Sending mail from the ContactForm User ControlOpen the Code Behind of the ContactForm.ascx user control and

import the following namespace at the top of the file before the class definition.

Imports System.Net.MailSwitch to Markup View and add runat=“server” and id=“FormTable” attributes to the table element. This way you can hide the entire table when the form has been submitted.

<table class="style1" runat="server" id="FormTable">Scroll down to the end of the file and right after the closing </table> tag, add a label called lblMessage. Set its Text property to Message Sent. Hide the label by setting the Visible property to False

<asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server" Text="Message Sent" Visible="false"></asp:Label>

Switch into Design View and then set ShowSummary of the ValidationSummary back to True and ShowMessageBox to False. Next, double-click the Send button. Inside the event handler add this code:

Page 34: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Sending mail from the ContactForm User ControlIf Page.IsValid Then Dim fileName As String =

Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/ContactForm.txt") Dim mailBody As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName)

mailBody = mailBody.Replace("≠≠Name≠≠", txtName.Text) mailBody = mailBody.Replace("≠≠Email≠≠", txtEmailAddress.Text) mailBody = mailBody.Replace("≠≠HomePhone≠≠", txtPhoneHome.Text) mailBody = mailBody.Replace("≠≠BusinessPhone≠≠",

txtPhoneBusiness.Text) mailBody = mailBody.Replace("≠≠Comments≠≠", txtComments.Text)Dim myMessage As MailMessage = New MailMessage() myMessage.Subject = "Response from web site" myMessage.Body = mailBody

myMessage.From = New MailAddress(“[email protected]", “Bob") myMessage.To.Add(New MailAddress(" [email protected] ", “john"))

Dim mySmtpClient As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient() mySmtpClient.Send(myMessage) lblMessage.Visible = True FormTable.Visible = False End If

Page 35: Chapter 9 – Validating User Input Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos

Practice – Sending mail from the ContactForm User ControlSave all your changes and request

Contact.aspx in the browser. Enter your details and click the Send button. You’ll see the text Message Sent appear

Check your email account after a while; you should receive an email message