chapter 8 exceptions. topics errors and exceptions try-catch throwing exceptions exception...

Chapter 8 Exceptions

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Chapter 8



• Errors and Exceptions

• try-catch

• throwing Exceptions

• Exception propagation

• Assertions


• An exception represents an error condition that can occur during the normal course of program execution. – see Ch8Sample1

• When an exception occurs, or is thrown, the normal sequence of flow is terminated. The exception-handling routine is then executed; we say the thrown exception is caught.

Handling Exceptions

• We can increase our programs’ reliability and robustness if we catch the exceptions ourselves using error recovery routines we develop.

• One way to do this is to wrap the statements that may throw an exception with the try-catch control statement.

Catching Exceptions


= JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, prompt);

try {

age = Integer.parseInt(inputStr);

} catch (NumberFormatException e){

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, “’” + inputStr

+ ‘ is invalid\n”

+ “Please enter digits only”);

Execution Sequence

• Statements in the try block are executed in sequence.

• When one of the statements throws an exception, control is passed to the matching catch block and statements inside the catch block are executed.

• The execution then continues to the statement following the try-block statement, ignoring any remaining statements in the try block.

• If no statements in the try block throw an exception, the catch block is ignored. Execution continues with the statement following the try-catch statement.

try-catch Control Flow

• try-catch statement with one catch block.

Throwable Methods

• There are two methods of the Throwable class we can call to get information about the thrown exception:– getMessage– printStackTrace

Run-Time Stack

• The run-time stack is what is used to keep track of the methods that are currently being executed.

• When you call a method, the system puts the parameter data and the location the method was called from on the top of a data structure called a stack.

• When the method finishes, this data is removed from the stack and the calling method continues at the line the method was called from.

Throwing Exceptions

• An exception can be thrown in a program using the throw statement.

throw <a throwable object>– where <a throwable object> is an instance

of the Throwable class or its subclasses.

Catching Exceptions

• When there are multiple catch blocks in a try-catch statement, they are checked in sequence.

• It is important to check more specialized exception classes before the more general exception classes.

• When an exception is thrown, its matching catch block is executed and the other catch blocks are ignored.

try-catch Control Flow

• try-catch statement with multiple catch blocks.

Which catch Block?

• If none of the catch blocks matches the thrown exception, the system will search down the stack trace for a method with a matching catch block.

• If none is found, the system will handle the thrown exception.

The finally Clause

• If there is a block of code that must be executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown, we use the reserved word finally.inputStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, “”);try{

number = Integer.parseInt(inputStr);if (num>100) {

throw new Exception(“Out of bound”);}

} catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println(“Cannot convert to int”);

} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(“Error: ” + e.getMessage());

} finally { System.out.println(“DONE”);



• The finally block is executed even if there is a return statement inside the try block.– When the return statement is encountered in

the try block, statements in the finally block are executed before actually returning from the method.

try-catch Control Flow

• try-catch statement with multiple catch blocks and the finally block.

Propagating Exceptions

• When a method may throw an exception, either directly or indirectly, we call the method an exception thrower.

• Every exception thrower must be one of two types:– An exception catcher is an exception thrower that

includes a matching catch block for the thrown exception.

– An exception propagator does not contain a matching catch block.

• A method may be a catcher of one exception and a propagator of another.

Exception Propagation

• The figure on the next slide shows a sequence of method calls among the exception throwers.

• Method D throws an instance of Exception. The green arrows indicate the direction of calls. The red arrows show the reversing of call sequence, looking for a matching catcher. Method B is the catcher.

• The call sequence is traced by using a stack.

Exception Propagation

public A() {

try { B()

} catch (Exception e) { … }


public B() {

try { C()

} catch (Exception e) { … }


public C() { D();}

public D() {

if (cond)throw new Exception();


throws Clause

• If a method is an exception propagator, we need to modify its header to declare the type of exceptions the method propagates.

• We use the reserved word throws for this declaration.void C( ) throws Exception {...}

• Without the required throws Exception clause, the program will not compile.

• However, for the exception of the type called runtime exceptions, the throws clause is optional.

Propagating Exceptions

• Do not catch an exception that is thrown as a result of violating a condition set by the client programmer.

• Instead, propagate the exception back to the client programmer’s code and let him or her handle it.

Types of Exceptions

• All types of thrown errors are instances of the Throwable class or its subclasses.– Serious errors are represented by instances of the Error

class or its subclasses.

– Exceptional cases that common applications should handle are represented by instances of the Exception class or its subclasses.

Throwable Classes

• Partial inheritance hierarchy.

• There are over 60 classes in the hierarchy.

Types of Exceptions

• There are two types of exceptions:– Checked.

– Unchecked.

• A checked exception is an exception that is checked at compile time.

• All other exceptions are unchecked exceptions, – Also known as runtime exceptions.

Checked Exceptions

• If a method is a propagator of checked exceptions, the method must have the throws clause.

• When calling a method that can throw checked exceptions, do one of the following– use the try-catch statement and place the call

in the try block– modify the method header to include the

appropriate throws clause.

Checked Exceptions

• Callers of a method that can throw a checked exception must include the try-catch statement in the method body or the throws clause in the header.

void callerA() { try {

doWork(); } catch (Exception e) { … }void callerB() throws Exception { … doWork(); … }public void doWork() throws Exception { … throw new Exception(); … }

Unchecked Exceptions

•Callers of a method that can throw runtime exceptions may include the try-catch statement in the method body or the throws clause in the header.

void callerA() { try {

doWork(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { … }void callerB() throws RuntimeException

{ … doWork(); … }void callerC() { … doWork(); … }public void doWork() { … throw new RuntimeException(); … }

Catching Exceptions

• We must specify which exception we are catching in the catch block’s parameter list.

• In Java an exception is represented as an instance of the Throwable class or its subclasses.

• The Throwable class has two subclasses:– Error - the Error class represents serious problems that

should not be caught by ordinary applications.– Exception - the Exception class represents error

conditions that can be caught and handled.

Programmer-Defined Exceptions

• Instead of using generic exception classes, we can define our own exception classes and attach useful information to the exception objects.

• When creating a new customized exception class, define it as a checked exception to ensure client programmers handle thrown exceptions of this class in their code.


• Assertions provide a way to detect internal programming errors.

• The syntax for the assert statement isassert <boolean expression>;– where <boolean expression> represents the

condition that must be true if the code is working correctly.

• If the expression results in false, an AssertionError (a subclass of Error) is thrown.

Types of Assertions

• Precondition assertions check for a condition that must be true before executing a method.

• Postcondition assertions check conditions that must be true after a method is executed.

• A control-flow invariant is a third type of assertion, under which control must flow to one of a number of particular cases.

Supervisor-Subordinate Design Pattern

• In a client-service design model, the client calls the method of a service object, and the service object carries out the requested operation.

• The supervisor-subordinate design pattern is similar to, but more sophisticated than, the client-service model.

Supervisor-Subordinate Design Pattern

• In the supervisor-subordinate design pattern, the supervisor object controls a subordinate object, but the subordinate can also call the supervisor’s method.

• To implement this design pattern, we must establish mutual references between the supervisor and subordinate.

Supervisor-Subordinate Example

class Supervisor {private Subordinate worker;public Supervisor ( ) {

...worker = new Subordinate(this);...


}class Subordinate {private Supervisor boss;public Subordinate(Supervisor boss) {

...this.boss = boss;...



Supervisor-Subordinate Design Pattern

• When a new supervisor object is created, the subordinate is created also, and the mutual references are established as follows: