chapter 7

Chapter 7 Health and Personality

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Your figure As quick assessment, remember that a figure is in its best proportion when the largest part of the bust and the largest part of the hips measure the same. Diet and exercise Beyond perfect posture and the use of illusion are figure flaws, and they must be addressed from within. A proper diet and adequate exercise can normalize weight quite rapidly while you are young and will establish healthful patterns for the remainder of your life.
  2. 2. Beauty of Exercise Muscles are not only necessary for a beautiful body, but for supporting the skeletal bones in a correct posture. To achieve those goals, both strengthening and stretching exercises are necessary. Visual poise Proper carriage is a result of practice. It is important to close your eyes and imagine your body in its newly defined posture and movement patterns.
  3. 3. Grace Grace is a quality every woman wants. It combines confidence with unself-consciousness. It is a quality that appears more often as a girl matures into young womanhood. Stand tall The head leads the body in all natural movements. To achieve good posture you must first discover your bad habits and reprogram your brain to become alert to the bodys correct positioning.
  4. 4. Fitness The most effective ways to sculp, strengthen and tone: Hire a trainer- a trainer can access your goals and customize your workouts. Combine cardio and weights- weight-training builds muscle and elevates the metabolic rate, so you will burn more kilojoules while your body is at rest.
  5. 5. Exercise in the morning- otherwise, you leave room for excuses, fatigue and scheduling conflicts. Do it with a friend- having friends join your exercise program will help maintain motivation on cold mornings, and also spreads the cost of a personal trainer. Push yourself- once you can do 12 to 15 reps easily, pick up heavier weights.
  6. 6. Follow through- meet with your trainer every three months to make sure you are reaching your goals. Mix it up- once you have started cardio and strength training, add other activities. Yoga and pilates can give you sleek, elongated physique. Be consistent- regular daily exercise will keep your body in shape and reduce stress levels. Get sweaty- for naturally glowing skin you need to work your heart and get your blood pumping.
  7. 7. Poise Stomach exercise Great for putting your snap back into abdominal muscles. Bosom exercise Just what you need for a lift.
  8. 8. 1. Hold up one arm, keeping the arm back. Inhale, Lean, forward, exhaling and bending from the waist. Hold a second. Then, inhale as you straighten. Repeat with other arm. Do this 6 times. 2. Place hands on back of chair, force shoulders down until back is in a straight line with neck and head. Hold for a moment. Then, resume original position. Do this 3 times.
  9. 9. 3.Sit on the floor, hands clapped behind head. Bend forward, point elbows at floor. Do gently at first. Eventually elbows should touch floor.
  10. 10. Perfect alignment To get the feel of perfect alignment, stand with your back against a wall with your heel about two inches from the wall. Press your head back flat against wall. Standing position Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other, the back foot turned out at a slight position. This pose shows your legs at their prettiest.
  11. 11. Walking A good walking posture consists of walking with toes pointed straight ahead, chin level, shoulders back and down, stomach pulled in and hips tucked under. Sitting As you walk up to the chair, turn and place the back of one leg against the seat. This serves as your guide to the position of the chair.
  12. 12. Getting in and out of cars Climb it sideways, stand beside the open door, facing the front of the car. Resting your hand on the door handle or window, bend your knee as you slide your nearest foot sideways. Slide the rest of your body into the seat. Pull in your other foot and move back into the seat. Bending gracefully When you want to pick up something, keep your back straight and excel and bend your knees to go down. Make your leg muscles push you up again. Pick up the object from one side, not from the front.
  13. 13. Standing Neck erect, chin parallel to floor Shoulder blade flat on the wall Abdomen flat Back curves not too much One foot slightly ahead of the other
  14. 14. Walking Toes pointing straight Arms brushing slightly on sides Walking along an imaginary straight line Feet parallel and close together No exaggerated hip movement Body not bouncing up and down
  15. 15. Sitting Lower self gracefully at the edge of the chair Move to back of the chair with easy motion Bag placed on lap, hands folded on one side Sit erect with back touching seat rest Legs crossed diagonal position Sit with knees close together Stand up by using leg muscles
  16. 16. A Balanced Diet Is one that contains all the nutrients needed by the body in the right amount in a single meal. These nutrients are found in six groups which are: Green and leafy vegetables, Vitamin C-rich fruits, Other fruits and vegetables, Fatty and oily foods, Protein-rich foods, Rice and other cereals
  17. 17. Nutrition 1. Make a plan 2. Give yourself a time 3. Eat balanced meals 4. Dont fall for fat-free 5. Dont forget healthy fats 6. Snack smartly 7. Clean up 8. Drink plenty of water 9. Cut down in takeaways 10.Beat the bloat
  18. 18. Tips on weight management 1. To lose a pound a week, cut 500 kal from your daily food intake or burn 500 kal a day thru physical activity. 2. Eat breakfast. Those who skip breakfast tend to overeat at lunch. 3. Reduce the serving portions rather than eliminate certain foods from your diet. 4. Consume more vegetables. 5. Have enough sleep.
  19. 19. Total wellness is always feeling good about yourself: W- workout E- enough sleep L- lifestyle modification L- limit sugar, salt, alcohol N- nutrition and balanced diet E- education S- stress management S- spirituality
  20. 20. Watch your figure The chart below gives the approximate weight for ones height and build.
  21. 21. Good eating habits Eat slowly and chew your food well. Begin lunch and dinner either with soup or salad, so you feel full and will not eat too much. Eat crisp leafy salads, with fresh fruits, meat, or seafood- your figures best friend. Avoid dried foods. Dont eat all the popcorn, potato chips, and other snacks while watching TV or movies. Eat only a little of the pies, cakes and
  22. 22. If you eat with heavy eaters, dont eat too much as they do. Eat at regular hours. Never skip a meal. Youll only b tempted to eat to much.