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© 2001World Meteorological Organization

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2001 Edition WMO No. 9, Volume D - Chapter 6 Page i

In order to maintain and improve the accuracy of the information in this publication please inform the WMO Secretariat ofany amendments relating to Volume D.

REGION: ....................................... DATE: .....................................................

COUNTRY: ........................................................................................................................................................................

PORT ........................................................................................................................................................................

ADDRESS: ........................................................................................................................................................................







TEL: ........................................................................................................................................................................

EMAIL: ........................................................................................................................................................................

FAX: ........................................................................................................................................................................

TELEX: ........................................................................................................................................................................

FORECAST SERVICES FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................




SERVICES FOR OTHER ACTIVITIES AT THE PORT:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................




ADDRESS(ES) FOR THE PROVISION OF THE SERVICES:..................................................................................................................................................................................................................




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2001 Edition WMO No. 9, Volume D - Chapter 6 Page iii

Form for updating Chapter 6 .............................................................................................................................i

Introduction in English ......................................................................................................................................1

Introduction in French .......................................................................................................................................2

Introduction in Spanish......................................................................................................................................3

Region I - Africa................................................................................................................................................5

Region II – Asia ................................................................................................................................................35

Region III - South America ...............................................................................................................................49

Region IV - North and Central America ...........................................................................................................59

Region V - South-West Pacific .........................................................................................................................89

Region VI - Europe ...........................................................................................................................................111

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2001 Edition WMO No. 9, Volume D - Chapter 6 Page 1

1. CONTENTSThis part contains information on specialized meteorological assistance available for marine activities.

According to WMO Technical Regulations, Marine Meteorological Services Available for Main Ports includes theprovision of Port Meteorological Officer (PMO) services, forecasts and warnings, climatological information on requestand, in addition, oral briefing and display of information. Details of these services are contained in the WMO Guide toMarine Meteorological Services (WMO No. 471).

This part gives information on the types of meteorological services available for main ports throughout the world and isbased on official notifications from the countries concerned. In addition to the address and telephone number of thePMO, the addresses from which forecast and other weather services can be obtained have been indicated wherever theinformation is available.

2. LAYOUTThe information is subdivided into sections corresponding to the World Meteorological Organization Regions, listed innumerical order:

Region I - AfricaRegion II - AsiaRegion III - South AmericaRegion IV - North and Central AmericaRegion V - South-West PacificRegion VI - Europe

Within each Region the countries are arranged in alphabetical order according to their English names.

3. ARRANGEMENTThe information for the various ports is presented under the following headings (when available):

COUNTRY: Tel:Email

Port: Fax:Address: Telex:

Forecast services for international shipping

Services for other activities at the port

Address(es) for the provision of the services

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1. CONTENUCette partie contient des renseignements sur l'assistance météorologique spécialisée destinée aux activités maritimes.

Selon le Réglement technique de l'OMM, l'Assistance météorologique aux activités maritimes fournie pour les grandsports comprend les services de l'Agent météorologique dans le port (AMP), des prévisions et des avis, desrenseignements climatologiques sur demande et, de plus, un exposé verbal et l'affichage de renseignements. Le Guidede l'assistance météorologique aux activités maritimes (Publication OMM N° 471) contient tous les détails concernantcette assistance.

Cette partie donne des renseignements sur les différents types d'assistance disponibles dans les principaux ports dumonde entier. Elle est constituée à partir des renseignements fournis officiellement par les pays concernés. En plus desadresses et des numéros de téléphone des AMP, on a indiqué, chaque fois qu'elles étaient disponibles, les adresses oùl'on pouvait obtenir des prévisions et tout autre assistance d'ordre météorologique.

2. PRÉSENTATIONCette partie est subdivisée en sections correspondant aux Régions de l'Organisation Météorologique Mondiale classéesdans l'ordre numérique:

Région I - AfriqueRégion II - AsieRégion III - Amérique du SudRégion IV - Amérique du Nord et Amérique centraleRégion V - Pacifique Sud-OuestRégion VI - Europe

Dans chaque section régionale, les programmes sont présentés dans l'ordre alphabétique des noms anglais des pays.

3. PRÉSENTATIONLes renseignements concernant les différents ports sont présentés sous les rubriques suivantes:

COUNTRY: = PAYS:Port: = Port:Address: = Adresse:Tel: = Tél:Email = EmailFax: = Fax:Telex: = Télex:







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2001 Edition WMO No. 9, Volume D - Chapter 6 Page 3

1. CONTENIDOEsta parte contiene información relativa a los servicios meteorológicos especializados referentes a las actividadesmarítimas.

Según el Reglamento Técnico de la OMM, los servicios meteorológicos para las actividades marinas facilitados en losgrandes puertos comprenden los servicios del agente meteorológico en el puerto, servicios de predicción y avisos, asícomo el suministro de información climatológica facilitada a petición de los interesados y, además, exposicionesverbales y la exposición mediante anuncios de información. La Guía de los Servicios Meteorológicos Marinos(Publicación de la OMM No. 471) contiene información detallada acerca de esos servicios.

La presente Parte contiene información sobre los diversos tipos de servicios meteorológicos para las actividades marinasdisponibles en los principales puertos del mundo entero, información basada en la que facilitan oficialmente los paísesinteresados. Además de las señas y números de teléfono de los agentes meteorológicos en los puertos, se han indicado,cada vez que se disponía de la correspondiente información, las señas en las que se podían obtener predicciones ocualquier otro servicio meteorológico para las actividades marítimas.

2. PRESENTACIÓNEsta parte se subdivide en secciones ques corresponden a las seis Regiones de la OMM clasificadas por ordennumérico:

Región I - AfricaRegión II - AsiaRegión III - América del SurRegión IV - América del Norte y CentralRegión V - Suroeste del PacíficoRegión VI - Europa

Dentro de cada sección, los países han sido clasificados según el orden alfabético de sus respectivos nombres en inglés.La fecha al lado del nombre del país es la de la comunicación de la información más reciente.


COUNTRY: = PaísPort: = Nombre del puertoAddress: = Las señas:Tel: = Número de teléfonoEmail = EmailFax: = Fax:Telex: = Número de telex






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Algeria - AlgériePort: ALGER

Tel: 751209 poste 4452754288


Address: Service météorologique,Aéroport Houari Boumedienne

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: ANNABATel: 822007Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Station météorologiqueAérodrome de Annaba les Salines

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: ORANTel: 387742



Address: Station météorologiqueAérodrome de Oran-es-Sénia

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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AngolaPort: LUANDA

Tel: 22076Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Serviço Meteorológico de Angola,Secçao Maritima

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Benin - BéninPort: COTONOU

Tel: 314601314602


Address: Chef, Service météorologique du BéninASCENA BP. 96, COTONOU

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Canary Islands (Spain) - Îles Canaries (Espagne)Port: LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA


Address: Centro Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Cape Verde - Cap Vert Port: S. Vicente

Tel: 2350Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Observatório Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Congo, Republic of the - Congo, La République duPort: POINTE-NOIRE

Tel: 940595 poste 34941025 poste 34941026 poste 34


Address: Centre météorologique secondaire de Pointe-Noire, B.P. 681

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Côte d'IvoirePort: ABIDJAN

Tel: 367171 poste 343Email:Fax:Telex: Météo Abidjan

Address: Chef, Service météorologique de la Côte d'Ivoire

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaïre) - République Démocratoqiue du Congo (Zaïre)Port: MATADI


Address: Monsieur l'Agent de liaison météorologique maritimeB.P. 254.

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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DjiboutiPort: DJIBOUTI

Tel: 350169Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Ministère des Transports,Service de l'Aviation civile et de la Météorologie, B.P. 121

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:



350101 poste 352/355Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Division Météorologique de l'Aéroport de Djibouti,B.P. 204

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: DJIBOUTI-SERPENTTel: 350004Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Station Météorologique de Djibouti-Serpent,B.P. 121

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Egypt - ÉgyptePort: ALEXANDRIA

Tel: 800100 Ext. 304Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. M.F.A. Abed, Chief,Meteorological Office,Passenger Maritime Station,Room 313,PORT OF ALEXANDRIA

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For special weather information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

Provided on request.

Port: PORT SAÏD Tel: 2101/2104 Ext. 4167Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Chief Observer,Meteorological Station

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For special weather information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

Provided on request.

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Tel: 3210032104


Address: Chef du Service météorologique

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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GhanaPort: TEMA

Tel: 812381Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: District Meteorological OfficerPort Meteorological Office, P.O. Box 652

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings contact Meteorological Office at the port.

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings of strong wind to port activities

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MadagascarPort: DIÉGO-SUAREZ

Tel: 22160Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Chef de la Station météorologique

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: MAJUNGATel: 2119Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Chef de la Station météorologique

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: TAMATAVETel: 32092


Address: Chef de la Station météorologique

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Port: TULÉARTel: 41037Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Chef de la Station météorologique

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Madeira (Portugal) - Madère (Portugal)Port:

Tel: +351 21 8483961 – ext.: 559/579Email: Internet: http://www.meteo.ptFax: +351 21 8402370Telex:

Address: No Port Meteorological Officers (PMO). All information is provided and furnished by Weather Forecast Centre from Instituto de Meteorologia:Instituto de MeteorologiaWeather Forecast CentreRua C ao Aeroporto de Lisboa1749-077 LisboaPortugal

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Mauritania - MauritaniePort: NOUADHIBOU

Tel: Météo NouadhibouEmail:Fax: Météo NouadhibouTelex: Météo Nouadhibou

Address: Chef de la Station météorologique

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Mauritius - MauricePort: PORT LOUIS

Tel: +230 86 1031/1032/1033Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Meteorological Officer,Meteorological Service, H.Q. VacoasPort Louis

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather forecasts through harbour radio for ships in port and vicinity; special bulletins during cyclonic conditions; gale and storm warnings; weather briefing when cyclone is likely to affect activities in port.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For special weather information contact Meteorological Service.

Services for other activities at the port:

Provided on request

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Morocco - MarocPort: AGADIR

Tel: 22242226


Address: Station météorologique, Aérodrome civil

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: CASABLANCATel: 361430



Address: Weekdays:Bureau météorologique,Capitainerie du PortOther days:CNEM, Centre National d'Exploitation Météorologique,Aéroport de Casablanca/Anfa

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: TANGERTel: 38624


Address: Station météorologique, Aérodrome

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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MozambiquePort: BEIRA

Tel: 722036Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Centro Meteorológico,C.P. 597

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: MAPUTOTel: 732071Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Centro Meteorológico, Aeropuerto de Maputo

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Nigeria - NigériaPort: LAGOS

Tel: 25521Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: The Director, Meteorological Department

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Reunion (France) - La Réunion (France)Port: POINTE-DES-GALETS



Forecast services for international shipping:06 UTC synoptic analysis on request; swell warnings; special bulletins during cyclone season.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts, warnings and other weather information contact the PMO (Tel. 420529).

Note: The information is supplied to the Port Meteorological Officer by the Principal Meteorological Centre, St-Denis (Le Chaudron)

Services for other activities at the port:

06 UTC synoptic analysis daily to harbour master; swell warnings and special bulletins also supplied to harbour mast

Port: SAINT-DENISTel: 0262 921 100Email:Fax: 0262 921 147Telex:

Address: Chef du Service météorologiqueB.P. No. 4, 97491 Sainte-Clotilde Cedex

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tomé-et-PrincipePort: SAO TOMÉ

Tel: 161, 163Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Serviço Meteorológico Nacional

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Senegal - SénégalPort: DAKAR

Tel: Standard: 23.10.41Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Service météorologique national, M.T.P.U.T., B.P. 4014, DakarAutomatic: 25.44(direct)

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; verbal briefings.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and information not available from the Harbour Master, contact the RSMC Dakar-Yoff,. Tel: 231041, Ext. 23.52, Telex 3288sg.

Services for other activities at the port:

Special warning bulletins available on request from the Harbour Master.

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Sierra LeonePort: FREETOWN

Tel: 26692Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: The Director, Meteorological DepartmentHeadquarters,F.18 Charlotte St.

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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South Africa - Afrique du SudPort: CAPE TOWN, PMO

Tel: (021) 9340450Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: DF Malan Airport, CAPE TOWN 7525

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: DURBANTel: (031) 424223/4Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Weather Office, Louis Botha Airport, DURBAN

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: PORT ELIZABETHTel: (041) 511795Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Weather Office, H.F. Verwoerd Airport, PORT ELIZABETH

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Sudan - SoudanPort: PORT SUDAN

Tel: 2500Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Meteorological Officer, Meteorological Office, Port Sudan Aerodrome

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Supply of daily and monthly values of meteorological parameters supplementing the reports made by port authorities.

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TogoPort: LOMÉ

Tel: 214806Email:Fax:Telex: Météo Lomé

Address: Service de la Météorologie nationale

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Tunisia - TunisiePort: BIZERTE

Tel: (02) 31711Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Station météorologique, Base aérienne de Bizerte/Sidi Ahmed

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological services for shipping and fishing provided to ship skippers and marine users. Services provided permanently from 06 to 18 UTC, everyday, holidays and Sundays included.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: GABÈSTel: (02) 31711Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Station météorologique

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological services for shipping and fishing provided to ship skippers and marine users. Services provided permanently from 06 to 18 UTC, everyday, holidays and Sundays included.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: LA GOULETTETel: (05) 20727Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port de la Goulette, Bureau d’assistance météorologique à la navigation maritime

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological services for shipping and fishing provided to ship skippers and marine users. Services provided permanently from 06 to 18 UTC, everyday, holidays and Sundays included.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:

Services for other activities at the port:

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Port: SFAXTel: (04) 48720Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Station météorologique, Aéroport de Sfax

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: SOUSSETel: (03) 61102Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Station météorologique, Aéroport de Skanes/Monastir

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: TUNISTel: 287400Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Institut national de la météorologie, Aéroport international de Tunis/Carthage

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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United Republic of Tanzania - République-Unie de TanzaniePort: DAR ES SALAAM


Address: Mr. H. C. MWAKITOSI, Senior Meteorological OfficerPort Meteorological Office, P.O. Box 3056

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings; documentation and weather briefing on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather forecast briefing contact Forecast Office (Tel. 42040).

Services for other activities at the port:

Supply of meteorological equipment and stationery, weather/climatological information for operations at port. Conduc

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BangladeshPort: CHITTAGONG


Address: Deputy Director, Meteorological and Geophysical Centre, C.G.O. Building Agrabad, CHITTAGONG

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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China - ChinePort: DALIAN

Tel: +86 411237666Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Dalian Meteorological Office,Meteorological Street No. 2, Zhongshan District,DALIAN

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts, warnings.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts, warnings.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: SHANGHAITel: +86 21 4383250Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Shanghai Central Meteorological Office, PUXILU, NO. 166, SHANGHAI

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts, warnings; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts, warnings; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Hong Kong, China - Hong-Kong, ChinaPort: HONG KONG

Tel: +852 29 263113Email:Fax: +852 27 215034Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological Officer, Hong Kong Observatory, 134A Nathan RoadHONG KONG, CHINA

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts/warnings by broadcast (including via NAVTEX and International SaftyNET Service under GMDSS) and telephone.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact: Central Forecasting Office, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong (Tel: (852) 2926 8477)

Services for other activities at the port:

On request.

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts/warnings by broadcast (including via NAVTEX and International SaftyNET Service under GMDSS) and telephone.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact: Central Forecasting Office, Hong Kong Observatory, Hong Kong (Tel: (852) 2926 8477)

Services for other activities at the port:

On request.

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India - IndePort: CALCUTTA

Tel: 4793167Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Working hours: 0930-1800Port Meteorological Office,c/o DDGM, RMCALIPORE CALCUTTA - 700 027

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; display of weather charts at port; supply by the PMO of weather charts to ships leaving port.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather charts and other information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; display of weather charts at port; supply by the PMO of weather charts to ships leaving port.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather charts and other information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: CHENNAITel: 5360187

(CDR Chennai)Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Working hours: 0915-1745Port Meteorological Office,10th floor, Port Trust Centenary Building, Rajaji Salai,CHENNAI - 600 001

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; display of weather charts at port; verbal briefing and supply of weather charts by the PMO to ships leaving port.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather charts and other information contact the Port Meteorological Officer.

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; display of weather charts at port; verbal briefing and supply of weather charts by the PMO to ships leaving port.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather charts and other information contact the Port Meteorological Officer.

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: GOATel: 512061Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Working hours: 0930-1800Officer-in-ChargePort Meteorological Liaison Office, Near M.P.T. Signal Station, POST HEAD LAND SADAMARMUGAOGOA-403 804

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and synopses meant for broadcast for coastal areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and synopses meant for broadcast for coastal areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Port: KOCHI (COCHIN)Tel: 667042Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Working hours: 0900-1730Port Meteorological Office,Willingdon Islands, North End, Kochi Harbour, KOCHI - 682 009

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: MUMBAI (BOMBAY)Tel: 2613733Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Working hours: 0930-1800 (Monday-Friday)Port Meteorological Office, 3rd floor, New Labour Hamallage Building, Yellow Gate, Indira Dock, Fort, MUMBAI - 400 001

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; daily weather charts are displayed at port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For special weather information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; daily weather charts are displayed at port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For special weather information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: VISHAKHAPATNAMTel: 546506Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Working hours: 1000-1700c/o THE DIRECTORCyclone Warning Centre, Chinna Waltair,VISAKHAPATNAM - 530 017ANDHRA PRADESH

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and synopses meant for broadcast for coastal areas; 00 UTC weather charts are displayed at the port and are also supplied on request by the PMO to ships leaving port; briefing is done on board during visits.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather charts and other information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and synopses meant for broadcast for coastal areas; 00 UTC weather charts are displayed at the port and are also supplied on request by the PMO to ships leaving port; briefing is done on board during visits.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather charts and other information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:


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Japan - JaponPort: KÔBE

Tel: 078341-4823Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Kôbe Marine Observatory, 7-14-1 Nakayamate-dôri, Chuoh-ku, KÔBE

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

For coastal shipping: forecasts and warnings, advisories, maps as well as briefing. For cargo handling: display and w

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

For coastal shipping: forecasts and warnings, advisories, maps as well as briefing. For cargo handling: display and w

Port: YAIZU*Tel: Not applicableEmail:Fax:Telex:

Address: Not applicable

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Forecasts, warnings and advisories are usually sent to the fishing coastal radio stations operated by the Fishermen's Co-operative Association of the fishing port for further dissemination to fishing vessels in and around port area and along the coast. Ships' weather reports are given in return to the Meteorological Office.

*There are about 60 fishing ports in Japan where similar meteorological facilities are provided by Weather Offices.

Services for other activities at the port:

Weather forecasts, warnings, advisories, maps and briefing for fishing vessels in and around ports.

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Forecasts, warnings and advisories are usually sent to the fishing coastal radio stations operated by the Fishermen's Co-operative Association of the fishing port for further dissemination to fishing vessels in and around port area and along the coast. Ships' weather reports are given in return to the Meteorological Office.

*There are about 60 fishing ports in Japan where similar meteorological facilities are provided by Weather Offices.

Services for other activities at the port:

Weather forecasts, warnings, advisories, maps and briefing for fishing vessels in and around ports.

Port: YOKOHAMATel: (Yokohama) 045621-1991Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Yokohama Local Meteorological Observatory,99, Yamate-chô, Naka-ku, YOKOHAMA

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

For coastal shipping: forecasts and warnings, advisories, maps as well as briefing. For cargo handling: display and w

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

For coastal shipping: forecasts and warnings, advisories, maps as well as briefing. For cargo handling: display and w

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Macau - MacaoPort: MACAO

Tel: 2195Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Direcçào dos ServiçosMeteorológicos e Geofisicos

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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MyanmarPort: YANGON

Tel: 6056960176


Address: Director-General, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology, Kaba-Aye Pagoda Road, YANGON

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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PakistanPort: KARACHI

Tel: Office: 4570757Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Director, Regional Meteorological Centre,Karachi,Pakistan

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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QatarPort: DOHA

Tel: 413675413009


Address: Senior Meteorological Officer (Marine)Marine Meteorological Office, P.O. Box 8658, DOHA

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

Marine forecasts and information to the local users.

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

Marine forecasts and information to the local users.

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Republic of Korea - Republique de CoreePort: INCH'ON

Tel: +82 (0)32 761 1215Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Inch'on Meteorological Station25 JeondongInch'on

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps meant for broadcast

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps meant for broadcast

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: PUSAN (BUSAN)Tel: +82 (0)51 469 7011Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Pusan Regional Meteorological Office1-9 Taechong-dongChung-guPusan Regional Meteorological Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps meant for broadcast

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

Provision on request.

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings, advisories and maps meant for broadcast

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the PMO.

Services for other activities at the port:

Provision on request.

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Saudi Arabia - Arabie SaouditePort: DAMMAN

Tel: (03) 833-2500-2139Email:Fax:Telex: 601921

Address: Port Meteorological Officer, Marine Building - Berth 6, P.O. Box 117, DHAHRAN

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; verbal briefings.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and current marine weather information, contact the marine forecaster at the Eastern Region Services Centre Dhahran. Tel. (03) 879-5115.

Services for other activities at the port:

Recruitment of new ships and training of crews in taking weather observations; instrument checks; barometer calibrati

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; verbal briefings.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and current marine weather information, contact the marine forecaster at the Eastern Region Services Centre Dhahran. Tel. (03) 879-5115.

Services for other activities at the port:

Recruitment of new ships and training of crews in taking weather observations; instrument checks; barometer calibrati

Port: JEDDAHTel: (02) 683-4444-352Email:Fax:Telex: 401300

Address: Port Meteorological OfficerNational Meteorological Environmental Centre, P.O. Box 1358, JEDDAH

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; verbal briefings; daily surface weather chart.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and current marine weather information, contact the marine forecaster at the Central Forecast Office Jeddah. Tel. (02) 682-4104.

Services for other activities at the port:

Recruitment of new ships and training of crews in taking weather observations; instrument checks; barometer calibrati

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings meant for broadcast; verbal briefings; daily surface weather chart.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and current marine weather information, contact the marine forecaster at the Central Forecast Office Jeddah. Tel. (02) 682-4104.

Services for other activities at the port:

Recruitment of new ships and training of crews in taking weather observations; instrument checks; barometer calibrati

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Sri LankaPort: COLOMBO

Tel: 94104, 9484694847, 94848


Address: Director, Department of Meteorology,Banddhaloka Mawathi, COLOMBO 7

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Thailand - ThaïlandePort: BANGKOK

Tel: 2587059,2587061


Address: Meteorological Observations Division,Meteorological Department612, Sukumvit Road, BANGKOK 10110

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Argentina - ArgentinePort: BUENOS AIRES

Tel: (541) 514-4253/56; Bureau 504ext. 18243 - Bureau 506ext. 18265

Email:Fax: (541) 514-4225Telex:

27040 Meteo AR

Address: Servicio Meteorológico NacionalDepartamento Redes, Inspectores Maritimos (PMO)25 de Mayo 658, 5 piso, Oficinas 504-506,(1002) Buenos Aires - Argentina

Forecast services for international shipping:Verbal meteorological briefing

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Note: Agent visits port daily with standard instruments and other material

Services for other activities at the port:


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Brazil - BrésilPort: RIO DE JANEIRO

Tel: (021) 620 8861Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: (a) Divisao de meteorologia, Diretoria e Hidrografia e Navegaçao, Rua Barão de Jaceguay s/n° Ponta da Armação 24.048-900. Niterói R.J.(b) Unidade de Assessoramento Meteorologico (UAM-RIO) Av. Rodrigues Alves s/n° Cais do Porto (Entre Armazens 1 e 2), Centro 20081-250. Rio de Janeiro, R.J.

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of weather and sea bulletins and maps to outgoing ships

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: RIO GRANDETel:Email: (0532) 34-1402Fax: (0532) 34-1422Telex:

Address: Associação de Praticagem da Barra do Rio Grande do SulRua Gomes Freire N° 74296.201-260. Rio Grande, R.S.

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of weather and sea bulletins to outgoing ships

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: SANTOSTel: (013) 227-0850Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Unidade de Assessoramento Meteorologico,(UAM-Santos), Cooperativa de Trabalho dos Práticos de Santos e Baixada Santista Ltda.Rua Alte. Saldanha da Gama N° 6411.030-400. Santos, S.P.

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of weather and sea bulletins to outgoing ships

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Chile - ChiliPort: ANTOFAGASTA

Tel: 25447Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: JEFE OFICINA METEOROLÓGICA REGIONAL, Aeropuerto de Cerro Moreno

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological instruments check on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: ISLA DE PASCUATel: 37Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: PUERTO MONTTTel: 372018Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings and Iac Fleet

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Meteorological instruments check on request

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Port: PUNTA ARENASTel: 23701Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts and warnings.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Jefe Destacamento Meteorológico Tercera Zona Naval, Punta Arenas

Services for other activities at the port:

Meteorological instruments check on request

Port: VALPARAISOTel: 911071Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of forecasts, warnings and Iac Fleet

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Jefe Servicio Meteorologico de la Armada, Correo Naval, Valparaiso

Services for other activities at the port:

Meteorological instruments check on request.

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Ecuador - ÉquateurPort: ESMERALDAS



Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological warnings for navigation; marine meteorological bulletins daily

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: GUAYAQUILTel: 431300Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological warnings for navigation; marine meteorological bulletins daily

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: PUERTO BOLIVARTel:Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological warnings for navigation; marine meteorological bulletins daily

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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French Guiana - Guyane FrançaisePort: CAYENNE


Address: Service MétéorologiqueAérodrome de Cayenne-Rochambeau, Matoury, 97300 Cayenne

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Address: Chief, Hydrometeorological OfficerHydrometeorological Service, Ministry of WorksPO Box 26, Georgetown, Guyana

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Peru - PérouPort: CALLAO

Tel: 298925-299578-299063Email:Fax:Telex: 26024 PE HIDRONAV

Address: Departamento de Meteorologia MarinaDireccion de Hidrografia y Navegacion de la MarinaAv. Gamarra No. 500Chucuito - Callao, Casilla de Correos 80

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather forecast bulletins. Verbal meteorological briefing on request. Coastal water routeing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Climatological information on request. Minor meteorological instruments check on request.

Port: LIMATel: (a) 310318, 314600

(b) 529570-162Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: (a) Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e HidrologíaAv. Reèública de Chile No. 295Oficina 205(b) Depto. Pronósticos Corpac, Aeropuerto internacional- Callao

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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SurinamePort: PARAMARIBO

Tel: 60029, 60315, 60511Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Meteorologische DienstDuisburgDistrict Suriname, P.O.Box 2273

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Tel: +598 (0) 296 4355Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Dirección Nacional de MeteorologíaCabecera de Muelle Maciel, División Servicios MarítimosCasilla de Correo 64 - MONTEVIDEO

Forecast services for international shipping:Specialized Weather Forecasts are available to ships' captains. Forecasts are also broadcast on 11 UHF Marine Bands.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Climatological information is available on request.

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VenezuelaPort: LA GUAIRA

Tel: 25591Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Jefe, Oficina Meteorologica del Aeropuerto "Simon Bolivar"

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Alaska (United States of America ) - Alaska (États-Unis d'Amérique)Port: ANCHORAGE

Tel: +1 907 271 3507

+1 907 271 5106Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Marine Programme Manager, W/AR 1x2 Alaska Region,National Weather Service,222 West 7th. Avenue #23, Anchorage, AK 99513-7575

Forecast services for international shipping:Part-time PMO. Limited visits to service ships that do not have access to other PMO ports; weather briefings; checking of instruments, and advice on the exposure; weather observer training, forms, and other materials available.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and briefings, call the Marine Forecaster.

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Coast Gua

Port: KODIAKTel: +1 907 487 2102

Marine Forecaster: +1 907 487 4338

Email:Fax: +1 907 487 9730Telex:

Address: Officer-in-ChargeNational Weather Service, NOAA600 Sandy Hook. St., Suite 1Kodiak,Alaska 99615

Forecast services for international shipping:Part-time PMO. Limited visits to service ships that do not have access to other PMO ports; weather briefings; checking of instruments, and advice on the exposure; weather observer training, forms, and other materials available.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and briefings, call the Marine Forecaster.

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Coast Gua

Port: VALDEZTel:Email:Fax: +1 907 835 4505Telex:

Address: Officer-in-ChargeNational Weather Service, NOAABox 427Valdez, AK 99686

Forecast services for international shipping:Part-time PMO. Limited visits to service ships that do not have access to other PMO ports; weather briefings; checking of instruments, and advice on the exposure; weather observer training, forms, and other materials available.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Coast Gua

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Barbade - BarbadePort: BRIDGETOWN

Tel: 88521Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Director, Meteorological ServicesMeteorological officeGrantley Admas International Airport

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Bermuda - BermudesPort: HAMILTON

Tel: 3145Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Meteorological Office

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: ST. GEORGESTel: 3145Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Meteorological Office

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Address: Served by Montreal PMO as workload dictates

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefing on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

For weather information contact the Weather office (Tel. 589-8935)

Port: BURLINGTON, ONTARIOTel: +1 905 312 0900 /0933Email: [email protected] or

[email protected]: +1 905 312 0730Telex:

Address: Ron Fordyce, Supt. Marine or Rick Shuster PMOEnvironment CanadaPort Meteorological Office100 East Port Blvd. (Pier 25)Hamilton, Ontario L8H 7S4

Forecast services for international shipping:Masters' and Ships' officers are invited to consult PMOs' regarding the meteorological information which is available by radio to shipping throughout the world. Ships' are also invited to take part in the marine weather observing program, which is sponsored by Environment Canada. PMOs' will provide, without charge, the following publication: "Marine Weather Services - Great Lakes", a small pamphlet designed to answer questions about the Marine Weather Service and includes a map of the marine forecast areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.I.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: No PMO services

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefing on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Port: CHURCHILL, MANITOBATel: +1 204 983 7175Email: [email protected]: +1 204 984 2072Telex:

Address: Attn: Ted SawchukHead, Winnipeg Technical Services DepartmentEnvironment Canada123 Main St. Suite 150Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 4W2

Forecast services for international shipping:Masters' and Ships' officers are invited to consult PMOs' regarding the meteorological information which is available by radio to shipping throughout the world. Ships' are also invited to take part in the marine weather observing program, which is sponsored by Environment Canada. PMOs' will provide, without charge, the following publication: "Using the Marine Forecast", a small pamphlet designed to answer questions about the Marine Weather Service and includes a map of the marine forecast areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: EDMONTON, ALBERTATel: +1 403 951 8605Email:Fax: +1 403 951 8764Telex:

Address: Head, Edmonon environmental Services OfficeEnvironment CanadaTwin Atria Bldg., 2nd Floor4999 98 AvenueEdmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3

Forecast services for international shipping:Masters' and Ships' officers are invited to consult PMOs' regarding the meteorological information which is available by radio to shipping throughout the world. Ships' are also invited to take part in the marine weather observing program, which is sponsored by Environment Canada. PMOs' will provide, without charge, the following publication: "Using the Marine Forecast", a small pamphlet designed to answer questions about the Marine Weather Service and includes a map of the marine forecast areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIATel: +1 902 426 6703 Email: [email protected]: 11 902 426 9158Telex:

Address: Randy Sheppard PMOEnvironment Canada1496 Bedford HighwayBedford, Nova Scotia B4A 1E5

Forecast services for international shipping:Masters' and Ships' officers are invited to consult PMOs' regarding the meteorological information which is available by radio to shipping throughout the world. Ships' are also invited to take part in the marine weather observing program, which is sponsored by Environment Canada. PMOs' will provide, without charge, the following publication: "Using the Marine Forecast", a small pamphlet designed to answer questions about the Marine Weather Service and includes a map of the marine forecast areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Port: MONTREAL, QUEBECTel: +1 514 283 4078 / 1629Email: [email protected]: +1 514 283 4325Telex:

Address: J.J.D. Blanchard, PMO100 Alexis Nihon Blvd, Third FloorVille St. Laurent, P.Q. H4M 2N6

Forecast services for international shipping:Masters' and Ships' officers are invited to consult PMOs' regarding the meteorological information which is available by radio to shipping throughout the world. Ships' are also invited to take part in the marine weather observing program, which is sponsored by Environment Canada. PMOs' will provide, without charge, the following publication: "Using the Marine Forecast", a small pamphlet designed to answer questions about the Marine Weather Service and includes a map of the marine forecast areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Note: Bilingual service available

Services for other activities at the port:



Address: No PMO services

Forecast services for international shipping:Provision of maps, forecasts and weather briefings

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information, contact local Weather Office (Tel. (604)-724-1333)

Services for other activities at the port:

Weather information to maritime employers

Port: QUEBEC, QUEBECTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Served by Montreal PMO as workload dictates

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and weather briefing on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather information contact the Weather Office (Tel. (418)-872-0061)

Services for other activities at the port:


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Port: SAINT-JOHN, NEW BRUNSWICKTel: 506-648-4954Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Officer-in-charge, Weather Office, P.O. Box 2060, Saint-John, N.B. E2L 3T5

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefing on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather information contact the Weather Office (Tel. (506)-648-4954)

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: SEPT-ILES, QUEBECTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Served by Montreal PMO as workload dictates

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefing on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

For briefings and other weather information contact the Weather Office (Tel. (418)-962-8524)

Port: ST. JOHNS, NEWFOUNDLANDTel: +1 709 772 4798Email: [email protected]: +1 709 772 2593Telex:

Address: Jack Cossar, PMOEnvironment CanadaAtmospheric Environment ServiceBuilding 303, Pleasantville, P.O. Box 21130 Postal Station B, St. Johns, Newfoundland, AlA 5B2

Forecast services for international shipping:Masters' and Ships' officers are invited to consult PMOs' regarding the meteorological information which is available by radio to shipping throughout the world. Ships' are also invited to take part in the marine weather observing program, which is sponsored by Environment Canada. PMOs' will provide, without charge, the following publication: "Using the Marine Forecast", a small pamphlet designed to answer questions about the Marine Weather Service and includes a map of the marine forecast areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Port: THOROLD, ONTARIOTel: 416-227-0238Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: R.W. Fordyce, c/o Federal Building,18 Front Street, Thorold, Ontario L2V 1WO

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefing on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For logbook forms contact Sydney Weather Office (Tel. (902)-564-7299)

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: THUNDER BAY, ONTARIOTel: 807-475-3322Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Officer-in-charge, Weather Officer,Thunder Bay Airport, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 3N9

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and other weather information on request from Tel. (807)-577-3921 or by monitoring Canadian Coast Guard Radio VBA Ship Channel 21, 161.55 MHz, for continuous broadcasts.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts, briefings and other weather information contact local Weather Office (Tel. (807)-577-3921)

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: TORONTO, ONTARIOTel: 416-973-5809,


Address: G.T. Meek,25 St. Clair Avenue E., Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M2

Forecast services for international shipping:Ice charts; brochures describing the Great Lakes Weather Services; continuous marine broadcasts consisting of MAFOR and near-shore forecasts in plain language. AMVER recruiting

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For briefing and other weather information contact local Weather Office (Tel. (416)-676-4567)

Services for other activities at the port:

Briefing to long-shore men on projected forecasts on request; briefing for long distance yacht races on request; contin

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Port: TROIS-RIVIÈRES, QUEBECTel: 416-973-5809,


Address: Served by Montreal PMO as workload dictates

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefing on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For weather information contact the Weather Office (Tel. (819)-373-0394)

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: VANCOUVERTel: +1 604 664 9136Email: [email protected]: +1 604 664 9135Telex:

Address: Mike Riley PMOEnvironment CanadaSuite 700 - 1200 West 73rd AvenueVancouverBritish Columbia V6P 6H9

Forecast services for international shipping:Masters' and Ships' officers are invited to consult PMOs' regarding the meteorological information which is available by radio to shipping throughout the world. Ships' are also invited to take part in the marine weather observing program, which is sponsored by Environment Canada. PMOs' will provide , chargeable, the following publication: "West Coast Marine Services - Mariner's Guide", a small pamphlet designed to answer questions about the Marine Weather Service and includes a map of the marine forecast areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: VICTORIATel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: No PMO service

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather maps, forecasts, briefing, information on radio broadcast data

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the local Forecast Office at Victoria either directly or through agents (Tel. (604)-356-6629)

Services for other activities at the port:

Weather information to maritime employers on request. Weatheradio Canada on frequency 162.40 MHz

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Tel: 616579Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Manuel Vélez Lueiro, Agente Meteorológico Portuario, lnstituto de Meteorologia, Casablanca, LA HABANA

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) - Curaçao (Antilles Néerlandaises )Port: CURAÇAO

Tel: 83829Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Meteorological Service, Meteo-Building, Seru Mahuma

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Guadeloupe (France)Port: POINTE-À-PITRE

Tel: 820372Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Service météorologiuqe,B.P. 285, 97158 Pointe-à-Pitre

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Jamaica - JamaïquePort: KINGSTON

Tel: 924 8055Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Ms. C. McDonald, Meteorological DivisionP.O. Box 103, KINGSTON 10

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Martinique (France)Port: FORT-DE-FRANCE

Tel: 713671Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Service météorologique, B.P. 645, 97262 FORT-DE-FRANCE

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Mexico - MexiquePort: ACAPULCO, GRO


Address: Alfonso Lopez Astudillo, Observatorio Meteorológico, Aeropuerto Internacional

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

Port: CAMPECHE, CAMP.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: José del Carmen Arroyo González, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

Port: CHETUMAL, Q. ROOTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: José Reyes Aguilar, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

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Port: COATZACOALCOS, VER.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Gilberto Lozano Mendez, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

Port: COZUMEL, Q. ROOTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: José Rubén Flores Ramirez, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

Port: ENSENADA, B.C.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Guillermo Manjarrez Zavala, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

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Port: FRONTERA, TAB.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Lily Ramos de Gallegos, Estación Termopluviométrica

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

Port: ISLA GUADALUPE, B.C.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: José C. Bautista Perez, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

Port: LA PAZ, B.C.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Oscar Rodriguez Plascencia, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

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Port: MANZANILLO, COL.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Raul Martinez Venegas, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

Port: MAZATLÁN, SIN.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Jesus Garcìa Camacho, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

Port: PROGRESO, YUC.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Manuel J. Bonfil Cordero, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Address: Oscar Rodriguez Plascencia,Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: PUERTO PENASCO, SON.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: José Márquez M.,Estación Termopluviométrica

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: QUAYMAS, SONTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Vicente Ortegón Sanchez, Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:Local warnings are given by radio broadcasts three times daily and every two hours when a hurricane is approaching

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Bulletins are published daily in local newspapers

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Port: SALINA CRUZ, OAX.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Gamaliel Garcia Montellanos,Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: TAMPICO, TAMPS.Tel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Pedro Garcìa Ruiz,Observatorio Meteorológico

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: VERACRUZ, VER.Tel: 729379Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Cesar Luna Bauza,Observatorio Meteorológico, Edificio Faros

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings; XBC radio station transmits thrice daily forecasts for north-west of Gulf of Mexico as far as Punta Jeréz, from Punta Jeréz to Punta Delgada, from Punta Delgada to Coatzacoalcos and the coasts of Tabasco and Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

The forecasts are repeated every hour by local commercial radio broadcasts in the port and are published by the new

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Tel: (507) 467205Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Robert Melrose, PMO, U.S. National Weather Service,NOAA, Box 1301, APO Miami, Florida 34005

Local Address:National Port Authority (APN), Bldg 1010, Cristobal, Republic of Panama

Forecast services for international shipping:PMO services provided are observer training, checking of weather and oceanographic instruments, and supply of forms and other materials. Review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) observation records for ships assigned for servicing

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Coast Gua

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St. Pierre and Miquelon (France) - Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon (France)Port: SAINT-PIERRE

Tel: +508 41 2402Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Chef du Service MétéorologiqueB.P. 4232, Bd. de Port-en-Bessin, 97500 ST-PIERRE ET MIQUELON

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for the Islands, South and South-West coast of Newfoundland, Grand Banks and Banquereau. Placarding wave and ice charts at the Port Meteorological Office.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For specific Forecasts, Meteorological Warnings and other Weather Information contact the Meteorological Office daily between 1015- 2115 UTC

Services for other activities at the port:

Local weather forecast for harbour activities and other uses is available on request. Marine forecasts for the coastal

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Trinidad and Tobago - Trinité et TobagoPort: PORT-OF-SPAIN

Tel: 6645465Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Director, Meteorological Office,Piarco International Airport

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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United States of America - États-Unis d'AmériquePort: BALTIMORE, MARYLAND

Tel: 301 962-2177 (FTS 922-2177)301 427-7724(FTS 427-7724)


Address: Mr. James Saunders,Port Meteorological Office, National Weather Service, NOAA, Weather Service Office, Baltimore Washington International Airport, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21240

National Weather Service Headquarters:Mr. Vince Zegowitz,Marine Observations Program Leader,National Weather Service, NOAA,1325 East West Highway, 17th floor, SSMC#2 - #17 312, Silver Spring, MARYLAND 20910 OR/OU

Mr. Martin Baron, VOS Program ManagerNational Weather Service, NOAA,1325 East West Highway, SSMC#2 - #17307,Silver Spring, MD. 20910

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas. PAGASA Marine Forms for shipping, inspectio

Port: CHICAGO, ILLINOISTel: 312 353-4680/2455

(FTS 353-4680/2455)Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Bob Collins, PMO,National Weather Service, NOAA,10600 West Higgins Road, Rosemont, ILLINOIS 60018

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for the Great Lakes, training in marine weather observing, barometer checks, checking of weather instrument condition and exposure, review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program observation forms, supply of forms and other materials. Continuous port and local forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio, VHF 162.550 MHz. See NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 for other Great Lakes NOAA Weather Radio stations and frequencies.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For 24-hour marine weather forecasts and Great Lakes' ice forecasts, and barometric pressure checks, call the marine forecaster 2982240.

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Coast Gua

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Port: CLEVELAND, OHIOTel: (216) 2670069Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. George Smith, PMO,National Weather Service, NOAA,Hopkins International Airport,10600 West Higgins Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44135

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for the Great Lakes, training in marine weather observing, barometer checks, checking of weather instrument condition and exposure, review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program observation forms, supply of forms and other materials. Continuous port and local forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio, VHF 162.550 MHz. See NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 for other Great Lakes NOAA Weather Radio stations and frequencies.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For 24-hour marine weather and Great Lakes' ice forecasts, and barometric pressure checks, call the marine forecaster 2670070

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Coast Gua

Port: HOUSTON, TEXASTel: (713) 534-2640Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Jim Nelson, PMO, NWS, NOAA1620 Gill Road, Dickenson, TX 77539

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for high seas, coastal and local weather, checking of weather instrument condition and exposure, training of weather observers, review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program observation forms, supply of forms and materials. Continuous port and local weather forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio, VHF 162.400 MHz. See NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 for other forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio stations and frequencies.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For 24-hour marine weather forecasts and barometric pressure checks, call the marine forecaster, tel. 6549885.

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Defence Mapping A

Port: JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDATel: 904 741-4370

(FTS 946-3620)Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Lawrence Cain, PMO,NWS, NOAA, Jacksonville International Airport.Box 18367, Jacksonville, FL 32229

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for high seas, coastal and local weather, checking of weather instrument condition and exposure, training of weather observers, review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program observation forms, supply of forms and materials. Continuous port and local weather forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio, VHF 162.550 MHz. See NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 for other coastal NOAA Weather Radio stations and frequencies.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For 24-hour marine weather forecasts and barometric pressure checks, call the Marine forecaster, tel-7571370

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Defense Mapping A

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Port: LOS ANGELES/LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIATel: +1 310 980 4090Email: [email protected]: +1 310 980 4089Telex: 7402731 BOBW UC

Address: Port Meteorological OfficerNational Weather Service, NOAA,501 West Ocean Blvd., Room 4480Long BeachCA 90802-4213

Forecast services for international shipping:Part-time PMO. Limited visits to service ships that do not have access to other PMO ports; weather briefings; checking of instruments, and advice on the exposure; weather observer training, forms, and other materials available.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Coast Gua

Port: MIAMI, FLORIDATel: 305-3586027Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Peter Connors, PMO,National Weather Service, NOAA,1600 Port Boulevard, Miami, Florida 33132

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for high seas, coastal and local weather, checking of weather instrument condition and exposure, training of weather observers, review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program observation forms, supply of forms and materials. Continuous port and local weather forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio, VHF 162.550 MHz. See NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 for other coastal NOAA Weather Radio stations and frequencies.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For 24-hour marine weather forecasts and barometric pressure checks, call the marine forecaster, tel-5262841

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Defense Mapping A

Port: NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANATel: 504 469-4648

(FTS 682-6694)Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological Officer,National Weather Service, NOAA,International Airport, Moisant Field, Box 20026, New Orleans, LA 70141

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for high seas, coastal and local weather, checking of weather instrument condition and exposure, training of weather observers, review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program observation forms, supply of forms and materials. Continuous port and local weather forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio, VHF 162.550 MHz. See NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 for other coastal NOAA Weather Radio stations and frequencies.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For 24-hour marine weather forecasts and barometric pressure checks, call the marine forecaster, tel.-5892808 or 5896891.

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Defense Mapping A

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Port: NEW YORK, NEW YORKTel: 212-3995569Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological Officer,Mr. Dee Letterman, PMO,National Weather Service, NOAA,30, Rockefeller Plaza,New York, NY 10112

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for high seas, coastal and local weather, checking of weather instrument condition and exposure, training of weather observers, review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program observation forms, supply of forms and materials. Continuous port and local weather forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio, VHF 162.550 MHz. See NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 for other coastal NOAA Weather Radio stations and frequencies.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For 24-hour marine weather forecasts and barometric pressure checks, call the marine forecaster, tel. 3992907.

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Defense Mapping A


(FTS 341-6188)Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. John Warrelman, PMO,National Weather Service, NOAA,Bldg. 51, Newark Intl. Airport,Newark, New Jersey 07114

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for high seas, coastal and local weather, checking of weather instrument condition and exposure, training of weather observers, review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program observation forms, supply of forms and materials. Continuous port and local weather forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio, VHF 162.550 MHz. See NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 for other coastal NOAA Weather Radio stations and frequencies.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For 24-hour marine weather forecasts and barometric pressure checks, call the marine forecaster, tel. (New-York forecast office) (212) - 3992907.

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Defense Mapping A

Port: NORFOLK, VIRGINIATel: 4416326 (804),

(FTS 827-6326)Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Earle Ray Brown, Jr., PMO,National Weather Service, NOAA,Norfolk International Airport, Norfolk, Virginia 23518

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather briefings for high seas, coastal and local weather, checking of weather instrument condition and exposure, training of weather observers, review of Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program observation forms, supply of forms and materials. Continuous port and local weather forecasts on NOAA Weather Radio, VHF 162.550 MHz. See NWS Observing Handbook No. 1 for other coastal NOAA Weather Radio stations and frequencies.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For 24-hour marine weather forecasts and barometric pressure checks, call the marine forecaster,. Tel. 8535586.

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Defense Mapping A

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Port: SAN FRANCISCO/OAKLAND, CALIFORNIATel: +1 510 637 2960Email: [email protected]: +1 510 637 2960Telex: 7402795 WPMO UC

Address: Port Meteorological OfficerNational Weather Service, NOAA,1301 Clay St., Suite 1190NOakland, CA 94612-5217

Forecast services for international shipping:Part-time PMO. Limited visits to service ships that do not have access to other PMO ports; weather briefings; checking of instruments, and advice on the exposure; weather observer training, forms, and other materials available.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Coast Gua

Port: SEATTLE, WASHINGTONTel: +1 206 526 6100Email: [email protected]: +1 206 526 4571 / 6094Telex: 7608403 SEA UC

Address: Port Meteorological OfficerNational Weather Service, NOAA,7600 Sand Point Way, N.E.Seattle, WA 98115-0070

Forecast services for international shipping:Part-time PMO. Limited visits to service ships that do not have access to other PMO ports; weather briefings; checking of instruments, and advice on the exposure; weather observer training, forms, and other materials available.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and U.S. Coast Gua

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Australia - AustraliePort:

Tel: +61 3 9669 4203Email: [email protected]: +61 3 9669 4168Telex:

Address: Head Office: Mr. Graeme BALLManagerMarine Observations UnitBureau of Meteorology,150 Lonsdale StreetMELBOURNE, Vic. 3000Australia

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIATel: +61 8 8366 2288

+61 8 8366 2222 (Regional Director)


Address: Regional DirectorBureau of Meteorology25 College Road, Kent TownSouth Australia 5067

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Contact the Regional Director

Services for other activities at the port:

Advice and information, instrument checks, log-books etc.

Port: BRISBANE, QUEENSLANDTel: +61 7 3864 8790

+61 7 3864 8000 (Regional Director)


Address: Regional DirectorBureau of Meteorology295 Ann Street, BrisbaneQueensland 4000

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Contact the Regional Director

Services for other activities at the port:

Advice and information, instrument checks, log-books etc.

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Port: DARWIN, NORTHERN TERRITORYTel: +61 8 8982 4717

+61 8 8982 4711 (Regional Director)


Address: Regional DirectorBureau of Meteorology79-81 Smith StreetDarwinNorthern Territory 0800

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Contact the Regional Director

Services for other activities at the port:

Advice and information, instrument checks, log-books etc.

Port: FREMANTLE, WESTERN AUSTRALIATel: +61 8 9474 1974Email: [email protected]: +61 8 9260 8475Telex:

Address: Mr. Malcolm YOUNGPort Meteorological AgentMalMet Service Pty Ltd.Unit 3/76 Gardner StreetCOMO WA 6152Australia

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Advice and information, instrument checks, log-books etc.

Port: HOBART, TASMANIATel: +61 3 6220 6628

+61 3 6220 6666 (Regional Director)


Address: Regional DirectorBureau of Meteorology20 Ellerslie RoadHobartTasmania 7000

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Contact the Regional Director

Services for other activities at the port:

Advice and information, instrument checks, log-books etc.

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Port: MELBOURNE, VICTORIATel: +61 3 9669 4982Email:Fax: +61 3 9663 2059Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological AgentVictoria Regional OfficeBureau of Meteorology, 26th Floor150 Lonsdale StreetMelbourneVictoria 3000

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Contact the Regional Director

Services for other activities at the port:

Advice and information, instrument checks, log-books etc.

Port: SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALESTel: +61 2 9296 1547Email:Fax: +61 2 9296 1589Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological AgentNew South Wales Regional OfficeBureau of Meteorology, Level 1530 Elizabeth StreetNew South Wales 2000

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Contact the Regional Director

Services for other activities at the port:

Advice and information, instrument checks, log-books etc.

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East Timor - Timor OrientalPort: DILI



Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Fiji - FidjiPort: LAUTOKA

Tel: 72500 ext. 4270,4433Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: National Weather Centre, Nadi Airport

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: SUVATel: 22920, 22903Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Officer-in-Charge, Meteorological Office, Lauthala Bay

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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French Polynesia - Polynésie FrançaisePort: PAPEETE, TAHITI

Tel: 20335, 20336Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Service Météorologique,B.P.6005, FAAA Aéroport

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and charts on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Transmission of warnings of strong winds and swells in the port area through coastal radio station; display of meteoro

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Hawaii (United States of America) - Hawaii (États-Unis d'Amérique)Port: HONOLULU

Tel: +1 808 532 6414Email:Fax: +1 808 532 5569Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological OfficeOcean Services Programme CoordinatorNational Weather Service pacific Region HQGrosvenor Center, Mauka Tower737 Bishop Street, Suite 2200Honolulu, HI 96813-3213

Forecast services for international shipping:Part-time PMO. Limited visits to service ships' that do not have access to other PMO ports; weather briefings, checking of instruments, and advice on the exposure; weather observer training, forms and other materials available.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Telephone Weather Information Service: A maritime weather information service is provided by the National Weather Service - Pacific Region for the following Hawaiian Islands:Oahu: +1 808 973 4382Kauai: +1 808 245 3564Maui: +1 808 877 3477Hawaii: +1 808 935 9883Molokai +1 808 552 2477Lanai: +1 808 565 6033Hawaii buoy and coastal reports are available through: +1 808 973 6114

Services for other activities at the port:

Liaison for National Weather Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and U.S. Coast Gua

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Indonesia - IndonésiePort: TANJUNG PRIOK, JAKARTA

Tel: +62 (0) 21 690 339Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological OfficeStasiun Meteorological Office, L1N. AlasTANJUNG PRIOK, JAKARTA

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings and other weather information in addition to meteorological broadcasts for shipping in plain language

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

For warnings and other weather information contact the PMO during normal working hours or the Senior Meteorologic

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Malaysia - MalaisiePort: PORT BINTULU



Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: PORT KLANGTel: (03)-7569422Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: PORT KOTA KINABALUTel: (088)-234873



Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Port: PORT KUCHINGTel: (082)-257358Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Daily broadcasts of weather and sea bulletins over the Penang coastal radio station six times per day for international shipping

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings and weather and sea bulletins contact the PMO on duty or the nearest Meteorological Office (Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Tel. 03-7465990, and 03-7463951; Kuching, Tel. 082-452454)

Services for other activities at the port:

Supply on request

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New Caledonia - Nouvelle-CalédoniePort: NOUMÉA

Tel: +687 273004 / 273819273004,Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Service de la Météorologie,1 Rue Vincent Auriol, B.P. 151, NOUMÉA

Forecast services for international shipping:Mon-Fri (except public holidays): 1200 UTC Surface Analysis Chart displayed at the port office together with information on Weather Warnings and special meteorological bulletins ie: warnings of gales, storms, cyclones etc.On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: The information above can be consulted at the Meteorologcial Service (Service de la Météorologie) Office.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Weather Warnings, together with specific Weather information, is available on request to the Meteorological Office (Tel. +687 273004)

Services for other activities at the port:

The latest Weather Bulletin and Forecast is displayed at the PMO and is also available on a recorded message, telep

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New Zealand - Nouvelle-ZélandePort: WELLINGTON

Tel: +64 4-4-4729-379Email:Fax: +64 (0) 4 2973 568Telex: Meteo Wellington

Address: PMO, Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd.P.O. BOX 722, WELLINGTON

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings for Oceanic Navarea XIV available on EGC SAT C broadcast from Perth Coastal Earth Station and HF broadcast from station ZLM. Weather maps are available by radio-facsimile from station ZKLF.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For supplies of stationary and instruments for VOS or for information on weather services please contact PMO during working hours.

Services for other activities at the port:

Assorted marine meteorological publications. Lectures on Weather related topics to small craft/boat operators and ya

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Papua New Guinea - Papouasie-Nouvelle-GuinéePort: PORT MORESBY

Tel: 255516, 255544Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Director, National Weather ServiceP.O. BOX 1240, BOROKO P.N.G.

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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PhilippinesPort: APARRI



Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to shipping companies/agents and ships in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, Aparri, Cagayan

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS), PAGASA Marine Forms for shipping and inspection of meteorological instrument

Port: BASCOTel:Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to shipping companies/agents and ships in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station Basco, Batanes

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas

Port: CAGAYAN DE OROTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Eduardo de los Angeles, PMO, PAGASA STATION, CAGAYAN DE ORO

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to shipping companies/agents and ships in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Cagayan de Oro

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS), PAGASA Marine Forms for shipping and inspection of meteorological instrument

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Port: CATBALOGANTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Juanito Felebrico, PMO, PAGASA STATION, CATBALOGAN CITY

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to shipping companies/agents and ships in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, Catbalogan City

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas, PAGASA Marine Forms for shipping, inspectio

Port: CEBUTel:Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings by telephone and/or personal delivery to shipping companies, agents and ships moored in port and briefing of officers on marine meteorological instruments and services

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station Cebu City

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas. PAGASA Marine Forms for shipping, inspectio

Port: CUYOTel:Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and international warnings for shipping to shipping operators and fishing concerns

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Cuyo, Palawan

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas, and inspection of meteorological instruments o

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Port: DAVAOTel: 72-1-17Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Fredrick Barryentos, PMOPagasa Station, Davao City

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings for shipping to shipping operators, shipping units moored in ports of Sasa and Santa Ana

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Davao Airport, Davao City

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to fishing boats and other seacraft at sea.

Port: DUMAGUETETel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Edsin Cali, PMOPagasa Station, Dumaguete City (Negros Island)

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to shipping agents/companies and ships in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Dumaguete Airport, Dumaguete City

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas, and inspection of meteorological instruments o

Port: ILOILOTel:Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings for shipping agents, operators and fishing concerns

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Iloilo City

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas

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Port: LEGASPITel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Tolentino Bachiller, PMOPagasa Station, Legaspi Airport, Legaspi Ciy

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to shipping agents and ships moored in port by telephone and personal delivery and upon request of parties

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Legaspi Airport, Legaspi City

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas, and inspection of meteorological instruments o

Port: LUCENATel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Antonio de la Torre, PMOPagasa Station, Tayabas, Quezon

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to ships moored in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Office, Tayabas, Quezon

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) on coast for shipping, and inspection of meteorological instruments on board ship

Port: MAASINTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: NO PMO

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to ships moored in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Maasin PAGASA Station, Maasin Leyte

Services for other activities at the port:


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Port: MANILATel: 40-01-55,99-17-40Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Rogelio Cartagena, PMO, PAGASA Office, Bureau of Custom Building, 4th Floor, Port Area, MANILA

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings by broadcast, telephone, personal delivery of daily weather charts, forecast in port and displayed on bulletin boards to Shipping agents/companies, moored ships in port and other interested parties

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Manila Port Meteorological Office, Bureau of Custom Building, 4th floor, Port Area, Manila

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) on Bureau of Custom Building, South Harbour, Manila; inspection of meteorologic

Port: MASBATETel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Teodoro Leona, PMO, Pagasa Station, MASBATE

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to ships moored in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Masbate, Masbate

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) on coast for shipping at sea, and inspection of meteorological instruments on boa

Port: PUERTO PRINCESATel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Genaro Gutierrez, PMO PAGASA STATION, Puerto Princesa, PALAWAN

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings for ships moored in port and shipping agents/companies

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Puerto Princesa, Palawan

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas, and inspection of meteorological instruments o

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Port: SURIGAOTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Ernesto San Fernando, PMO, PAGASA STATION, SURIGAO CITY

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to ships moored in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Surigao PAGASA Station, Surigao City

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) for ships at sea and coastal areas

Port: TACLOBANTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Victorino Arancina, PMOPAGASA Station, TACLOBAN CITY

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to shipping agents/companies and moored ships in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Tacloban City

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) on coast for shipping at sea and inspection of meteorological instruments on boar

Port: VIRACTel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Urgano Lopez, PMOPAGASA Staion, Virac, CATANDUANES

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings to shipping agents/companies and moored ships in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Virac, Catanduanes

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas, inspection of ships meteorological instruments

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Port: ZAMBOANGATel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Juanito Palacios, PMO, PAGASA Station, ZAMBOANGA CITY

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecast and warnings to shipping agents/companies and moored ships in port

Address(es) for the provision of the services:Port Meteorological Office, PAGASA Station, Zamboanga City

Services for other activities at the port:

Visual storm warning signals (VSS) to ships at sea and coastal areas, inspection of meteorological instruments on bo

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SingapourPort: SINGAPORE

Tel: 5457198Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological SupervisorChangi Airport, P.O. BOX 8, SINGAPORE 9181

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings by broadcast

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact Main Meteorological Office, Tel. 5412580 or 5425059

Services for other activities at the port:


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Albania - AlbaniePort: TIRANA


Address: Académie des sciences, Institut Hydrométéorologique, Tirana

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Azores (Portugal) - Açores (Portugal)Port:

Tel: +351 21 8483961 – ext.: 559/579Email: Internet: http://www.meteo.ptFax: +351 21 8402370Telex:

Address: No Port Meteorological Officers (PMO). All information is provided and furnished by Weather Forecast Centre from Instituto de Meteorologia:Instituto de MeteorologiaWeather Forecast CentreRua C ao Aeroporto de Lisboa1749-077 LisboaPortugal

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Belgium - BelgiquePort: ANTWERPEN


Address: Maritiem Huis, Meteorologisch Bureau, Olijftakstraat 7-13, 2008 Antwerpen

Forecast services for international shipping:Supply, once a day, to each ship leaving port, of a weather map containing general inference, area-forecast and wave chart. Wind forecast for the river Scheldt issued 5 times a day between 0600 and 1800 local time.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts, weather charts, contact forecaster on duty at Antwerp-Airport, telephone number 03/218.12.81. For past weather and climatological information, contact Port Meteorological Office.

Services for other activities at the port:

Local weather forecasts for harbour activities. Warnings of strong wind to port authorities and to other users on reque

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Croatia - CroatiePort: RIJEKA

Tel: +385 (0)51 38082Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Meteoroloski ured (Meteorological Office), Rade Koncara 26, 51000 Rijeka

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather and sea bulletins by coastal radio stations Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik and Bar; meteorological information on request; bulletins in writing and simplified weather maps on request; meteorological information for marine tourist and sport activities by national broadcasting stations.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts, maps and other special meteorological information contact Meteoroloski ured, Rade Koncara 26, Rijeka

Services for other activities at the port:

Special meteorological information to ship-building, marine architecture, cargo handling, etc., according to special arr

Port: SPLITTel: +385 (0)51 033/466Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Weather and sea bulletins by coastal radio stations Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik and Bar; meteorological information on request; bulletins in writing and simplified weather maps on request; meteorological information for marine tourist and sport activities by national broadcasting stations.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts, maps and other special meteorological information contact Pomorski meteoroloski centar, Prilaz VIII korpusa 11 (POB No. 44), Split (Tel. 591-033, 591-466).

Services for other activities at the port:

Special meteorological information to ship-building, marine architecture, cargo handling, etc., according to special arr

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Denmark - DanemarkPort: COPENHAGEN

Tel: 4539157343Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Lutz O. R. NIEGSCH, Danish Meteorological Institute, Observation Division, Lyngbyvej 100, DK 2100 Copenhagen Ø

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Estonia - EstoniePort: TALLIN

Tel: +372 2 446 684Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Tallin Hydromet Centre, 4, Rahvakohtu Street, 200103 Tallin

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port. Daily marine Weather Bulletins. Ice forecasts and charts charts of actual Ice Conditions during the ice period. Weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours. Warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

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Finland - FinlandePort: HELSINKI

Tel: 19291Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Finnish Meteorological Institute, Vuorikatu 24, 00100 Helsinki

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts, warnings and documentation on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts, warnings and other weather information contact the Finnish Meteorological Institute.

Services for other activities at the port:

Weather services provided to construction works and for docks; ice services provided through the Institute of Marine

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FrancePort: BORDEAUX

Tel: 50 56 90 58 79Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Capitainerie du Port, 110 bis, Quai des Chartrans

Forecast services for international shipping:Storm warnings, analyses and forecasts for 24 hours for South and North Gascogne.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts, warnings and other weather information contact the South-West Interregional Meteorological Service cidex Airport - Nr. 52 33700 MERIGNAC (05 56 13 82 00).

Services for other activities at the port:

Squall warnings and forecasts to harbour master for dissemination to services at the port and for display; specific assi

Port: BOULOGNE-SUR-MERTel: 03 21 33 24 25

Answering machine/Répondeur téléphonique: 03 21 33 82 55

Email:Fax: 03 21 33 33 12Telex:

Address: Centre Départemental de la Météorologie17, Bvd Ste Beuve, 62200 BOULOGNE-SUR-MER

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings for strong winds; forecasts for East English Channel and the Straits of Dover.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts, warnings and other weather information contact the harbour master or the Meteorological Office, Quai de Pilotage

Services for other activities at the port:

Forecasts to harbour master for dissemination to services a the port and for display; hoisting of signals; communicatio

Port: BRESTTel: 02 98 44 60 21Email:Fax: 02 98 44 60 21Telex:

Address: Bureau météorologique, Direction du Port 16, Quai de la Douane

Forecast services for international shipping:Storm warnings and forecasts for English Channel, West Irish Sea and adjoining areas.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts, warnings and other weather information contact the harbour master or the Meteorological Office, 16, Quai de la Douane.

Services for other activities at the port:

Off-shore forecasts and warnings for strong winds to maritime agencies, towing operations, Chamber of Commerce, n

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Port: DUNKERQUETel: 03 28 63 85 20Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Bureau météorologique, Place du Minck, 59140 DUNKERQUE

Forecast services for international shipping:Storm warnings and forecast twice daily for South Gascogne and Cap Finistère.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the harbour master or the Meteorological Office, Place du Minck. (Answering machine:

Services for other activities at the port:

Forecasts to harbour master for display and hoisting of signals; communication of information to public works' enterpri

Port: LE HAVRETel: 02 32 74 03 60Email:Fax: 02 32 74 03 61Telex:

Address: Station météorologique, Nouveau sémaphore, Quai des Abeilles, 76600 LE HAVRE

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings and forecasts; briefing on request; documentation to all ships leaving port including swell forecasts.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the harbour master or the Meteorological Office, Quai des Abeilles.

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings of strong winds to shipping companies, oil tankers; provision of warnings for strong winds and of forecasts t

Port: MARSEILLETel: 04 42 95 90 21Email:Fax: 04 42 95 90 29Telex:

Address: Centre départementale de Météo-France2, boulevard du Châtea-Double, 13098 AIX-EN-PROVENCE, CEDEX

Forecast services for international shipping:Storm warnings, coastal and off-shore; forecasts valid for 24 to 48 hours twice daily on answer machine 0836 68 08 08

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the harbour master or the Centre Départemental de Météo-France, Aix-en-Provence.

Services for other activities at the port:

Provision of daily forecasts to harbour master for dissemination and display to services at port.

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Port: ROUENTel:

Address: Centre Départemental de la Météorologie,Aérodrome de Rouen-Vallée de Seine, 76520 BOOS

Forecast services for international shipping:Storm warnings, coastal and off-shore; forecasts valid for 24 to 48 hours twice daily.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the harbour master or the Meteorological Office.

Services for other activities at the port:

Provision of forecasts to harbour master for dissemination to services at port and display; specific assistance to all kin

Port: ST. NAZAIRETel: 02 94 36 01 15Email:Fax: 02 94 03 29 37Telex:

Address: Station météorologique, Aérogare, 44550 MONTOIR DE BRETAGNE

Forecast services for international shipping:Storm warnings and forecasts valid for 24 to 48 hours.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the Meteorological Office.

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and forecasts for North and South Gascogne, west Brittany for naval docks, towing operations, port works;

Port: TOULONTel: 04 94 36 01 15Email:Fax: 04 94 03 29 37Telex:

Address: Centre Départemental de la Météorologie, 449, Avenue de la Mitre, Le Mourillon, 83000 TOULON

Forecast services for international shipping:Storm warnings and forecasts for Western Mediterranean Sea.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the Meteorological Office.

Services for other activities at the port:

Storm warnings to harbour master for dissemination to port services at port, display and signals; telephone responses

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Germany - AllemagnePort: BREMEN

Tel: +49 (0)421 5 37 21 63Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological OfficeWetteramt (Weather Centre)Flughafendamm 45, Bremen

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings, forecasts, analysis for port area and river districts between port and shore and pilot radar service several times a day; weather maps display.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the PMO or the regional Meteorological Office, Bremen.

Services for other activities at the port:

Weather maps containing inference and forecasts/warnings for off-shore areas are displayed at port premises (Pilot O

Port: BREMERHAVENTel: +49 (0)471 7 22 20Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological OfficeWetterwarte (Weather Observation Station)An der Neuen Schleuse, Bremerhaven

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather maps containing inference and forecasts/warnings for off-shore areas are displayed at port premises (Pilot Office, Customs' Office, etc.) once a day.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the PMO or the regional Meteorological Office, Hamburg

Services for other activities at the port:

Weather maps containing inference and forecasts/warnings for off-shore areas are displayed at port premises (Pilot O

Port: HAMBURGTel: +49 (0)40 31 90 88 26/27Email:Fax: +49 (0)40 31 90 84 92Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological OfficeDer Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) (German Weather Service)Bernhard-Nocht-Strasse 76, Hamburg

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather inference and forecasts for harbour and shores by port radio and local broadcasts and pilot radar service several times a day; weather maps display as well as distribution by PMO.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information as well as for routeing recommendation contact the Meteorological Office in Hamburg

Services for other activities at the port:

Main Meteorological Office is located at the centre of the port area. Direct information is given to shipping companies

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Port: ROSTOCKTel: +49 (0)381 5 19 52 24Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological OfficeWetteramt Rostock (Rostock Weather Centre),Parkstrasse 47, Rostock-Warnemünde

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings, forecasts for port area and river districts between shore and port; warnings, inference, forecasts for several off-shore areas by means of broadcasts and telephone requests.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the Meteorological, 2530 Warnemünde.

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and forecasts to port authorities, merchant and other ships by telephone and/or teleprinter; supply of past w

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Tel: +30 413 5502Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological OfficePort Office,Piraiévs (Piraeus)

In case of no answer, try/ En cas de non-réponse, essayer :Chief Forecaster Ellinikon Meteorological Center

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather and sea bulletins for shipping; weather maps; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact the PMO or the Meteorological Office.

Services for other activities at the port:


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Greenland (Denmark) - Groenland (Danemark)Port: --

Tel: (01)392577Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Greenland Technical Organization (GTO)Telecommunication Division, Rosenvaengets Alle, 2100 Kobenhavn O.

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Iceland - IslandePort: REYKJAVIK

Tel: (91)686000Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Vedurstofa Islands, (The Icelandic Meteorological Office) Bustadavegi 9, 105, Reykjavik

Forecast services for international shipping:Advice on present and expected weather conditions in the harbour area on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the Meteorological Office, Reykjavik.

Services for other activities at the port:

Weather and sea ice charts and other information on request.

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Ireland - IrlandePort: CORK

Tel: (021)965974Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Meteorological Office, Cork Airport, CORK

Forecast services for international shipping:Regular weather bulletins, gale warnings and heavy swell warnings as necessary for coastal areas on RTE 1 at 0602, 1253, 1824, 2355 local time and rebroadcast by the coastal radio stations every 3 hours commencing 0103 local time (0403, 0703 ...etc. local time).Gale warnings are broadcast at the next news bulletin on RTE1 +2FM and every 6 hours on the coastal radio stations commencing 0033 UTC. The gale warnings are also broadcast on receipt by the coastal radio stations even when it is not a scheduled broadcast time. If the warnings are received at a scheduled hour 0033, 0633 etc... then the warnings are repeated one hour later.Weather-Dial + an automatic telephone weather service (Tel: 1550-123-855) is updated as necessary at least 3 times daily and gives a 24 hour sea area forecast and a 24 hour outlook which includes all gale warnings and heavy swell warnings.Weather Dial Fax, text forecasts and charts fax: 1570-131-838, followed by 00 for product list.Other forecasts on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact:Address:General Forecast OfficeMeteorological Service, Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9Tel: 8064217Fax: 8375780

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: DUBLINTel: 353-1-8064200Email:Fax: 01-8375780Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological OfficerMeteorological Service, Glasnevin Hill, DUBLIN 9

Forecast services for international shipping:Regular weather bulletins, gale warnings and heavy swell warnings as necessary for coastal areas on RTE 1 at 0602, 1253, 1824, 2355 local time and rebroadcast by the coastal radio stations every 3 hours commencing 0103 local time (0403, 0703 ...etc. local time).Gale warnings are broadcast at the next news bulletin on RTE1 +2FM and every 6 hours on the coastal radio stations commencing 0033 UTC. The gale warnings are also broadcast on receipt by the coastal radio stations even when it is not a scheduled broadcast time. If the warnings are received at a scheduled hour 0033, 0633 etc... then the warnings are repeated one hour later.Weather-Dial + an automatic telephone weather service (Tel: 1550-123-855) is updated as necessary at least 3 times daily and gives a 24 hour sea area forecast and a 24 hour outlook which includes all gale warnings and heavy swell warnings.Weather Dial Fax, text forecasts and charts fax: 1570-131-838, followed by 00 for product list.Other forecasts on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact:General Forecast Office, Meteorological Service, Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9Tél: 8064217; Fax: 8375780

Services for other activities at the port:

Forecast warnings and other weather information on request from Dublin office. PMO's provide meteorological equip

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Port: ROSSLARETel: (053)33113Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Meteorological Office, Rosslare Harbour, Co. Wexford

Forecast services for international shipping:Regular weather bulletins, gale warnings and heavy swell warnings as necessary for coastal areas on RTE 1 at 0602, 1253, 1824, 2355 local time and rebroadcast by the coastal radio stations every 3 hours commencing 0103 local time (0403, 0703 ...etc. local time).Gale warnings are broadcast at the next news bulletin on RTE1 +2FM and every 6 hours on the coastal radio stations commencing 0033 UTC. The gale warnings are also broadcast on receipt by the coastal radio stations even when it is not a scheduled broadcast time. If the warnings are received at a scheduled hour 0033, 0633 etc... then the warnings are repeated one hour later.Weather-Dial + an automatic telephone weather service (Tel: 1550-123-855) is updated as necessary at least 3 times daily and gives a 24 hour sea area forecast and a 24 hour outlook which includes all gale warnings and heavy swell warnings.Weather Dial Fax, text forecasts and charts fax: 1570-131-838, followed by 00 for product list.Other forecasts on request

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact:Address:General Forecast OfficeMeteorological Service, Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9Tel: 8064217Fax: 8375780

Services for other activities at the port:


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Israel - IsraëlPort: ASHDOD

Tel: +972 (0)8 524956Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Port Meteorological OfficeAshdod Port

Forecast services for international shipping:For warnings, forecasts and further outlook; weather maps.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the National Meteorological Centre.

Services for other activities at the port:

Forecasts and current synoptic weather maps; display of actual forecasts in prominent places; climatological informati

Port: ELATTel: (059)72206Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: J. DAVID, District Meteorological Station, Israel Meteorological Service, P.O. Box 68, ELAT

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the National Meteorological Centre

Services for other activities at the port:

Information on tides; climatological information on request.

Port: HEFA (HAIFA)Tel: +972 (0)4 664427

+927 (0)3 9682146Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Ship Supervision Section, Port Meteorological Office, Israel Meteorological Service, P.O. Box 33572, Hefa (Haifa)OR/OUSenior Duty Officer, Central Forecasting Office,Israel Meteorological Service, P.O. Box 25, BET DAGAN

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings, forecasts and further outlook; weather maps; weather briefing.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the National Meteorological Centre.

Services for other activities at the port:

Forecasts and current synoptic weather maps; display of actual forecasts and forecast maps in prominent places; cli

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Italy - ItaliePort: ANCONA


Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by local coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the Meteorological Office of Rimini (Tel. 0541/55295 ext. 294).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

Port: BARITel: (080) 216860,

(080) 211726Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by local coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the Meteorological Office of Brindisi (Tel. 0831/412461, ext. 415)

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

Port: CAGLIARITel: (070)669467Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by local coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the Meteorological Office (Tel. 070/240091, ext. 525).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

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Port: CATANIATel: (095)531134Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by Augusta coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the local Meteorological Office (Tel. 095/340739-340736).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

Port: CIVITAVECCHIATel: (0766) 20250,

(0766) 23015Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by local coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the Meteorological Office of Roma/Fiumicino (Tel.06/6012, ext.3207).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

Port: GENOVATel: (010) 267451Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by local coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the local Meteorological Office (Tel. 010/420341-478334).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

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Port: LIVORNOTel: (0586) 21362Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by local coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the Meteorological Office of Pisa (Tel. 050/20241).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

Port: NAPOLITel: (081) 206133,

(081) 206119Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by local coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the local Meteorological Office (Tel. 081/540783-541693).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

Port: PALERMOTel: (091) 582016,

(091) 582099Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by local coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the local Meteorological Office (Tel. 091/475763).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

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Port: REGGIO CALABRIATel: (0965) 21130Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by Messina coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the Meteorological Office of Catania (Tel. 095/340739).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

Port: VENEZIATel: (041) 705600Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Harbour Office

Forecast services for international shipping:Warnings,weather and sea bulletins by local coastal radio station.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For other weather information contact the local Meteorological Office (Tel. 041/661466).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings and local meteorological conditions.

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Latvia - LettoniePort: RIGA

Tel: 371-7-112038Email:Fax: 371-7-112038

371-7-145154Telex: 161151 SHARLV

Address: Marine Forecasting DepartmentLatvian Hydrometeorological Agency165, Maskavas Str.LV - 1019 RIGA

Forecast services for international shipping:Daily weather bulletins in Latvian contain an outlook for the next 2-3 days for the Gulf of Riga, Latvian coastal waters and surrounding sea areas; information on tides. Ice charts, reports and forecasting during ice period. Special forecasts on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For actual data and forecasting service contact the Marine Forecasting Department.

Services for other activities at the port:

Local weather forecasts for shipping and for loading and discharging on request and as mutually agreed with organiz

Port: VENTSPILSTel: 371-3621551Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Hydrometeorological BureauLatvian Hydrometeorological AgencyPO Box 60LV - 3601 VENTSPILS

Forecast services for international shipping:Daily weather bulletins in Latvian contain an outlook for the next 2-3 days for the Gulf of Riga, Latvian coastal waters and surrounding sea areas; information on tides. Ice charts, reports and forecasting during ice period. Special forecasts on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For actual data and forecasting service contact Hydrometeorological Bureau or Marine Forecasting Department in Riga.

Services for other activities at the port:

Local weather forecasts for shipping and for loading and discharging on request and as mutually agreed with organiz

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Lebanon - LibanPort: BEYROUTH

Tel: 220500Ext. 226-279


Address: Service météorologique du Liban

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Malta - MaltePort: VALLETTA

Tel: 249170 Ext. 308249170 Ext. 332

Email:Fax: 246694Telex:

Address: Chief Meteorologist,Meteorological Office, Department of Civil Aviation, Luqa Airport

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Netherlands - Pays-BasPort: AMSTERDAM

Tel: 31 30 2206391Email: [email protected]: 31 30 2210849Telex:

Address: Mr. John W. SCHAAPKNMI, PMO-OfficePostbus 2013730 AE De Bilt

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For special forecasts contact Hydrometeorological Centre Rijnmond (Tel. 0174-387272 Telefax: (0174)-383963).

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: FLUSHINGTel: 31 30 2206391Email: [email protected]: 31 30 2210849Telex:

Address: Mr. John W. SCHAAPKNMI, PMO-OfficePostbus 2013730 AE De Bilt

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For special forecasts contact Hydrometeorological Centre Rijnmond (Tel. 0174-387272 Telefax: (0174)-383963).

Services for other activities at the port:

Services to pilotage and recreational boating.

Port: ROTTERDAMTel: 31 30 2206391Email: [email protected]: 31 30 2210849Telex:

Address: Mr. John W. SCHAAPKNMI, PMO-OfficePostbus 2013730 AE De Bilt

Forecast services for international shipping:Weather bulletins in Dutch issued six times a day as a routine but more often in case of adverse weather; an outlook for the next day is included in the bulletin issued at noon and later during the day. Bulletins contain gale and near-gale warnings for Hook of Holland area, forecast covering wind, visibility and weather, forecast deviations of high and low water levels at Hook of Holland, forecast of the beginning and end of swell of low frequency if present in the Euro Channel and wave forecast of New Rotterdam Waterway roads.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For special forecasts contact Hydrometeorological Centre Rijnmond (Tel. 0174-387272 Telefax: (0174)-383963).

Services for other activities at the port:

Local weather forecast.

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Norway - NorvègePort: BERGEN

Tel: +47-55-23-66-00Email:Fax: +47-55-23-67-03Telex: 40427

Address: Port Meteorological OfficeNorwegian Meteorological InstituteAllégaten 70, N-5007 BERGEN

Forecast services for international shipping:Regular weather, sea and ice bulletins.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts contact duty forecaster. For other information contact PMO (Tel. +47-55-23-66-00).

Services for other activities at the port:

Local weather forecasts.

Port: OSLOTel: +47-22-96-30-00Email:Fax: +47-22-96-30-50Telex:

Address: Chief of Weather Forecasting ServiceNorwegian Meteorological InstitutePO Box 43 - BlindernN-0313 OSLO

Forecast services for international shipping:Routine forecasts for risk of sea ice given by letter to harbour authorities. Short-range forecast of wind and precipitation available on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other information contact duty officer (Tel. +47-22-963000).

Services for other activities at the port:

Short-range forecast of wind and precipitation on request.

Port: TROMSOTel: +47 77 68 40 44Email:Fax: +47 77 68 90 03Telex:

Address: Chief of Weather Forecasting InstituteNorwegian Meteorological InstitutePO Box 2501 N-9002 Tromso

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecast of risk of sea ice on request; short-range forecasts of wind and precipitation on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other information contact duty officer (Tel. (083) 84044).

Services for other activities at the port:

Short-range forecast of wind and precipitation on request.

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Poland - PolognePort: GDANSK



Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings by broadcast; daily weather maps; ice charts and ice bulletins in winter.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Daily forecasts and warnings are supplied to port authorities, yacht clubs, ship-yards by telephone on request; to ship

Port: GDYNIATel:Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mgr Josef KOWALEWSKI, Oddzial Morski, IMGW, Waszyngtona 42, 81-342 Gdynia

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings by broadcast; daily weather maps; ice charts and ice bulletins in winter.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Daily forecasts and warnings are supplied to port authorities, yacht clubs, ship-yards by telephone on request; to ship

Port: SWINOUJSCIETel:Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings by broadcast; daily weather maps as well as ice charts and ice bulletins.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Daily forecasts and warnings are supplied to port authorities, yacht clubs, ship-yards by telephone on request; to ship

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Port: SZEZECINTel:Email:Fax:Telex:


Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings by broadcast; daily weather maps as well as ice charts and ice bulletins.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Daily forecasts and warnings are supplied to port authorities, yacht clubs, ship-yards by telephone on request; to ship

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Tel: +351 21 8483961 – ext.: 559/579Email: Internet: http://www.meteo.ptFax: +351 21 8402370Telex:

Address: No Port Meteorological Officers (PMO). All information is provided and furnished by Weather Forecast Centre from Instituto de Meteorologia:Instituto de MeteorologiaWeather Forecast CentreRua C ao Aeroporto de Lisboa1749-077 LisboaPortugal

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Romania - RoumaniePort: CONSTANTA(1)

Tel: 1429914298


Address: Centre météorologique maritime

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

(1) Does not provide advice regarding instrument corrections and does not check instruments. / Ne donne pas de conseils au sujet des corrections d'instruments et ne vérifie pas les instruments.

Services for other activities at the port:


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Russian Federation - Fédération de RussiePort: ARHANGEL'SK

Tel: 02/12/1950Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Arhangel'sk Hydromet Centre, 3 Majakovski Street, 163020 Arhangel'sk -20

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

Port: ASTRAHAN'Tel: 3-19-20Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Zonal Hydromet Observatory of Astrahan'37 Solnetchnaja Street, 414028, Astrahan'

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

Port: KALININGRADTel: 2-43-19Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Zonal Hydromet Observatory of Kaliningrad, 38 Tchaikovski Street, 236000 Kaliningrad (Reg.)

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

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Port: MURMANSKTel: 7-40-55Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Murmansk Hydromet Centre, 23 Schmidt Street, 183789, Murmansk

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

Port: NAKHODKATel: 525-59Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Hydrometeorological Bureau, 15 Portovaja Street, Krasnodar Region, 353911 Novorossiysk

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

Port: NOVOROSSIYSKTel: 525-59Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Hudrometeorological Bureau, 15 Portovaja Street, Krasnodar Region, 353911 Novorossiysk

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

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Port: PETROPAVLOVSK-KAMCHATSKYTel: 3-13-22Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Petropavlovsk Weather Bureau, 12 Moltchanov Street, 683602 GSP, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

Port: SAINT-PETERSBURGTel: 218-22-51Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Leningrad Hydromet Centre, 2a, 23rd Line, 199026, Saint-Petersburg

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

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Spain - EspagnePort: BARCELONA

Tel: 3174896Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Centro Meteorológico, García Morato, 7 ático

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: CADIZTel: 233801Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


Port: LA CORUÑATel: 253200Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Centro Meteorológico, Ciudad Jardín, Apartado 183

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Port: SAN SEBASTIÁNTel: 274030Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Centro Meteorológico, Miracruz 32

Forecast services for international shipping:-

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:


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Tel: +46 11 495 85 68Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Mr. Morgan ZINDERLAND, PMO, SMHI, SE-601 76, Norrköping, Swden

Forecast services for international shipping:Regular weather, sea and ice bulletins by coastal radio stations. Also forecasts and briefing services for Swedish coastal waters and surrounding sea areas on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:-

Services for other activities at the port:

Local weather forecasts for shipping and for loading and discharging on request. Information about sea level change

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Syrian Arab Republic - République Arabe SyriennePort: LATTAKIA

Tel: 11654Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Chief of Staff, Weather Service

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings for shipping in addition to weather maps daily.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact Weather Service (Tel. 11654).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings when necessary are passed on to port authorities by telephone.

Port: TARTOUSTel: 22680Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Chief of Staff, Weather Service

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings for shipping in addition to weather maps daily.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For warnings, forecasts and other weather information contact Weather Service (Tel. 22680).

Services for other activities at the port:

Warnings when necessary are passed on to port authorities by telephone.

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Turkey - TurquiePort: ISTANBUL

Tel: 449126Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Karaköy Liman Baskanligi, Deniz Meteoroloji Bürosu, (Karaköy Port, Maritime Meteorological Centre)

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecasts and warnings; weather maps and briefing (these are given to ships' officers or to the agencies concerned).

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact the Meteorological Office at the port (Tel. 449126).

Services for other activities at the port:

Storm warnings are passed on to the related agencies by telephone; forecast reports are displayed at the entrance of

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UkrainePort: IL'ICHEVSK

Tel: +380 482 62 81 83Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Hydrometeorological Bureau, Sea Port, Odesa Region, Il'ichevsk

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

Port: MARIUPOL'Tel: +380 622 5 85 21Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Hydrometeorological Bureau, 89 Admiral Lunin Prospekt, Donetzk Region, 341010 Mariupol'

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

Port: ODESATel: +380 482 63 16 10Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Weather Bureau for the Black and Azov Seas,64 Soviet Army Street,270045, Odesa-45

Forecast services for international shipping:Meteorological advice to ships' personnel through the pilot at the time of departure from port; daily marine weather bulletins and during ice period charts of actual ice conditions; weather forecasts covering the port area for 24-hours; ice forecasts; warnings regarding dangerous weather and sea phenomena.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For forecasts and other weather information contact local port administration.

Services for other activities at the port:

Each of the services mentioned in the previous column is provided as mutually agreed with organizations situated in t

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United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord


(0222) 221423Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Captain A.F. ASHTON12th. Floor, Southgate House, Wood Street, CARDIFF CF1 1EW

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecast services for international shipping. Regular weather bulletins; gale warnings as necessary for coastal areas by radio telephony and telegraphy from British Telecom coast stations including NAVTEX broadcasts and also by radio telephony from BBC stations. Eastern North Atlantic bulletins (IAC Fleet) from Portishead by radio telegraphy. Facsimile broadcasts of weather charts from the Meteorological Office at Bracknell. MARINECALL, a 24-hour telephone service for coastal waters up to 12 miles off-shore. Special forecasts on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For Met O Leaflet No. 3, weather charts and any additional information contact PMO; weather charts are also available from Breaksea Pilot Launch. For local forecasts contact Cardiff Weather Centre (Tel. Cardiff (0222) 397020). For special forecasts contact Central Forecasting Office, Bracknell (Tel. Bracknell (0344) 420242 ext. 2508).

Services for other activities at the port:

The recruitment and provision of approved meteorological instruments and stationery for vessels recruited into the Vo

Port: CLYDE (GLASGOW)Tel: Greenock

(0475) 24700Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Captain S.M. NORWELL, Navy Buildings, Eldon Street, GREENOCK PA16 7SL

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecast services for international shipping. Regular weather bulletins; gale warnings as necessary for coastal areas by radio telephony and telegraphy from British Telecom coast stations including NAVTEX broadcasts and also by radio telephony from BBC stations. Eastern North Atlantic bulletins (IAC Fleet) from Portishead by radio telegraphy. Facsimile broadcasts of weather charts from the Meteorological Office at Bracknell. MARINECALL, a 24-hour telephone service for coastal waters up to 12 miles off-shore. Special forecasts on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For Met O Leaflet No. 3 and any additional information contact PMO; for weather charts and local forecasts contact Glasgow Weather Centre (Tel. 041-248 3451). For special forecasts contact Central Forecasting Office, Bracknell (Tel. Bracknell (0344) 420242 ext. 2508).

Services for other activities at the port:

The recruitment and provision of approved meteorological instruments and stationery for vessels recruited into the Vo

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Port: HUMBER (HULL)Tel: Hull (0482) 20158Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Captain E.J. O'SULLIVANCustoms BuildingAlbert dockHULL HU1 2DN

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecast services for international shipping. Regular weather bulletins; gale warnings as necessary for coastal areas by radio telephony and telegraphy from British Telecom coast stations including NAVTEX broadcasts and also by radio telephony from BBC stations. Eastern North Atlantic bulletins (IAC Fleet) from Portishead by radio telegraphy. Facsimile broadcasts of weather charts from the Meteorological Office at Bracknell. MARINECALL, a 24-hour telephone service for coastal waters up to 12 miles off-shore. Special forecasts on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For Met O Leaflet No. 3 and any additional information contact PMO; for local forecasts contact Weather Centre, Leeds (Tel. Leeds (0532) 451990). For special forecasts contact Central Forecasting Office, Bracknell (Tel. Bracknell (0344) 420242 ext. 2508).

Services for other activities at the port:

The recruitment and provision of approved meteorological instruments and stationery for vessels recruited into the Vo

Port: LONDONTel: Grays

(0375) 378369Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Captain C.R. DOWNESDaneholes House, Hogg Lane, GRAYS, Essex RM17 5QH(0375) 378369

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecast services for international shipping. Regular weather bulletins; gale warnings as necessary for coastal areas by radio telephony and telegraphy from British Telecom coast stations including NAVTEX broadcasts and also by radio telephony from BBC stations. Eastern North Atlantic bulletins (IAC Fleet) from Portishead by radio telegraphy. Facsimile broadcasts of weather charts from the Meteorological Office at Bracknell. MARINECALL, a 24-hour telephone service for coastal waters up to 12 miles off-shore. Special forecasts on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For Met O Leaflet No. 3 and any additional information contact PMO; weather charts supplied by London Weather Centre are available at Gravesend Pilot station; for local forecasts contact London Weather Centre (Tel 01-836 4311). For special forecasts contact Central Forecasting Office, Bracknell (Tel. Bracknell (0344) 420242 ext. 2508).

Services for other activities at the port:

The recruitment and provision of approved meteorological instruments and stationery for vessels recruited into the Vo

Port: MERSEY (LIVERPOOL)Tel: Liverpool

(051) 236 6565Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Captain A. BRITAIN,Room 218, Royal Liver Building,Liverpool L3 1HU

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecast services for international shipping. Regular weather bulletins; gale warnings as necessary for coastal areas by radio telephony and telegraphy from British Telecom coast stations including NAVTEX broadcasts and also by radio telephony from BBC stations. Eastern North Atlantic bulletins (IAC Fleet) from Portishead by radio telegraphy. Facsimile broadcasts of weather charts from the Meteorological Office at Bracknell. MARINECALL, a 24-hour telephone service for coastal waters up to 12 miles off-shore. Special forecasts on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For Met O Leaflet No. 3, weather charts and any additional information contact PMO; weather charts are also available from the Custom House; for local forecasts contact Manchester Weather Centre (Tel 061-477 1060). For special forecasts contact Central Forecasting Office, Bracknell (Tel. Bracknell (0344) 420242 ext. 2508).

Services for other activities at the port:

The recruitment and provision of approved meteorological instruments and stationery for vessels recruited into the Vo

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Port: SOUTHAMPTON, SW ENGLANDTel: Southampton 01703 220632Email:Fax: 01703 337341Telex:

Address: 8, Viceroy HouseMountbatten Business CentreMillbrook Road EastSOUTHAMPTON SO15 1HY

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecast services for international shipping. Regular weather bulletins; gale warnings as necessary for coastal areas by radio telephony and telegraphy from British Telecom coast stations including NAVTEX broadcasts and also by radio telephony from BBC stations. Eastern North Atlantic bulletins (IAC Fleet) from Portishead by radio telegraphy. Facsimile broadcasts of weather charts from the Meteorological Office at Bracknell. MARINECALL, a 24-hour telephone service for coastal waters up to 12 miles off-shore. Special forecasts on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For Met O Leaflet No. 3 and any additional information contact PMO; for weather charts and local forecasts contact Southampton Weather Centre (Tel Southampton (0703)228844). For special forecasts contact Central Forecasting Office, Bracknell (Tel. Bracknell (0344) 420242 ext. 2508).

Services for other activities at the port:

The recruitment and provision of approved meteorological instruments and stationery for vessels recruited into the Vo

Port: TYNE (NEWCASTLE)Tel: Middlesbrough

(0642) 231622Email:Fax:Telex:

Address: Captain J. STEELRoom D418, Corporation House73/75 Albert Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland TS1 2RZ

Forecast services for international shipping:Forecast services for international shipping. Regular weather bulletins; gale warnings as necessary for coastal areas by radio telephony and telegraphy from British Telecom coast stations including NAVTEX broadcasts and also by radio telephony from BBC stations. Eastern North Atlantic bulletins (IAC Fleet) from Portishead by radio telegraphy. Facsimile broadcasts of weather charts from the Meteorological Office at Bracknell. MARINECALL, a 24-hour telephone service for coastal waters up to 12 miles off-shore. Special forecasts on request.

Address(es) for the provision of the services:For Met O Leaflet No. 3 and any additional information contact PMO; for local forecasts contact Newcastle Weather Centre (Tel Newcastle-upon-Tyne (0632) 326453). For special forecasts contact Central Forecasting Office, Bracknell (Tel. Bracknell (0344) 420242 ext. 2508).

Services for other activities at the port:

The recruitment and provision of approved meteorological instruments and stationery for vessels recruited into the Vo

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