chapter 44 fabric care

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  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Chapter 44: Fabrics and

    Their CareObjectives: Compare different

    types of fibers, fabric construction,methods, and finishes.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Define the following key terms.

    Fibersvery fine, hairlike strands of

    various lengths.

    Yarnsfibers that have been twisted or

    grouped together.

    Natural fibersfibers that come from

    plants or animals.

    Manufactured fibersfibers that are

    formed completely or in part by chemicals.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Blenda yarn made from two or more

    different fibers to take advantage of the

    best features of each.

    Fabric finishesspecial treatments that

    improve the appearance, feel, or

    performance of the fabric.

    Colorfastthe color remains the same

    over time.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Mildewa fungus that shows up as black

    dots on clothes.

    Woven fabrics: Weaving involves

    interlacing two sets of yarns together at

    right angles.

    Plain weave is the most common weave.

    You often see it in shirts and sheets.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Twill weave produces fabrics, such asdenim, that are stronger than those ofplain weave.

    Satin weave produces smooth fabrics witha sheen but they are less durable. Someblouses and evening apparel are madefrom this weave.

    Plainover and under 1; twillover andunder two; satinover and under 3.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Knits are constructed by pulling the loops

    of yarn through other loops of yarn,

    creating interlocking rows. Knit clothes

    are comfortable and dont wrinkle easily.

    Other fabric construction methods:

    nonwovenfelt; made by matting or

    bonding fibers with heat, moisture, oradhesives.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Other Construction Methods

    Bondingfusing one fabric to another;

    quiltingputting a fluffy layer between two


  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Answer the following questions:

    1. How are fibers related to yarns?

    Fibers are twisted or grouped together to

    form yarns.

    2. What is the key difference between

    natural fibers and manufactured fibers?

    Natural fibers come from plants oranimals. Manufactured fibers are made

    completely or in part from chemicals.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    4. Name three natural and threemanufactured fibers. List twocharacteristics of each.

    NaturalCotton: Comfortable in warm weather;

    strong; absorbent; shrinks; wrinkles.

    Linen: (flax) Stronger than cotton;absorbent; comfortable; wrinkles easily.


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    Wool: (fleece of sheep) warm; resistswrinkles; repels water; shrinks easily; drycleaned.

    Silk(cocoon of silk worm) lightweight;resists wrinkling; damaged by perspiration,deodorant, and high ironing temperatures.

    Ramie(stems of China grass) strong withnatural luster; absorbent; washable, stifftexture = usually blended with other fibers.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Manufactured Fibers

    Rayon: Absorbent; soft; comfortable;

    drapes; shrinks; dry cleaning


    Polyester: Resists wrinkling and shrinking;

    not absorbent; washable; dries fast;

    attracts oily stains; tends to pill (form balls

    on surface of fabric).

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    Nylon: Strong; lightweight; holds shape; Notabsorbent; static electricity; washable;dries quickly; sensitive to heat; white

    nylon-yellow.Acrylic: Soft; warm; resists wrinkling; not

    dried at high temperatures; some pillingand static electricity; resists fading.

    Spandex: Often combined with other fibers;no bleach or high drying temperatures.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    4. What is a blend? Give an example.

    A yarn that is made from two or moredifferent fibers. Ex: polyester and cotton

    5. Compare the construction andcharacteristics of woven and knit fabrics.

    Woven fabrics: Are made with two sets of

    yarns interlacing at right angles. Arestronger than knit and hold their shapebetter.

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    Knit fabrics: Are constructed by pulling

    loops of yarn through other loops of yarn.

    Stretch with movement and return to

    original shape.

    They do not wrinkle easily.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    6. Give four examples of different purposesfor fabric finishes.

    To improve appearance.

    Improve feel.

    Improve performance of fabric.

    To add color or design.

    To make water repellant.

    To make softer, shinier, or crisper.

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    To make wrinkle-resistant.

    Add soil-release finish.

    7. What are two advantages of colorfastfabrics?

    The color will remain the same over time.

    Dye will not leach into other laundry.

  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    8. Why is it important to take proper care ofclothes?

    They will look good and last longer.

    9. Describe three ways to treat a stain.

    Rinse with cold water.

    Use stain-removal towelette.

    Soak with detergent o plain water.

    Pretreat before washing.

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    10. Explain how to hand wash a garment.

    Soak in sudsy water.

    Gently squeeze suds through garment.Replace soapy water with fresh to rinse


    Repeat rinse until no suds remain.

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  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    12. Why should some garments be pressedrather than ironed?

    Garments such as knits should be pressed

    rather than ironed to avoid stretching.13. How is dry cleaning different from regular


    Dry cleaning uses special chemicals, ratherthan water and detergent, to cleanclothes.

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  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    17.What is the advantage of a fiber blend?

    It combines the best feature of each fiber.

    18. What qualifies as a fabric finish?Special treatments that improve the

    appearance, feel, or performance of a


  • 7/27/2019 Chapter 44 Fabric Care


    19. Why would you wash a garment

    with like colors?

    To prevent its dye from running intoother items.

    20. When is the best time to treat stains?

    As soon as possible.

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    21. List three factors to consider when

    sorting laundry.

    Care instructions.


    Weight of items.

    Linting.Amount of soil.

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    22. Identify three actions you can take to

    deal with clothing stains.