chapter 4 : google algorithms and penalties tutorial


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SEO Training by

Search Engine Optimization Training

Page Locus is a popular online website analysis and SEO tool which help SEO

individuals, Agencies and Enterprise to manage their SEO Efforts.Page Locus

also expertize in providing training to Digital Marketers and SEOs.

Module 4 : Google Algorithms & Penalties

What is Page Locus?

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

AIM of Module

To gain basic understanding about

What is Content Marketing?

Some Content Marketing Stats

Content Marketing interest 2005-2015

How Local SEO Works in 2015

Why We Need Content Marketing Strategy?

Stats: B2B Vs B2C Content Marketing Channel Graph

Stats: B2B VS B2C Content Type Marketed Distribution

Stats: B2B VS B2C Content Marketing Goal

Misconceptions about Content Marketing

How Content Marketing Actually Works

Few Reasons Why Content Marketing Fails

Content Marketing Strategy Checklist

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

What are Google Algorithms?

Google Algorithms are computer programs that look for clues to provide

you with most relevant search result. (For More Info. Click here)

In the Index of Google there are trillions of pages so to find the best

result Google uses algorithms to rank page according to the relevancy

of the search term and those with the highest results are displayed

starting from Position 1.

JFF : For a Single Term Search Query on Google Wikipedia Ranks #1 for 90% of Searches


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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

How Google Algorithms Works

Crawling Indexing




Search Results


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The First Google Algorithm (PageRank)

Formula Looks Like This

PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... +


In short,

Authority of a web page is based on

how many links are pointing to it and

what is the authority of those links.

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Most Popular Algo Updates from Google


● Understand User Intent

● Improve Search Results





● Penalize Low-Quality sites

● Promote High-Quality sites




● Penalize Spam Websites

● Penalize Black-Hat Method


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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Panda Algorithmic Update

What Panda Algorithm Update Targets?

Websites with “Thin” Content or Low Content Sites.

Websites with Duplicate Content in Huge Volumes.

Machine Generated Content or Spun Content.

For More Information Click Here

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Panda Algorithmic Update

What kind of Websites were impacted?

Affiliate Websites were mostly impacted. (negative)

Secondly Broad International Websites were Impacted.(negative)

Local Business Websites were Impacted.

Other Government and Educational Websites

Among Negatively Impacted Websites were and

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Panda Algorithmic Update

How to Recover from Panda Update?

Remove Duplicate Content Pages from Your Website.

Add Content to Pages with Low Quality or “Thin Content”.

Add Trustworthy Signals Such as Business Address, Phone Number.

Do a Site-Wide Audit of Your Website and Remove Unwanted Links

Note: Follow steps may take a while before a site can recover from panda (usually months)

For More Information Visit Google Penalty Recovery.

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Google Penguin Algorithm Update

What Penguin Algorithm Update Targets?

Catch Spammy Website and Unethical Practices.

Website trying to manipulate Search Engine Rankings

Black-hat techniques by webmasters.

For More Information Wikipedia

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Google Penguin Algorithm Update

What kind of Websites were impacted?

Websites with Low-Ranking Factor were mostly impacted

Websites Violating Google Webmasters Guidelines

Websites using Unethical ways to rank higher in Google.

Websites focused on traffic rather than user experience.

Among Negatively Impacted Websites were and

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Recovering from Penguin Update

Link Audit On Page Analysis

● Analyse all site-wide links

● Redirection Analysis

● Check Anchor Text Pattern

● Per Page Keyword Analysis

● External Link Analysis.

Tip : Optimize pages for better user

experience what’s enough for users is

enough for search engines.

● Disavow Links in Webmasters

● File Reconsideration Request

It's important that you should disavow

all low quality backlinks from the

webmasters console.

Then file Reconsideration Request to


Final Move

● Deindex Low Content Pages

● Improve Content of Existing

● Track Organic Traffic.

Tip : Recovery from Penguin is

never instantaneou . It can take

weeks and mostly months to regain

the traffic you had. Some websites

may not be able to recover ever.

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Hummingbird Algorithm Update

What was the focus of Hummingbird algo?

Improve Google Search Result by Understanding Meaning of Query.

Trying to interpret what user is looking for not focused on just keywords.

Every Term of the Query was taken into consideration.

For More Information Visit Wikipedia

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Hummingbird Algorithm Update

How Hummingbird Affect Your Website?

Putting into simple words we can’t control the outcome of hummingbird

algorithm. First it’s too complicate to understand and even more

complicated to implement.

Reason why I told you about hummingbird - You can tell your clients about it.

If something goes wrong you can always blame it on hummingbird (just kidding)

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

Big Brands that were Penalized by Google

Rap-Genius CaseDate : December 2013

Penalized for Unethical way of Link Building.

This was a Manual Penalty.

Penalty Period was around 10 days.

Read the Full Blog Post by Rap-Genius

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SEO Training bySession 2015/16

How did Rap-Genius got back on Google?

Rap-Genius CaseDate : December 2013

Examined around 3,330 / 1,77,781 Backlinks

Disavow unnatural Links Pointing to the website.

Send Reconsideration Request to Google

Result - Rap-Genius were back in the results but were demoted in rankings.

Today their rankings are back to normal and so the traffic.

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