chapter 3: 1 general issues in research design. introduction as social scientists, we seek to...

Chapter 3: 1 General Issues in Research Design

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Chapter 3:


General Issues in Research Design


•As social scientists, we seek to explain the causes of some phenomenon (e.g., crime)

•Physical growth in plants is caused by a # of factors

•Human behavior is much more complex; free will and deterministic constraints affect behavior

•Certain factors make some more or less likely to engage in crime


Reasons have Reasons

•What causes juvenile delinquency?

•Deterministic constraints – lack of parental supervision, peer group association, early childhood experiences, amount/kind of education

•Free will aspects – why didn’t you personally choose to hang out with troublemakers? Why didn’t you decide to slack off in school?


So how can we study behavior?

•When conducting explanatory social science research, we subscribe to the deterministic camp

•We assume that people have little freedom of choice

•We do not assume that all human actions are determined, nor that we are all controlled by the same forces, nor that we can find all answers


Probabilistic Causal Model

•Certain factors make crime/delinquency more or less likely within groups of people

•Two models of explanation

•Ideographic – lists the many, perhaps unique, considerations behind an action

•Nomothetic – lists the most important (and fewest) considerations/variables that best explain general patterns of cause and effect


Criteria for Causality

•Posited by Shadish, Cook, & Campbell (2002)

•Empirical relationship between variables

•Temporal order (cause precedes effect)

•No alternative explanations – no spurious other variable(s) affecting the initial relationship


Necessary and Sufficient Causes

•Within the probabilistic model, two types:

•Necessary cause – represents a condition that must be present for the effect to occur (being charged before being convicted)

•Sufficient cause – represents a condition that, if it is present, will pretty much guarantee that the effect will occur (pleading guilty before being convicted)


Validity and Causal Inference

•When we make a cause-and-effect statement, we are concerned with its validity – whether it is true and valid

•Certain threats to the validity of our inference exist

•These are reasons why we might be incorrect in stating that some cause produces some effect


Statistical Conclusion Validity

•Is there is a statistical relationship between the change in the suspected cause and the change in the suspected effect; that is, is there covariation?

•Relationship between drug use and crime – if users and nonusers commit the same amount, this demonstrates no statistical relationship (caveats)

•Also, when the sample on which the conclusion is drawn is too small, this threatens SCV


Internal Validity

•Generally due to non-random or systemic error

•The threat to IV results when the relationship between two variables arises from the effect of some third variable

•Example: ice cream sales and homicide

•Example: drug users sentenced to probation over prison recidivate less


External Validity

•Concerned with whether research findings in one study can be replicated in another study

•Do the findings apply equally in different settings (locales, cities, populations)?

•May also refer to the applicability of experimental research under controlled conditions to the “real world”

•POPN experiment, MN Domestic Violence experiment


Construct Validity

•Concerned with how well an observed relationship between variables represents the causal process

•Are the variables and methods we select sufficient indicators of the underlying social phenomena we wish to observe? Do they square with reality?

•Are we measuring what we want to measure or what we claim we are measuring?

•e.g., close supervision of officers -> more tickets?

•e.g., KC experiment, “police visibility”


Bias and Generalizability

•The four types of validity threats can be grouped into these two categories

•Bias – IV and SCV threats are related to systematic and nonsystematic bias

•CV and EV are concerned with generalization to real-world behaviors and conditions


Does Drug Use Cause Crime?

•Temporal order: which comes first?

•A statistical relationship exists, but underlying causes affect both drug use and crime (IV threat)

•What constitutes drug use? Crime? (CV threat)

•How will policy affect drug use and crime? A crackdown on all drugs among all populations will do little to reduce serious crime.


Units of Analysis

•What or who is studied•Individuals - (police, victims, defendants, inmates, gang members, burglars)

•Groups - multiple persons with same characteristics - (gangs, police beats, patrol districts, households, city blocks, cities, counties)

•Organizations - formal groups w/established leaders and rules - (prisons, police departments, courtrooms, drug treatment facilities, businesses, agencies)

•Social artifacts - products of social beings and their behavior - (stories in newspapers, posts on the Internet, photographs of crime scenes, incident reports, police/citizen interactions)


Errors of Reasoning

•People often make errors in assessing causation

•Seek to identify faulty causal reasoning in media sound bytes, editorials, other articles


"The only policy that effectively reduces public shootings is right-to-carry laws. Allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns reduces violent crime. In the 31 states that have passed right-to-carry laws since the mid-1980s, the number of multiple-victim public shootings and other violent crimes has dropped dramatically. Murders fell by 7.65%, rapes by 5.2%, aggravated assaults by 7%, and robberies by 3%." Source: "The Media Campaign Against Gun Ownership", The Phyllis Schlafly Report, Vol. 33, No. 11, June 2000.

"…[E]vidence shows that even state and local handgun control laws work. For example, in 1974 Massachusetts passed the Bartley-Fox Law, which requires a special license to carry a handgun outside the home or business. The law is supported by a mandatory prison sentence. Studies by Glenn Pierce and William Bowers of Northeastern University documented that after the law was passed handgun homicides in Massachusetts fell 50% and the number of armed robberies dropped 35%." Source: "Fact Card", Handgun Control, Inc.


Issues of Logic

•Ecological fallacy - danger of making assertions about individuals based on the examination of groups or aggregations (Poor areas = more crime, therefore poor people commit more crime)

•Individual fallacy – using anecdotal evidence to make an argument (O.J. Simpson court resources)

•Reductionism - failing to see the myriad of possible factors causing the situation being studied


The Time Dimension

•Time sequence is critical in determining causation

•Time is also involved in the generalizability of research findings

•Observations can either be made more or less at one point, or stretched over a longer period


Cross-Sectional Studies

•Observing a single point in time (cross-section); simple and least costly way to conduct research

•We cannot see social processes or changes; have to worry if we picked a bad point in time to capture

•Typically descriptive or exploratory in nature


Longitudinal Studies

•Permit observations over time

•Trend – those that study changes within some general population over time (UCR)

•Cohort – examine more specific populations as they change over time (Wolfgang study)

•Panel – similar to trend or cohort, but the same set of people is interviewed on two or more occasions (NCVS) (panel attrition)


Approximating Longitudinal Studies

•May be possible to draw approximate conclusions about processes that take place over time, even when only CS data is available

•When time order of variables is clear, logical inferences can be made about processes taking place over time


Retrospective Research

•Asks people to recall their past for the purpose of approximating observations over time

•People have faulty memories; people lie

•Analysis of past records also suffer from problems – records may be unavailable, incomplete, or inaccurate

•Prospective research – longitudinal study that follows subjects forward in time (Widom – child abuse/drug use)


Time Dimension Summarized

•Cross-sectional study = snapshot – an image at one point in time

•Trend study = slide show – a series of snapshots in sequence over time, allows us to tell how some indicator varies over time

•Panel study = motion picture – gives information about individual observations over time


How to Design a Research Project

•Beginning points for a line of research

•e.g., interests, ideas, theories, new programs

•Why does something occur?

•Why is this how it is?

•What about this possible program?

•These questions may lead to others you might like to explore


Getting Started

•Find out what research has been done

•Read newspaper stories, journal articles, check out the Internet, talk to relevant people

•Figure out your objective & intended audience

•Generally, your purpose for undertaking research can be expressed in a report



•What do you mean by the concept being studied?

•If you are going to study fear of violent crime:

•What is considered “violent crime”?

•What is considered “fear”?

•You need to specify ALL the concepts you wish to study


Choice of Research Method

•A variety are available, each has strengths and weaknesses, choose one after considering the specific concept you want to study

•Interviews, surveys, field research, content analysis, official records

•The best studies utilize more than one research method



•Create concrete ways of actually measuring your concept

•Fear and violent crime:

•Questionnaire item: “How safe do you feel in your house, downtown at night, etc.?”

•Official records of violent crime incidents in that neighborhood, downtown, etc.


Population and Sampling

•Exactly who or what will you study?

•Population – group (e.g., of people) about whom we want to be able to draw conclusions

•Since it is generally unfeasible to study ALL members of that population, how will you take a representative sample?

•Fear and violent crime: will you include elderly? Teenagers and kids? A particular race or gender?



•Collect the empirical data

•Yes, that’s it, make the observations that you will process, analyze, interpret, apply, and review


Data Processing

•You have amassed a volume of observations in a form that usually is not easily interpretable

•How will you make sense of the observations?

•Code the data somehow



•Manipulate the data (usually with a software program like SPSS)

•Goal is to draw conclusions that reflect on the interests, ideas, and theories which initiated our research project

•Calculate percentages of those who have been victimized by violent crime, those who fear violent crime, differences among population subsets, etc.



•Utilize the research you’ve conducted and the conclusions you’ve reached

•Make your findings known to others

•Develop policy to address your findings

•Determine what mistakes were made that could be corrected in the future

•Determine how your research might feed into future research


Linking Measurement and Association

•Traditional Deductive Model

•Theory Construction

•Derivation of Theoretical Hypotheses

•Operationalization of Concepts

•Collection of Empirical Data

•Empirical Testing of Hypotheses


Theory Construction

•The scientist creates an abstract deductive theory to describe an aspect of the world

•This is largely a logical exercise – the theory must make sense and include concepts relevant to the aspect being studied

•Importation theory – individuals import traits and characteristics from one setting which manifest themselves in a new setting


Derivation of Theoretical Hypotheses

•Based on this theory, the scientist derives hypotheses relating to the inherent concepts

•Prison misconduct stems from the importation of a preexisting belligerent and antagonistic mentality into the correctional institution


Operationalization of Concepts

•The scientist specifies precise and specific indicators to represent theoretical concepts – converting the theoretical hypothesis into an empirical one

•Misconducts – number of major and minor rule violations while in prison

•Importation – measure of gang involvement, race, socioeconomic status as a reflection of strain


Collection of Empirical Data

•The scientist collects data relating to the operationalized concepts

•Survey 500 prison inmates and the correctional officials in that institution

•Discover race, prior gang involvement, prior socioeconomic status, number of rule violations while incarcerated



•Theoretical concepts seldom permit unambiguous operationalization

•All empirical indicators have some defects and can be improved on (the search is endless, though)

•Empirical (statistical) associations between variables are imperfect

•Specifying the extent that represents acceptance and that which represents rejection is arbitrary



•“No statistically significant relationship was found between race, socioeconomic status, and number of misconducts while in prison.”

•Communicate the findings to others

•Implement the findings if possible

•Consider what further research must be done


The Research Proposal


•Literature Review

•Research Questions

•Subjects for Study



•Data Collection Methods



