chapter 28 - the new frontier and great society

Chapter 28

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Page 1: Chapter 28 - The New Frontier And Great Society

Chapter 28

Page 2: Chapter 28 - The New Frontier And Great Society

1. Election of 19602. The Kennedy Mystique3. Success and Setbacks on the Domestic

Front4. Warren Court Reforms

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1960 Presidential election begins era of television politics

TV becomes a voting tool Democratic – Catholic –

Massachusetts: John F. Kennedy Republican – Quaker – Former V.P.:

Richard Nixon Millions spent by Democrats and

Republicans on television and radio ads

Campaigns◦ Kennedy shows concerns about the

“missile gap”◦ Nixon believed foreign policy was

on the right track Televised debates influence the

outcome of the election Kennedy win by a narrow margin

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Youth, optimism, and charisma inspired Americans

Inaugural address: “ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”

1st president to broadcast his press conferences live on television

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New Frontier◦ Increase education aid◦ Provide health insurance to the

elderly◦ Create Dept. of Urban Affairs◦ Help migrant workers

Congress defeats many of his proposals – too costly

Kennedy advocated deficit spending

Congress wanted to invest funds into defense and space exploration

Kennedy creates the Commission on the Status of Women◦ Calls for the federal action

against gender discrimination and equal pay for women

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Earl Warren (Chief Justice) (Warren Court) activist role in social issues◦ Civil rights for African Americans◦ Freedom of the press◦ Separation of church and state◦ Rights of the accused

Reapportionment –all votes would have equal weight

Due process – courts must treat individuals fairly, and reasonably and use proper procedures

States could not imposed prayer in public schools

Warren Court plays an immense role in shaping national policy

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1. Global Challenges2. Bay of Pigs Invasion3. Berlin Wall4. Cuban Missile Crisis5. Death of a President

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Curb communism and reduce the threat of nuclear war

Flexible response – build-up of conventional weapons and troops

Supported Special Forces designed to wage guerilla warfare

Alliance for Progress designed to improve Latin American relations◦ Cooperative aid projects to

Central and South American countries

◦ Some governments made reforms, Some governments used the aid to remain in power

Peace Corp established – designed to help less developed countries fight poverty◦ Young Americans trained to assist

countries (2 years) Increased tensions caused the

space race (Kennedy pushes to put the 1st man on the moon)

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Cuba’s leader Fidel Castro forms an alliance with the Soviet Union

Cuban exiles (La Brigada) trained to retake Cuba from Castro

1961 – Kennedy order the Bay of Pigs Invasion – La Brigada is either killed or captured by Castro’s army

Failed attempt to overthrow Cuban government

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Kennedy refuses to:◦ Recognize East

Germany◦ Withdraw from West

Berlin Berlin to prevent

movement between the Soviet sector and the rest of the city

Symbolized the Cold War division of East and West

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Soviets had placed long-range ballistic missiles in Cuba

Agreement reached:◦ US not to invade Cuba and

takes missiles out of Turkey◦ USSR takes missiles out of

Cuba Brought the world to the

brink of nuclear war US and USSR agree to ban

test of nuclear warheads in the atmosphere

Khrushchev’s fall attributed to the Cuban Missile Crisis

New leadership will spur on a huge Soviet arms buildup

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Lee Harvey Oswald Dallas, TX Oswald killed two days

later by Jack Ruby The Warren Commission

investigates the shooting and proclaims that Oswald was the lone shooter.

Conspiracy theories arise but none gain wide acceptance

Lyndon Johnson continues Kennedy’s programs

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1. Johnson Takes the Reins2. The Great Society3. Legacy of the Great Society

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50 million in poverty: made the elimination of poverty a major policy goal

Johnson was direct and rough, unlike Kennedy

Tries to work towards a consensus: general agreement between political parties

Declares a War on Poverty: Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) = create jobs and fight poverty

Wins the election of 1964 against Barry Goldwater

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Johnson’s vision for a more equitable society

Medicare Medicaid Focus on education:

◦ Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965)

◦ Project Head Start Department of Housing and

Urban Development: ◦ Robert Weaver (1st African

American to Serve in Cabinet) Immigration Reform Act of

1965:◦ Strict limit on number of

immigrants◦ Eliminated national origins


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All aspects of American life improved for many Americans

Some Americans criticized the growth of federal funds and criticized the government for intruding upon their lives

How much should the government do for Americans?