chapter 24: the texas executive branch. current texas governor rick perry (a republican), was sworn...


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Page 1: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000



Page 2: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Current Texas GovernorCurrent Texas Governor

Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000. He was elected to a four-year term on November 5, 2002.

Page 3: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Formal/Informal Qualifications Formal/Informal Qualifications for Becoming Governorfor Becoming Governor

Formal:– 30 years of age

– American citizen and citizen of Texas for five years prior to election

Informal:– (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)

– Male (there have only been two female governors in TX)

– Middle-aged Successful Businessperson or Attorney

– Conservative-to-Moderate candidate

Page 4: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Governor’s Tenure, Removal, & Governor’s Tenure, Removal, & SuccessionSuccession

4 year termNo limits on number of termsCan be removed from office only by

impeachment (requires simple majority of legislative members present; conviction requires 2/3 vote of Senate)

Lieutenant Governor is next in the line of succession

Page 5: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Governor’s CompensationGovernor’s Compensation

Salary is set by the legislaturePresent salary is $115,345 (among highest in

the nation)Governor’s MansionExpense accountProfessional staff

Page 6: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Governor’s Tools of PersuasionGovernor’s Tools of Persuasion Informal or extra-legal powers: Powers that are not stated in rules,

laws, or the constitution, but are usually derived from these legal powers.

Formal or legal powers: Powers stated in rules, laws, or the constitution.

Informal and formal powers are enhanced by other conditions such as the governor having:– a strong personality– political expertise– prestige– knack for public relations and political drama– good press relations– supporters with economic and political strength– a favorable political climate– good luck

Page 7: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Legislative Tools of PersuasionLegislative Tools of Persuasion

The Veto: Executive power to reject a proposed law unless a majority votes to override governor’s opposition.

The Item Veto: Executive power to veto sections of a bill, but allowing remainder of bill to become law. Limited to appropriation bills only.

Pre-session Bargaining: Negotiation that lets governor and legislative leaders reach necessary compromises prior to start of the session.

Page 8: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Legislative Tools of Persuasion Legislative Tools of Persuasion (cont.)(cont.)

Message Power: Allows governor to focus the attention of the press, legislators, and citizens on legislative proposals he/she considers important. Also called the “Bully Pulpit”.

“Blue Ribbon” Commission: Governor appoints this commission consisting of influential citizens, politicians, and members of concerned special interest groups. Measures public reaction to proposals.

Page 9: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Executive Tools of PersuasionExecutive Tools of Persuasion

Appointive Powers: An effective governor will use the power of appointment to the maximum. – Senatorial Courtesy: Senators have some influence over

appointments due to senatorial courtesy, giving them power to reject appointments of a political enemy from their senatorial district. Other senators show courtesy by not approving the appointee.

Removal Powers: The governor is very limited in powers of removal.

Chief of State: The governor serves as the symbol of TX, performs ceremonial duties, and represents the state at meetings with foreign officials and other governors.

Page 10: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 11: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

The Organization of the Federal GovernmentThe Organization of the Federal Government

Page 12: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 13: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Executive Tools of Persuasion Executive Tools of Persuasion (cont.)(cont.)

Clemency Powers: Governor is very limited in his power to grant clemency (relief from criminal punishment).

Budget Powers: The governor is designated the Chief Budget Officer of the state, however his/her proposals are usually not as influential as the Legislative Budget Board, headed by the Lt. Governor.

Law Enforcement/Military Powers: The governor has very little law enforcement powers, however, he/she is the Commander-In-Chief of the Texas National Guard and Texas State Guard.

Page 14: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Texas Governor is a Weak Texas Governor is a Weak GovernorGovernor

When compared to governors in other states, the TX governor is weak.

The denial of power to the governor (and legislature) has created a power vacuum in government that is filled willingly by interest groups and administrative agencies.

Page 15: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Chief of PartyChief of Party

The governor is the most visible leader of her or his party, and usually exercises influence within the party by controlling its executive committee. This party control permits what is considered one of the most powerful tools of the governor’s office: rewarding supporters with political patronage. As party leader, the governor may lead the party’s delegation to the national nominating convention and thus become involved in presidential politics. By stepping into the national political spotlight the governor can enhance his or her image at home by taking stands on issues (e.g., illegal immigration) over which she or he has little or no control but with which people identify.

Page 16: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Characteristics of BureaucracyCharacteristics of Bureaucracy

Bureaucracy – Develop wherever human beings organize themselves to

systematically accomplish goals and in the process lose some of their flexibility and efficiency.


Page 17: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000


The largest number of government employees work for local governments.

Attempts are being made to make bureaucracies more efficient.

Privatization is one way to reduce bureaucracies by awarding government contracts to private sector.

Page 18: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 19: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 20: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000


Administration of the laws in a neutral fashion

The separation of politics and administrationTexas attempted to depoliticize the

bureaucracy by establishing the independent board and commission system.

Page 21: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 22: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 23: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 24: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000


All bureaucracies are formally characterized as hierarchical structures.

An ideal hierarchy looks like the military chain of command or an organizational chart.

The governor is elected by the people to be the chief executive, but has little direct authority over most administrators.

Page 25: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 26: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000


Individual bureaucrats should have an understanding of their jobs and the effects of their decisions on others.

Individual bureaucrats become experts in specialized area of administration.

Page 27: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

The Bureaucracy and Public The Bureaucracy and Public PolicyPolicy

Clientele GroupsThe Legislature, the Lieutenant Governor, and The SpeakerThe GovernorThe Iron Texas StarPublic SupportExpertise InformationAdministration of the LawAccountability

Page 28: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Clientele GroupsClientele Groups

The most natural allies for an agency are its clientele (or constituent) interest groups.

Interest groups- The groups that benefit directly from agency programs.

The agency reciprocates by protecting its clients within the administration.

Page 29: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Legislature, Lieutenant Governor, Legislature, Lieutenant Governor, and The Speakerand The Speaker

Agency depends on legislative allies for laws expanding power, increase scope of duties, protection, and appropriations of funds.

Because of short session and the power of presiding officers, agencies seek support of the Lieutenant governor and the Speaker of the House.

Revolving door is the sleaze practice of corporations employing ex-administrators and ex-legislators as executives, lobbyists, or consultants.

Page 30: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

The GovernorThe Governor

The need of administrative agencies for the governor’s support depends on the extent of the governor’s formal and informal powers

In Texas, the executive is decentralized and the governor has few direct administrative powers.

The administrative autonomy is enhanced.The governor can influence agency programs by use

of veto power and appointment to policymaking boards and commissions.

Page 31: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

The Iron Texas StarThe Iron Texas Star

The coalition and mutual support that exists between legislative committees, administrative agencies, and economic special interest groups.

Economic interest groups provide the mortar that builds and holds together the five cornered coalition between administrators, legislators, the presiding officers, the governor, and the clientele interests.

Page 32: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 33: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 34: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Public SupportPublic Support

Good public relations are beneficial for any agency.

Favorable propaganda combined with myth and literature have created broadly based public support for the Texas Rangers and Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

Page 35: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000


Administrators are experts in a fieldA bureaucrat’s knowledge often exceeds the

expertise of a legislator or governor.Lifetime government employees advise

policymaking officials.Bureaucrats are important players in the

political system.

Page 36: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000


Administrative agencies gather information used by constituent interest groups and/or the general public.

Administrators may dispense or interpret information in a way that benefits their agency or constituency interest, thus affecting the formation of public policy.

Page 37: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Administration of the LawAdministration of the Law

Administrative Law – The rules and regulations that bureaucrats write to interpret and define the meaning of the law and enforcement.

Bureaucratic Review – The rules and regulations that define the substance of law and determine its effect on the public.

Page 38: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

AccountabilityAccountabilityElective Accountability – The theory to make the bureaucracy

directly accountable to the people through to democratic process.

Legislative Accountability – Texas Legislator attempts to regulate the bureaucrat Administration.– Sunset Advisory Commission – Periodically reviews state boards,

commissions and agencies to determine if they need alteration, termination or continuation.

Accountability to the Chief Executive– In a cabinet system, the governor would appoint the administrators

of the agency.– In Texas, the executive branch is decentralized.

Page 39: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 40: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000
Page 41: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Bureaucratic AccountabilityBureaucratic AccountabilityTexas administrator are really accountable to interest

group that benefit from the programs she or he administers.

Open-meetings laws – Governments bodies must have meeting open to general public except for personal, land acquisition, and litigation matters.

Open-records law – records of government proceedings be available to public.

Whistleblowers – Government employees who expose bureaucratic excesses, blunders, corruption, or favoritism.

Page 42: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

The Texas AdministrationThe Texas Administration

There is no single official who bears the ultimate responsibility for the actions of the Texas Bureaucracy.– Elected Executives– Appointed Executives– Boards and Commissions

Page 43: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Elected Executives: Attorney Elected Executives: Attorney GeneralGeneral

Attorney General– Four-year term with no limits– The lawyer for the state and all officials, boards,

and agencies in Texas state government.– Attorney General’s Opinion – The power to

interpret law or to give an opinion that a law or practice does or does not violate other laws or Constitutions.

Page 44: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Elected Executives: ComptrollerElected Executives: Comptroller

Comptroller of Public Accounts– Four-year term with no limits.– Functions encompass either directly or indirectly

almost all financial activities of state government.– Chief tax collect and Chief pre-audit accounting

officer.– Certifies the approximate biennial income for the

state and the financial condition of the state at the close of each year.

Page 45: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Commissioners of General Land Commissioners of General Land Office & AgricultureOffice & Agriculture

Commissioner of the General Land office– Elected for four-year term.– Managing and collecting rentals and leases for state-owned

lands.– Awarding oil, gas, sulfur, and other hard-mineral leases for

exploration and production on state lands.– Leasing mineral interests in the state’s riverbeds and tidelands.– Serves on the School Land Board that gives money to Permanent

School Fund.Commissioner of Agriculture

– Four years to oversee the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Page 46: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Appointed ExecutivesAppointed Executives

Secretary of State – Appointed for four-year term to enforce uniform interpretation and application of the election laws.

Adjutant General – Appointed two-year term to be the top military officer and exercises administrative jurisdiction over the Texas National Guard and the Texas State Guard.

Commissioner, Health and Human Services – Two-year term to manage health and welfare agencies.

Page 47: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Appointed Executives (cont.)Appointed Executives (cont.)

Insurance Commissioner – A three-member State Board of Insurance appointed for a two-year terms that monitors and regulates the Texas insurance industry.

Page 48: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Boards and CommissionsBoards and Commissions

Elective Boards– Railroad Commission of Texas – Three members serve for

overlapping six-year terms that oversee regulation of gas utilities, oil and gas pipelines, oil and gas drilling and pumping activities and intrastate railroad transportation.

– Texas Education Agency- Fifteen members serving four-year staggered terms which comprises the State Board of Education and oversees and regulates the Texas public school system below the college level and administers national and state education laws.

Page 49: CHAPTER 24: THE TEXAS EXECUTIVE BRANCH. Current Texas Governor  Rick Perry (a Republican), was sworn in as Texas’ 47th governor on December 21, 2000

Boards & CommissionsBoards & Commissions

Ex Officio Boards – Boards whose members are automatically assigned due to their holding some other position.

Appointed Boards – These boards are usually appointed by the governor with the consent of the senate that, normally serve staggered terms, that makes policies for their agencies and appoint their own chief administrators.