chapter 2 section 4 independence and its challenges

Chapter 2 Section 4 Independence and its challenges

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Page 1: Chapter 2 Section 4 Independence and its challenges

Chapter 2 Section 4

Independence and its challenges

Page 2: Chapter 2 Section 4 Independence and its challenges

Rhodesia Becomes Zimbabwe

• On April 18th 1980 Robert Mugabe became prime minister in Rhodesia’s first free election

• The British flag came down and the independent country of Zimbabwe was formed

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The Growth of Nationalism

• Began in the early 1900’s

• Africans had to unite in order to end colonial rule

• Most Europeans at the time were racist

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Strength In Numbers

• In 1912 South Africans formed the South African Native National Congress (ANC)

• 1920 African lawyers in British West Africa formed the National Congress of British West Africa

• Both worked to gain rights for Africans

Original members of the


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Pan Africanism

• Formed in 1920’s

• All Africans work together for their rights and freedoms

• Their motto was Africa for Africans

• Leopold Senghor of Senegal was one of the movements greatest leaders

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Senegal became independent in

1960 with Senghor as its first president

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Africa and World War IIThe Players

Allies Soviet Union Great Britain France United States Colonies of

allied countries

Axis Powers

• Japan

• Italy

• Germany

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Invasion of Africa

• German and Italian forces invaded North Africa.

• North Africa was mostly under British or French colonial control.

• Thousands of African soldiers fought and died to help free Europe.

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What the Axis Powers had in 1942!

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African Soldiers

170,000 soldiers from West Africa

and 280,000 from east and South Africa

fought against the Axis powers

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We’re Free At Last!

• Colonialism became unpopular.

• Some European countries gave up their colonies peacefully.

• Others fought to keep them.

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Gold Coast Becomes Ghana

• Nkrumah organized peaceful protests against British rule.

• Through strikes and boycotts independence was gained in 1957.

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Gold Coast to Ghana

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War In Algeria

• Many French people settled in Algeria.

• The French fought the Algerians for eight years.

• 100,000 Algerians and 10,000 French died before Algeria became independent in 1962.

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Challenges of Independence

• Colonial powers did not allow Africans to gain experience in government

• Therefore many new governments were unstable and some had military governments

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Building Democracy

• Democracy is a government in which citizens exercise power through elected representatives

• Most African countries are less than 50 years old!

• USA is over 200 years old!

• “Let Africa be given the time to develop its own system of democracy”