chapter 19 section 1. takes the throne in 1589 first monarch of a new royal house bourbons had been...

Chapter 19 section 1 Absolute Monarchs

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Page 1: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Chapter 19 section 1

Absolute Monarchs

Page 2: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group
Page 3: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Takes the throne in 1589First monarch of a new royal house

BourbonsHad been a member of the Huguenot

Protestant minority group

Converted to CatholicismWanted to help bring peace and unity to France

Henry IV

Page 4: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

It guaranteed freedom of worship and political rights and ended the religious wars

Was to protect the Huguenots

Edict of Nantes

Page 5: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

In the 1500’s the powerful nobles had weakened France’s central governmentHe worked to control the

nobility and regain powerHe will not be able to solve

the taxation problem’s in the countryNobles and members of

the clergy were exempt from taxes

People in large cities were exempt from royal taxes

Taxes fell heavily on the lower and middle classes

Henry’s Rule

Page 6: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Put in charge of the financesWill be able to end some of the abuseTax money started to go to the treasury

It will help to improve trade and industry

Duke of Sully

Page 7: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Henry IV will be murdered in 1610Marie de Medicis will rule until Louis XIII

came to power in 1617

Page 8: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Eight years old when his father was murdered

Will come to power in 1617He was sickly and had trouble concentrating

Chose wise advisers who would provide strong leadership

Cardinal Richelieu


Page 9: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Louis XIII chief ministerPolitical geniusWanted to make the king

supreme in France and France supreme in EuropeTo strengthen the monarch,

he worked to take power away from the nobles, and political rights away from the Huguenots

To strengthen France he encouraged trade and industry

Cardinal Richelieu

Page 10: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Believed that the freedom given to the Huguenots was dangerousLived in cities that were

like states within a stateMade strong central

government impossible1627

Military attacks on the Huguenots

Huguenots asked for peaceAllowed them to practice

their religion Took away their rights to

fortify cities

Richelieu Continued

Page 11: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

He strengthened the authority of regional representatives of the kingIntendants

Were the monarchy’s representatives in the provinces that made up France

Page 12: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

1618 Thirty years war beganPragueA protestant

rebellion against the Holy Roman Empire

France, Denmark, and Sweden were looking for ways to weaken the empire and its ruling familyHabsburgs

Thirty Years’ War

Page 13: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Richelieu kept the war goingSaw the war as an

opportunity to strengthen France

Will keep France out of the war

Other European countries became weak from fighting

Most of the fighting took place in GermanyRuined the country

France will eventually join the fighting1648 Most of the allies goals

will have been accomplished

Thirty Years’ War

Page 14: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Treaty of Westphalia1648 ended the warFrance is strengthened

when they received Alsace

Gave independence to the Netherlands and Switzerland

German princes more or less independent of the Holy Roman Emperor

Would weaken the Holy Roman Empire and the Habsburg Family

Thirty Years’ War

Page 15: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Louis XIV became king of France in 1643

Ruled for 72 yearsLongest reign in

French HistoryLived through the

Fronde rebellionsFrench nobles and

peasants attacked the central royal government

Worked to make kings power absolute

Sun King

Page 16: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Huge palace a few miles outside of ParisMoved French government there


Page 17: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group
Page 18: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group
Page 20: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

So expensive to build that is strained the French economy

It represented the grandeur and power of the monarchy

Page 21: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Louis believed in the divine right of kingsThat God had chosen

him to rule the nation

He will also use the palace to control the noblesMost important

nobles are to live here

Keep an eye on them

Page 22: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Louis XIV’s court at Versailles became the ideal for European royalty

Other monarchs soon would copy FranceLouis would adopt the sun as his personal

symbolThe sun’s rays reached far and wide, just like

his powerNickname Sun King

Page 23: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Louis was directly involved in the day-to-day operations of the French government

He chose advisers who worked under his direct supervisionJean- Baptiste Colbert

Page 24: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Expert in financesMiddle class memberStrong political policies to

promote economic development

Increase French industry at home

Build French trade abroadPlaced high tariffs on

foreign imports to protect French businesses

Worked to improve transportation

Jean- Baptiste Colbert

Page 25: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

He worked to reform the nations tax system by making it more evenly distributed across the populationAimed to make the

system more fairEliminating exemptions

granted to the privilegedTrade and commerce

grew, and France became a leading economic power in EuropeRaise government income

to pay for economic improvements

Army and navy power

Page 26: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Religious unity1685 did away with

the Edict of NantesHuguenots

disturbed the unity of France and weakened the central government

Ended Frances policy of tolerance for Protestants

Louis XIV

Page 27: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Louis believed security depended on the country having natural frontiers

Would fight in four wars between 1667 and 1713Countries saw this and

started to ally with each other

Balance of powerCountries have equal

strength in order to prevent any other country from dominating the others

Gaining Territory

Page 28: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

Louis last warFought over who would

become the next king of Spain

Would be fought in North America, Europe and at sea

War of the Spanish Succession

Page 29: Chapter 19 section 1. Takes the throne in 1589 First monarch of a new royal house Bourbons Had been a member of the Huguenot Protestant minority group

1713 the war endedImportant document in both Europe and

AmericaWill recognize Louis’s grandson as the king of

SpainStated that France and Spain could never

uniteFrench lands in North America were given to

Great Britain

Treaty of Utrecht