chapter 15 health, safety, and security

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved. ROBERT L. MATHIS JOHN H. JACKSON PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama Health, Safety, and Security Health, Safety, and Security Chapter 15 Chapter 15 SECTION 5 SECTION 5 Employee Employee Relations Relations

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PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookThe University of West Alabama

Health, Safety, and SecurityHealth, Safety, and Security

Chapter 15Chapter 15

SECTION 5SECTION 5EmployeeEmployee Relations Relations

Page 2: Chapter 15 Health, Safety, and Security

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Learning ObjectivesLearning ObjectivesLearning ObjectivesLearning Objectives

• After you have read this chapter, you should be able to: Define health, safety, and security and explain three legal areas

of concern.

Identify the basic provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and recordkeeping and inspection requirements.

Discuss the activities that constitute effective safety management.

Describe three workplace health issues and how employers are responding to them.

Explain workplace violence as a security issue and describe some components of an effective security program.

Specify several global health, safety, and security concerns.

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Health, Safety, and SecurityHealth, Safety, and SecurityHealth, Safety, and SecurityHealth, Safety, and Security

• HealthA general state of physical, mental, and emotional


• SafetyA condition in which the physical well-being of people

is protected.

• SecurityThe protection of employees and organizational


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Typical Division of HR Responsibilities:Typical Division of HR Responsibilities:Health, Safety, and SecurityHealth, Safety, and Security

Typical Division of HR Responsibilities:Typical Division of HR Responsibilities:Health, Safety, and SecurityHealth, Safety, and Security

Figure 15–1

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Legal Requirements for Safety and HealthLegal Requirements for Safety and HealthLegal Requirements for Safety and HealthLegal Requirements for Safety and Health

• Workers’ CompensationA legally-mandated insurance fund that provides

compensation to employees for work-related injuries.

• Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)Allows eligible employees to take up to 12 weeks of

leave for their serious health conditions.

• Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Employers attempting to return injured employees to

“light duty” work may undercut the essential functions of the job.

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Selected Child Labor Hazardous Occupations (minimum age: 18 years)Selected Child Labor Hazardous Occupations (minimum age: 18 years)Selected Child Labor Hazardous Occupations (minimum age: 18 years)Selected Child Labor Hazardous Occupations (minimum age: 18 years)

Figure 15–2

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Occupational Safety and Health ActOccupational Safety and Health ActOccupational Safety and Health ActOccupational Safety and Health Act

• Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970Passed to assure safe and healthful working


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) administers provisions of the Act.

OSHA Enforcement Standards regulate equipment and working environments:

The “general duty” of employers to provide safe and healthy working conditions.

Notification and posters are required of employers to inform employees of OSHA’s safety and health standards.

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Percent of Non-fatal Workplace Injuries Percent of Non-fatal Workplace Injuries by Private Industry Groupby Private Industry Group

Percent of Non-fatal Workplace Injuries Percent of Non-fatal Workplace Injuries by Private Industry Groupby Private Industry Group

Figure 15–3Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Workplace Injuries and Illnesses,” News, December 18, 2003, 4,

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OSHA Enforcement StandardsOSHA Enforcement StandardsOSHA Enforcement StandardsOSHA Enforcement Standards

Hazard Hazard CommunicationCommunication

Hazard Hazard CommunicationCommunication

Personal Protective Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)Equipment (PPE)

Blood-borne Blood-borne PathogensPathogens

Blood-borne Blood-borne PathogensPathogens

Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS)Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS)Lock out/tag out regulationsLock out/tag out regulations

Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS)Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS)Lock out/tag out regulationsLock out/tag out regulations

Protection for workers exposed to blood Protection for workers exposed to blood and other substances from AIDSand other substances from AIDS

Protection for workers exposed to blood Protection for workers exposed to blood and other substances from AIDSand other substances from AIDS

Hazard analysis, training, and provision of Hazard analysis, training, and provision of PPE to employeesPPE to employees

Hazard analysis, training, and provision of Hazard analysis, training, and provision of PPE to employeesPPE to employees

Cumulative Stress Cumulative Stress Disorders (CTDs)Disorders (CTDs)

Cumulative Stress Cumulative Stress Disorders (CTDs)Disorders (CTDs)

Protection from muscle and skeletal Protection from muscle and skeletal injuries from repetitive tasksinjuries from repetitive tasks

Protection from muscle and skeletal Protection from muscle and skeletal injuries from repetitive tasksinjuries from repetitive tasks

Work AssignmentsWork AssignmentsWork AssignmentsWork Assignments Protection for reproductive health and Protection for reproductive health and refusal to perform unsafe workrefusal to perform unsafe work

Protection for reproductive health and Protection for reproductive health and refusal to perform unsafe workrefusal to perform unsafe work

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Guide to Recordability Guide to Recordability of Cases Under the of Cases Under the Occupational Safety Occupational Safety

and Health Actand Health Act

Guide to Recordability Guide to Recordability of Cases Under the of Cases Under the Occupational Safety Occupational Safety

and Health Actand Health Act

Figure 15–4

Source: U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, What Every Employer Needs to Know About OSHA Record Keeping (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office).

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OSHA InspectionsOSHA InspectionsOSHA InspectionsOSHA Inspections

• On-the-Spot Inspections Compliance officers

Marshall v. Barlow’s, Inc.

• Dealing with an Inspection Check credentials Opening conference Safety record check On-the-spot inspection

• Citations and Violations Imminent danger Serious Other than serious De minimis Willful and repeated

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Most Frequently Cited OSHA ViolationsMost Frequently Cited OSHA Violations(general industry, non-construction)(general industry, non-construction)

Most Frequently Cited OSHA ViolationsMost Frequently Cited OSHA Violations(general industry, non-construction)(general industry, non-construction)

Figure 15–5

1. Hazard communication program, training, labeling, and warnings

2. Inadequate machine guarding, including at point of operation

3. Lock out / tag out energy control program and procedures

4. Head protection: hard hats

5. Recordkeeping violation: unsatisfactory OSHA log of illnesses and injuries

6. Inadequate emergency drenching facilities

7. Non-complying guardrails or handrails on stairs or work platforms

8. Guard adjustment on abrasive wheel machinery

9. Non-complying electrical wire cabinet boxes

10.Pulley guards on power transmission belts

Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration,

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Workplace Injuries by Employer SizeWorkplace Injuries by Employer SizeWorkplace Injuries by Employer SizeWorkplace Injuries by Employer Size

Figure 15–6Source: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2001.

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Approaches to Effective Safety ManagementApproaches to Effective Safety ManagementApproaches to Effective Safety ManagementApproaches to Effective Safety Management

Figure 15–7

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Safety ManagementSafety ManagementSafety ManagementSafety Management


and Incentives


and Incentives

Safety Policiesand Discipline

Safety Policiesand Discipline



Safety Trainingand


Safety Trainingand


Employee and Employee and WorkplaceWorkplace


Employee and Employee and WorkplaceWorkplace


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Phases of Accident InvestigationPhases of Accident InvestigationPhases of Accident InvestigationPhases of Accident Investigation

Figure 15–8

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Common Signs of Substance AbuseCommon Signs of Substance AbuseCommon Signs of Substance AbuseCommon Signs of Substance Abuse

Figure 15–9

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Substance AbuseSubstance AbuseSubstance AbuseSubstance Abuse

• Substance abuseUse of illicit substances or misuse of controlled

substances, alcohol, or other drugs.

• Types of Drug TestsUrinalysisRadioimmunoassay of hairFitness-for-duty tests

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Other Employee Health ConcernsOther Employee Health ConcernsOther Employee Health ConcernsOther Employee Health Concerns


Emotional/Emotional/Mental Health Mental Health


Emotional/Emotional/Mental Health Mental Health




SmokingSmokingat Work at Work

SmokingSmokingat Work at Work

WorkplaceWorkplaceHealth Health IssuesIssues

WorkplaceWorkplaceHealth Health IssuesIssues

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Health PromotionHealth PromotionHealth PromotionHealth Promotion

• Health PromotionA supportive approach of facilitating and encouraging

healthy actions and lifestyles among employees.

• Wellness ProgramsPrograms designed to maintain or improve employee

health before problems arise.

• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)Program that provides counseling and other help to

employees having emotional, physical, or other personal problems.

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Health Promotion LevelsHealth Promotion LevelsHealth Promotion LevelsHealth Promotion Levels

Figure 15–10

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• Top Eight Security Concerns at Work:

Workplace violence

Internet/intranet security

Business interruption/disaster recovery

Fraud/white collar crime

Employee selection/screening concerns

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Workplace ViolenceWorkplace ViolenceWorkplace ViolenceWorkplace Violence

Training in Detection Training in Detection and Preventionand Prevention

Training in Detection Training in Detection and Preventionand Prevention



Management Management ResponsesResponses

Management Management ResponsesResponses



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Profile of a Potentially Violent EmployeeProfile of a Potentially Violent EmployeeProfile of a Potentially Violent EmployeeProfile of a Potentially Violent Employee

Figure 15–11

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Security ManagementSecurity ManagementSecurity ManagementSecurity Management



Controlled Controlled Access Access

Controlled Controlled Access Access





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Global Health, Safety, and SecurityGlobal Health, Safety, and SecurityGlobal Health, Safety, and SecurityGlobal Health, Safety, and Security

Kidnapping and Ransom Kidnapping and Ransom InsuranceInsurance

Kidnapping and Ransom Kidnapping and Ransom InsuranceInsurance

International Emergency International Emergency Health ServicesHealth Services

International Emergency International Emergency Health ServicesHealth Services

International Security International Security and Terrorismand Terrorism

International Security International Security and Terrorismand Terrorism

Global Global Workplace Workplace


Global Global Workplace Workplace
