chapter 13 vibrations and waves

Chapter 13 Vibrations and Waves

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Chapter 13 Vibrations and Waves. Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894). Periodic motion Periodic ( harmonic ) motion – self-repeating motion Oscillation – periodic motion in certain direction Period (T) – a time duration of one oscillation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Chapter 13

Vibrations and Waves

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Periodic motion

• Periodic (harmonic) motion – self-repeating motion

• Oscillation – periodic motion in certain direction

• Period (T) – a time duration of one oscillation

• Frequency (f) – the number of oscillations per unit time, SI unit of frequency 1/s = Hz (Hertz)

Tf 1

Heinrich Hertz(1857-1894)

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Motion of the spring-mass system

• Hooke’s law:

• The force always acts toward the equilibrium position: restoring force

• The mass is initially pulled to a distance A and released from rest

• As the object moves toward the equilibrium position, F and a decrease, but v increases


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Motion of the spring-mass system

• At x = 0, F and a are zero, but v is a maximum

• The object’s momentum causes it to overshoot the equilibrium position

• The force and acceleration start to increase in the opposite direction and velocity decreases

• The motion momentarily comes to a stop at x = - A

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Motion of the spring-mass system

• It then accelerates back toward the equilibrium position

• The motion continues indefinitely

• The motion of a spring mass system is an example of simple harmonic motion

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Simple harmonic motion

• Simple harmonic motion – motion that repeats itself and the displacement is a sinusoidal function of time

)cos()( tAtx

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• Amplitude – the magnitude of the maximum displacement (in either direction)

)cos()( tAtx

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)cos()( tAtx

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Phase constant

)cos()( tAtx

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Angular frequency

)cos()( tAtx

)(coscos TtAtA 0

)2cos(cos )(cos)2cos( Ttt

T 2

T 2

f 2

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)cos()( tAtx



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Velocity of simple harmonic motion

)cos()( tAtx

)sin()( tAtv

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Acceleration of simple harmonic motion

)cos()( tAtx

)cos()( 2 tAta

)()( 2 txta

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The force law for simple harmonic motion

• From the Newton’s Second Law:

• For simple harmonic motion, the force is proportional to the displacement

• Hooke’s law:



xm 2


kmT 22mk

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Energy in simple harmonic motion

• Potential energy of a spring:

• Kinetic energy of a mass:

2/)( 2kxtU )(cos)2/( 22 tkA

2/)( 2mvtK )(sin)2/( 222 tAm

)(sin)2/( 22 tkA km 2

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Energy in simple harmonic motion

)(sin)2/()(cos)2/( 2222 tkAtkA

)()( tKtU

)(sin)(cos)2/( 222 ttkA)2/( 2kA )2/( 2kAKUE

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Energy in simple harmonic motion

)2/( 2kAKUE

2/2/2/ 222 mvkxkA kmvxA /222

22 xAmkv 22 xA

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Chapter 13Problem 11

A simple harmonic oscillator has a total energy E. (a) Determine the kinetic and potential energies when the displacement is one-half the amplitude. (b) For what value of the displacement does the kinetic energy equal the potential energy?

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• Simple pendulum:

• Restoring torque:

• From the Newton’s Second Law:

• For small angles

)sin( gFL





)sin( gFL

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• Simple pendulum:

• On the other hand







)()( 2 txta


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• Simple pendulum:







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• Physical pendulum:




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Chapter 13Problem 32

An aluminum clock pendulum having a period of 1.00 s keeps perfect time at 20.0°C. (a) When placed in a room at a temperature of –5.0°C, will it gain time or lose time? (b) How much time will it gain or lose every hour?

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Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion

• Simple harmonic motion is the projection of uniform circular motion on the diameter of the circle in which the circular motion occurs

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Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion

• Simple harmonic motion is the projection of uniform circular motion on the diameter of the circle in which the circular motion occurs

)cos()( tAtx

)sin()( tAtvx

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Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion

• Simple harmonic motion is the projection of uniform circular motion on the diameter of the circle in which the circular motion occurs

)sin()( tAtvx

)cos()( tAtx

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Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion

• Simple harmonic motion is the projection of uniform circular motion on the diameter of the circle in which the circular motion occurs

)cos()( tAtx

)cos()( 2 tAtax

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Damped simple harmonic motion

bvFb Dampingconstant


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Forced oscillations and resonance

• Swinging without outside help – free oscillations

• Swinging with outside help – forced oscillations

• If ωd is a frequency of a driving force, then forced oscillations can be described by:

• Resonance:

)cos(),/()( tbAtx dd


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Forced oscillations and resonance

• Tacoma Narrows Bridge disaster (1940)

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Wave motion

• A wave is the motion of a disturbance

• All waves carry energy and momentum

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Types of waves

• Mechanical – governed by Newton’s laws and exist in a material medium (water, air, rock, ect.)

• Electromagnetic – governed by electricity and magnetism equations, may exist without any medium

• Matter – governed by quantum mechanical equations

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Types of waves

Depending on the direction of the displacement relative to the direction of propagation, we can define wave motion as:

• Transverse – if the direction of displacement is perpendicular to the direction of propagation

• Longitudinal – if the direction of displacement is parallel to the direction of propagation

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Types of waves

Depending on the direction of the displacement relative to the direction of propagation, we can define wave motion as:

• Transverse – if the direction of displacement is perpendicular to the direction of propagation

• Longitudinal – if the direction of displacement is parallel to the direction of propagation

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Superposition of waves

• Superposition principle – overlapping waves algebraically add to produce a resultant (net) wave

• Overlapping solutions of the linear wave equation do not in any way alter the travel of each other

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Sinusoidal waves

• One of the most characteristic solutions of the linear wave equation is a sinusoidal wave:

• A – amplitude, φ – phase constant



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• “Freezing” the solution at t = 0 we obtain a sinusoidal function of x:

• Wavelength λ – smallest distance (parallel to the direction of wave’s travel) between repetitions of the wave shape

))(cos(),( vtxkAtxy

)cos()0,( kxAxy

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Wave number

• On the other hand:

• Angular wave number: k = 2π / λ

)cos()0,( kxAxy ))(cos( xkA

)cos( kkxA

)2cos()cos( kxkx /2k

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Angular frequency

• Considering motion of the point at x = 0 we observe a simple harmonic motion (oscillation) :

• For simple harmonic motion:

• Angular frequency ω

))(cos(),( vtxkAtxy

)cos(),0( kvtAty )cos( kvtA

)cos()( tAty

/2 vkv

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Frequency, period

• Definitions of frequency and period are the same as for the case of rotational motion or simple harmonic motion:

• Therefore, for the wave velocity

2//1 Tf /2T

fTkv //

)cos(),( tkxAtxy

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Wave velocity

• v is a constant and is determined by the properties of the medium

• E.g., for a stretched string with linear density μ = m/l under tension T


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Chapter 13Problem 41

A harmonic wave is traveling along a rope. It is observed that the oscillator that generates the wave completes 40.0 vibrations in 30.0 s. Also, a given maximum travels 425 cm along the rope in 10.0 s. What is the wavelength?

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Interference of waves

• Interference – a phenomenon of combining waves, which follows from the superposition principle

• Considering two sinusoidal waves of the same amplitude, wavelength, and direction of propagation

• The resultant wave:

)cos(),(2 tkxAtxy)cos(),(1 tkxAtxy

),(),(),( 21 txytxytxy

)cos()cos( tkxAtkxA




)2/cos()2/cos(2 tkxA

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Interference of waves

• If φ = 0 (Fully constructive)

• If φ = π (Fully destructive)

• If φ = 2π/3 (Intermediate)

)2/cos()2/cos(2),( tkxAtxy

)cos(2),( tkxAtxy

0),( txy



)3/cos( tkxA

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Reflection of waves at boundaries

• Within media with boundaries, solutions to the wave equation should satisfy boundary conditions. As a results, waves may be reflected from boundaries

• Hard reflection – a fixed zero value of deformation at the boundary – a reflected wave is inverted

• Soft reflection – a free value of deformation at the boundary – a reflected wave is not inverted

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Answers to the even-numbered problems

Chapter 13

Problem 2

(a) 1.1 × 102 N(b) The graph is a straight line passing

through the origin with slope equal to k = 1.0 × 103 N/m.

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Answers to the even-numbered problems

Chapter 13

Problem 8

(a) 575 N/m(b) 46.0 J

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Answers to the even-numbered problems

Chapter 13

Problem 12

(a) 2.61 m/s(b) 2.38 m/s

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Answers to the even-numbered problems

Chapter 13

Problem 16

(a) 0.15 J(b) 0.78 m/s(c) 18 m/s2