chapter 10 chromatography - philadelphia university 1… · the current equipment that replaced...


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  • Chapter 10


  • What is Chromatography?

    • Chromatography is the science of separating the components of materials from each other.

    • Such separations are achieved using a wide variety of techniques

    • For example, molecules can be separated by their differences in molecular charge, molecular size, molecular mass, bond polarities, redox potential, ionization constants, and arrangement of bonds such as isomer.

    • Separations that use electric fields to drive charged molecules so that they separate is called electrophoresis.

  • • It is believed that the separation method in its modern form originated at the turn of the century from the work of Tswett to whom we attribute the terms chromatography and chromatogram

    • The method was used for preparation and purification purposes until the development of sensitive detectors

    • The detector signal, which is registered, leads to a chromatogram that indicates the variation of the composition of the eluting phase with time.

  • (a)Diagram showing

    the separation of a

    mixture of

    components A and B

    by column elution


    (b)The output of the

    signal detector at the

    various stages of

    elution shown in (a).

    Separation Experiment

  • • Sample is dissolved in a mobile phase (a gas, a

    liquid or a supercritical fluid)

    • The mobile phase is forced through an immiscible

    stationary phase which is fixed in place in a column or

    on a solid surface.

    • The two phases are chosen so that the components of

    the sample distribute themselves between the mobile

    and stationary phase to a varying degree.

  • The Current Equipment that Replaced Michael Tswett Experiment

    Diagram of high-performance liquid chromatography

    (HPLC).The pressures needed to obtain an adequate

    flow of fluid through a bed of particles in the column

  • Nomenclature of Chromatographic Separations

    • Chromatographic separations can be carried out in a liquid (liquid chromatography) or a gas (Gas chromatography) phase (mobile phase).

    • In both liquid chromatography (LC) and gas chromatography (GC), the sample is introduced rapidly into a moving fluid phase - a liquid or gas, respectively-more generally called the mobile phase.

    • In common usage, the term eluent refers to liquids.

    • During all separations, the components of the sample are carried by the mobile phase through a column packed with particles of solid material.

    • The solid materials are called solid support, packing material, and commonly known as stationary phase.

  • • The crucial interactions occur at the surface of the stationary phase.

    • The interaction of the analytes may occur with the surface of the support itself or with liquids coated on the surface or with some molecules bonded to the surface.

    • The eluent that passes through a column is often called the effluent.

    • The results of chromatographic separations can be obtained by collecting the effluent in a series of fractions and carrying out further tests on them.

    • On the other hand, liquids are passed through an instrumental detector.

    • The detectors are placed at the end of the column. A chromatogram will be recorded

  • The Chromatogram

    • The components entering the detector will be shown as a series of peaks that would be more or less resolved from one another as they rise from the baseline.

    • If the detector signal varies linearly with the concentration of analyte, the same variation will occur for the area under the peak in the chromatogram.

    • A constituent is characterized by its retention time, tR,

    • Retention time is defined by the time taken between the moment of injection into the chromatograph and the peak maximum recorded on the chromatogram.

  • A




    Sample: mixture of volatile liquids (~1L)

    Gas Chromatogram

    Gas Chromatogram

    0 5 10 15 20

    Time (minutes)










    Gas Chromatograph

  • • In an ideal case, the retention time tR is independent of the quantity injected.

    • A compound not retained will elute out of the column at time tM, called the void time or the dead time (sometimes designated by to ).

    • The separation is complete when as many peaks are seen returning to the baseline as there are components in the mixture.

    • In quantitative analysis, it suffices to separate only the components that need to be measured.

    • When tM = tR ; there would be no separation, why?

  • Parameters of Chromatography

    • Chromatogram showing the parameters that are used to characterize a


    • Each band can be described by a peak position and a peak width.

    • Pairs of bands are characterized by a separation factor or by resolution

    of the corresponding peaks.

  • Parameters for Individual Bands (Peaks)

    • Hold-up volume volume, VM • Volumes that elutes from the column

    between the injection of the sample and the maximum of the first peak that elutes.

    • Its value, written, corresponds to the liquid (or gas) volume surrounding the stationary phase.

    • It is the minimum volume of eluent that can carry any component of the sample from the point of injection to the detector.

  • Retention volume, or elution volume: VR

    • The volume (or time) at which the

    maximum of the peak appears.

    • This is called the total retention volume

    (preferred), retention volume, or elution

    volume or retention time

    • The IUPAC recommends the

    abbreviations VR or tR

  • • Peakwidth or Bandwidth, (fwhm) or W1/2

    • Fwhm = full width at half maximum.

    • For a band having height h; the fwhm is the volume eluted between the edges of the band at a position one-half of the total height.

    • Peak width at the base, W

    • This is found by drawing tangent lines at the inflection points on both sides of the band outline and extending them down to the baseline.

    • The time between these points on the baseline is a useful measure of the width.

    • W = 1.698 fwhm = 4 ; (Gaussian band shape)

  • Classification of chromatographic techniques

    • Chromatographic techniques can be classified into

    three categories depending on

    – the physical nature of the phases,

    – the process used,

    – or the physico-chemical phenomenon, which is at

    the basis of the Nernst distribution coefficient K,

    also defined as:

    • We will take here the classification based on the

    nature of the phase present

  • Classification of chromatographic techniques

    1. Liquid-solid chromatography

    • The mobile phase is a liquid and the stationary

    phase is a solid.

    • This category, which is widely used, can be

    subdivided depending on the retention phenomenon


    – Adsorption chromatography

    – Ion chromatography

    – Molecular exclusion chromatography

  • a. Adsorption chromatography

    • The separation of organic compounds on a

    thin layer of silica gel or alumina with solvent

    as a mobile phase

    • Solutes bond to the stationary phase

    because of physisorption or chemisorption


    • The physico-chemical parameter involved is

    the coefficient of adsorption.

  • b. Ion chromatography

    • The mobile phase in this type of chromatograph; is a buffered solution and the stationary phase consists of spherical m diameter particles of a polymer

    • The surface of the particles is modified chemically in order to generate ionic sites.

    • These phases allow the exchange of their mobile counter ion, with ions of the same charge present in the sample.

    • This separation relies on the coefficient of ionic


  • c. Molecular exclusion chromatography

    • The stationary phase is a material containing pores, the dimensions of which are chosen to separate the solutes present in the sample based on their molecular size.

    • This can be considered as a molecular sieve allowing selective permeation.

    • This technique is known as gel filtration or gel permeation, depending on the nature of the mobile phase, which is either aqueous or organic.

    • The distribution coefficient in this technique is called the coefficient of diffusion.

  • 2. Liquid-liquid chromatography (LLC)

    • Stationary phase is a liquid immobilized in the column.

    • It is important to distinguish between the inert support which only has a mechanical role and the stationary phase immobilized on the support

    • The stationary phase still acts as a liquid and the separation process is based on the partition of the analyte between the two phases at their interface.

    • The parameter involved in the separation mechanism is called the partition coefficient.

  • 3. Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC)

    • The mobile phase is a gas and the stationary phase

    is a liquid.

    • The liquid can be immobilized by impregnation or

    bonded to a support,

    • The partition coefficient K is also involved

    4. Gas-solid chromatography (GSC)

    • Stationary phase is a porous solid (such as graphite or

    silica gel) and the mobile phase is a gas.

    • This type demonstrates very high performance in the

    analysis of gas mixtures or components that have a

    very low boiling point.

  • The Theoretical Plate Model

    • Many theories have been suggested to explain the mechanism of migration and separation of analytes in the column.

    • The oldest one, called the theoretical plate model,

    • In this model, each analyte is considered to be moving progressively through the column in a sequence of distinct steps (theoretical plates), although the process of chromatography is a dynamic and continuous phenomenon.

    • Each step corresponds to a new equilibrium of the entire column.

    • In liquid-solid chromatography, for example, the elementary process is described as a cycle of adsorption/desorption.

  • Column Efficiency

    • Assuming L, is the column length, H is the value for the height

    equivalent to one theoretical plate

    • Since N = L/H

    • The more appropriate equation for N is

    N = 5.54 t2R/w2


    Where tR is the retention time and w1/2 is the

    width of the peak at half its height.

  • Isochronic image of

    the concentration

    of an eluted

    compound at a

    particular instant.

    Dispersion of a solute in a column and

    its translation into a chromatogram

    Variation of the

    concentration at

    the outlet of the

    column as a

    function of time.

    On the chromatogram,

    Represents the peak width

    At 60.6% of the height

  • Effective plate number

    • If the performance of different columns has to be compared for a given compound, more realistic values are obtained by replacing the total retention times tR, by the adjusted retention times t’R

    • t’R does not take into account the void time tM spent by the compound in the mobile phase.

    • The mathematical relationships:

  • Separation factor between two solutes

    • The separation factor, , allows the comparison of two adjacent

    solutes 1 and 2 present in the same chromatogram

    Thus, the separation

    factor is given

    by the equation:

  • Resolution factor between two peaks

    • To quantify the separation between two peaks, the resolution

    factor R is used and can be obtained from the chromatogram

  • Origins of band broadening

    The van Deemter equation in chromatography

    • The length of time it takes a compound to pass

    through the column depends on its capacity factor,


    • Capacity factor is a measure of the degree to which

    the compound partitions (adsorbs) into the

    stationary phase from the mobile phase.

    • K'= VR-Vm /Vm= tR-tm /tm • The more rapidly the peak broaden the less efficient

    the column

    • The longer the analyte takes to travel through a column, the

    more the ndividual molecules of the sample spread out and the

    broader the band becomes

    • The causes of band broadening are expressed in Van Deemter


  • van Deemter equation in chromatography

    • When the characteristics of a separation were expressed previously, the speed of the mobile phase in the column did not appear.

    • However, the speed has to affect the progression of the solutes, hence their dispersion within the column, and must have an effect on the quality of the analysis.

    • These kinetic considerations are collected in a famous equation proposed by van Deemter.

    • The simplified form of this equation is given below

  • Van Deemter Equation

    • The three experimental parameters A, B and C are

    related to column parameters and also to experimental

    conditions. H= Height Equivalent to Theoretical Plate. It expresses the efficiency

    of the column (the smeller the H the more efficient the column.

    Ū = Average linear velocity (cm/s) of the mobile phase in the column

    A= Eddy diffusion term. Broadening occurs because some molecules

    take longer distorted paths, while some take direct paths, thus

    eluting first.

    B = The rate of diffusion of the molecules in the gaseous (mobile)

    phase. It contributes to the band (peak) broadening through diffusion

    either with or against the flow of the mobile phase. (It is very small in

    liquid chromatography). Its contribution decreases as flow rate

    increases and it only becomes significant at very slow flow rates.

  • Eddy diffusion

  • • Cs is the resistance to the mass transfer of a molecule

    in the stationary phase and is dependent on the

    diffusion coefficient in the stationary phase and upon

    the thickness of the stationary phase coated onto the

    solid inert support.

    C = (d2 thickness)/Ds

    d2 thickness = the square of the stationary film thickness

    Ds = diffusion coefficient of the molecules of the

    component in the stationary phase

    The thinner and more uniform stationary phase coating,

    the smaller the contribution to the band (peak)


  • • If H is expressed in cm, A will be expressed in cm, B

    in cm cm2/s and C in s (where velocity is measured in


    • The function is a hyperbolic function that goes

    through a minimum (Hmin) when

  • Van Deemter plot for gas phase chromatography

    showing domains for A, B and C.

  • Optimization of a chromatographic analysis

    • For quantitative analysis, it is crucial to precisely measure the areas of the peaks.

    • Therefore, the substances to be determined must be well separated.

    • In order to achieve this, the analysis has to be optimized using all the resources of the instrumentation and, when possible, software that can simulate the results of temperature modifications, phases and other physical parameters.

    • This optimization process requires that the chromatographic process is well understood.