chapter 1 background

 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In history, development of early settlement in Malaysia is a traditional village which is a residential area inherited from the Malays generations and has the characteristics of Malay architecture, the environment and it's concept more about Malay village area (Jabatan Kerajaan Tempatan, 2013). From time to time, development of settlement had developed by town and urban area. Lastly, it gives impact on disparity to a traditional village and urban area that developed in better planned. Therefore, traditional village has been neglected for this long period. Nowadays, the rapid growth with development brought significant changes to traditional villages, especially those located in the city and urban fringe. The traditional village settlement becomes more isolated from u rban developmen t. According to Sharifah Mariam (2012) new village settlements have unplanned layout, narrow streets and lack of infrastructure and facilities. Effects of urbanization, slum area created until the environment looks bad and uncomfortable. In order to future development at urban area, it has great abilities to deal with solving the land use problem in urban area especially at new village settlement. Redevelopment or land readjustment is needed to consider. Land readjustment defined by Archer S.W. on 1987 as cited in UNESCAP (2013) is a technique whereby a group of neighboring landowners in an urban-fringe area are combined with a partnership in the unified planning, servicing and subdivision of their land with the project costs and benefits being shared between the landowners. Many

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Research Planning (Land Readjustment)


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    1.1 Background

    In history, development of early settlement in Malaysia is a traditional village which is a

    residential area inherited from the Malays generations and has the characteristics of

    Malay architecture, the environment and it's concept more about Malay village area

    (Jabatan Kerajaan Tempatan, 2013). From time to time, development of settlement had

    developed by town and urban area. Lastly, it gives impact on disparity to a traditional

    village and urban area that developed in better planned.

    Therefore, traditional village has been neglected for this long period. Nowadays, the

    rapid growth with development brought significant changes to traditional villages,

    especially those located in the city and urban fringe. The traditional village settlement

    becomes more isolated from urban development. According to Sharifah Mariam (2012)

    new village settlements have unplanned layout, narrow streets and lack of infrastructure

    and facilities. Effects of urbanization, slum area created until the environment looks bad

    and uncomfortable. In order to future development at urban area, it has great abilities to

    deal with solving the land use problem in urban area especially at new village

    settlement. Redevelopment or land readjustment is needed to consider.

    Land readjustment defined by Archer S.W. on 1987 as cited in UNESCAP (2013) is a

    technique whereby a group of neighboring landowners in an urban-fringe area are

    combined with a partnership in the unified planning, servicing and subdivision of their

    land with the project costs and benefits being shared between the landowners. Many

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    countries around the world, including Germany, Sweden, Japan, Taiwan and Korea

    have applied land readjustment program are an integral pan of general economic

    planning (Sorensen A., 2000). The program usually involves total reconstruction of the

    areas to provide a better living condition for farming population and maintenance social

    vitality in rural areas. Therefore, in Malaysia now it is a better way to readjust land use

    in urban areas for upgrading villages. One of the areas in Malaysia that have new

    village settlement is Kampung Skudai Kiri, Johor Bahru.

    Kampung Skudai Kiri is located in Johor Bahru District, which is about 5-6 km from

    Johor Bahru City Centre and has a high accessibility through Jalan Skudai (132'). The

    study area is also located close to a main focus development at Southern Johor likes

    Danga Bay development, Bandar Baru Uda, and Bandar Tampoi as the north and

    northwest of Johor.

    1.2 Problems Statement

    The issues and problems that have been identified for this research is the following:

    1.2.1 The Development Pressure by Surrounding Township

    Kampung Skudai Kiri near located with development of township likes Danga Bay,

    Bandar Baru Uda and Bandar Tampoi. Each of them are growing and expanding in the

    economic, social and physical sector. Besides, formation of Iskandar Regional

    Development Authority (IRDA) by the year 2007 have created on international standing

    and economic global in Southern Johor and it gives impact to focus balancing living

    environment between Kampung Skudai Kiri and surrounding main development.

    1.2.2 Improper Land Distribution of Village Land Use

    In the physical character, Kampung Skudai Kiri was an unplanned area during the

    opening of this settlement. This was caused, when town center area at its surrounding

    start developing other settlement, it was shown the unfair distribution of land use

    development. Kampung Skudai Kiri not served the social facilities likes public space,

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    education facilities and lack of infrastructure likes the local road was narrow. Effectively,

    this situation isn't enhancing the quality of physical and residents quality of life.

    1.2.3 Residents as a Person That Play a Role in Their Settlement Area

    People as a public have a role to involve and participate in planning the development of

    their living area. They had own right to ensure their living area have developed based

    on their needs. However, the residents of Kampung Skudai Kiri do not

    know their opportunity as public participation in improving their settlement and

    neglect they face various problems. They also not assisted in participating in

    approaching the idea on developing their settlement.

    1.3 Aim and Objectives

    Mostly, the aim of the study is should be attained or answered once the study was

    completed. Meanwhile, objectives are formulated as general guidelines that should be

    implemented to achieve the aim of the study. Thus, aim and objectives of this study are

    formulated as following:

    1.3.1 Aim

    The main aim of this study is to evaluate the land readjustment concept in the

    restructuring of village in urban areas.

    1.3.2 Objectives

    The objectives that consider achieving the aim are:

    i. To identify the issue and the problem of the land readjustment concept to be

    implemented in the study area.

    ii. To survey the existing land use on the site, surrounding area, building use and

    land administration with considers the physical land development and status.

    iii. To survey the level of acceptability respondent as the landowner towards on

    land readjustment concept.

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    iv. Two analyses the existing land use on the site, surrounding, building use, land

    administration and level acceptability respondent towards on land readjustment


    v. To propose the new approaches and strategy towards land readjustment

    concept implementation at the study area.

    1.4 Scope of the Study

    This study will be carried out based on the scopes as the limitation of the study. The

    scope that has been identified as such below:

    1.4.1 Theoretical Aspects of Land Readjustment Concept and Related

    Development Policies

    This research was focused on doing the literature review in land readjustment concept.

    This theoretical in land readjustment have study on what way to residents involve the

    development planning into restructure their settlement and explore what types, principle

    of concept land readjustment that can applied in this research. This research will

    forwards to search some countries those were applied the land readjustment concept.

    Besides, in literature review have to focus on study historical opening the traditional

    village and related policy development in the village that allocated at urban area in


    1.4.2 The Existing Land Use in Kampung Skudai Kiri

    Research is important to do the exploration the situation on site and surrounding site.

    This scope must be focused on physical aspects, which the research will observe the

    circulation, development in the surrounding and on site land use and situation activities

    people on site and activities surrounding area. The limitation radius surrounding site

    was being around 1 kilometer to study and observe their influence aspect to the

    Kampung Skudai Kiri.

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    1.4.3 Level of Receptive Resident Towards the Concept of Land Readjustment

    Resident was important as the indicator for this research. The knowledgeable of

    resident in land readjustment must to investigate and their participations on

    restructuring their settlement has to encourage. The success research of a land

    readjustment approaching in Kampung Skudai Kiri depends on the consent among the

    residents as landowners and planning policies involved directly or indirectly to function

    as a united community in making decisions that might affect their community area.

    1.5 Research Methodology

    To conduct the research, there are five stages will be carried out to complete the study

    in accordance with the specified time period (Figure 1.1). These stages are:

    1.5.1 Stage 1: Preliminary Study

    An early overview of the study will be identified to find out which aspects should be

    studied. Other than that, identification of issues and problems must be finding as basic

    for conducting the studies. At this stage, the direction of research will be conducted

    through the formation of aim, objectives and scope of the study. The methodology of

    this research will be structured to ensure all the elements and aspects of study have to

    be done.

    1.5.2 Stage 2: Literature Review

    At this stage, studies will more emphasis on the theoretical aspects and scholarly

    through reference materials such as books, articles, journal, newspaper articles and

    reliable sources from the internet. This reference material, giving a clearer

    understanding before doing field studies, survey, analysis and towards for coming out

    the proposal. In this research, literature review will require to review the history of

    opening traditional village in Malaysia and the concept of land readjustment for applying

    at the old settlement or unplanned village that located in town or an urban fringe.

    Furthermore, this research will review the Malaysia policies of development in

    restructuring the traditional village settlement in urban areas. Then, this study also tries

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    to discover another country, which already applied the land readjustment concept for

    restructuring the area.

    1.5.3 Stage 3: Data Collection

    At this stage, the main necessity in doing a research is collecting the data. There are

    two types of data, which apply in this study, primary data and secondary data.

    First, the primary data will be collected directly on the site through the method in

    communication, observational procedures and the experimental procedure. This

    research is using the method of observation procedure and communication in collecting

    the primary data. This research will do the field study by the observation procedure.

    This method of data collection is used to investigate the physical development existing

    and surrounding land use on site that causes of the isolated area from the urban area

    and the lack of the infrastructure and facilities for the community. Other than that, the

    communication method is using the questionnaire survey for data collection. This

    survey will also investigate the respondent for their receptive on the renewal their

    settlement by applying the technique of land readjustment. For the sampling, this study

    determines the sample size by using the probability sampling method in simple random


    Second, the secondary data is data that already available and can be obtained from the

    government sources, commercial sources, industry sources and other sources. For this

    research, the secondary data involved the internal data only. The internal data will get

    form Local Government information. The information is the land use plan of the

    Kampung Skudai Kiri and the development plan for the Johor Bahru District, Johor

    Bahru Local Plan. Besides, data for the list of residents is required. These resources

    are to use for field study and the information on site background. Furthermore, the land

    use plan and development plan are to use for analyses in land use development on the

    site. Other than that, the research must have the secondary data of policies of

    development in restructuring the village in urban areas. These policies are used to

    study the approaching the policies to consider renewal the village in the urban or fringe

    urban area.

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    1.5.4 Stage 4: Analysis and Findings

    At this stage, data that have been collected, problems that have been identified will

    study with more specificity. All information from data collection will analyse to obtain the

    outcome of new findings. With this finding, it would be helpful to the fifth stage of the

    proposal. This research will try to come out the finding about level receptive of resident

    in Kampung Skudai Kiri for approach land readjustment concept towards restructuring

    their settlement become systematic and planned land use. Furthermore, the finding will

    come out the site analysis on the land use of the Kampung Skudai Kiri. Once identified

    findings in terms of the potential and constraint it will be formulated to develop

    recommendations on the fifth level.

    1.5.5 Stage 5: Recommendations and Conclusion

    At this final stage, recommendation will produce based on finding. The recommendation

    is framed based on the awareness and the level acceptability among resident Kampung

    Skudai Kiri approaching the land readjustment on restructuring the traditional village

    settlement. Furthermore, this study will focus on the opinion from the public were also

    being considered in order to get residents consensus in decision making. Therefore, the

    recommendations of this study were proposed in the form of new approaches and

    strategy towards land readjustment concept implementation at the study area.

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    Figure 1.1: Study Methodology Flow Chart

    Stage 5 : Recommendations

    and Conclusion

    Problem Statement of Research

    Aim and Objectives

    Scope of the Study and Research Methodology

    Data Collection

    Secondary Data

    Internal Data (Local Government information):

    1) Johor Bahru District Council:

    -Land use plan of Kampung Skudai Kiri

    -Johor Bahru Local Plan

    2)Land & District Offices:

    - Policies of development in restructure the village in

    urban area

    - List of ownership at Kampong Skudai Kiri.

    Data Analysis

    and Findings

    Site Analysis of on site and

    surrounding land use, building use

    and land administration

    Recommendations and Conclusion

    Stage 2 : Literature Review

    Stage 1 : Preliminary Study

    Stage 3 : Data Collection

    Stage 4 : Analysis and Findings

    Primary Data

    1) Observation Procedure:

    Investigate the physical development (land

    use, land matter, and building use).

    2) Communication: (Questionnaire Survey)

    Investigate the respondent for their

    receptive on the renewal their settlement by

    apply the technique of land readjustment.

    - Level receptive of resident in Kampung Skudai

    Kiri for approach land readjustment concept

    - Receptive on propose feasibility in land

    readjustment concpet

    Historical of opening tradisional village in Malaysia

    Malaysia policies of development in restructure the

    new village settlement.

    Concept of land readjustment

    Example other country that applied the land

    readjustment concept

    Literature Review

    Preliminary Study

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