chap. 3 basic concepts. 2 basic concepts lexical conventions data types system tasks and compiler...

Chap. 3 Basic Concepts

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Page 1: Chap. 3 Basic Concepts. 2 Basic Concepts Lexical Conventions Data Types System Tasks and Compiler Directives Summary

Chap. 3 Basic Concepts

Page 2: Chap. 3 Basic Concepts. 2 Basic Concepts Lexical Conventions Data Types System Tasks and Compiler Directives Summary


Basic Concepts

Lexical Conventions Data Types System Tasks and Compiler Directives Summary

Page 3: Chap. 3 Basic Concepts. 2 Basic Concepts Lexical Conventions Data Types System Tasks and Compiler Directives Summary


Lexical Conventions - I

Whitespace Blank space (\b) Tabs (\t) Newlines (\n)

Comments //: single line /* … */ : multiple line

Operators Unary: ~、 ! Binary: +、 -、 && Ternary: a = b ? c : d;

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Lexical Conventions - II Number Specification

Sized numbers: <size>’<base format><number> 4’b1111 12’habc 16’d255

Unsized numbers 23456 ‘hc3 ‘o21

X (unknown) and Z (high impedance) 12’h13x 6’hx 32’bz

Negative numbers -8’d3

Underscore characters and Question marks 12’b1111_0000_1010 equals to 12’b111100001010 4’b10?? equals to 4’b10zz

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Lexical Conventions - III

String “Hello Verilog World” “a/b”

Identifiers and Keywords reg value; input clk;

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Basic Concepts

Lexical Conventions Data Types System Tasks and Compiler Directives Summary

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Data Types

Value set and strength Nets Registers Vectors Integer、 Real and Time Register Data Types Arrays Memories Parameters Strings

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Value Set and Strength

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a, b, c are wires (nets).


Declare a physical wire Keyword: wire、 wand、 wor、 tri、 trior、

trireg wire a; wire b, c; wire d = 1’b0;

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Storage element for data Do not equal to “hardware register” Similar to variables in C

reg reset;initial begin reset = 1’b1; #100 reset = 1’b0;end

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Vectors - I

wire and register can be defined as “vector” form

format [high#:low#] or [low#:high#]

wre a;wire [7:0] bus;wire [31:0] busA, busB, busC;reg clock;reg [0:40] virtual_addr;

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Vectors - II

Subset of vector Partial bits of vector


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Vectors - III

Fixed width subset [<starting_bit>+:width] or [<starting_bit>-:width]

reg [255:0] data1;reg [0:255] data2;reg [7:0] byte;

byte = data1[31-:8]; // data1[31:24]byte = data1[24+:8]; // data1[31:24]byte = data2[31-:8]; // data2[24:31]byte = data2[24+:8]; // data2[24:31]

for (j=0; j<=31; j=j+1) // [7:0], [15:8]…[255:248] byte = data[(j*8)+:8];

data1[(byteNum*8)+:8] = 8’b0;

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Integer, Real, and Time Register Data Types – I Integer can represent “signed” number


integer counter;initial counter = -1;

real dalta;initial begin delta = 4e10; delta = 2.13;endinteger i;initial i = delta; // rounded value of 2.13

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Integer, Real, and Time Register Data Types – II Time

Storing simulation time

time save_sim_time;initial save_sim_time = $time;

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Arrays - I

Type: integer, register, time, real, or vector. Dimension: no limit, but dimension must be c

onstant Format

<array_name>[<subscript>]integer count[0:7];reg bool[31:0];time chk_point[1:100];reg [4:0] port_id[0:7];integer matrix[4:0][0:255];reg [63:0] array_4d [15:0][7:0][7:0][255:0];wire [7:0] w_array2 [5:0];wire w_array1[7:0][5:0];

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Array - II

count[5] = 0;chk_point[100] = 0;port_id[3] = 0;matrix[1][0] = 33559;araay_4d[0][0][0][0][15:0] = 0;fffport_id = 0; // error usagematrix[1] = 0; // error usage

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Array of register

reg mem1bit [0:1023];reg [7:0] membyte [0:1023];


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Define a constant

Can be re-defined at topper level using “defparam”

localparam (Verilog 2001 new feature) Can not be re-defined by “defparam”

parameter port_id = 5;parameter cache_line_width = 256;parameter signed [15:0] WIDTH;

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Can be assigned to register

reg [8*18:1] string_value;initial string_value = “Hello Verilog World”;

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表 3-3 特殊字元

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Basic Concepts

Lexical Conventions Data Types System Tasks and Compiler Directives Summary

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System Tasks

Displaying information Monitoring information Stopping and finishing

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Displaying information - I

$display (p1, p2, p3,…, pn); Like “printf” in C Format specification list

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Displaying information - II

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Displaying information - III

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Displaying information - IV

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Monitoring Information

$monitor(p1,p2,…, pn); Monitor signal change and output the change

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Stopping and finishing

$stop: stop simulation and enter interactive mode to debug

$finish: end of simulation

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Compiler Directives

`define Define text macro, like #define in C

`include Include the context of another file, like #include in


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Usage of `define

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Usage of `include

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Basic Concepts

Lexical Conventions Data Types System Tasks and Compiler Directives Summary

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Verilog is similar to C Lexical conventions Data Types

Value set, wire, register, vector, integer, real, time, array, memory, parameter, string…

System Tasks $display, $monitor, $stop, $finish

Compiler Directives `define and `include